Beispiel #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns an array of string values (keys) for the objects under this layout node.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fdoCache">The fdo cache.</param>
		/// <param name="sda">The sda.</param>
		/// <param name="layout">The layout.</param>
		/// <param name="hvo">The hvo.</param>
		/// <param name="layoutCache">The layout cache.</param>
		/// <param name="caller">where layout is a component of a 'part' element, caller
		/// is the 'part ref' that invoked it.</param>
		/// <param name="stringTbl">The string TBL.</param>
		/// <param name="wsForce">if non-zero, "string" elements are forced to use that writing system for multistrings.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		static public string[] StringsFor(FdoCache fdoCache, ISilDataAccess sda, XmlNode layout, int hvo,
			LayoutCache layoutCache, XmlNode caller, StringTable stringTbl, int wsForce)
			// Some nodes are known to be uninteresting.
			if (XmlVc.CanSkipNode(layout))
				return new string[0]; // don't know how to sort, treat as empty key.

			switch (layout.Name)
				case "string":
					int hvoTarget = hvo;
					XmlVc.GetActualTarget(layout, ref hvoTarget, sda);	// modify the hvo if needed
					if (hvo != hvoTarget)
						return AddStringFromOtherObj(layout, hvoTarget, fdoCache, sda);
					int flid = GetFlid(sda, layout, hvo);
					if (wsForce != 0)
						// If we are forcing a writing system, and it's a multistring, get the forced alternative.
						int itype = sda.MetaDataCache.GetFieldType(flid);
						itype = itype & (int)CellarPropertyTypeFilter.VirtualMask;
						switch (itype)
							case (int) CellarPropertyType.MultiUnicode:
							case (int) CellarPropertyType.MultiString:
								if (wsForce < 0)
									int wsActual;
									var tss = WritingSystemServices.GetMagicStringAlt(fdoCache, sda, wsForce, hvo, flid, true, out wsActual);
									return new[] {tss == null ? "" : tss.Text };
								return new[]
										   {sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvo, flid, wsForce).Text};
					bool fFoundType;
					var strValue = fdoCache.GetText(hvo, flid, layout, out fFoundType);
					if (fFoundType)
						return new[] {strValue};

					throw new Exception("Bad property type (" + strValue + " for hvo " + hvo +
												" found for string property "
							+ flid + " in " + layout.OuterXml);
				case "configureMlString":
					int flid = GetFlid(sda, layout, hvo);
					// The Ws info specified in the part ref node
					HashSet<int> wsIds = WritingSystemServices.GetAllWritingSystems(fdoCache, caller, null, hvo, flid);
					if (wsIds.Count == 1)
						var strValue = sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvo, flid, wsIds.First()).Text;
						return new[] {strValue};
					return new[] {AddMultipleAlternatives(fdoCache, sda, wsIds, hvo, flid, caller)};
				case "multiling":
					return ProcessMultiLingualChildren(fdoCache, sda, layout, hvo, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce);
				case "layout":
					// "layout" can occur when GetNodeToUseForColumn returns a phony 'layout'
					// formed by unifying a layout with child nodes. Assemble its children.
					// (arguably, we should treat that like div if current flow is a pile.
					// but we can't tell that and it rarely makes a difference.)
				case "para":
				case "span":
					return AssembleChildKeys(fdoCache, sda, layout, hvo, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce);
				case "column":
					// top-level node for whole column; concatenate children as for "para"
					// if multipara is false, otherwise as for "div"
					if (XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(layout, "multipara", false))
						return ChildKeys(fdoCache, sda, layout, hvo, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce);
						return AssembleChildKeys(fdoCache, sda, layout, hvo, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce);

