Beispiel #1
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a mapping to the mapping list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapping">mapping info to add to the list</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Add(ImportMappingInfo mapping)
            if (mapping == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.BeginMarker))
                throw new ArgumentException("Begin marker must be set before adding mapping to the list.");

            if (mapping.BeginMarker == MarkerChapter)
                // REVIEW: Do we also need to do this for the Annotations domain. What does the importer expect?
                mapping.StyleName = ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber;
            else if (mapping.BeginMarker == MarkerVerse)
                // REVIEW: Do we also need to do this for the Annotations domain. What does the importer expect?
                mapping.StyleName = ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber;
            else if (mapping.BeginMarker == MarkerBook)
                // \id markers do not have a style or domain
                mapping.Domain    = MarkerDomain.Default;
                mapping.StyleName = null;
                switch (m_mappingSet)
                case MappingSet.Main:
                    // If this is a BT marker but it's already in the list in the Default domain, clear the
                    // BT flag and make sure it isn't being redefined.
                    if ((mapping.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) != 0 && m_list.ContainsKey(mapping.BeginMarker))
                        ImportMappingInfo existingMapping = this[mapping.BeginMarker];
                        if ((existingMapping.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) == 0)
                            mapping.Domain = existingMapping.Domain;

                case MappingSet.Notes:
                    // If the mapping is for the annotations domain and it is marked as Note, then
                    // set it to Default.
                    if (mapping.Domain == MarkerDomain.Note)
                        mapping.Domain = MarkerDomain.Default;
                    if (mapping.Domain != MarkerDomain.Default)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid mapping domain");
            m_list[mapping.BeginMarker] = mapping;
            mapping.HasChanged          = true;
Beispiel #2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the file to build mappings of the markers found
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void GetMappingsFromStream(TextReader reader)
            string lineIn;

            int chapter   = -1;
            int book      = -1;
            int lineCount = 0;

            // book and chapter strings for reporting info in exceptions
            string sBookId  = null;
            string sChapter = null;
            string sVerse   = null;

            // Keep track of the first reference in the file
            int firstBook    = -1;
            int firstChapter = -1;
            int firstVerse   = -1;

            ReferenceRange currentRange = null;
            string         marker;
            string         lineText;
            string         nextLineText = null;     // used for read-ahead for \fig line when doing strict scanning

            while ((lineIn = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                while (GetNextMarkerFromData(lineIn, out marker, out lineText))
                    // Make sure the marker is valid
                    if (!IsValidMarker(marker))
                        throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.InvalidCharacterInMarker,
                                                          FileName, lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, sChapter, sVerse);

                    ImportMappingInfo markerMapping = GetOrCreateMarkerMapping(ref marker);

                    if (marker == ScrMappingList.MarkerBook)
                        sBookId = lineText.TrimStart().ToUpperInvariant();

                        // save the book number in the list for this file
                        book = ScrReference.BookToNumber(sBookId);
                        if (book <= 0)
                            throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.InvalidBookID, FileName,
                                                              lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, null, null);
                        sBookId = ScrReference.NumberToBookCode(book);

                        // Make a new reference range with the book id and
                        // start it out with chapter range of 0-0.
                        currentRange = new ReferenceRange(book, 0, 0);

                        // If this is the first book, remember it
                        if (firstBook == -1)
                            firstBook = book;
                        chapter = -1;
                        // make sure that a book has been started before seeing any non-excluded markers
                        // This error is a "strict" error because files can be added by a user before there
                        // is a chance to exclude markers in the mappings. When the file is added from the settings
                        // for import, then strict checking will be on.
                        if (book == -1 && m_doStrictFileChecking)
                            // if the marker is not excluded then throw an error
                            if (markerMapping != null && !markerMapping.IsExcluded)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.UnexcludedDataBeforeIdLine,
                                                                  FileName, lineCount, lineIn, null, null, null);

                        if (marker == ScrMappingList.MarkerChapter)
                            // If there is no book, then throw an error since chapter numbers
                            // are not valid without a book
                            if (book == -1)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.ChapterWithNoBook,
                                                                  FileName, lineCount, lineIn, null, null, null);
                                sChapter = lineText;
                                chapter  = ScrReference.ChapterToInt(sChapter);

