Beispiel #1
        public static StringCollection GetDataColumns(string path, string table)
            DataTable        dt   = GetDataTable(string.Format("PRAGMA table_info({0})", table), path);
            StringCollection cols = new StringCollection();

            foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                RowItem item = new RowItem(r);
                if (item.getColumnValue_String("type").ToLower().Equals("float"))
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve data columns from table name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>Only float columns are return</remarks>
        public StringCollection getDataColumns(string tableName)
            StringCollection cols = new StringCollection();

            if (tableName == null)

            tableName = tableName.Trim();
            if (tableName.Length == 0)

            if (!_columns.ContainsKey(tableName))
                if (_scenario == null)

                DataTable dt = _scenario.GetDataTable(
                    string.Format("PRAGMA table_info({0})", tableName));
                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                    RowItem item = new RowItem(r);
                    if (item.getColumnValue_String("type").ToLower().Equals("float"))
                if (cols.Count > 0)
                    _columns.Add(tableName, cols);
                    return(new StringCollection());
        private void checkStatus()
            if (DatabasePath == null || !File.Exists(DatabasePath))
                _status = ScenarioResultStatus.NO_EXIST; return;

            DataTable dt = Query.GetDataTable("select * from " + ScenarioResultStructure.TABLE_NAME_WATERSHED_AVERAGE_ANNUAL, DatabasePath);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                _status = ScenarioResultStatus.UNSUCCESS; return;

            foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                RowItem item = new RowItem(r);
                string  name = item.getColumnValue_String("NAME");
                if (name.Equals(ScenarioResultStructure.NAME_STATUS_START_YEAR))
                    _startYear = item.getColumnValue_Int("VALUE");
                else if (name.Equals("END_YEAR"))
                    _endYear = item.getColumnValue_Int("VALUE");
                else if (name.Equals("OUTPUT_INTERVAL"))
                    _interval = (SWATResultIntervalType)(item.getColumnValue_Int("VALUE"));
                else if (name.Equals("SUCCESS"))
                    _status = ScenarioResultStatus.NORMAL;

            //some version don't have this output, need to upgrade
            if (_startYear == ScenarioResultStructure.UNKONWN_ID)
                throw new Exception("Missing output starting year. Please upgrade your SWAT executable.");

            _generationTime = (new System.IO.FileInfo(DatabasePath)).LastWriteTime;
Beispiel #4
        protected override void read()
            if (_table != null)
            if (_parentData == null)
            if (_parentData.Observation == null)

            //get table name
            //each observed data for one corresponding table in the database
            string tableName =
                ObservationData.getTableName(_parentData.UnitType, _parentData.ID, _col);

            //get filter based on given year
            string filter = "";

            if (_year > 0)                                                                                                                       //specific year
                filter += string.Format("{0} >= '{1}-01-01' and {0} <= '{2}-12-31'", ObservationData.OBSERVATION_COLUMN_DATE, _year - 1, _year); //read two years of data to consider hydrological year
            else //all years in between start and end year
                if (_parentData.StartYear > 0)
                    filter += string.Format("{0} >= '{1}-01-01'", ObservationData.OBSERVATION_COLUMN_DATE, _parentData.StartYear);
                if (_parentData.EndYear > 0)
                    if (filter.Length > 0)
                        filter += " and ";
                    filter += string.Format("{0} <= '{1}-01-01'", ObservationData.OBSERVATION_COLUMN_DATE, _parentData.EndYear);
            if (filter.Length > 0)
                filter = " where " + filter;

            DataTable dt = _parentData.Observation.GetDataTable(
                string.Format("select * from [{0}] {1}", tableName, filter));

            if (dt.Columns.Count == 2)
                //add a date time column and convert time from text to date
                dt.Columns.Add(SWATUnitResult.COLUMN_NAME_DATE, typeof(DateTime));
                DateTime d = DateTime.Now;
                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                    RowItem item = new RowItem(r);
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(item.getColumnValue_String(0), out d))
                        r[2] = d;

                dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = _col;
                _table = dt;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve data columns from table name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>Only float columns are return</remarks>
        public StringCollection getDataColumns(string tableName)
            StringCollection cols = new StringCollection();

            if (tableName == null)

            tableName = tableName.Trim();
            if (tableName.Length == 0)

            if (!_columns.ContainsKey(tableName))
                if (_scenario == null)

