Beispiel #1
        private void AllocateTurn(IceCandidate iceCandidate)
                if (iceCandidate.TurnAllocateAttempts >= MAXIMUM_TURN_ALLOCATE_ATTEMPTS)
                    logger.LogDebug("TURN allocation for local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalAddress + " failed after " + iceCandidate.TurnAllocateAttempts + " attempts.");

                    iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

                    //logger.LogDebug("Sending STUN connectivity check to client " + client.SocketAddress + ".");

                    STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.Allocate);
                    stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                    stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Lifetime, 3600));
                    stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.RequestedTransport, STUNv2AttributeConstants.UdpTransportType));   // UDP
                    byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(null, false);
                    _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint, stunReqBytes);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception AllocateTurn. " + excp);
Beispiel #2
        private void SendInitialStunBindingRequest(IceCandidate iceCandidate, ManualResetEvent iceGatheringCompleteMRE)
            int attempt = 1;

            while (attempt < INITIAL_STUN_BINDING_ATTEMPTS_LIMIT && !IsClosed && !iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete)
                logger.Debug("Sending STUN binding request " + attempt + " from " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " to " + iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint + ".");

                STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(null, false);

                iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint);



            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

            // Potentially save a few seconds if all the ICE candidates are now ready.
            if (LocalIceCandidates.All(x => x.IsGatheringComplete))
Beispiel #3
        private void CreateTurnPermissions()
                var localTurnIceCandidate = (from cand in LocalIceCandidates where cand.TurnRelayIPEndPoint != null select cand).First();
                var remoteTurnCandidate   = (from cand in RemoteIceCandidates where cand.CandidateType == IceCandidateTypesEnum.relay select cand).First();

                // Send create permission request
                STUNv2Message turnPermissionRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.CreatePermission);
                turnPermissionRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                //turnBindRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.ChannelNumber, (ushort)3000));
                turnPermissionRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2XORAddressAttribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.XORPeerAddress, remoteTurnCandidate.Port, IPAddress.Parse(remoteTurnCandidate.NetworkAddress)));
                turnPermissionRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Username, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Username)));
                turnPermissionRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Nonce, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Nonce)));
                turnPermissionRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Realm, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Realm)));

                MD5    md5     = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
                byte[] hmacKey = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Username + ":" + localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Realm + ":" + localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Password));

                byte[] turnPermissionReqBytes = turnPermissionRequest.ToByteBuffer(hmacKey, false);
                //localTurnIceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(turnPermissionReqBytes, localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint);
                _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint, turnPermissionReqBytes);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception CreateTurnPermissions. " + excp);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a connectivity check for a single candidate pair entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidatePair">The candidate pair to perform a connectivity check for.</param>
        /// <param name="setUseCandidate">If true indicates we are acting as the "controlling" ICE agent
        /// and are nominating this candidate as the chosen one.</param>
        /// <remarks>As specified in</remarks>
        private void SendConnectivityCheck(ChecklistEntry candidatePair, bool setUseCandidate)
            candidatePair.State           = ChecklistEntryState.InProgress;
            candidatePair.LastCheckSentAt = DateTime.Now;
            candidatePair.RequestTransactionID = Crypto.GetRandomString(STUNv2Header.TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH);

            IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = candidatePair.RemoteCandidate.GetEndPoint();

            logger.LogDebug($"Sending ICE connectivity check from {_rtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint} to {remoteEndPoint} (use candidate {setUseCandidate}).");

            STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);

            stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(candidatePair.RequestTransactionID);
            stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + LocalIceUser);
            stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, BitConverter.GetBytes(candidatePair.Priority)));

            if (setUseCandidate)
                stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));

            byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true);

            _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, remoteEndPoint, stunReqBytes);
        public void BindingRequestWithUsernameToBytesUnitTest()

            STUNv2Message initMessage = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
            byte[] stunMessageBytes = initMessage.ToByteBuffer(null, false);


            Assert.IsTrue(stunMessageBytes.Length % 4 == 0);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// From RFC5764:
        ///             +----------------+
        ///             | 127 < B< 192  -+--> forward to RTP
        ///             |                |
        /// packet -->  |  19 < B< 64   -+--> forward to DTLS
        ///             |                |
        ///             |       B< 2    -+--> forward to STUN
        ///             +----------------+
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteEP"></param>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        private void OnRTPDataReceived(IPEndPoint remoteEP, byte[] buffer)
            //logger.LogDebug($"RTP channel received a packet from {remoteEP}, {buffer?.Length} bytes.");

            if (buffer?.Length > 0)
                _lastCommunicationAt = DateTime.Now;

                    if (buffer[0] == 0x00 || buffer[0] == 0x01)
                        // STUN packet.
                        _lastStunMessageReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;
                        var stunMessage = STUNv2Message.ParseSTUNMessage(buffer, buffer.Length);
                        ProcessStunMessage(stunMessage, remoteEP);
                    else if (buffer[0] >= 128 && buffer[0] <= 191)
                        // RTP/RTCP packet need to decrypt.
                        //if (buffer[1] == 0xC8 /* RTCP SR */ || buffer[1] == 0xC9 /* RTCP RR */)
                        //    // RTCP packet.
                        //    //webRtcClient.LastSTUNReceiveAt = DateTime.Now;
                        //    // RTP packet.
                        //    //int res = peer.SrtpReceiveContext.UnprotectRTP(buffer, buffer.Length);

                        //    //if (res != 0)
                        //    //{
                        //    //    logger.Warn("SRTP unprotect failed, result " + res + ".");
                        //    //}
                    else if (buffer[0] >= 20 && buffer[0] <= 63)
                        // DTLS packet.
                        // Do nothing. The DTLSContext already has the socket handle and is monitoring
                        // for DTLS packets.
                        logger.LogWarning("Unknown packet type received on RTP channel.");
                catch (Exception excp)
                    logger.LogError($"Exception WebRtcSession.OnRTPDataReceived {excp.Message}.");
Beispiel #7
        public static STUNv2Message ParseSTUNMessage(byte[] buffer, int bufferLength)
            if (buffer != null && buffer.Length > 0 && buffer.Length >= bufferLength)
                STUNv2Message stunMessage = new STUNv2Message();
                stunMessage.Header = STUNv2Header.ParseSTUNHeader(buffer);

                if (stunMessage.Header.MessageLength > 0)
                    stunMessage.Attributes = STUNv2Attribute.ParseMessageAttributes(buffer, STUNv2Header.STUN_HEADER_LENGTH, bufferLength);

                return stunMessage;

            return null;
        public static STUNv2Message ParseSTUNMessage(byte[] buffer, int bufferLength)
            if (buffer != null && buffer.Length > 0 && buffer.Length >= bufferLength)
                STUNv2Message stunMessage = new STUNv2Message();
                stunMessage.Header = STUNv2Header.ParseSTUNHeader(buffer);

                if (stunMessage.Header.MessageLength > 0)
                    stunMessage.Attributes = STUNv2Attribute.ParseMessageAttributes(buffer, STUNv2Header.STUN_HEADER_LENGTH, bufferLength);


Beispiel #9
        private async Task SendTurnServerBindingRequest(IceCandidate iceCandidate)
            int attempt = 1;

            while (attempt < INITIAL_STUN_BINDING_ATTEMPTS_LIMIT && !IsConnected && !IsClosed && !iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete)
                logger.LogDebug($"Sending STUN binding request {attempt} from {_rtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint} to {iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint}.");

                STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(null, false);

                _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint, stunReqBytes);