                                // save the chapter number as the last chapter and possibly the first
                                // chapter number in the range.
                                if (currentRange.StartChapter == 0)
                                    currentRange.StartChapter = chapter;
                                currentRange.EndChapter = chapter;
                            catch (ArgumentException)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.InvalidChapterNumber,
                                                                  FileName, lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, sChapter, null);
                            // If this is the first chapter, remember it
                            if (firstChapter == -1)
                                firstChapter = chapter;

                        else if (marker == ScrMappingList.MarkerVerse)
                            // If a verse is seen without a book, throw an exception
                            if (book == -1)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.VerseWithNoBook,
                                                                  FileName, lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, null, lineText);

                            BCVRef firstRef = new BCVRef(book, chapter, 0);
                            BCVRef lastRef  = new BCVRef(book, chapter, 0);

                            // check for an invalid verse number
                            if (!BCVRef.VerseToScrRef(lineText, ref firstRef, ref lastRef) ||
                                firstRef.Verse == 0 || firstRef.Verse > lastRef.Verse)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.InvalidVerseNumber,
                                                                  FileName, lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, sChapter, lineText);

                            // If a chapter number has not been seen yet, then throw an exception
                            sVerse = firstRef.Verse.ToString();
                            if (chapter == -1 && !SingleChapterBook(book))
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.MissingChapterNumber,
                                                                  FileName, lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, null, sVerse);

                            // If this is the first verse, remember it
                            if (firstVerse == -1)
                                firstVerse = firstRef.Verse;
                        else if (!markerMapping.IsExcluded && m_doStrictFileChecking &&
                                 markerMapping.MappingTarget == MappingTargetType.Figure)
                            // First, we need to consider whether any following lines also need
                            // to be read in, since the Figure parameters could be split across
                            // lines. (TE-7669)
                            Debug.Assert(nextLineText == null);
                            int    cExtraLinesRead = 0;
                            string sTempMarker, sTempLineText;
                            if (!GetNextMarkerFromData(lineText, out sTempMarker, out sTempLineText))
                                while ((nextLineText = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                                    if (GetNextMarkerFromData(nextLineText, out sTempMarker, out sTempLineText))
                                        // Normally, we want to break the line right before the first marker.
                                        int ichMarkerPos = nextLineText.IndexOf(sTempMarker);
                                        // But if it's a \fig*, break after the marker.
                                        if (sTempMarker == markerMapping.EndMarker)
                                            ichMarkerPos += sTempMarker.Length;
                                        lineText    += " " + nextLineText.Substring(0, ichMarkerPos);
                                        nextLineText = nextLineText.Substring(ichMarkerPos);
                                        lineText += " " + nextLineText;

                            string figureParams    = lineText;
                            int    endMarkerLength = 0;
                            // Validate the tokens for a mapping target (only in strict checking)
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(markerMapping.EndMarker))
                                endMarkerLength = markerMapping.EndMarker.Length;
                                int ichEnd = figureParams.IndexOf(markerMapping.EndMarker);
                                if (ichEnd >= 0)
                                    figureParams = figureParams.Substring(0, ichEnd);
                                    endMarkerLength = 0;                                     // end marker is optional and not present
                            string[] tokens = figureParams.Split('|');
                            if (tokens.Length < 6)
                                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.BadFigure, FileName,
                                                                  lineCount, lineIn, sBookId, sChapter, sVerse);
                            lineText   = lineText.Substring(figureParams.Length + endMarkerLength);
                            lineCount += cExtraLinesRead;
                    // Mark this mapping as "in-use" because it was found in the scanned file
                    markerMapping.SetIsInUse(m_domain, m_wsId, m_noteType, true);

                    if (m_scanInlineBackslashMarkers)
                        lineIn = lineText;
                        lineIn       = nextLineText;
                        nextLineText = null;
                        if (lineIn == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineIn) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextLineText))
                        lineIn       = nextLineText;
                        nextLineText = null;
            // Add the last range to the list

            // If no books were found in the file then throw an exception
            if (book == -1)
                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.MissingBook,
                                                  FileName, lineCount, null, null, null, null);

            // If no chapters were found then throw an exception
            if (chapter == -1 && !SingleChapterBook(book))
                throw new ScriptureUtilsException(SUE_ErrorCode.NoChapterNumber,
                                                  FileName, lineCount, null, sBookId, null, null);

