/// <summary>
        /// Event handler for a failed probe response.
        /// </summary>
        private void AppServerCallFailed(ISIPClientUserAgent uac, string errorMessage, int workerProcessID, DateTime probeSentAt, bool isInitialProbe)
                string workerSocket = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(uac.CallDescriptor.Uri).Host;
                logger.Warn("SIPAppServerManager call to " + workerSocket + " for PID " + workerProcessID + " failed, initial probe " + isInitialProbe + " , sent at " + probeSentAt.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + ", " + errorMessage);

                // Find the worker for the failed end point.
                SIPAppServerWorker failedWorker = GetWorkerForEndPoint(workerSocket);

                // Make sure the worker process hasn't changed in the meantime and don't restart for initial probes.
                if (failedWorker != null && failedWorker.WorkerProcess != null && failedWorker.WorkerProcess.Id == workerProcessID)
                    if (!isInitialProbe)
                        failedWorker.InitialProbeResponseReceived = true;
                        logger.Debug("Scheduling immediate restart on app server worker process pid=" + failedWorker.WorkerProcess.Id + ", " + workerSocket + " due to failed probe.");
                    else if (failedWorker.InitialProbeCount >= INITIAL_PROBE_RETRANSMIT_LIMIT)
                        failedWorker.InitialProbeResponseReceived = true;
                        logger.Debug("Initial probe retransmit limit reached, scheduling immediate restart on app server worker process pid=" + failedWorker.WorkerProcess.Id + ", " + workerSocket + " due to failed probe.");
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception AppServerCallFailed. " + excp.Message);
        private SIPAppServerWorker RecycleAppServer(SIPAppServerWorker badAppServerWorker, int delaySeconds, XmlNode appServerWorkerNode)
                lock (m_recycleLock)
                    // Shutdown existing worker process.
                    if (badAppServerWorker != null)
                        if (!badAppServerWorker.IsDeactivated)
                            logger.Debug("Deactivating worker on " + badAppServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + ".");
                            m_sipCallDispatcherFile.UpdateAppServerPriority(badAppServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint, m_unhealthyPriority);

                            lock (m_appServerWorkers)

                        if (delaySeconds > 0)
                            logger.Debug("Delaying process restart for " + badAppServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + " by " + delaySeconds + "s.");
                            Thread.Sleep(delaySeconds * 1000);


                    // Start new worker process and wait for a successful probe response before returning.
                    SIPAppServerWorker appServerWorker = new SIPAppServerWorker(appServerWorkerNode, m_sipTransport);
                    logger.Debug("Starting new worker on " + appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + ".");

                    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    if (appServerWorker.StartProcess())
                        logger.Debug("Worker on " + appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + " ready after " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("0.##") + " seconds.");
                        m_sipCallDispatcherFile.UpdateAppServerPriority(appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint, m_healthyPriority);
                        lock (m_appServerWorkers)
                        logger.Debug("Worker on " + appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + " failed to reach a ready state after " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("0.##") + " seconds.");
                        appServerWorker.NeedsImmediateRestart = true;

            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception RecycleAppServer. " + excp.Message);
 /// <summary>
 /// Event handler that gets fired when a worker process is identified as being healthy after start up.
 /// </summary>
 private void WorkerIsHealthy(SIPAppServerWorker worker)
     if (worker.IsHealthy())
         m_sipCallDispatcherFile.UpdateAppServerPriority(worker.AppServerEndpoint, m_healthyPriority);
         logger.Warn("An app server worker was unhealthy after the process initialisation period.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts a new SIP application server worker process.
        /// </summary>
        private void StartWorkerProcess(SIPAppServerWorker worker)
            string errorMessage = worker.StartProcess();

            if (errorMessage == null)
                ProbeWorker(worker, true);
                logger.Warn("Error starting worker process for " + worker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + ". " + errorMessage);
        private List <string> m_workerSIPEndPoints           = new List <string>();                 // Allow quick lookups to determine whether a remote end point is that of a worker process.

        public SIPAppServerManager(
            SIPMonitorLogDelegate logDelegate,
            SIPTransport sipTransport,
            XmlNode appServerWorkersNode,
            string appServerEndPointsPath)
            if (appServerWorkersNode == null || appServerWorkersNode.ChildNodes.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("A SIPAppServerManager cannot be created with an empty workers node.");