            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// From RFC5764:
        ///             +----------------+
        ///             | 127 < B< 192  -+--> forward to RTP
        ///             |                |
        /// packet -->  |  19 < B< 64   -+--> forward to DTLS
        ///             |                |
        ///             |       B< 2    -+--> forward to STUN
        ///             +----------------+
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteEP"></param>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        private void OnRTPDataReceived(IPEndPoint localEndPoint, IPEndPoint remoteEP, byte[] buffer)
            //logger.LogDebug($"RTP channel received a packet from {remoteEP}, {buffer?.Length} bytes.");

            if (buffer?.Length > 0)
                _lastCommunicationAt = DateTime.Now;

                    if (buffer[0] == 0x00 || buffer[0] == 0x01)
                        // STUN packet.
                        _lastStunMessageReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;
                        var stunMessage = STUNv2Message.ParseSTUNMessage(buffer, buffer.Length);
                        ProcessStunMessage(stunMessage, remoteEP);
                    else if (buffer[0] >= 128 && buffer[0] <= 191)
                        // RTP/RTCP packet.
                        // Do nothing. The RTPSession takes care of these.
                    else if (buffer[0] >= 20 && buffer[0] <= 63)
                        // DTLS packet.
                        // Do nothing. The DTLSContext already has the socket handle and is monitoring
                        // for DTLS packets.
                        logger.LogWarning("Unknown packet type received on RTP channel.");
                catch (Exception excp)
                    logger.LogError($"Exception WebRtcSession.OnRTPDataReceived {excp.Message}.");
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a connectivity check for a single candidate pair entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidatePair">The candidate pair to perform a connectivity check for.</param>
        /// <remarks>As specified in</remarks>
        private void DoConnectivityCheck(ChecklistEntry candidatePair)
            candidatePair.State = ChecklistEntryState.InProgress;

            IPAddress  remoteAddress  = IPAddress.Parse(candidatePair.RemoteCandidate.address);
            IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(remoteAddress, candidatePair.RemoteCandidate.port);

            logger.LogDebug($"Sending ICE connectivity check from {_rtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint} to {remoteEndPoint}.");

            string localUser = LocalIceUser;

            STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);

            stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
            stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + localUser);
            stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
            stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));
            byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true);

            _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, remoteEndPoint, stunReqBytes);

            //localIceCandidate.LastSTUNSendAt = DateTime.Now;
Beispiel #12
        private void SendInitialStunBindingRequest(IceCandidate iceCandidate, ManualResetEvent iceGatheringCompleteMRE)
            int attempt = 1;

            while (attempt < INITIAL_STUN_BINDING_ATTEMPTS_LIMIT && !IsClosed && !iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete)
                logger.Debug("Sending STUN binding request " + attempt + " from " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " to " + iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint + ".");

                STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(null, false);

                iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint);



            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

            // Potentially save a few seconds if all the ICE candidates are now ready.
            if (LocalIceCandidates.All(x => x.IsGatheringComplete))
Beispiel #13
        private void RTPReceive()
                Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "rtspsess-rtprecv";

                byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];

                while (!_closed)
                        EndPoint remoteEP = (EndPoint)new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

                        //int bytesRead = _rtpSocket.Receive(buffer);
                        int bytesRead = _rtpSocket.ReceiveFrom(buffer, ref remoteEP);

                        IPEndPoint remoteIPEndPoint = remoteEP as IPEndPoint;

                        //logger.Debug("RTPReceive from " + remoteEP + ".");

                        //if (((IPEndPoint)remoteEP).Address.ToString() != _remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString())
                        //    var oldEndPoint = _remoteEndPoint;
                        //    _remoteEndPoint = remoteEP as IPEndPoint;
                        //    logger.Warn("RtspSession " + _sessionID + " switched to new remote endpoint at " + _remoteEndPoint + " (old end point " + oldEndPoint + ").");

                        if (bytesRead > 0)
                            _rtpLastActivityAt = DateTime.Now;

                            if (bytesRead > RTPHeader.MIN_HEADER_LEN)
                                if ((buffer[0] >= 20) && (buffer[0] <= 64))
                                    // DTLS.
                                    if(OnDtlsReceive != null)
                                            OnDtlsReceive(buffer, bytesRead, SendRTPRaw);
                                        catch(Exception dtlsExcp)
                                            logger.Error("Exception RTSPSession.RTPReceive DTLS. " + dtlsExcp);
                                        logger.Warn("RTSPSession.RTPReceive received a DTLS packet from " + _remoteEndPoint + "but bo DTLS handler has been set.");
                                else if ((buffer[0] == 0) || (buffer[0] == 1))
                                    // STUN.
                                    if (_iceState != null)
                                            STUNv2Message stunMessage = STUNv2Message.ParseSTUNMessage(buffer, bytesRead);

                                            //logger.Debug("STUN message received from Receiver Client @ " + stunMessage.Header.MessageType + ".");

                                            if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest)
                                                //logger.Debug("Sending STUN response to Receiver Client @ " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

                                                STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse);
                                                stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId;
                                                stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(remoteIPEndPoint.Address, remoteIPEndPoint.Port);
                                                byte[] stunRespBytes = stunResponse.ToByteBuffer(_iceState.SenderPassword, true);
                                                _rtpSocket.SendTo(stunRespBytes, remoteIPEndPoint);

                                                //logger.Debug("Sending Binding request to Receiver Client @ " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

                                                STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                                                stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                                                stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(_iceState.ReceiverUser + ":" + _iceState.SenderUser);
                                                stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                                                stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));   // Must send this to get DTLS started.
                                                byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(_iceState.ReceiverPassword, true);
                                                _rtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, remoteIPEndPoint);

                                                _iceState.LastSTUNMessageReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;
                                            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse)
                                                if (!_iceState.IsSTUNExchangeComplete)
                                                    _iceState.IsSTUNExchangeComplete = true;
                                                    logger.Debug("WebRTC client STUN exchange complete for " + remoteIPEndPoint.ToString() + " and ICE ufrag " + _iceState.ReceiverUser + ".");

                                                    _remoteEndPoint = remoteIPEndPoint;
                                            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse)
                                                //logger.Warn("A STUN binding error response was received from " + remoteIPEndPoint + ".");
                                                //logger.Warn("An unrecognised STUN request was received from " + remoteIPEndPoint + ".");
                                        catch (SocketException sockExcp)
                                            logger.Debug("RTPSession.RTPReceive STUN processing (" + remoteIPEndPoint + "). " + sockExcp.Message);
                                        catch (Exception stunExcp)
                                            logger.Warn("Exception RTPSession.RTPReceive STUN processing (" + remoteIPEndPoint + "). " + stunExcp);
                                        //logger.Warn("A STUN reponse was received on RTP socket from " + remoteIPEndPoint + " but no ICE state was set.");
                                else if ((buffer[0] >= 128) && (buffer[0] <= 191))
                                    if (buffer[1] == 0xC8 /* RTCP SR */ || buffer[1] == 0xC9 /* RTCP RR */)
                                        // RTCP packet.
                                        // RTP Packet.

                                        RTPPacket rtpPacket = new RTPPacket(buffer.Take(bytesRead).ToArray());

                                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("RTPReceive ssrc " + rtpPacket.Header.SyncSource + ", seq num " + rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber + ", timestamp " + rtpPacket.Header.Timestamp + ", marker " + rtpPacket.Header.MarkerBit + ".");
                                        //logger.Debug("RTPReceive remote " + remoteIPEndPoint + ", ssrc " + rtpPacket.Header.SyncSource + ", seq num " + rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber + ", timestamp " + rtpPacket.Header.Timestamp + ", bytes " + bytesRead + ", marker " + rtpPacket.Header.MarkerBit + ".");

                                        lock (_packets)
                                            if (_packets.Count > RTP_PACKETS_MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH)
                                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("RTSPSession.RTPReceive packets queue full, clearing.");
                                                logger.Warn("RTSPSession.RTPReceive packets queue full, clearing.");


                                                if (OnRTPQueueFull != null)
                                logger.Warn("RTSPSession.RTPReceive an unrecognised packet was received for session ID " + SessionID + " and " + remoteIPEndPoint + ".");
                            logger.Warn("Zero bytes read from RTSPSession RTP socket for session ID " + SessionID + " and " + remoteIPEndPoint + ".");
                    catch (SocketException sockExcp)
                        if (!_closed)
                            _rtpSocketError = sockExcp.SocketErrorCode;

                            if (_rtpSocketError == SocketError.Interrupted)
                                // If the receive has been interrupted it means the socket has been closed most likely as a result of an RTSP TEARDOWN request.
                                if (OnRTPSocketDisconnected != null)
                    catch (Exception excp)
                        if (!_closed)
                            logger.Error("Exception RTSPSession.RTPReceive receiving. " + excp);
            catch (Exception excp)
                if (!_closed)
                    logger.Error("Exception RTSPSession.RTPReceive. " + excp);

                    if (OnRTPSocketDisconnected != null)
Beispiel #14
        private void ProcessStunMessage(IceCandidate iceCandidate, STUNv2Message stunMessage, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint)
            //logger.Debug("STUN message received from remote " + remoteEndPoint + " " + stunMessage.Header.MessageType + ".");

            if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest)
                STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse);
                stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId;
                stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(remoteEndPoint.Address, remoteEndPoint.Port);

