Beispiel #1
        public WatershedPixel RemoveAtFront()
            WatershedPixel temp = queue[0];

Beispiel #2
        private void CreatePixelMapAndHeightSortedArray(Image <Gray, byte> wtImg)
            MIplImage data = wtImg.MIplImage;

            _pictureWidth  = data.width;
            _pictureHeight = data.height;
            // pixel map holds every pixel thus size of (_pictureWidth * _pictureHeight)
            _pixelMap = new Dictionary <string, WatershedPixel>(_pictureWidth * _pictureHeight);
                int   offset = data.widthStep - data.width;
                byte *ptr    = (byte *)(data.imageData);

                // get histogram of all values in grey = height
                for (int y = 0; y < data.height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < data.width; x++, ptr++)
                        WatershedPixel p = new WatershedPixel(x, y, *ptr);
                        // add every pixel to the pixel map
                        _pixelMap.Add(p.X.ToString() + "," + p.Y.ToString(), p);
                    ptr += offset;
            this._currentLabel = 0;
Beispiel #3
 public void AddToEnd(WatershedPixel p)
Beispiel #4
 private List<WatershedPixel> GetNeighbouringPixels(WatershedPixel centerPixel)
     List<WatershedPixel> temp = new List<WatershedPixel>();
     if (_numberOfNeighbours == 8)
         CP = Center pixel
         (X,Y) -- get all 8 connected
         |-1, 0| CP |1, 0|
         // -1, -1
         if ((centerPixel.X - 1) >= 0 && (centerPixel.Y - 1) >= 0)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X - 1).ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y - 1).ToString()]);
         //  0, -1
         if ((centerPixel.Y - 1) >= 0)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[centerPixel.X.ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y - 1).ToString()]);
         //  1, -1
         if ((centerPixel.X + 1) < _pictureWidth && (centerPixel.Y - 1) >= 0)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X + 1).ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y - 1).ToString()]);
         // -1, 0
         if ((centerPixel.X - 1) >= 0)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X - 1).ToString() + "," + centerPixel.Y.ToString()]);
         //  1, 0
         if ((centerPixel.X + 1) < _pictureWidth)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X + 1).ToString() + "," + centerPixel.Y.ToString()]);
         // -1, 1
         if ((centerPixel.X - 1) >= 0 && (centerPixel.Y + 1) < _pictureHeight)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X - 1).ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y + 1).ToString()]);
         //  0, 1
         if ((centerPixel.Y + 1) < _pictureHeight)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[centerPixel.X.ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y + 1).ToString()]);
         //  1, 1
         if ((centerPixel.X + 1) < _pictureWidth && (centerPixel.Y + 1) < _pictureHeight)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X + 1).ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y + 1).ToString()]);
         CP = Center pixel, N/A = not used
         (X,Y) -- get only 4 connected
         | N/A |0,-1| N/A |
         |-1, 0| CP |+1, 0|
         | N/A |0,+1| N/A |
         //  -1, 0
         if ((centerPixel.X - 1) >= 0)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X - 1).ToString() + "," + centerPixel.Y.ToString()]);
         //  0, -1
         if ((centerPixel.Y - 1) >= 0)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[centerPixel.X.ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y - 1).ToString()]);
         //  1, 0
         if ((centerPixel.X + 1) < _pictureWidth)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X + 1).ToString() + "," + centerPixel.Y.ToString()]);
         //  0, 1
         if ((centerPixel.Y + 1) < _pictureHeight)
             temp.Add(_pixelMap[centerPixel.X.ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y + 1).ToString()]);
     return temp;
Beispiel #5
        private void CreatePixelMapAndHeightSortedArray(Image<Gray, byte> wtImg)
            MIplImage data = wtImg.MIplImage;
            _pictureWidth = data.width;
            _pictureHeight = data.height;
            // pixel map holds every pixel thus size of (_pictureWidth * _pictureHeight)
            _pixelMap = new Dictionary<string, WatershedPixel>(_pictureWidth * _pictureHeight);
                int offset = data.widthStep - data.width;
                byte* ptr = (byte*)(data.imageData);

                // get histogram of all values in grey = height
                for (int y = 0; y < data.height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < data.width; x++, ptr++)
                        WatershedPixel p = new WatershedPixel(x, y, *ptr);
                        // add every pixel to the pixel map
                        _pixelMap.Add(p.X.ToString() + "," + p.Y.ToString(), p);
                    ptr += offset;
            this._currentLabel = 0;
Beispiel #6
        public override bool Equals(Object obj)
            WatershedPixel p = (WatershedPixel)obj;

            return(X == p.X && X == p.Y);
Beispiel #7
 public void AddToEnd(WatershedPixel p)
Beispiel #8
        private List <WatershedPixel> GetNeighbouringPixels(WatershedPixel centerPixel)
            List <WatershedPixel> temp = new List <WatershedPixel>();