				case "part":
					string partref = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(layout, "ref");
					if (partref == null)
						return ChildKeys(fdoCache, sda, layout, hvo, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce); // an actual part, made up of its pieces
					XmlNode part = XmlVc.GetNodeForPart(hvo, partref, false, sda, layoutCache);
					// This is the critical place where we introduce a caller. The 'layout' is really a 'part ref' which is the
					// 'caller' for all embedded nodes in the called part.
					return StringsFor(fdoCache, sda, part, hvo, layoutCache, layout, stringTbl, wsForce);
				case "div":
				case "innerpile":
					// Concatenate keys for child nodes (as distinct strings)
					return ChildKeys(fdoCache, sda, layout, hvo, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce);
				case "obj":
					// Follow the property, get the object, look up the layout to use,
					// invoke recursively.
					int flid = GetFlid(sda, layout, hvo);
					int hvoTarget = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvo, flid);
					if (hvoTarget == 0)
						break; // return empty key
					string targetLayoutName = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(layout, "layout"); // uses 'default' if missing.
					XmlNode layoutTarget = GetLayoutNodeForChild(sda, hvoTarget, flid, targetLayoutName, layout, layoutCache);
					if (layoutTarget == null)
					return ChildKeys(fdoCache, sda, layoutTarget, hvoTarget, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce);
				case "seq":
					// Follow the property. For each object, look up the layout to use,
					// invoke recursively, concatenate
					int flid = GetFlid(sda, layout, hvo);
					int[] contents;
					int ctarget = sda.get_VecSize(hvo, flid);
					using (ArrayPtr arrayPtr = MarshalEx.ArrayToNative<int>(ctarget))
						int chvo;
						sda.VecProp(hvo, flid, ctarget, out chvo, arrayPtr);
						contents = MarshalEx.NativeToArray<int>(arrayPtr, chvo);

					string[] result = null;
					string targetLayoutName = XmlVc.GetLayoutName(layout, caller); // also allows for finding "param" attr in caller, if not null
					int i = 0;
					foreach (int hvoTarget in contents)
						int prevResultLength = GetArrayLength(result);
						XmlNode layoutTarget = GetLayoutNodeForChild(sda, hvoTarget, flid, targetLayoutName, layout, layoutCache);
						if (layoutTarget == null)
							continue; // should not happen, but best recovery we can make
						result = Concatenate(result, ChildKeys(fdoCache, sda, layoutTarget, hvoTarget, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce));
						// add a separator between the new childkey group and the previous childkey group
						if (i > 0 && prevResultLength != GetArrayLength(result) && prevResultLength > 0)
							int ichIns = 0;
							if (result[prevResultLength - 1] != null)
								ichIns = result[prevResultLength - 1].Length;
							AddSeparator(ref result[prevResultLength - 1],  ichIns, layout);

					return result;
				case "choice":
					foreach(XmlNode whereNode in layout.ChildNodes)
						if (whereNode.Name != "where")
							if (whereNode.Name == "otherwise")
								return StringsFor(fdoCache, sda, XmlUtils.GetFirstNonCommentChild(whereNode), hvo, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce);
							continue; // ignore any other nodes,typically comments
						// OK, it's a where node.
						if (XmlVc.ConditionPasses(whereNode, hvo, fdoCache, sda, caller))
							return StringsFor(fdoCache, sda, XmlUtils.GetFirstNonCommentChild(whereNode), hvo, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce);
					break; // if no condition passes and no otherwise, return null.
				case "if":
					if (XmlVc.ConditionPasses(layout, hvo, fdoCache, sda, caller))
						return StringsFor(fdoCache, sda, XmlUtils.GetFirstNonCommentChild(layout), hvo, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce);
				case "ifnot":
					if (!XmlVc.ConditionPasses(layout, hvo, fdoCache, sda, caller))
						return StringsFor(fdoCache, sda, XmlUtils.GetFirstNonCommentChild(layout), hvo, layoutCache, caller, stringTbl, wsForce);
				case "lit":
					string literal = layout.InnerText;
					if (stringTbl != null)
						string sTranslate = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(layout, "translate", "");
						if (sTranslate.Trim().ToLower() != "do not translate")
							literal = stringTbl.LocalizeLiteralValue(literal);
					return new[] { literal };
				case "int":
					int flid = GetFlid(sda, layout, hvo);
					int val = sda.get_IntProp(hvo, flid);
					return new[] {AlphaCompNumberString(val)};
				case "datetime":
					int flid = GetFlid(sda, layout, hvo);
					CellarPropertyType itype = (CellarPropertyType)sda.MetaDataCache.GetFieldType(flid);
					if (itype == CellarPropertyType.Time)
						DateTime dt = SilTime.GetTimeProperty(sda, hvo, flid);
						return new[] {DateTimeCompString(dt)};
						string stFieldName = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(layout, "field");
						throw new Exception("Bad field type (" + stFieldName + " for hvo " + hvo + " found for " +
							layout.Name + "  property "	+ flid + " in " + layout.OuterXml);
				case "picture":
					// Treat a picture as a non-empty string for purposes of deciding whether something is empty.
					// This string seems as good as anything for other purposes.
					return new[] {"a picture"};
				default: // unknown or comment node, adds nothing
					Debug.Assert(false, "unrecognized XML node.");
			return new string[0]; // don't know how to sort, treat as empty key.
Beispiel #2
		public static Slice Create(FdoCache cache, string editor, int flid, XmlNode node, ICmObject obj,
			StringTable stringTbl, IPersistenceProvider persistenceProvider, Mediator mediator, XmlNode caller, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap)
			Slice slice;
				case "multistring": // first, these are the most common slices.
						if (flid == 0)
							throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for multistring " + node.OuterXml);
						string wsSpec = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ws");
						int wsMagic = WritingSystemServices.GetMagicWsIdFromName(wsSpec);
						if (wsMagic == 0)
							throw new ApplicationException(
								"ws must be 'all vernacular', 'all analysis', 'analysis vernacular', or 'vernacular analysis'"
								+ " it said '" + wsSpec + "'.");