                // ToDo: Check authentication.

                byte[] stunRespBytes = stunResponse.ToByteBufferStringKey(LocalIcePassword, true);
                iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunRespBytes, remoteEndPoint);

                iceCandidate.LastStunRequestReceivedAt    = DateTime.Now;
                iceCandidate.IsStunRemoteExchangeComplete = true;

                if (_remoteIceCandidates != null && !_remoteIceCandidates.Any(x =>
                                                                              (x.NetworkAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() || x.RemoteAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString()) &&
                                                                              (x.Port == remoteEndPoint.Port || x.RemotePort == remoteEndPoint.Port)))
                    // This STUN request has come from a socket not in the remote ICE candidates list. Add it so we can send our STUN binding request to it.
                    IceCandidate remoteIceCandidate = new IceCandidate()
                        Transport      = "udp",
                        NetworkAddress = remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString(),
                        Port           = remoteEndPoint.Port,
                        CandidateType  =

                    logger.Debug("Adding missing remote ICE candidate for " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse)
                if (_turnServerEndPoint != null && remoteEndPoint.ToString() == _turnServerEndPoint.ToString())
                    if (iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete == false)
                        var reflexAddressAttribute = stunMessage.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(y => y.AttributeType == STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.XORMappedAddress) as STUNv2XORAddressAttribute;

                        if (reflexAddressAttribute != null)
                            iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint  = new IPEndPoint(reflexAddressAttribute.Address, reflexAddressAttribute.Port);
                            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

                            logger.Debug("ICE gathering complete for local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + ", rflx address " + iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint + ".");
                            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

                            logger.Debug("The STUN binding response received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + " did not have an XORMappedAddress attribute, rlfx address can not be determined.");
                    iceCandidate.LastStunResponseReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;

                    if (iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false)
                        iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete = true;
                        logger.Debug("WebRTC client STUN exchange complete for call " + CallID + ", candidate local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + ", remote socket " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse)
                logger.Warn("A STUN binding error response was received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from  " + remoteEndPoint + ".");
                logger.Warn("An unrecognised STUN request was received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + ".");
Beispiel #15
        private void StartWebRtcRtpListener(IceCandidate iceCandidate)
            string localEndPoint = "?";

                localEndPoint = iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint.ToString();

                logger.Debug("Starting WebRTC RTP listener for call " + CallID + " on socket " + localEndPoint + ".");

                IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
                UdpClient  localSocket    = new UdpClient();
                localSocket.Client = iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket;

                while (!IsClosed)
                        //logger.Debug("ListenToReceiverWebRTCClient Receive.");
                        byte[] buffer = localSocket.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint);

                        iceCandidate.LastCommunicationAt = DateTime.Now;

                        //logger.Debug(buffer.Length + " bytes read on Receiver Client media socket from " + remoteEndPoint.ToString() + ".");

                        //if (buffer.Length > 3 && buffer[0] == 0x16 && buffer[1] == 0xfe)
                        if (buffer[0] >= 20 && buffer[0] <= 64)
                            //OnMediaPacket(iceCandidate, buffer, remoteEndPoint);
                            if (OnDtlsPacket != null)
                                OnDtlsPacket(iceCandidate, buffer, remoteEndPoint);
                        //else if ((buffer[0] & 0x80) == 0)
                        else if (buffer[0] == 0 || buffer[0] == 1)
                            STUNv2Message stunMessage = STUNv2Message.ParseSTUNMessage(buffer, buffer.Length);
                            ProcessStunMessage(iceCandidate, stunMessage, remoteEndPoint);
                            if (OnMediaPacket != null)
                                OnMediaPacket(iceCandidate, buffer, remoteEndPoint);
                    catch (Exception sockExcp)

                        logger.Warn("Exception ListenToReceiverWebRTCClient Receive (" + localEndPoint + " and " + remoteEndPoint + ", failure count " + _communicationFailureCount + "). " + sockExcp.Message);

                        // Need to be careful about deciding when the connection has failed. Sometimes the STUN requests we send will arrive before the remote peer is ready and cause a socket exception.
                        // Only shutdown the peer if we are sure all ICE intialisation is complete and the socket exception occurred after the RTP had stated flowing.
                        if (iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete && iceCandidate.IsStunRemoteExchangeComplete &&
                            iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint != null && remoteEndPoint != null && iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint.ToString() == remoteEndPoint.ToString() &&
                            DateTime.Now.Subtract(IceNegotiationStartedAt).TotalSeconds > 10)
                            logger.Warn("WebRtc peer communication failure on call " + CallID + " for local RTP socket " + localEndPoint + " and remote RTP socket " + remoteEndPoint + " .");
                            iceCandidate.DisconnectionMessage = sockExcp.Message;
                        else if (_communicationFailureCount > COMMUNICATION_FAILURE_COUNT_FOR_CLOSE)
                            logger.Warn("WebRtc peer communication failures on call " + CallID + " exceeded limit of " + COMMUNICATION_FAILURE_COUNT_FOR_CLOSE + " closing peer.");
                        //else if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(peer.IceNegotiationStartedAt).TotalSeconds > ICE_CONNECTION_LIMIT_SECONDS)
                        //    logger.Warn("WebRTC peer ICE connection establishment timed out on call " + peer.CallID + " for " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + ".");
                        //    break;

            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception ListenForWebRTCClient (" + localEndPoint + "). " + excp);
Beispiel #16
        private void SendStunConnectivityChecks()
                while (!IsClosed)
                        // If one of the ICE candidates has the remote RTP socket set then the negotiation is complete and the STUN checks are to keep the connection alive.
                        if (LocalIceCandidates.Any(x => x.IsConnected == true))
                            var iceCandidate = LocalIceCandidates.First(x => x.IsConnected == true);

                            // Remote RTP endpoint gets set when the DTLS negotiation is finished.
                            if (iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint != null)
                                //logger.Debug("Sending STUN connectivity check to client " + iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint + ".");

                                STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                                stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                                stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + LocalIceUser);
                                stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                                stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));   // Must send this to get DTLS started.
                                byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true);

                                iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint);

                                iceCandidate.LastSTUNSendAt = DateTime.Now;

                            var secondsSinceLastResponse = DateTime.Now.Subtract(iceCandidate.LastCommunicationAt).TotalSeconds;

                            if (secondsSinceLastResponse > ICE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
                                logger.Warn("No STUN response was received on a connected ICE connection for " + secondsSinceLastResponse + "s, closing connection.");

                                iceCandidate.IsDisconnected = true;

                                if (LocalIceCandidates.Any(x => x.IsConnected == true) == false)
                                    // If there are no connected local candidates left close the peer.
                            if (_remoteIceCandidates.Count() > 0)
                                foreach (var localIceCandidate in LocalIceCandidates.Where(x => x.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false && x.StunConnectionRequestAttempts < MAXIMUM_STUN_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS))

                                    // ToDo: Include srflx and relay addresses.