            SIPMonitorLogEvent_External = logDelegate;
            m_sipTransport           = sipTransport;
            m_appServerWorkersNode   = appServerWorkersNode;
            m_appServerEndPointsPath = appServerEndPointsPath;

            if (!appServerEndPointsPath.IsNullOrBlank() && File.Exists(appServerEndPointsPath))
                m_sipCallDispatcherFile = new SIPCallDispatcherFile(logDelegate, appServerEndPointsPath);

                CallManagerPassThruServiceInstanceProvider callManagerPassThruSvcInstanceProvider = new CallManagerPassThruServiceInstanceProvider(this);
                m_callManagerPassThruSvcHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(CallManagerPassThruService));

                logger.Debug("SIPAppServerManager CallManagerPassThru hosted service successfully started on " + m_callManagerPassThruSvcHost.BaseAddresses[0].AbsoluteUri + ".");
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Warn("Exception starting SIPAppServerManager CallManagerPassThru hosted service. " + excp.Message);

            foreach (XmlNode appServerWorkerNode in m_appServerWorkersNode.ChildNodes)
                SIPAppServerWorker appServerWorker = new SIPAppServerWorker(appServerWorkerNode);
                if (m_sipCallDispatcherFile != null)
                    appServerWorker.Healthy   += WorkerIsHealthy;
                    appServerWorker.Unhealthy += WorkerIsUnhealthy;
                logger.Debug("SIPAppServerManager worker added for " + appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + " and " + appServerWorker.CallManagerAddress.ToString() + ".");

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { SpawnWorkers(); });
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { ProbeWorkers(); });
 /// <summary>
 /// Event handler for a successful probe response.
 /// </summary>
 private void AppServerCallSucceeded(ISIPClientUserAgent uac)
         string             workerSocket = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(uac.CallDescriptor.Uri).Host;
         SIPAppServerWorker worker       = GetWorkerForEndPoint(workerSocket);
         if (!worker.InitialProbeResponseReceived)
             logger.Debug("Initial probe received for " + workerSocket + ".");
     catch (Exception excp)
         logger.Error("Exception AppServerCallSucceeded. " + excp.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the SIP INVITE probe request.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProbeWorker(SIPAppServerWorker worker, bool isInitialProbe)
                if (isInitialProbe)

                int               workerProcessID = worker.WorkerProcess.Id;
                SIPEndPoint       workerEndPoint  = worker.AppServerEndpoint;
                DateTime          probeSentAt     = DateTime.Now;
                SIPCallDescriptor callDescriptor  = new SIPCallDescriptor(m_dispatcherUsername, null, "sip:" + m_dispatcherUsername + "@" + workerEndPoint.GetIPEndPoint().ToString(),
                                                                          "sip:" + m_dispatcherUsername + "@sipcalldispatcher", "sip:" + workerEndPoint.GetIPEndPoint().ToString(), null, null, null, SIPCallDirection.Out, null, null, null);
                SIPClientUserAgent uac = new SIPClientUserAgent(m_sipTransport, null, null, null, null);

                uac.CallFailed += (failedUAC, errorMessage) =>
                    AppServerCallFailed(failedUAC, errorMessage, workerProcessID, probeSentAt, isInitialProbe);

                uac.CallAnswered += (call, sipResponse) =>
                    if (sipResponse.Status != SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.BadExtension)
                        //logger.Warn("Probe call answered with unexpected response code of " + sipResponse.StatusCode + ".");
                        AppServerCallFailed(call, "Unexpected response of " + ((int)sipResponse.StatusCode) + " on probe call.", workerProcessID, probeSentAt, isInitialProbe);

            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SIPAppServerManager ProberWorker. " + excp.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that gets spawned on a dedicated thread to manage an app server process.
        /// </summary>
        private void ManageWorker(XmlNode appServerWorkerNode)
                SIPAppServerWorker appServerWorker = RecycleAppServer(null, 0, appServerWorkerNode);
                string             appServerSocket = appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString();
                Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "manage-" + appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.Port;

                DateTime lastProbeTime = DateTime.MinValue;

                while (!m_exit)
                    // Process checks.
                    if (!appServerWorker.NeedsImmediateRestart && !appServerWorker.NeedsToRestart)
                        if (appServerWorker.WorkerProcess != null && appServerWorker.WorkerProcess.HasExited)
                            // This is the only case where action is taken to immediately disable the use of a worker process outside of the access controlled
                            // RecycleAppServer method. The reason being there's no point attempting to use a worker process that has completely gone.
                            logger.Debug("Worker has disappeared for " + appServerSocket + ". Deactivating and marking for immediate restart.");
                            appServerWorker.NeedsImmediateRestart = true;
                            appServerWorker.IsDeactivated         = true;
                            lock (m_appServerWorkers)
                            m_sipCallDispatcherFile.UpdateAppServerPriority(appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint, m_unhealthyPriority);
                            if (appServerWorker.WorkerProcess.PrivateMemorySize64 >= MAX_PHYSICAL_MEMORY)
                                logger.Debug("Memory limit reached on worker " + appServerSocket + " pid " + appServerWorker.ProcessID + ". Marking for graceful restart.");
                                appServerWorker.NeedsToRestart = true;