						bool forceIncludeEnglish = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "forceIncludeEnglish", false);
						bool spellCheck = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "spell", true);
						// Either the part or the caller can specify that it isn't editable.
						// (The part may 'know' this, e.g. because it's a virtual attr not capable of editing;
						// more commonly the caller knows there isn't enough context for safe editing.
						bool editable = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(caller, "editable", true)
							&& XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "editable", true);
						string optionalWsSpec = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "optionalWs");
						int wsMagicOptional = WritingSystemServices.GetMagicWsIdFromName(optionalWsSpec);
						MultiStringSlice msSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("MultiStringSlice") as MultiStringSlice;
						if (msSlice == null)
							slice = new MultiStringSlice(obj, flid, wsMagic, wsMagicOptional, forceIncludeEnglish, editable, spellCheck);
							slice = msSlice;
							msSlice.Reuse(obj, flid, wsMagic, wsMagicOptional, forceIncludeEnglish, editable, spellCheck);
				case "defaultvectorreference": // second most common.
						var rvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("ReferenceVectorSlice") as ReferenceVectorSlice;
						if (rvSlice == null)
							slice = new ReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, flid);
							slice = rvSlice;
							rvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);
				case "possvectorreference":
						var prvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("PossibilityReferenceVectorSlice") as PossibilityReferenceVectorSlice;
						if (prvSlice == null)
							slice = new PossibilityReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, flid);
							slice = prvSlice;
							prvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);
				case "semdomvectorreference":
						var prvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("SemanticDomainReferenceVectorSlice") as SemanticDomainReferenceVectorSlice;
						if (prvSlice == null)
							slice = new SemanticDomainReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, flid);
							slice = prvSlice;
							prvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);
				case "string":
					if (flid == 0)
						throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for basic properties " + node.OuterXml);
					int ws = GetWs(mediator, cache, node);
					if (ws != 0)
						slice = new StringSlice(obj, flid, ws);
						slice = new StringSlice(obj, flid);
					var fShowWsLabel = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "labelws", false);
					if (fShowWsLabel)
						(slice as StringSlice).ShowWsLabel = true;
					int wsEmpty = GetWs(mediator, cache, node, "wsempty");
					if (wsEmpty != 0)
						(slice as StringSlice).DefaultWs = wsEmpty;
				case "jtview":
					string layout = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(caller, "param");
					if (layout == null)
						layout = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "layout");
					// Editable if BOTH the caller (part ref) AND the node itself (the slice) say so...or at least if neither says not.
					bool editable = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(caller, "editable", true)
						&& XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "editable", true);
					slice = new ViewSlice(new XmlView(obj.Hvo, layout, stringTbl, editable));
				case "summary":
					slice = new SummarySlice();
				case "enumcombobox":
					slice = new EnumComboSlice(cache, obj, flid, stringTbl, node["deParams"]);
				case "referencecombobox":
					slice = new ReferenceComboBoxSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider);
				case "typeaheadrefatomic":
					slice = new AtomicRefTypeAheadSlice(obj, flid);
				case "msareferencecombobox":
					slice = new MSAReferenceComboBoxSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider);
				case "lit": // was "message"
					string message = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "message");
					if (stringTbl != null)
						string sTranslate = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "translate", "");
						if (sTranslate.Trim().ToLower() != "do not translate")
							message = stringTbl.LocalizeLiteralValue(message);
					slice = new MessageSlice(message);
				case "picture":
					slice = new PictureSlice((ICmPicture)obj);
				case "image":
						slice = new ImageSlice(FwDirectoryFinder.CodeDirectory, XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "param1"));
					catch (Exception error)
						slice = new MessageSlice(String.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksImageSliceFailed,
				case "checkbox":
					slice = new CheckboxSlice(cache, obj, flid, node);
				case "checkboxwithrefresh":
					slice = new CheckboxRefreshSlice(cache, obj, flid, node);
				case "time":
					slice = new DateSlice(cache, obj, flid);
				case "integer": // produced in the auto-generated parts from the conceptual model
				case "int": // was "integer"
					slice = new IntegerSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "gendate":
					slice = new GenDateSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "morphtypeatomicreference":
					slice = new MorphTypeAtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "atomicreferencepos":
					slice = new AtomicReferencePOSSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider, mediator);
				case "possatomicreference":
					slice = new PossibilityAtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);
				case "atomicreferenceposdisabled":
					slice = new AutomicReferencePOSDisabledSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider, mediator);