                                    foreach (var remoteIceCandidate in RemoteIceCandidates.Where(x => x.Transport != "tcp" && x.NetworkAddress.NotNullOrBlank()))   // Only supporting UDP candidates at this stage.
                                        IPAddress remoteAddress = IPAddress.Parse(remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress);

                                        logger.Debug("Sending authenticated STUN binding request " + localIceCandidate.StunConnectionRequestAttempts + " from " + localIceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " to WebRTC peer at " + remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress + ":" + remoteIceCandidate.Port + ".");

                                        STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                                        stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                                        stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + LocalIceUser);
                                        stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                                        stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));   // Must send this to get DTLS started.
                                        byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true);

                                        localIceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress), remoteIceCandidate.Port));

                                        localIceCandidate.LastSTUNSendAt = DateTime.Now;
                    catch (Exception excp)
                        logger.Error("Exception SendStunConnectivityCheck ConnectivityCheck. " + excp);

                    if (!IsClosed)
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SendStunConnectivityCheck. " + excp);
Beispiel #17
        private void ProcessStunMessage(STUNv2Message stunMessage, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint)
            //logger.LogDebug("STUN message received from remote " + remoteEndPoint + " " + stunMessage.Header.MessageType + ".");

            if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest)
                STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse);
                stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId;
                stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(remoteEndPoint.Address, remoteEndPoint.Port);

                // ToDo: Check authentication.

                string localIcePassword = LocalIcePassword;
                byte[] stunRespBytes    = stunResponse.ToByteBufferStringKey(localIcePassword, true);
                //iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunRespBytes, remoteEndPoint);
                _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, remoteEndPoint, stunRespBytes);

                //iceCandidate.LastStunRequestReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;
                //iceCandidate.IsStunRemoteExchangeComplete = true;

                if (RemoteEndPoint == null)
                    RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
                    _rtpSession.DestinationEndPoint = RemoteEndPoint;
                    _rtpSession.RtcpSession.ControlDestinationEndPoint = RemoteEndPoint;
                    //OnIceConnected?.Invoke(iceCandidate, remoteEndPoint);
                    IceConnectionState = IceConnectionStatesEnum.Connected;

                if (_remoteIceCandidates != null && !_remoteIceCandidates.Any(x =>
                                                                              (x.NetworkAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() || x.RemoteAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString()) &&
                                                                              (x.Port == remoteEndPoint.Port || x.RemotePort == remoteEndPoint.Port)))
                    // This STUN request has come from a socket not in the remote ICE candidates list. Add it so we can send our STUN binding request to it.
                    IceCandidate remoteIceCandidate = new IceCandidate("udp", remoteEndPoint.Address, remoteEndPoint.Port,;
                    logger.LogDebug("Adding missing remote ICE candidate for " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

                    // Some browsers require a STUN binding request from our end before the DTLS handshake will be initiated.
                    // The STUN connectivity checks are already scheduled but we can speed things up by sending a binding
                    // request immediately.
            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse)
                // TODO: What needs to be done here?

                //if (_turnServerEndPoint != null && remoteEndPoint.ToString() == _turnServerEndPoint.ToString())
                //    if (iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete == false)
                //    {
                //        var reflexAddressAttribute = stunMessage.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(y => y.AttributeType == STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.XORMappedAddress) as STUNv2XORAddressAttribute;

                //        if (reflexAddressAttribute != null)
                //        {
                //            iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(reflexAddressAttribute.Address, reflexAddressAttribute.Port);
                //            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

                //            logger.LogDebug("ICE gathering complete for local socket " + iceCandidate.RtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint + ", rflx address " + iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint + ".");
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

                //            logger.LogDebug("The STUN binding response received on " + iceCandidate.RtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + " did not have an XORMappedAddress attribute, rlfx address can not be determined.");
                //        }
                //    }
                //    iceCandidate.LastStunResponseReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;

                //    if (iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false)
                //    {
                //        iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete = true;
                //        logger.LogDebug("WebRTC client STUN exchange complete for call " + CallID + ", candidate local socket " + iceCandidate.RtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint + ", remote socket " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

                //        SetIceConnectionState(IceConnectionStatesEnum.Connected);
                //    }
            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse)
                logger.LogWarning($"A STUN binding error response was received from {remoteEndPoint}.");
                logger.LogWarning($"An unrecognised STUN request was received from {remoteEndPoint}.");
Beispiel #18
        private void RTPReceive()
                Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "rtpchanrecv-" + _rtpPort;

                byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];

                while (!_isClosed)
                        int bytesRead = _rtpSocket.Receive(buffer);

                        if (bytesRead > 0)
                            _rtpSocket.SendTo(buffer, bytesRead, SocketFlags.None, _wiresharkEP);

                            _rtpLastActivityAt = DateTime.Now;

                            if (bytesRead > RTPHeader.MIN_HEADER_LEN)
                                if ((buffer[0] & 0x80) == 0)
                                    #region STUN Packet.

                                    if (_iceState != null)
                                            STUNv2Message stunMessage = STUNv2Message.ParseSTUNMessage(buffer, bytesRead);

                                            //logger.Debug("STUN message received from Receiver Client @ " + stunMessage.Header.MessageType + ".");

                                            if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest)
                                                //logger.Debug("Sending STUN response to Receiver Client @ " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

                                                STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse);
                                                stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId;
                                                stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(_remoteEndPoint.Address, _remoteEndPoint.Port);
                                                byte[] stunRespBytes = stunResponse.ToByteBuffer(_iceState.SenderPassword, true);
                                                _rtpSocket.SendTo(stunRespBytes, _remoteEndPoint);

                                                //logger.Debug("Sending Binding request to Receiver Client @ " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

                                                STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                                                stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                                                stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(_iceState.ReceiverUser + ":" + _iceState.SenderUser);
                                                stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                                                byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(_iceState.ReceiverPassword, true);
                                                _rtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, _remoteEndPoint);

                                                _iceState.LastSTUNMessageReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;
                                            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse)
                                                if (!_iceState.IsSTUNExchangeComplete)
                                                    _iceState.IsSTUNExchangeComplete = true;
                                                    logger.Debug("WebRTC client STUN exchange complete for " + _remoteEndPoint.ToString() + ".");
                                            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse)
                                                logger.Warn("A STUN binding error response was received from " + _remoteEndPoint + ".");
                                                logger.Warn("An unrecognised STUN request was received from " + _remoteEndPoint + ".");
                                        catch (SocketException sockExcp)
                                            logger.Debug("RTPChannel.RTPReceive STUN processing (" + _remoteEndPoint + "). " + sockExcp.Message);
                                        catch (Exception stunExcp)
                                            logger.Warn("Exception RTPChannel.RTPReceive STUN processing (" + _remoteEndPoint + "). " + stunExcp);
                                        logger.Warn("A STUN reponse was received on RTP socket from " + _remoteEndPoint + " but no ICE state was set.");

                                    RTPPacket rtpPacket = new RTPPacket(buffer.Take(bytesRead).ToArray());

                                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("RTPReceive ssrc " + rtpPacket.Header.SyncSource + ", seq num " + rtpPacket.Header.SequenceNumber + ", timestamp " + rtpPacket.Header.Timestamp + ", marker " + rtpPacket.Header.MarkerBit + ".");

                                    lock (_packets)
                                        if (_packets.Count > RTP_PACKETS_MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH)
                                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("RTPChannel.RTPReceive packets queue full, clearing.");
                                            logger.Warn("RTPChannel.RTPReceive packets queue full, clearing.");


                                            if (OnRTPQueueFull != null)
                            logger.Warn("Zero bytes read from RTPChannel RTP socket connected to " + _remoteEndPoint + ".");
                    catch (SocketException sockExcp)
                        if (!_isClosed)
                            _rtpSocketError = sockExcp.SocketErrorCode;

                            if (_rtpSocketError == SocketError.Interrupted)
                                // If the receive has been interrupted it means the socket has been closed.
                                if (OnRTPSocketDisconnected != null)
                    catch (Exception excp)
                        if (!_isClosed)
                            logger.Error("Exception RTPChannel.RTPReceive receiving. " + excp);
            catch (Exception excp)
                if (!_isClosed)
                    logger.Error("Exception RTPChannel.RTPReceive. " + excp);

                    if (OnRTPSocketDisconnected != null)
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a received STUN request or response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stunMessage">The STUN message received.</param>
        /// <param name="remoteEndPoint">The remote end point the STUN packet was received from.</param>
        public void ProcessStunMessage(STUNv2Message stunMessage, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint)
            remoteEndPoint = (!remoteEndPoint.Address.IsIPv4MappedToIPv6) ? remoteEndPoint : new IPEndPoint(remoteEndPoint.Address.MapToIPv4(), remoteEndPoint.Port);