                DataTable dt = _scenario.GetDataTable(
                    string.Format("PRAGMA table_info({0})", tableName));
                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                    RowItem item = new RowItem(r);
                    if (item.getColumnValue_String("type").ToLower().Equals("float"))
                if (cols.Count > 0)
                    //add TN and TP option for subbasin
                    //they will be calculated in the interface
                    //all the N/P columns should exist to calculte TN/TP
                    if (tableName.Equals(TABLE_NAME_SUB))
                        int i = 0;
                        for (; i < SUBBAIN_NITROGEN_COLUMNS.Length; i++)
                            if (!cols.Contains(SUBBAIN_NITROGEN_COLUMNS[i]))
                        if (i == SUBBAIN_NITROGEN_COLUMNS.Length)

                        i = 0;
                        for (; i < SUBBAIN_PHOSPHORUS_COLUMNS.Length; i++)
                            if (!cols.Contains(SUBBAIN_PHOSPHORUS_COLUMNS[i]))
                        if (i == SUBBAIN_PHOSPHORUS_COLUMNS.Length)

                    _columns.Add(tableName, cols);
                    return(new StringCollection());
Beispiel #6
        private IFeatureLayer addLayer(string path, string name, bool isForObserved, bool isWorkingLayer)
            Debug.WriteLine("Adding Layer..., " + name);

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                Debug.WriteLine(path + " doesn't exist!");

            IFeatureLayer layer = this.Layers.Add(path) as IFeatureLayer;

            layer.SelectionEnabled = isWorkingLayer;
            layer.LegendText       = name;

            foreach (DataColumn col in layer.DataSet.DataTable.Columns)
                col.ColumnName = col.ColumnName.ToLower();

            //working layer and result display
            if (isWorkingLayer && !isForObserved)
                //add result column
                DataTable dt = layer.DataSet.DataTable;
                dt.Columns.Add(RESULT_COLUMN, typeof(double));

                //create schema for result display
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.ClassificationType     = ClassificationType.Quantities;
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.FieldName              = RESULT_COLUMN;
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.IntervalMethod         = IntervalMethod.Quantile;
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.IntervalSnapMethod     = IntervalSnapMethod.SignificantFigures;
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.IntervalRoundingDigits = 3; //3 significant number
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.StartSize              = 5;
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.EndSize      = 25;
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.NumBreaks    = 5;
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.UseSizeRange = true;

                //start and end color
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.StartColor = Color.Green;
                layer.Symbology.EditorSettings.EndColor   = Color.Red;

            //set normal symbol
            //for result display, this is just the initial symbol. The symbol would be updated based on result
            //after the result is retrieved.
            if (layer.DataSet.FeatureType == DotSpatial.Topology.FeatureType.Polygon) //subbasin
                layer.Symbolizer = new PolygonSymbolizer(System.Drawing.Color.LightGray, System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0.5);

                //show label for subbasin
                MapLabelLayer label = new MapLabelLayer();
                label.Symbology.Categories[0].Expression = "[" + ID_COLUMN_NAME + "]";
                layer.LabelLayer = label;
                layer.ShowLabels = true;
            else if (layer.DataSet.FeatureType == DotSpatial.Topology.FeatureType.Line) //reach
                layer.Symbolizer = new LineSymbolizer(System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 3.0);

                //set selection sysmbol for reach as wider red to make it more obvious
                layer.SelectionSymbolizer = new LineSymbolizer(System.Drawing.Color.Red, 3.0);
            else if (layer.DataSet.FeatureType == DotSpatial.Topology.FeatureType.Point) //reservoir
                //set the symbol color,shape and size
                layer.Symbolizer          = new PointSymbolizer(Color.Green, DotSpatial.Symbology.PointShape.Hexagon, 20.0);
                layer.SelectionSymbolizer = new PointSymbolizer(Color.Cyan, DotSpatial.Symbology.PointShape.Hexagon, 20.0);