                    // Periodically send a SIP call probe to the app server socket.
                    if (!appServerWorker.NeedsImmediateRestart && !appServerWorker.NeedsToRestart &&
                        DateTime.Now.Subtract(lastProbeTime).TotalSeconds > m_probePeriodSeconds)
                        lastProbeTime = DateTime.Now;

                    // Restarts.
                    if (appServerWorker.NeedsImmediateRestart || appServerWorker.NeedsToRestart)
                        double secondsSinceLastStart = DateTime.Now.Subtract(appServerWorker.WorkerProcessStartTime).TotalSeconds;

                        if (secondsSinceLastStart < PROCESS_RESTART_DELAY_SECONDS)
                            int secondsDelay = PROCESS_RESTART_DELAY_SECONDS - Convert.ToInt32(secondsSinceLastStart % Int32.MaxValue);
                            logger.Debug("Waiting " + secondsDelay + " seconds before attempting to recycle worker on " + appServerSocket + ".");
                            Thread.Sleep(secondsDelay * 1000);

                        string recycleType = (appServerWorker.NeedsImmediateRestart) ? "immediate" : "graceful";
                        logger.Debug("Attempting to get lock for " + recycleType + " recycle for " + appServerSocket + " pid " + appServerWorker.ProcessID + ".");
                        if (Monitor.TryEnter(m_recycleLock, WAIT_FOR_RECYCLE_LOCK_SECONDS * 1000))
                            int recycleDelay = (appServerWorker.NeedsToRestart) ? PROCESS_RESTART_DELAY_SECONDS : 0;
                            appServerWorker = RecycleAppServer(appServerWorker, recycleDelay, appServerWorkerNode);
                            lastProbeTime   = DateTime.Now;
                            logger.Debug("Failed to acquire recycle lock for " + appServerSocket + " pid " + appServerWorker.ProcessID + ".");

                    Thread.Sleep(CHECK_WORKER_PERIOD_SECONDS * 1000);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception ManageWorker. " + excp.Message);
                catch { }
        private SIPAppServerWorker RecycleAppServer(SIPAppServerWorker badAppServerWorker, int delaySeconds, XmlNode appServerWorkerNode)
                lock (m_recycleLock)
                    // Shutdown existing worker process.
                    if (badAppServerWorker != null)
                        if (!badAppServerWorker.IsDeactivated)
                            logger.Debug("Deactivating worker on " + badAppServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + ".");
                            m_sipCallDispatcherFile.UpdateAppServerPriority(badAppServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint, m_unhealthyPriority);

                            lock (m_appServerWorkers)

                        if (delaySeconds > 0)
                            logger.Debug("Delaying process restart for " + badAppServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + " by " + delaySeconds + "s.");
                            Thread.Sleep(delaySeconds * 1000);


                    // Start new worker process and wait for a successful probe response before returning.
                    SIPAppServerWorker appServerWorker = new SIPAppServerWorker(appServerWorkerNode, m_sipTransport);
                    logger.Debug("Starting new worker on " + appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + ".");

                    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    if (appServerWorker.StartProcess())
                        logger.Debug("Worker on " + appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + " ready after " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("0.##") + " seconds.");
                        m_sipCallDispatcherFile.UpdateAppServerPriority(appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint, m_healthyPriority);
                        lock (m_appServerWorkers)
                        logger.Debug("Worker on " + appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + " failed to reach a ready state after " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("0.##") + " seconds.");
                        appServerWorker.NeedsImmediateRestart = true;