            //logger.LogDebug($"STUN message received from remote {remoteEndPoint} {stunMessage.Header.MessageType}.");

            if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest)
                // TODO: The integrity check method needs to be implemented (currently just returns true).
                bool result = stunMessage.CheckIntegrity(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(LocalIcePassword), LocalIceUser, RemoteIceUser);

                if (!result)
                    // Send STUN error response.
                    STUNv2Message stunErrResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse);
                    stunErrResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId;
                    _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, remoteEndPoint, stunErrResponse.ToByteBuffer(null, false));
                    var matchingCandidate = (_remoteCandidates != null) ? _remoteCandidates.Where(x => x.IsEquivalentEndPoint(RTCIceProtocol.udp, remoteEndPoint)).FirstOrDefault() : null;

                    if (matchingCandidate == null)
                        // This STUN request has come from a socket not in the remote ICE candidates list.
                        // Add a new remote peer reflexive candidate.
                        RTCIceCandidate peerRflxCandidate = new RTCIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidateInit());
                        peerRflxCandidate.SetAddressProperties(RTCIceProtocol.udp, remoteEndPoint.Address, (ushort)remoteEndPoint.Port, RTCIceCandidateType.prflx, null, 0);
                        logger.LogDebug($"Adding peer reflex ICE candidate for {remoteEndPoint}.");


                        matchingCandidate = peerRflxCandidate;

                    // Find the checklist entry for this remote candidate and update its status.
                    var matchingChecklistEntry = _checklist.Where(x => ==;

                    if (matchingChecklistEntry == null)
                        logger.LogWarning("ICE session STUN request matched a remote candidate but NOT a checklist entry.");
                    //    if (!IsController)
                    //    {
                    //        matchingChecklistEntry.State = ChecklistEntryState.Succeeded;
                    //    }

                    // The UseCandidate attribute is only meant to be set by the "Controller" peer. This implementation
                    // will accept it irrespective of the peer roles. If the remote peer wants us to use a certain remote
                    // end point then so be it.
                    if (stunMessage.Attributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType == STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate))
                        if (ConnectionState != RTCIceConnectionState.connected)
                            // If we are the "controlled" agent and get a "use candidate" attribute that sets the matching candidate as nominated
                            // as per

                            if (matchingChecklistEntry == null)
                                logger.LogWarning("ICE session STUN request had UseCandidate set but no matching checklist entry was found.");
                                logger.LogDebug($"ICE session remote peer nominated entry from binding request: {matchingChecklistEntry.RemoteCandidate}");

                    STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse);
                    stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId;
                    stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(remoteEndPoint.Address, remoteEndPoint.Port);

                    string localIcePassword = LocalIcePassword;
                    byte[] stunRespBytes    = stunResponse.ToByteBufferStringKey(localIcePassword, true);
                    _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, remoteEndPoint, stunRespBytes);
            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse)
                // Correlate with request using transaction ID as per

                // Actions to take on a successful STUN response
                // - Discover peer reflexive remote candidates
                //   (TODO: According to peer reflexive get added to the local candidates list?)
                // - Construct a valid pair which means match a candidate pair in the check list and mark it as valid (since a successful STUN exchange
                //   has now taken place on it). A new entry may need to be created for this pair since peer reflexive candidates are not added to the connectivity
                //   check checklist.
                // - Update state of candidate pair that generated the check to Succeeded.
                // - If the controlling candidate set the USE_CANDIDATE attribute then the ICE agent that receives the successful response sets the nominated
                //   flag of the pair to true. Once the nominated flag is set it concludes the ICE processing for that component.

                if (_checklistState == ChecklistState.Running)
                    string txID = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stunMessage.Header.TransactionId);

                    // Attempt to find the checklist entry for this transaction ID.
                    var matchingChecklistEntry = _checklist.Where(x => x.RequestTransactionID == txID).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (matchingChecklistEntry == null)
                        logger.LogWarning("ICE session STUN response transaction ID did not match a checklist entry.");
                        matchingChecklistEntry.State = ChecklistEntryState.Succeeded;

                        if (matchingChecklistEntry.Nominated)
                            logger.LogDebug($"ICE session remote peer nominated entry from binding response: {matchingChecklistEntry.RemoteCandidate}");

                            // This is the response to a connectivity check that had the "UseCandidate" attribute set.
                        else if (this.IsController && !_checklist.Any(x => x.Nominated))
                            // If we are the controlling ICE agent it's up to us to decide when to nominate a candidate pair to use for the connection.
                            // To start with we'll just use whichever pair gets the first successful STUN exchange. If needs be the selection algorithm can
                            // improve over time.

                            matchingChecklistEntry.ChecksSent      = 0;
                            matchingChecklistEntry.LastCheckSentAt = DateTime.MinValue;
                            matchingChecklistEntry.Nominated       = true;

                            SendConnectivityCheck(matchingChecklistEntry, true);
            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse)
                logger.LogWarning($"A STUN binding error response was received from {remoteEndPoint}.");

                // Attempt to find the checklist entry for this transaction ID.
                string txID = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stunMessage.Header.TransactionId);
                var    matchingChecklistEntry = _checklist.Where(x => x.RequestTransactionID == txID).FirstOrDefault();

                if (matchingChecklistEntry == null)
                    logger.LogWarning("ICE session STUN error response transaction ID did not match a checklist entry.");
                    logger.LogWarning($"ICE session check list entry set to failed: {matchingChecklistEntry.RemoteCandidate}");
                    matchingChecklistEntry.State = ChecklistEntryState.Failed;
                logger.LogWarning($"An unrecognised STUN request was received from {remoteEndPoint}.");
Beispiel #20
        public void PutResponseToBufferTestMethod()
            STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse);
            stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
            stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(IPAddress.Parse(""), 1234);

            byte[] buffer = stunResponse.ToByteBuffer(null, true);
Beispiel #21
        private void SendStunConnectivityChecks(Object stateInfo)
                lock (_stunChecksTimer)
                    //logger.LogDebug($"Send STUN connectivity checks, local candidates {_candidates?.Count()}, remote candidates {_remoteCandidates?.Count()}.");

                    // If one of the ICE candidates has the remote RTP socket set then the negotiation is complete and the STUN checks are to keep the connection alive.
                    if (RemoteIceUser != null && RemoteIcePassword != null)
                        if (ConnectionState == RTCIceConnectionState.connected)
                            // Remote RTP endpoint gets set when the DTLS negotiation is finished.
                            if (_connectedRemoteEndPoint != null)
                                //logger.LogDebug("Sending STUN connectivity check to client " + iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint + ".");

                                string localUser = LocalIceUser;

                                STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                                stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                                stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + localUser);
                                stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                                stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));   // Must send this to get DTLS started.
                                byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true);

                                _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, _connectedRemoteEndPoint, stunReqBytes);

                                //_lastStunSentAt = DateTime.Now;
                            if (_remoteCandidates.Count() > 0 && _candidates != null)
                                foreach (var localIceCandidate in _candidates.Where(x => x.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false && x.StunConnectionRequestAttempts < MAXIMUM_STUN_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS))

                                    // ToDo: Include srflx and relay addresses.

                                    // Only supporting UDP candidates at this stage.
                                    foreach (var remoteIceCandidate in _remoteCandidates.Where(x => x.protocol == RTCIceProtocol.udp &&
                                                                                               x.address.NotNullOrBlank() && x.HasConnectionError == false))
                                            IPAddress remoteAddress = IPAddress.Parse(remoteIceCandidate.address);

                                            logger.LogDebug($"Sending authenticated STUN binding request {localIceCandidate.StunConnectionRequestAttempts} from {_rtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint} to WebRTC peer at {remoteIceCandidate.address}:{remoteIceCandidate.port}.");

                                            string localUser = LocalIceUser;

                                            STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                                            stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                                            stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + localUser);
                                            stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                                            stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));
                                            byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true);

                                            _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(remoteIceCandidate.address), remoteIceCandidate.port), stunReqBytes);

                                            localIceCandidate.LastSTUNSendAt = DateTime.Now;
                                        catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException sockExcp)
                                            logger.LogWarning($"SocketException sending STUN request to {remoteIceCandidate.address}:{remoteIceCandidate.port}, removing candidate. {sockExcp.Message}");
                                            remoteIceCandidate.HasConnectionError = true;

                    //if (!_closed)
                    //    var interval = GetNextStunCheckInterval(STUN_CHECK_BASE_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS);

                    //    if (m_stunChecksTimer == null)
                    //    {
                    //        m_stunChecksTimer = new Timer(SendStunConnectivityChecks, null, interval, interval);
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        m_stunChecksTimer.Change(interval, interval);
                    //    }
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception SendStunConnectivityCheck. " + excp);
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to get a list of local ICE candidates.
        /// </summary>
        //private async Task GetIceCandidatesAsync()
        //    // The media is being multiplexed so the audio and video RTP channel is the same.
        //    var rtpChannel = GetRtpChannel(;