            if (_numberOfNeighbours == 8)
                 * CP = Center pixel
                 * (X,Y) -- get all 8 connected
                 |-1, 0| CP |1, 0|
                // -1, -1
                if ((centerPixel.X - 1) >= 0 && (centerPixel.Y - 1) >= 0)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X - 1).ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y - 1).ToString()]);
                //  0, -1
                if ((centerPixel.Y - 1) >= 0)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[centerPixel.X.ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y - 1).ToString()]);
                //  1, -1
                if ((centerPixel.X + 1) < _pictureWidth && (centerPixel.Y - 1) >= 0)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X + 1).ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y - 1).ToString()]);
                // -1, 0
                if ((centerPixel.X - 1) >= 0)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X - 1).ToString() + "," + centerPixel.Y.ToString()]);
                //  1, 0
                if ((centerPixel.X + 1) < _pictureWidth)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X + 1).ToString() + "," + centerPixel.Y.ToString()]);
                // -1, 1
                if ((centerPixel.X - 1) >= 0 && (centerPixel.Y + 1) < _pictureHeight)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X - 1).ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y + 1).ToString()]);
                //  0, 1
                if ((centerPixel.Y + 1) < _pictureHeight)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[centerPixel.X.ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y + 1).ToString()]);
                //  1, 1
                if ((centerPixel.X + 1) < _pictureWidth && (centerPixel.Y + 1) < _pictureHeight)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X + 1).ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y + 1).ToString()]);
                 * CP = Center pixel, N/A = not used
                 * (X,Y) -- get only 4 connected
                 | N/A |0,-1| N/A |
                 |-1, 0| CP |+1, 0|
                 | N/A |0,+1| N/A |
                //  -1, 0
                if ((centerPixel.X - 1) >= 0)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X - 1).ToString() + "," + centerPixel.Y.ToString()]);
                //  0, -1
                if ((centerPixel.Y - 1) >= 0)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[centerPixel.X.ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y - 1).ToString()]);
                //  1, 0
                if ((centerPixel.X + 1) < _pictureWidth)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[(centerPixel.X + 1).ToString() + "," + centerPixel.Y.ToString()]);
                //  0, 1
                if ((centerPixel.Y + 1) < _pictureHeight)
                    temp.Add(_pixelMap[centerPixel.X.ToString() + "," + (centerPixel.Y + 1).ToString()]);
Beispiel #9
 private void Segment()
     // Geodesic SKIZ (skeleton by influence zones) of each level height
     for (int h = 0; h < _heightSortedList.Count; h++)
         // get all pixels for current height
         foreach (WatershedPixel heightSortedPixel in _heightSortedList[h])
             heightSortedPixel.Label = WatershedCommon.MASK;
             // for each pixel on current height get neighbouring pixels
             List <WatershedPixel> neighbouringPixels = GetNeighbouringPixels(heightSortedPixel);
             // initialize queue with neighbours at level h of current basins or watersheds
             foreach (WatershedPixel neighbouringPixel in neighbouringPixels)
                 if (neighbouringPixel.Label > 0 || neighbouringPixel.Label == WatershedCommon.WSHED)
                     heightSortedPixel.Distance = 1;
         _currentDistance = 1;
         // extend basins
         while (true)
             WatershedPixel p = _fifoQueue.RemoveAtFront();
             if (p.Equals(FictitiousPixel))
                 if (_fifoQueue.IsEmpty)
                     p = _fifoQueue.RemoveAtFront();
             List <WatershedPixel> neighbouringPixels = GetNeighbouringPixels(p);
             // labelling p by inspecting neighbours
             foreach (WatershedPixel neighbouringPixel in neighbouringPixels)
                 // neighbouringPixel belongs to an existing basin or to watersheds
                 // in the original algorithm the condition is:
                 //   if (neighbouringPixel.Distance < currentDistance &&
                 //      (neighbouringPixel.Label > 0 || neighbouringPixel.Label == WatershedCommon.WSHED))
                 //   but this returns incomplete borders so the this one is used
                 if (neighbouringPixel.Distance <= _currentDistance &&
                     (neighbouringPixel.Label > 0 || neighbouringPixel.Label == WatershedCommon.WSHED))
                     if (neighbouringPixel.Label > 0)
                         // the commented condition is also in the original algorithm
                         // but it also gives incomplete borders
                         if (p.Label == WatershedCommon.MASK /*|| p.Label == WatershedCommon.WSHED*/)
                             p.Label = neighbouringPixel.Label;
                         else if (p.Label != neighbouringPixel.Label)
                             p.Label = WatershedCommon.WSHED;
                     else if (p.Label == WatershedCommon.MASK)
                         p.Label = WatershedCommon.WSHED;
                 // neighbouringPixel is plateau pixel
                 else if (neighbouringPixel.Label == WatershedCommon.MASK && neighbouringPixel.Distance == 0)
                     neighbouringPixel.Distance = _currentDistance + 1;
         // detect and process new minima at height level h
         foreach (WatershedPixel p in _heightSortedList[h])
             // reset distance to zero
             p.Distance = 0;
             // if true then p is inside a new minimum
             if (p.Label == WatershedCommon.MASK)
                 // create new label
                 p.Label = _currentLabel;
                 while (!_fifoQueue.IsEmpty)
                     WatershedPixel q = _fifoQueue.RemoveAtFront();
                     // check neighbours of q
                     List <WatershedPixel> neighbouringPixels = GetNeighbouringPixels(q);
                     foreach (WatershedPixel neighbouringPixel in neighbouringPixels)
                         if (neighbouringPixel.Label == WatershedCommon.MASK)
                             neighbouringPixel.Label = _currentLabel;