                //also set to just show reservoir
                //first to see if there are some reservoir there Type = R
                if (layer.DataSet.DataTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                    Layers.Remove(layer as IMapLayer); return(null);

                int reservoirNum = int.Parse(layer.DataSet.DataTable.Compute("count(" + ID_COLUMN_NAME + ")", "type = 'R' or type = 'r'").ToString());
                if (reservoirNum <= 0)
                    Layers.Remove(layer as IMapLayer); return(null);

                //only show reservoir
                List <int> hiddenMoniterPoints = new List <int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < layer.DataSet.DataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                    ArcSWAT.RowItem item = new ArcSWAT.RowItem(layer.DataSet.DataTable.Rows[i]);
                    string          type = item.getColumnValue_String("type");

                    if (!type.Equals("R") && !type.Equals("r"))

            //add a column to show if the feature has observed data
            if (isForObserved)
                //add observed column
                DataTable dt = layer.DataSet.DataTable;
                dt.Columns.Add(OBSERVED_COLUMN, typeof(int));

                //create schema observed column to make feature with observed data more obvious
                if (layer.DataSet.FeatureType != DotSpatial.Topology.FeatureType.Polygon)

                    //get the observed data status
                    ArcSWAT.SWATUnitType unitType = ArcSWAT.SWATUnitType.RCH;
                    if (layer.DataSet.FeatureType == DotSpatial.Topology.FeatureType.Point)
                        unitType = ArcSWAT.SWATUnitType.RES;

                    foreach (DataRow r in layer.DataSet.DataTable.Rows)
                        int id = getIDFromFeatureRow(r);
                        if (_project.Observation(Interval).getObservedData(unitType, id).Count > 0)
                            r[OBSERVED_COLUMN] = 1;
                            r[OBSERVED_COLUMN] = 0;

                    //set the category
                    IFeatureCategory cat_observed = layer.Symbology.CreateNewCategory(Color.Blue, 3.0) as IFeatureCategory;
                    cat_observed.FilterExpression = string.Format("[{0}]=0", OBSERVED_COLUMN.ToUpper());

                    IFeatureCategory cat_no_observed = layer.Symbology.CreateNewCategory(Color.Red, 3.0) as IFeatureCategory;
                    cat_no_observed.FilterExpression = string.Format("[{0}]=1", OBSERVED_COLUMN.ToUpper());

                    //for reservoir, change default size and shape
                    if (layer.DataSet.FeatureType == DotSpatial.Topology.FeatureType.Point)
                        cat_observed.SelectionSymbolizer    = new PointSymbolizer(Color.Cyan, DotSpatial.Symbology.PointShape.Hexagon, 20.0);
                        cat_no_observed.SelectionSymbolizer = new PointSymbolizer(Color.Cyan, DotSpatial.Symbology.PointShape.Hexagon, 20.0);

                        ((cat_observed.Symbolizer as PointSymbolizer).Symbols[0] as SimpleSymbol).Size    = new Size2D(20.0, 20.0);
                        ((cat_no_observed.Symbolizer as PointSymbolizer).Symbols[0] as SimpleSymbol).Size = new Size2D(20.0, 20.0);

                        ((cat_observed.Symbolizer as PointSymbolizer).Symbols[0] as SimpleSymbol).PointShape    = DotSpatial.Symbology.PointShape.Hexagon;
                        ((cat_no_observed.Symbolizer as PointSymbolizer).Symbols[0] as SimpleSymbol).PointShape = DotSpatial.Symbology.PointShape.Hexagon;



            if (isWorkingLayer)
                layer.SelectionEnabled = true;

                //for selection changed event
                layer.SelectionChanged += (ss, _e) =>
                    if (onLayerSelectionChanged == null)