        //    if (rtpChannel == null)
        //    {
        //        throw new ApplicationException("Cannot start gathering ICE candidates without an RTP channel.");
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        var localIPAddresses = _offerAddresses ?? NetServices.GetAllLocalIPAddresses();
        //        IceNegotiationStartedAt = DateTime.Now;
        //        LocalIceCandidates = new List<IceCandidate>();

        //        foreach (var address in localIPAddresses.Where(x => x.AddressFamily == rtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint.AddressFamily))
        //        {
        //            var iceCandidate = new IceCandidate(address, (ushort)rtpChannel.RTPPort);

        //            if (_turnServerEndPoint != null)
        //            {
        //                iceCandidate.TurnServer = new TurnServer() { ServerEndPoint = _turnServerEndPoint };
        //                iceCandidate.InitialStunBindingCheck = SendTurnServerBindingRequest(iceCandidate);
        //            }

        //            LocalIceCandidates.Add(iceCandidate);
        //        }

        //        await Task.WhenAll(LocalIceCandidates.Where(x => x.InitialStunBindingCheck != null).Select(x => x.InitialStunBindingCheck)).ConfigureAwait(false);
        //    }

        public void ProcessStunMessage(STUNv2Message stunMessage, IPEndPoint receivedOn)
            IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = (!receivedOn.Address.IsIPv4MappedToIPv6) ? receivedOn : new IPEndPoint(receivedOn.Address.MapToIPv4(), receivedOn.Port);

            //logger.LogDebug($"STUN message received from remote {remoteEndPoint} {stunMessage.Header.MessageType}.");

            if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest)
                STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse);
                stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId;
                stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(remoteEndPoint.Address, remoteEndPoint.Port);

                // ToDo: Check authentication.

                string localIcePassword = LocalIcePassword;
                byte[] stunRespBytes    = stunResponse.ToByteBufferStringKey(localIcePassword, true);
                //iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunRespBytes, remoteEndPoint);
                _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, remoteEndPoint, stunRespBytes);

                //iceCandidate.LastStunRequestReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;
                //iceCandidate.IsStunRemoteExchangeComplete = true;

                //if (remoteEndPoint == null)
                //RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
                //SetDestination(, RemoteEndPoint, RemoteEndPoint);
                //OnIceConnected?.Invoke(iceCandidate, remoteEndPoint);
                //IceConnectionState = RTCIceConnectionState.connected;

                if (_remoteCandidates != null && !_remoteCandidates.Any(x =>
                                                                        (x.address == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() || x.relatedAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString()) &&
                                                                        (x.port == remoteEndPoint.Port || x.relatedPort == remoteEndPoint.Port)))
                    // This STUN request has come from a socket not in the remote ICE candidates list. Add it so we can send our STUN binding request to it.
                    // RTCIceCandidate remoteIceCandidate = new IceCandidate("udp", remoteEndPoint.Address, (ushort)remoteEndPoint.Port,;
                    RTCIceCandidate peerRflxCandidate = new RTCIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidateInit());
                    peerRflxCandidate.SetAddressProperties(RTCIceProtocol.udp, remoteEndPoint.Address, (ushort)remoteEndPoint.Port, RTCIceCandidateType.prflx, null, 0);
                    logger.LogDebug($"Adding peer reflex ICE candidate for {remoteEndPoint}.");

                    // Some browsers require a STUN binding request from our end before the DTLS handshake will be initiated.
                    // The STUN connectivity checks are already scheduled but we can speed things up by sending a binding
                    // request immediately.
            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse)
                if (ConnectionState != RTCIceConnectionState.connected)
                    logger.LogDebug($"ICE session setting connected remote end point to {remoteEndPoint}.");

                    _connectedRemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;

                    ConnectionState = RTCIceConnectionState.connected;

                // TODO: What needs to be done here?

                //if (_turnServerEndPoint != null && remoteEndPoint.ToString() == _turnServerEndPoint.ToString())
                //    if (iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete == false)
                //    {
                //        var reflexAddressAttribute = stunMessage.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(y => y.AttributeType == STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.XORMappedAddress) as STUNv2XORAddressAttribute;

                //        if (reflexAddressAttribute != null)
                //        {
                //            iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(reflexAddressAttribute.Address, reflexAddressAttribute.Port);
                //            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

                //            logger.LogDebug("ICE gathering complete for local socket " + iceCandidate.RtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint + ", rflx address " + iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint + ".");
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

                //            logger.LogDebug("The STUN binding response received on " + iceCandidate.RtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + " did not have an XORMappedAddress attribute, rlfx address can not be determined.");
                //        }
                //    }
                //    iceCandidate.LastStunResponseReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;

                //    if (iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false)
                //    {
                //        iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete = true;
                //        logger.LogDebug("WebRTC client STUN exchange complete for call " + CallID + ", candidate local socket " + iceCandidate.RtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint + ", remote socket " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

                //        SetIceConnectionState(IceConnectionStatesEnum.Connected);
                //    }
            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse)
                logger.LogWarning($"A STUN binding error response was received from {remoteEndPoint}.");
                logger.LogWarning($"An unrecognised STUN request was received from {remoteEndPoint}.");
Beispiel #23
        private static void SendStunConnectivityChecks(UdpClient localSocket)
                while (!m_exit)
                        foreach (var client in _webRTCClients.Where(x => x.SocketAddress != null))
                            //logger.Debug("Sending STUN connectivity check to client " + client.SocketAddress + ".");

                            STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                            stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                            stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(client.ICEUser + ":" + client.LocalICEUser);
                            stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                            stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));   // Must send this to get DTLS started.
                            byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(client.ICEPassword, true);
                            localSocket.Send(stunReqBytes, stunReqBytes.Length, client.SocketAddress);

                            client.LastSTUNSendAt = DateTime.Now;

                            //    // Send RTCP report.
                            //    RTCPPacket rtcp = new RTCPPacket(client.SSRC, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                            //    RTCPReport rtcpResport = new RTCPReport(Guid.NewGuid(), 0, client.SocketAddress);
                            //    var rtcpBuffer = rtcp.GetBytes(rtcpResport.GetBytes());
                            //    var rtcpProtectedBuffer = new byte[rtcpBuffer.Length + SRTP_AUTH_KEY_LENGTH];
                            //    Buffer.BlockCopy(rtcpBuffer, 0, rtcpProtectedBuffer, 0, rtcpBuffer.Length);
                            //    int rtperr = client.SrtpContext.ProtectRTP(rtcpBuffer, rtcpBuffer.Length - SRTP_AUTH_KEY_LENGTH);

                            //    if (rtperr != 0)
                            //    {
                            //        logger.Debug("RTCP packet protect result " + rtperr + ".");
                            //    }
                            //    else
                            //    {
                            //        localSocket.Send(rtcpProtectedBuffer, rtcpProtectedBuffer.Length, client.SocketAddress);
                            //    }
                    catch (Exception excp)
                        logger.Error("Exception SendStunConnectivityCheck ConnectivityCheck. " + excp);


                    lock (_webRTCClients)
                        var expiredClients = (from cli in _webRTCClients where cli.STUNExchangeComplete && cli.IsDtlsNegotiationComplete && DateTime.Now.Subtract(cli.LastSTUNReceiveAt).TotalSeconds > EXPIRE_CLIENT_SECONDS select cli).ToList();
                        for (int index = 0; index < expiredClients.Count(); index++)
                            var expiredClient = expiredClients[index];
                            logger.Debug("Removed expired client " + expiredClient.SocketAddress + ".");
                            _webRTCClients.TryTake(out expiredClient);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SendStunConnectivityCheck. " + excp);
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Periodically send a STUN binding request to check connectivity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stateInfo">Not used.</param>
        private void SendStunConnectivityChecks(Object stateInfo)
                //logger.LogDebug($"Send STUN connectivity checks, local candidates {LocalIceCandidates.Count()}, remote candidates {_remoteIceCandidates.Count()}.");