				case "defaultatomicreference":
					slice = new AtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);
				case "defaultatomicreferencedisabled":
					slice = new AtomicReferenceDisabledSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "derivmsareference":
					slice = new DerivMSAReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "inflmsareference":
					slice = new InflMSAReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "phoneenvreference":
					slice = new PhoneEnvReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "sttext":
					slice = new StTextSlice(obj, flid, GetWs(mediator, cache, node));

				case "custom":
					slice = (Slice)DynamicLoader.CreateObject(node);

				case "customwithparams":
					slice = (Slice)DynamicLoader.CreateObject(node,
						new object[]{cache, editor, flid, node, obj, stringTbl,
										persistenceProvider, GetWs(mediator, cache, node)});
				case "ghostvector":
					slice = new GhostReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, node);

				case "command":
					slice = new CommandSlice(node["deParams"]);

				case null:	//grouping nodes do not necessarily have any editor
					slice = new Slice();
				case "message":
					// case "integer": // added back in to behave as "int" above
					throw new Exception("use of obsolete editor type (message->lit, integer->int)");
				case "autocustom":
					slice = MakeAutoCustomSlice(cache, obj, caller);
					if (slice == null)
						return null;
				case "defaultvectorreferencedisabled": // second most common.
						ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice rvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice") as ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice;
						if (rvSlice == null)
							slice = new ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice(cache, obj, flid);
							slice = rvSlice;
							rvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);
					//Since the editor has not been implemented yet,
					//is there a bitmap file that we can show for this editor?
					//Such bitmaps belong in the distFiles xde directory
					string fwCodeDir = FwDirectoryFinder.CodeDirectory;
					string editorBitmapRelativePath = "xde/" + editor + ".bmp";
					if(File.Exists(Path.Combine(fwCodeDir, editorBitmapRelativePath)))
						slice = new ImageSlice(fwCodeDir, editorBitmapRelativePath);
						slice = new MessageSlice(String.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksBadEditorType, editor));
			slice.AccessibleName = editor;

			return slice;
Beispiel #3
		public static Slice Create(FdoCache cache, string editor, int flid, XmlNode node, ICmObject obj,
			StringTable stringTbl, IPersistenceProvider persistenceProvider, Mediator mediator, XmlNode caller)
			Slice slice = null;
				case "string":
					if (flid == 0)
						throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for basic properties " + node.OuterXml);
					int ws = GetWs(mediator, cache, node);
					if (ws != 0)
						slice = new StringSlice(obj.Hvo, flid, ws);
						slice = new StringSlice(obj.Hvo, flid);
				case "multistring":
					if (flid == 0)
						throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for multistring " + node.OuterXml);
					string wsSpec = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ws");
					int wsMagic;
					wsMagic = LangProject.GetMagicWsIdFromName(wsSpec);
					if (wsMagic == 0)
						throw new ApplicationException(
							"ws must be 'all vernacular', 'all analysis', 'analysis vernacular', or 'vernacular analysis'"
							+ " it said '" + wsSpec + "'.");

