public static void TimerElapsed(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            // This method invokes the Local file retransmit function FIRST, THEN invokes the db retransmit method
            // Don't need to await this, it can happen any time after, I just need it to be executed at some point

            Console.WriteLine($"Retransmit Interval invoked at: {e.SignalTime}; Invoked: ({counter}) times since Service start.");
        public static async void Changed(object sender, RecordChangedEventArgs <ModelProcessedHistory> e)
            var changedEntity = e.Entity;

            Console.WriteLine("DML operation: " + e.ChangeType);
            Console.WriteLine("Item ID: " + changedEntity.HistoryID);
            Console.WriteLine("ModelElementID: " + changedEntity.ModelElementID);
            Console.WriteLine("ModelJobID: " + changedEntity.ModelJobID);
            Console.WriteLine("OrderID: " + changedEntity.OrderID);
            //RecordHandler.RetransmitFailedLocalAsync(); // Debug only, delete it from here when done
            if (e.ChangeType == TableDependency.Enums.ChangeType.Insert)
                //DML operation of type insert, try push this entry to logging server
                try {
                    bool transmitStatus = await RecordHandler.TransmitAsync(e);

                    if (transmitStatus)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Record ID:  {changedEntity.HistoryID} successfully transmitted");
                        // This section executed if either the transmission failed and record was logged to file OR!
                        // The UnitsCounted field was had a value Zero causing a reconcillitation action to be performed
                        Console.WriteLine($"FAILED: Record {changedEntity.HistoryID} transmition failed! Deffered processing");
                catch (HttpRequestException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("A HTTP connection error was encountered, could be because of Web Server being down/unreachable");
                    Console.WriteLine($"FAILED: Record {changedEntity.HistoryID} transmition failed! It has been logged to file system for later transmittion");

                    await RecordHandler.RetransmitFailedDBAsync(); // This statement is only for debug must be DELETED when done debugging!

                    dynamic record = JSONConverter.EntityToJObject(e);

                    // If record is null then return, don't continue processing
                    if (record == null)

                    // Log current record to File system, it was never trasmitted in the first place due to connection issues
 public static async Task LoginAsync(string WebServerAddress, string WebServerUsername, string WebServerPassword)
     await RecordHandler.LoginAsync(WebServerAddress, WebServerUsername, WebServerPassword);
        public static async Task <bool> RetransmitFailedDBAsync()
            // This method performs a manual check (query) on DB to find records that have not been marked as trasmitted and transmit them
            // Can ignore the last 10 records for safety, this will prevent race condition where we manually retransmit a record that is currently
            // being processed, i.e it just fired it's insert listener and is still being processed then we end up manually retransmitting before
            // it is finished processing

            // Performs query on SQL Server marking the current record as trasmitted
            // Called as soon as a success message is received from web server after calling the /save api endpoint

            // If even one record fails to transmit and is instead logged to file, this  flag set to false, use it to initiate local files retransmition
            bool transmitStatusAll = true;

            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Globals.DBConnectionString))
                using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT * FROM {Globals.DBTableName} WHERE AlreadyExported = @exp";

                    //command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tbl", Globals.DBTableName);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@exp", "0"); // Mess with this figure to see changes on different records


                    using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            dynamic record = JSONConverter.SqlDataReaderToJObject(reader);

                            if (record == null)
                                // Current record had an incorrect value for numberCounted - skip it
                                // In this case, still mark all records as transmitted since nothing really failed,
                                // just an invalid record which initiated reconciliation, but didn't fail, so 'continue' looping
                                // skipping the reconcilliated record

                                // Transmit one by one to web server /save
                                bool transmitStatus = await TransmitJSONRecordAsync(record.ToString());

                                if (transmitStatus)
                                    Console.WriteLine($"DBTOFILESERVER: Record ID:  {record.dataset.HistoryID} successfully transmitted");
                                    Console.WriteLine($"FAILED:DBTOFILESERVER:  Record {record.dataset.HistoryID} transmition failed! It has been logged to file system for later transmittion");

                                    transmitStatusAll = false;
                            catch (HttpRequestException ex)
                                Console.WriteLine("DBTOFILESERVER: A HTTP connection error was encountered, could be because of Web Server being down/unreachable");
                                Console.WriteLine($"FAILED:DBTOFILESERVER:  Record {record.dataset.HistoryID} transmition failed! It has been logged to file system for later transmittion");

                                transmitStatusAll = false;

                                // Log current record to File system, it was never trasmitted in the first place due to connection issues

                        // Each record trasmitted independently thus will have own status
                        // If current record transmitStatus is true, then transmitStatus remains true
                        // If current record transmitStatus is false then log record to file system instead