                // If one of the ICE candidates has the remote RTP socket set then the negotiation is complete and the STUN checks are to keep the connection alive.
                if (RemoteIceUser != null && RemoteIcePassword != null)
                    if (IsConnected)
                        // Remote RTP endpoint gets set when the DTLS negotiation is finished.
                        if (RemoteEndPoint != null)
                            //logger.LogDebug("Sending STUN connectivity check to client " + iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint + ".");

                            string localUser = LocalIceUser;

                            STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                            stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                            stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + localUser);
                            stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                            stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));   // Must send this to get DTLS started.
                            byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true);

                            _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, RemoteEndPoint, stunReqBytes);

                            _lastStunSentAt = DateTime.Now;

                        if (_lastCommunicationAt != DateTime.MinValue)
                            var secondsSinceLastResponse = DateTime.Now.Subtract(_lastCommunicationAt).TotalSeconds;

                            if (secondsSinceLastResponse > ICE_CONNECTED_NO_COMMUNICATIONS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
                                logger.LogWarning($"No packets have been received from {RemoteEndPoint} within the last {secondsSinceLastResponse:#} seconds, closing session.");
                                Close("Inactivity timeout.");
                        if (_remoteIceCandidates.Count() > 0)
                            foreach (var localIceCandidate in LocalIceCandidates.Where(x => x.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false && x.StunConnectionRequestAttempts < MAXIMUM_STUN_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS))

                                // ToDo: Include srflx and relay addresses.

                                // Only supporting UDP candidates at this stage.
                                foreach (var remoteIceCandidate in RemoteIceCandidates.Where(x => x.Transport.ToLower() == "udp" && x.NetworkAddress.NotNullOrBlank() && x.HasConnectionError == false))
                                        IPAddress remoteAddress = IPAddress.Parse(remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress);

                                        logger.LogDebug($"Sending authenticated STUN binding request {localIceCandidate.StunConnectionRequestAttempts} from {_rtpChannel.RTPLocalEndPoint} to WebRTC peer at {remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress}:{remoteIceCandidate.Port}.");

                                        string localUser = LocalIceUser;

                                        STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                                        stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                                        stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + localUser);
                                        stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                                        stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));
                                        byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true);

                                        _rtpChannel.SendAsync(RTPChannelSocketsEnum.RTP, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress), remoteIceCandidate.Port), stunReqBytes);

                                        localIceCandidate.LastSTUNSendAt = DateTime.Now;
                                    catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException sockExcp)
                                        logger.LogWarning($"SocketException sending STUN request to {remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress}:{remoteIceCandidate.Port}, removing candidate. {sockExcp.Message}");
                                        remoteIceCandidate.HasConnectionError = true;

                if (!IsClosed)
                    var interval = GetNextStunCheckInterval(STUN_CHECK_BASE_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS);

                    if (m_stunChecksTimer == null)
                        m_stunChecksTimer = new Timer(SendStunConnectivityChecks, null, interval, interval);
                        m_stunChecksTimer.Change(interval, interval);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogError("Exception SendStunConnectivityCheck. " + excp);
Beispiel #25
        private void ProcessStunMessage(IceCandidate iceCandidate, STUNv2Message stunMessage, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint)
            //logger.Debug("STUN message received from remote " + remoteEndPoint + " " + stunMessage.Header.MessageType + ".");

            if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest)
                STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse);
                stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId;
                stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(remoteEndPoint.Address, remoteEndPoint.Port);

                // ToDo: Check authentication.

                byte[] stunRespBytes = stunResponse.ToByteBufferStringKey(LocalIcePassword, true);
                iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunRespBytes, remoteEndPoint);

                iceCandidate.LastStunRequestReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;
                iceCandidate.IsStunRemoteExchangeComplete = true;

                if (_remoteIceCandidates != null && !_remoteIceCandidates.Any(x =>
                     (x.NetworkAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() || x.RemoteAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString()) &&
                     (x.Port == remoteEndPoint.Port || x.RemotePort == remoteEndPoint.Port)))
                    // This STUN request has come from a socket not in the remote ICE candidates list. Add it so we can send our STUN binding request to it.
                    IceCandidate remoteIceCandidate = new IceCandidate()
                        Transport = "udp",
                        NetworkAddress = remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString(),
                        Port = remoteEndPoint.Port,
                        CandidateType =

                    logger.Debug("Adding missing remote ICE candidate for " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse)
                if (_turnServerEndPoint != null && remoteEndPoint.ToString() == _turnServerEndPoint.ToString())
                    if (iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete == false)
                        var reflexAddressAttribute = stunMessage.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(y => y.AttributeType == STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.XORMappedAddress) as STUNv2XORAddressAttribute;

                        if (reflexAddressAttribute != null)
                            iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(reflexAddressAttribute.Address, reflexAddressAttribute.Port);
                            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

                            logger.Debug("ICE gathering complete for local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + ", rflx address " + iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint + ".");
                            iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

                            logger.Debug("The STUN binding response received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + " did not have an XORMappedAddress attribute, rlfx address can not be determined.");
                    iceCandidate.LastStunResponseReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;

                    if (iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false)
                        iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete = true;
                        logger.Debug("WebRTC client STUN exchange complete for call " + CallID + ", candidate local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + ", remote socket " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse)
                logger.Warn("A STUN binding error response was received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from  " + remoteEndPoint + ".");
                logger.Warn("An unrecognised STUN request was received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + ".");
Beispiel #26
        private static void ListenToReceiverWebRTCClient(UdpClient localSocket)
                while (!m_exit)
                        //logger.Debug("ListenToReceiverWebRTCClient Receive.");

                        IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
                        byte[] buffer = localSocket.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint);

                        //logger.Debug(buffer.Length + " bytes read on Receiver Client media socket from " + remoteEndPoint.ToString() + ".");

                        //if (buffer.Length > 3 && buffer[0] == 0x16 && buffer[1] == 0xfe)
                        if ((buffer[0] >= 20) && (buffer[0] <= 64))
                            logger.Debug("DTLS packet received " + buffer.Length + " bytes from " + remoteEndPoint.ToString() + ".");

                            var client = _webRTCClients.Where(x => x.SocketAddress != null && x.SocketAddress.ToString() == remoteEndPoint.ToString()).SingleOrDefault();

                            if (client != null)
                                if (client.DtlsContext == null)
                                    client.DtlsContext = new DtlsManaged();
                                    int res = client.DtlsContext.Init();
                                    Console.WriteLine("DtlsContext initialisation result=" + res);

                                int bytesWritten = client.DtlsContext.Write(buffer, buffer.Length);

                                if (bytesWritten != buffer.Length)
                                    logger.Warn("The required number of bytes were not successfully written to the DTLS context.");
                                    byte[] dtlsOutBytes = new byte[2048];

                                    int bytesRead = client.DtlsContext.Read(dtlsOutBytes, dtlsOutBytes.Length);

                                    if (bytesRead == 0)
                                        Console.WriteLine("No bytes read from DTLS context :(.");
                                        Console.WriteLine(bytesRead + " bytes read from DTLS context sending to " + remoteEndPoint.ToString() + ".");
                                        localSocket.Send(dtlsOutBytes, bytesRead, remoteEndPoint);

                                        //if (client.DtlsContext.IsHandshakeComplete())
                                        if (client.DtlsContext.GetState() == 3)
                                            Console.WriteLine("DTLS negotiation complete for " + remoteEndPoint.ToString() + ".");
                                            client.SrtpContext = new SRTPManaged(client.DtlsContext, false);
                                            client.SrtpReceiveContext = new SRTPManaged(client.DtlsContext, true);
                                            client.IsDtlsNegotiationComplete = true;

                        //else if ((buffer[0] & 0x80) == 0)
                        else if ((buffer[0] == 0) || (buffer[0] == 1))
                            STUNv2Message stunMessage = STUNv2Message.ParseSTUNMessage(buffer, buffer.Length);
                            string localICEUser = null;

                            logger.Debug("STUN message received from Receiver Client @ " + stunMessage.Header.MessageType + ".");

                            if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest)
                                string stunUserAttribute = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stunMessage.Attributes.Where(y => y.AttributeType == STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Username).Single().Value);

                                if (stunUserAttribute != null && stunUserAttribute.Contains(':'))
                                    localICEUser = stunUserAttribute.Split(':')[0];
                                    logger.Debug("STUN binding request username " + localICEUser + ".");

