Beispiel #1
        public ActionResult ProductPart(ProductFilter filter)
            var model = ProductPartReport.Get(UserID, Employee.BussinessID, filter);

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    html = RenderPartialViewToString(Views.ProductPartPartial, model)
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(View(Views.ProductPart, model));
Beispiel #2
        public ActionResult ProductPart()
            var model = new ProductPartReport();

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    html = RenderPartialViewToString(Views.ProductPartPartial, model)
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(View(Views.ProductPart, model));
Beispiel #3
        public static ProductPartReport Get(int userID, int bussinessID, ProductFilter filter = null)
            var result = new ProductPartReport(filter);

                var conditions = new List <string>();
                if (filter != null)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Code))
                        conditions.Add(String.Format("and p.Code like N'%{0}%'", filter.Code));
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Name))
                        conditions.Add(String.Format("and p.Name like N'%{0}%'", filter.Name));
                var query = String.Format(
                    @"select p.*, t.ID as [TagID], t.Name as [TagName], s.Name as [SupplierName],
                        (select isnull(sum(ep.Quantity), 0) from ExportProduct ep join Export e on ep.ExportID = e.ID 
                        join Warranty r on ep.WarrantyID = r.ID and r.Status = 'active' {3} {4}
                        where ep.ProductID = p.ID and ep.WarrantyID is not null and 
                        ((select Username from Login where ID = {2}) = 'admin' or e.WarehouseID in (select WarehouseID from LoginWarehouse where LoginID = {2}))) +
                        (select isnull(sum(ep.Quantity), 0) from ExportProduct ep join Export e on ep.ExportID = e.ID 
                        join Repair r on ep.RepairID = r.ID and r.Status = 'active' {3} {4}
                        where ep.ProductID = p.ID and ep.RepairID is not null and 
                        ((select Username from Login where ID = {2}) = 'admin' or e.WarehouseID in (select WarehouseID from LoginWarehouse where LoginID = {2})))
                        as [Quantity]
                    from Product p
                        left join Supplier s on p.SupplierID = s.ID
                        join ProductTag pt on p.ID = pt.ProductID and pt.TagID = (select top 1 TagID from ProductTag where ProductID = p.ID order by TagID desc)
                        join Tag t on pt.TagID = t.ID and t.Status = 'active' and t.ForRepair = 1
                    where p.Status = 'active' and p.BussinessID = {0} {1} order by Name",
                    bussinessID, String.Join(" ", conditions), userID,
                    filter != null && filter.From.HasValue ? String.Format(" and r.SubmitDate >= {0}", filter.From.DbValue()) : "",
                    filter != null && filter.To.HasValue ? String.Format(" and r.SubmitDate <= {0}", filter.To.DbValue()) : "");
                using (var con = Repo.DB.SKtimeManagement)
                    result.Data = con.Query <ProductInfo>(query).ToList();
            catch { }