					bool forceIncludeEnglish = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "forceIncludeEnglish", false);
					bool spellCheck = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "spell", true);
					bool editable = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(caller, "editable", true);
					slice = new MultiStringSlice(obj.Hvo, flid, wsMagic, forceIncludeEnglish, editable, spellCheck);
				case "jtview":
					string layout = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(caller, "param");
					if (layout == null)
						layout = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "layout");
					// Editable if BOTH the caller (part ref) AND the node itself (the slice) say so...or at least if neither says not.
					bool editable = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(caller, "editable", true)
						&& XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "editable", true);
					slice = new ViewSlice(new XmlView(obj.Hvo, layout, stringTbl, editable));
				case "summary":
					slice = new SummarySlice(obj, caller, node, stringTbl);
				case "enumcombobox":
					slice = new EnumComboSlice(cache, obj, flid, stringTbl, node["deParams"]);
				case "referencecombobox":
					slice = new ReferenceComboBoxSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider, mediator);
				case "typeaheadrefatomic":
					slice = new AtomicRefTypeAheadSlice(obj.Hvo, flid);
				case "msareferencecombobox":
					slice = new MSAReferenceComboBoxSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider, mediator);
				case "lit": // was "message"
					string message = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "message");
					if (stringTbl != null)
						string sTranslate = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "translate", "");
						if (sTranslate.Trim().ToLower() != "do not translate")
							message = stringTbl.LocalizeLiteralValue(message);
					slice = new MessageSlice(message);
				case "picture":
					slice = new PictureSlice((FDO.Cellar.CmPicture) obj);
				case "image":
						slice = new ImageSlice(DirectoryFinder.FWCodeDirectory, XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "param1"));
					catch (Exception error)
						slice = new MessageSlice(String.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksImageSliceFailed,
				case "checkbox":
					slice = new CheckboxSlice(cache, obj, flid, node);
				case "time":
					slice = new DateSlice(cache, obj, flid);
				case "integer": // produced in the auto-generated parts from the conceptual model
				case "int": // was "integer"
					slice = new IntegerSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "morphtypeatomicreference":
					slice = new MorphTypeAtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid, node, persistenceProvider, mediator, stringTbl);

				case "atomicreferencepos":
					slice = new AtomicReferencePOSSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider, mediator);

				case "defaultatomicreference":
					slice = new AtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid, node, persistenceProvider, mediator, stringTbl);

				case "derivmsareference":
					slice = new DerivMSAReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid, node, persistenceProvider, mediator, stringTbl);

				case "inflmsareference":
					slice = new InflMSAReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid, node, persistenceProvider, mediator, stringTbl);

				case "defaultvectorreference":
					slice = new ReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, flid, node, persistenceProvider, mediator, stringTbl);

				case "phoneenvreference":
					slice = new PhoneEnvReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid, node, persistenceProvider, mediator, stringTbl);

				case "sttext":
					slice = new StTextSlice(obj.Hvo, flid, GetWs(mediator, cache, node));

				case "custom":
					slice = (Slice)DynamicLoader.CreateObject(node);

				case "customwithparams":
					slice = (Slice)DynamicLoader.CreateObject(node,
						new object[]{cache, editor, flid, node, obj, stringTbl,
										persistenceProvider, GetWs(mediator, cache, node)});

				case "command":
					slice = new CommandSlice(node["deParams"]);

				case null:	//grouping nodes do not necessarily have any editor
					slice = new Slice();
				case "message":
					// case "integer": // added back in to behave as "int" above
					throw new Exception("use of obsolete editor type (message->lit, integer->int)");
				case "autocustom":
					slice = MakeAutoCustomSlice(cache, node, obj, caller);
					if (slice == null)
						return null;
					//Since the editor has not been implemented yet,
					//is there a bitmap file that we can show for this editor?
					//Such bitmaps belong in the distFiles xde directory
					string fwCodeDir = DirectoryFinder.FWCodeDirectory;
					string editorBitmapRelativePath = @"xde\" + editor + ".bmp";
					if(System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(fwCodeDir, editorBitmapRelativePath)))
						slice = new ImageSlice(fwCodeDir, editorBitmapRelativePath);
						slice = new MessageSlice(String.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksBadEditorType, editor));
			slice.AccessibleName = editor;

			return slice;