                                var client = _webRTCClients.Where(x => (x.SocketAddress != null && x.SocketAddress.ToString() == remoteEndPoint.ToString())
                                    || (localICEUser != null && localICEUser == x.LocalICEUser)).SingleOrDefault();

                                if (client != null)
                                    if (client.SocketAddress == null)
                                        client.SocketAddress = remoteEndPoint;
                                        logger.Debug("Set socket endpoint of WebRTC client with SDP session ID " + client.SdpSessionID + " to " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

                                    client.LastSTUNReceiveAt = DateTime.Now;

                                    if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest)
                                        //logger.Debug("Sending STUN response to Receiver Client @ " + remoteEndPoint + ".");

                                        STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse);
                                        stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId;
                                        stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(remoteEndPoint.Address, remoteEndPoint.Port);
                                        byte[] stunRespBytes = stunResponse.ToByteBuffer(client.LocalICEPassword, true);
                                        localSocket.Send(stunRespBytes, stunRespBytes.Length, remoteEndPoint);

                                        //logger.Debug("Sending Binding request to Receiver Client @ " + remoteEndPoint + ".");
                                        //if (client != null && !client.STUNExchangeComplete)
                                        if (client != null)
                                            //client.SrtpContext = new SRTPManaged(Convert.FromBase64String(_sourceSRTPKey));
                                            //client.IsDtlsNegotiationComplete = true;

                                            //STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                                            //stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                                            //stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(client.ICEUser + ":" + _senderICEUser);
                                            //stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                                            //stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));   // Must send this to get DTLS started.
                                            //byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(client.ICEPassword, true);
                                            //localSocket.Send(stunReqBytes, stunReqBytes.Length, remoteEndPoint);

                                            //client.LastSTUNMessageAt = DateTime.Now;
                            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse)
                                var client = _webRTCClients.Where(x => x.SocketAddress != null && x.SocketAddress.ToString() == remoteEndPoint.ToString()).SingleOrDefault();

                                if (client != null)
                                    client.LastSTUNReceiveAt = DateTime.Now;

                                    if (client.STUNExchangeComplete == false)
                                        client.STUNExchangeComplete = true;
                                        logger.Debug("WebRTC client STUN exchange complete for " + remoteEndPoint.ToString() + ".");
                                    //client.IsDtlsNegotiationComplete = true; // Not using DTLS in this case.
                                    //client.SrtpContext = new SRTPManaged(Convert.FromBase64String(_sourceSRTPKey), true);
                            else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse)
                                logger.Debug("A STUN binding error response was received from Receiver Client.");
                                logger.Debug("An unrecognised STUN request was received from Receiver Client.");
                        else if ((buffer[0] >= 128) && (buffer[0] <= 191))
                            //logger.Debug("A non-STUN packet was received Receiver Client.");

                            var client = _webRTCClients.Where(x => x.SocketAddress != null && x.SocketAddress.ToString() == remoteEndPoint.ToString()).SingleOrDefault();

                            if (client != null)
                                if (buffer[1] == 0xC8 /* RTCP SR */ || buffer[1] == 0xC9 /* RTCP RR */)
                                    // RTCP packet.
                                    client.LastSTUNReceiveAt = DateTime.Now;
                                    // RTP packet.
                                    int res = client.SrtpReceiveContext.UnprotectRTP(buffer, buffer.Length);

                                    if (res != 0)
                                        logger.Warn("SRTP unprotect failed, result " + res + ".");
                            logger.Debug("An unrecognised packet was received on the WebRTC media socket.");
                    catch (Exception sockExcp)
                        logger.Debug("ListenToReceiverWebRTCClient Receive. " + sockExcp.Message);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception ListenForWebRTCClient. " + excp);
Beispiel #27
        private void SendStunConnectivityChecks()
                while (!IsClosed)
                        // If one of the ICE candidates has the remote RTP socket set then the negotiation is complete and the STUN checks are to keep the connection alive.
                        if (LocalIceCandidates.Any(x => x.IsConnected == true))
                            var iceCandidate = LocalIceCandidates.First(x => x.IsConnected == true);

                            // Remote RTP endpoint gets set when the DTLS negotiation is finished.
                            if (iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint != null)
                                //logger.Debug("Sending STUN connectivity check to client " + iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint + ".");

                                STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                                stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                                stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + LocalIceUser);
                                stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                                stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));   // Must send this to get DTLS started.
                                byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true);

                                iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint);

                                iceCandidate.LastSTUNSendAt = DateTime.Now;

                            var secondsSinceLastResponse = DateTime.Now.Subtract(iceCandidate.LastCommunicationAt).TotalSeconds;

                            if (secondsSinceLastResponse > ICE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
                                logger.Warn("No STUN response was received on a connected ICE connection for " + secondsSinceLastResponse + "s, closing connection.");

                                iceCandidate.IsDisconnected = true;

                                if (LocalIceCandidates.Any(x => x.IsConnected == true) == false)
                                    // If there are no connected local candidates left close the peer.
                            if (_remoteIceCandidates.Count() > 0)
                                foreach (var localIceCandidate in LocalIceCandidates.Where(x => x.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false && x.StunConnectionRequestAttempts < MAXIMUM_STUN_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS))

                                    // ToDo: Include srflx and relay addresses.

                                    foreach (var remoteIceCandidate in RemoteIceCandidates.Where(x => x.Transport != "tcp" && x.NetworkAddress.NotNullOrBlank()))   // Only supporting UDP candidates at this stage.
                                        IPAddress remoteAddress = IPAddress.Parse(remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress);

                                        logger.Debug("Sending authenticated STUN binding request " + localIceCandidate.StunConnectionRequestAttempts + " from " + localIceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " to WebRTC peer at " + remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress + ":" + remoteIceCandidate.Port + ".");

                                        STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest);
                                        stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                                        stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + LocalIceUser);
                                        stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff }));
                                        stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null));   // Must send this to get DTLS started.
                                        byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true);

                                        localIceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress), remoteIceCandidate.Port));

                                        localIceCandidate.LastSTUNSendAt = DateTime.Now;
                    catch (Exception excp)
                        logger.Error("Exception SendStunConnectivityCheck ConnectivityCheck. " + excp);

                    if (!IsClosed)
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SendStunConnectivityCheck. " + excp);
Beispiel #28
        private void AllocateTurn(IceCandidate iceCandidate)
                if (iceCandidate.TurnAllocateAttempts >= MAXIMUM_TURN_ALLOCATE_ATTEMPTS)
                    logger.Debug("TURN allocation for local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalAddress + " failed after " + iceCandidate.TurnAllocateAttempts + " attempts.");

                    iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true;

                    //logger.Debug("Sending STUN connectivity check to client " + client.SocketAddress + ".");

                    STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.Allocate);
                    stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                    stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Lifetime, 3600));
                    stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.RequestedTransport, STUNv2AttributeConstants.UdpTransportType));   // UDP
                    byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(null, false);
                    iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception AllocateTurn. " + excp);
Beispiel #29
        private void CreateTurnPermissions()
                var localTurnIceCandidate = (from cand in LocalIceCandidates where cand.TurnRelayIPEndPoint != null select cand).First();
                var remoteTurnCandidate = (from cand in RemoteIceCandidates where cand.CandidateType == IceCandidateTypesEnum.relay select cand).First();

                // Send create permission request
                STUNv2Message turnPermissionRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.CreatePermission);
                turnPermissionRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray();
                //turnBindRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.ChannelNumber, (ushort)3000));
                turnPermissionRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2XORAddressAttribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.XORPeerAddress, remoteTurnCandidate.Port, IPAddress.Parse(remoteTurnCandidate.NetworkAddress)));
                turnPermissionRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Username, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Username)));
                turnPermissionRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Nonce, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Nonce)));
                turnPermissionRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Realm, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Realm)));

                MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
                byte[] hmacKey = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Username + ":" + localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Realm + ":" + localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.Password));

                byte[] turnPermissionReqBytes = turnPermissionRequest.ToByteBuffer(hmacKey, false);
                localTurnIceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(turnPermissionReqBytes, localTurnIceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception CreateTurnPermissions. " + excp);