                    return appServerWorker;
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception RecycleAppServer. " + excp.Message);
 /// <summary>
 /// Event handler that gets fired when a worker process is identified as being unhealthy at any point in its lifetime.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="worker"></param>
 private void WorkerIsUnhealthy(SIPAppServerWorker worker)
     m_sipCallDispatcherFile.UpdateAppServerPriority(worker.AppServerEndpoint, m_unhealthyPriority);
 /// <summary>
 /// Event handler that gets fired when a worker process is identified as being healthy after start up.
 /// </summary>
 private void WorkerIsHealthy(SIPAppServerWorker worker)
     if (worker.IsHealthy())
         m_sipCallDispatcherFile.UpdateAppServerPriority(worker.AppServerEndpoint, m_healthyPriority);
         logger.Warn("An app server worker was unhealthy after the process initialisation period.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Starts a new SIP application server worker process.
 /// </summary>
 private void StartWorkerProcess(SIPAppServerWorker worker)
     string errorMessage = worker.StartProcess();
     if (errorMessage == null)
         ProbeWorker(worker, true);
         logger.Warn("Error starting worker process for " + worker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + ". " + errorMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the SIP INVITE probe request.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProbeWorker(SIPAppServerWorker worker, bool isInitialProbe)
                if (isInitialProbe)

                int workerProcessID = worker.WorkerProcess.Id;
                SIPEndPoint workerEndPoint = worker.AppServerEndpoint;
                DateTime probeSentAt = DateTime.Now;
                SIPCallDescriptor callDescriptor = new SIPCallDescriptor(m_dispatcherUsername, null, "sip:" + m_dispatcherUsername + "@" + workerEndPoint.GetIPEndPoint().ToString(),
                                   "sip:" + m_dispatcherUsername + "@sipcalldispatcher", "sip:" + workerEndPoint.GetIPEndPoint().ToString(), null, null, null, SIPCallDirection.Out, null, null, null);
                SIPClientUserAgent uac = new SIPClientUserAgent(m_sipTransport, null, null, null, null);

                uac.CallFailed += (failedUAC, errorMessage) =>
                    AppServerCallFailed(failedUAC, errorMessage, workerProcessID, probeSentAt, isInitialProbe);

                uac.CallAnswered += (call, sipResponse) =>
                    if (sipResponse.Status != SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.BadExtension)
                        //logger.Warn("Probe call answered with unexpected response code of " + sipResponse.StatusCode + ".");
                        AppServerCallFailed(call, "Unexpected response of " + ((int)sipResponse.StatusCode) + " on probe call.", workerProcessID, probeSentAt, isInitialProbe);

            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SIPAppServerManager ProberWorker. " + excp.Message);
        public SIPAppServerManager(
            SIPMonitorLogDelegate logDelegate,
            SIPTransport sipTransport,
            XmlNode appServerWorkersNode,
            string appServerEndPointsPath)
            if (appServerWorkersNode == null || appServerWorkersNode.ChildNodes.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("A SIPAppServerManager cannot be created with an empty workers node.");

            SIPMonitorLogEvent_External = logDelegate;
            m_sipTransport = sipTransport;
            m_appServerWorkersNode = appServerWorkersNode;
            m_appServerEndPointsPath = appServerEndPointsPath;

            if (!appServerEndPointsPath.IsNullOrBlank() && File.Exists(appServerEndPointsPath))
                m_sipCallDispatcherFile = new SIPCallDispatcherFile(logDelegate, appServerEndPointsPath);

                CallManagerPassThruServiceInstanceProvider callManagerPassThruSvcInstanceProvider = new CallManagerPassThruServiceInstanceProvider(this);
                m_callManagerPassThruSvcHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(CallManagerPassThruService));

                logger.Debug("SIPAppServerManager CallManagerPassThru hosted service successfully started on " + m_callManagerPassThruSvcHost.BaseAddresses[0].AbsoluteUri + ".");
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Warn("Exception starting SIPAppServerManager CallManagerPassThru hosted service. " + excp.Message);

            foreach (XmlNode appServerWorkerNode in m_appServerWorkersNode.ChildNodes)
                SIPAppServerWorker appServerWorker = new SIPAppServerWorker(appServerWorkerNode);
                if (m_sipCallDispatcherFile != null)
                    appServerWorker.Healthy += WorkerIsHealthy;
                    appServerWorker.Unhealthy += WorkerIsUnhealthy;
                logger.Debug("SIPAppServerManager worker added for " + appServerWorker.AppServerEndpoint.ToString() + " and " + appServerWorker.CallManagerAddress.ToString() + ".");

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { SpawnWorkers(); });
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { ProbeWorkers(); });
 /// <summary>
 /// Event handler that gets fired when a worker process is identified as being unhealthy at any point in its lifetime.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="worker"></param>
 private void WorkerIsUnhealthy(SIPAppServerWorker worker)
     m_sipCallDispatcherFile.UpdateAppServerPriority(worker.AppServerEndpoint, m_unhealthyPriority);