public GoogleVoiceUserAgent(
     SIPTransport sipTransport,
     ISIPCallManager callManager,
     SIPMonitorLogDelegate logDelegate,
     string username,
     string adminMemberId,
     SIPEndPoint outboundProxy)
     Owner = username;
     AdminMemberId = adminMemberId;
     m_googleVoiceCall = new GoogleVoiceCall(sipTransport, callManager, logDelegate, username, adminMemberId, outboundProxy);
     m_googleVoiceCall.CallProgress += new CallProgressDelegate(CallProgress);
Beispiel #2
 public GoogleVoiceUserAgent(
     SIPTransport sipTransport,
     ISIPCallManager callManager,
     SIPMonitorLogDelegate logDelegate,
     string username,
     string adminMemberId,
     SIPEndPoint outboundProxy)
     Owner             = username;
     AdminMemberId     = adminMemberId;
     Log_External      = logDelegate;
     m_googleVoiceCall = new GoogleVoiceCall(sipTransport, callManager, logDelegate, username, adminMemberId, outboundProxy);
     m_googleVoiceCall.CallProgress += new CallProgressDelegate(CallProgress);
        public void GoogleVoiceCall(string emailAddress, string password, string forwardingNumber, string destinationNumber, string fromURIUserToMatch, int phoneType, int waitForCallbackTimeout)
                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

                GoogleVoiceCall googleCall = new GoogleVoiceCall(m_sipTransport, m_callManager, m_dialPlanLogDelegate, m_username, m_adminMemberId, m_outboundProxySocket);
                m_dialPlanContext.CallCancelledByClient += googleCall.ClientCallTerminated;
                googleCall.CallProgress += m_dialPlanContext.CallProgress;

                string content = m_sipRequest.Body;
                IPAddress requestSDPAddress = (PublicIPAddress != null) ? PublicIPAddress : SIPPacketMangler.GetRequestIPAddress(m_sipRequest);

                IPEndPoint sdpEndPoint = (content.IsNullOrBlank()) ? null : SDP.GetSDPRTPEndPoint(content);
                if (sdpEndPoint != null)
                    if (!IPSocket.IsPrivateAddress(sdpEndPoint.Address.ToString()))
                        Log("SDP on GoogleVoiceCall call had public IP not mangled, RTP socket " + sdpEndPoint.ToString() + ".");
                        bool wasSDPMangled = false;
                        if (requestSDPAddress != null)
                            if (sdpEndPoint != null)
                                content = SIPPacketMangler.MangleSDP(content, requestSDPAddress.ToString(), out wasSDPMangled);

                        if (wasSDPMangled)
                            Log("SDP on GoogleVoiceCall call had RTP socket mangled from " + sdpEndPoint.ToString() + " to " + requestSDPAddress.ToString() + ":" + sdpEndPoint.Port + ".");
                        else if (sdpEndPoint != null)
                            Log("SDP on GoogleVoiceCall could not be mangled, using original RTP socket of " + sdpEndPoint.ToString() + ".");
                    Log("SDP RTP socket on GoogleVoiceCall call could not be determined.");

                SIPDialogue answeredDialogue = googleCall.InitiateCall(emailAddress, password, forwardingNumber, destinationNumber, fromURIUserToMatch, phoneType, waitForCallbackTimeout, m_sipRequest.Header.ContentType, content);
                if (answeredDialogue != null)
                    m_dialPlanContext.CallAnswered(SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok, null, null, null, answeredDialogue.ContentType, answeredDialogue.RemoteSDP, answeredDialogue, SIPDialogueTransferModesEnum.Default);

                    // Dial plan script stops once there is an answered call to bridge to or the client call is cancelled.
                    Log("Google Voice Call was successfully answered in " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString("0.00") + "s.");
            catch (ThreadAbortException) { }
            catch (Exception excp)
                Log("Exception on GoogleVoiceCall. " + excp.Message);