            // Store the first reference for the file
            m_startRef.Book    = firstBook;
            m_startRef.Chapter = firstChapter == -1 ? 1 : firstChapter;
            m_startRef.Verse   = firstVerse == -1 ? 1 : firstVerse;
Beispiel #3
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a default mapping for the given Standard Format marker if it does not exist yet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="marker">The SF marker</param>
        /// <param name="endMarker">The end marker (or null)</param>
        /// <param name="importDomain">The import domain from which this marker originates</param>
        /// <param name="fAutoMapBtMarkers">Indicates whether markers beginning with "bt" should
        /// be treated as back-translation markers if possible.</param>
        /// <param name="isInUse">Indicates whether this marker is actually in use in one or more
        /// of the import files (for P6, this is currently always false since we're getting the
        /// markers from the STY file -- we come back in a second pass and set it to true if we
        /// find it in a file).</param>
        /// <returns>The newly added mapping info, or the existing one if already in the list
        /// </returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public ImportMappingInfo AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(string marker, string endMarker,
                                                           ImportDomain importDomain, bool fAutoMapBtMarkers, bool isInUse)
            // Look for the marker - if it is found and it maps to a Style, then we are done
            if (this[marker] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this[marker].StyleName))

            // Read the TEStyles XML file to generate a table of mappings
            if (!m_defaultMappingsLoaded && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(TeStylesPath))

            string            styleName;
            bool              excluded;
            MappingTargetType target;
            MarkerDomain      markerDomain = (importDomain != ImportDomain.BackTrans) ?
                                             MarkerDomain.Default : MarkerDomain.BackTrans;

            if (importDomain == ImportDomain.Annotations)
                // TODO (TE-5004): Map \rem (and possibly other markers?) automatically in annotations
                // domain. Probably need to have a separate import mapping set in TeStyles.xml that has
                // default mappings for the Annotations domain.
                styleName = null;
                excluded  = m_defaultExclusions.ContainsKey(marker);                //Make sure to check exclusions (TE-5703)
                target    = MappingTargetType.TEStyle;
            else if (!GetDefaultMapping(marker, out styleName, out excluded, out target, ref markerDomain))
                if (fAutoMapBtMarkers && importDomain == ImportDomain.Main &&
                    marker.StartsWith(@"\bt") && marker != @"\btc")
                    // pick out the corresponding vernacular marker. "\btblah" -> "\blah"
                    string correspondingVernMarker = marker.Remove(1, 2);

                    // if domain is DeprecatedScripture and the corresponding vernacular marker is defined...
                    ImportMappingInfo correspondingVernMarkerInfo = this[correspondingVernMarker];
                    if (correspondingVernMarkerInfo != null &&
                        (correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain & MarkerDomain.DeprecatedScripture) != 0)
                        // clear the DeprecatedScripture bit.
                        correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain ^= MarkerDomain.DeprecatedScripture;
                    if (correspondingVernMarkerInfo != null)
                        // If the corresponding vernacular marker is already defined...
                        if (correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain != MarkerDomain.Note &&
                            (correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) == 0 &&
                            (correspondingVernMarkerInfo.MappingTarget != MappingTargetType.TEStyle ||
                             correspondingVernMarkerInfo.StyleName != null))
                            styleName    = correspondingVernMarkerInfo.StyleName;
                            target       = correspondingVernMarkerInfo.MappingTarget;
                            markerDomain = correspondingVernMarkerInfo.Domain;

                            // We only want to map to the BackTrans domain when mapping to a paragraph
                            // style because character styles automatically assume the domain of their
                            // containing paragraphs.
                            if (StyleSheet == null || styleName == null ||
                                StyleSheet.GetType(styleName) == (int)StyleType.kstParagraph)
                                markerDomain |= MarkerDomain.BackTrans;
                    else if (GetDefaultMapping(correspondingVernMarker, out styleName, out excluded, out target,
                                               ref markerDomain))
                        // The corresponding vernacular marker has default mapping info so make this marker
                        // a back translation of it - unless it is an annotation or BT.
                        if (markerDomain == MarkerDomain.Note || markerDomain == MarkerDomain.BackTrans)
                            styleName    = null;
                            excluded     = false;
                            target       = MappingTargetType.TEStyle;
                            markerDomain = MarkerDomain.Default;
                            markerDomain |= MarkerDomain.BackTrans;
            // Create a mapping for the marker using the default mapping
            ImportMappingInfo newMapping = new ImportMappingInfo(marker, endMarker, excluded, target,
                                                                 markerDomain, styleName, null, null, isInUse, importDomain);