                    ArcSWAT.SWATUnitType unitType = ArcSWAT.SWATUnitType.SUB;
                    if (layer.DataSet.FeatureType == DotSpatial.Topology.FeatureType.Point)
                        unitType = ArcSWAT.SWATUnitType.RES;
                    else if (layer.DataSet.FeatureType == DotSpatial.Topology.FeatureType.Line)
                        unitType = ArcSWAT.SWATUnitType.RCH;

                    int id = -1;
                    if (layer.Selection.NumRows() > 0)
                        IFeature fea = layer.Selection.ToFeatureList()[0];
                        id = getIDFromFeatureRow(fea.DataRow);
                    onLayerSelectionChanged(unitType, id);
                    _id = id;

        private void checkStatus()
            if (DatabasePath == null || !File.Exists(DatabasePath)) { _status = ScenarioResultStatus.NO_EXIST; return; }

            DataTable dt = Query.GetDataTable("select * from " + ScenarioResultStructure.TABLE_NAME_WATERSHED_AVERAGE_ANNUAL, DatabasePath);
            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { _status = ScenarioResultStatus.UNSUCCESS; return; }

            foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                RowItem item = new RowItem(r);
                string name = item.getColumnValue_String("NAME");
                if (name.Equals(ScenarioResultStructure.NAME_STATUS_START_YEAR))
                    _startYear = item.getColumnValue_Int("VALUE");
                else if (name.Equals("END_YEAR"))
                    _endYear = item.getColumnValue_Int("VALUE");
                else if (name.Equals("OUTPUT_INTERVAL"))
                    _interval = (SWATResultIntervalType)(item.getColumnValue_Int("VALUE"));
                else if (name.Equals("SUCCESS"))
                    _status = ScenarioResultStatus.NORMAL;

            //some version don't have this output, need to upgrade
            if (_startYear == ScenarioResultStructure.UNKONWN_ID)
                throw new Exception("Missing output starting year. Please upgrade your SWAT executable.");

            _generationTime = (new System.IO.FileInfo(DatabasePath)).LastWriteTime;
        protected override void read()
            if (_table != null) return;
            if(_parentData == null) return;
            if(_parentData.Observation == null) return;

            //get table name
            //each observed data for one corresponding table in the database
            string tableName =

            //get filter based on given year
            string filter = "";
            if (_year > 0) //specific year
                 filter += string.Format("{0} >= '{1}-01-01' and {0} <= '{2}-12-31'", ObservationData.OBSERVATION_COLUMN_DATE, _year-1,_year); //read two years of data to consider hydrological year
            else //all years in between start and end year
                if (_parentData.StartYear > 0)
                    filter += string.Format("{0} >= '{1}-01-01'", ObservationData.OBSERVATION_COLUMN_DATE, _parentData.StartYear);
                if (_parentData.EndYear > 0)
                    if(filter.Length > 0) filter += " and ";
                    filter += string.Format("{0} <= '{1}-01-01'", ObservationData.OBSERVATION_COLUMN_DATE, _parentData.EndYear);
            if (filter.Length > 0)
                filter = " where " + filter;

            DataTable dt = _parentData.Observation.GetDataTable(
                string.Format("select * from [{0}] {1}",tableName,filter));

            if (dt.Columns.Count == 2)
                //add a date time column and convert time from text to date
                dt.Columns.Add(SWATUnitResult.COLUMN_NAME_DATE, typeof(DateTime));
                DateTime d = DateTime.Now;
                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                    RowItem item = new RowItem(r);
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(item.getColumnValue_String(0), out d))
                        r[2] = d;

                dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = _col;
                _table = dt;
Beispiel #9
 public static StringCollection GetDataColumns(string path, string table)
     DataTable dt = GetDataTable(string.Format("PRAGMA table_info({0})", table),path);
     StringCollection cols = new StringCollection();
     foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
         RowItem item = new RowItem(r);
         if (item.getColumnValue_String("type").ToLower().Equals("float"))
     return cols;