Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// When images are copied from LibreOffice, images that were jpegs there are converted to bitmaps for the clipboard.
 /// So when we just saved them as bitmaps (pngs), we dramatically inflated the size of user's image files (and
 /// this then led to memory problems).
 /// So the idea here is just to try and detect that we should would be better off saving the image as a jpeg.
 /// Note that even at 100%, we're still going to lose some quality. So this method is only going to recommend
 /// doing that if the size would be at least 50% less.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool ShouldChangeFormatToJpeg(Image image)
         using (var safetyImage = new Bitmap(image))
         //nb: there are cases (notably, after cropping a jpeg) where we get out of memory if we are not operating on a copy
             using (var jpegFile = new TempFile())
                 using (var pngFile = new TempFile())
                     RobustImageIO.SaveImage(image, pngFile.Path, ImageFormat.Png);
                     SaveAsTopQualityJpeg(safetyImage, jpegFile.Path);
                     var jpegInfo = new FileInfo(jpegFile.Path);
                     var pngInfo  = new FileInfo(pngFile.Path);
                     // this is just our heuristic.
                     const double fractionOfTheOriginalThatWouldWarrantChangingToJpeg = .5;
                     return(jpegInfo.Length < (pngInfo.Length * (1.0 - fractionOfTheOriginalThatWouldWarrantChangingToJpeg)));
     catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
         NonFatalProblem.Report(ModalIf.Alpha, PassiveIf.All, "Could not attempt conversion to jpeg.", "ref BL-3387", exception: e);
Beispiel #2
		public void Setup()
			_mediaFile = new Bitmap(10, 10);
			_tempFile = TempFile.WithExtension("png");
		   _outgoing = Metadata.FromFile(_tempFile.Path);
Beispiel #3
		public void TypicalEmbedInMyXmlDocument()
			var system = new OlacSystem();
			var work = new Work();
			work.Contributions.Add(new Contribution("Charlie Brown", system.GetRoleByCodeOrThrow("author")));
			work.Contributions.Add(new Contribution("Linus", system.GetRoleByCodeOrThrow("editor")));

			string metaData = system.GetXmlForWork(work);

			//Embed that data in our own file
			using (var f = new TempFile(@"<doc>
				<metadata>" + metaData + @"</metadata>
				<ourDocumentContents>blah blah<ourDocumentContents/></doc>"))
				//Then when it comes time to read the file, we can extract out the work again
				var dom = new XmlDocument();

				var node = dom.SelectSingleNode("//metadata");
				var work2 = new Work();
				system.LoadWorkFromXml(work2, node.InnerXml);

 public void LoadOrMakeNew_EmptyFile_GivesNewPrefs()
     using (var t = new TempFile(""))
         var up = UserPrefs.LoadOrMakeNew(t.Path);
         Assert.That(up.MostRecentPage == 0);
 public void LoadOrMakeNew_MostRecentPage_ReadsCorrectly()
     using (var t = new TempFile("{\"mostRecentPage\":3}"))
         var up = UserPrefs.LoadOrMakeNew(t.Path);
         Assert.That(up.MostRecentPage == 3);
Beispiel #6
 public void ValidateFile_IllFormedXml_ReturnsProblem()
     var handler = new LiftFileHandler();
     using (var file = new TempFile("<lift>"))
         var result = handler.ValidateFile(file.Path, new ConsoleProgress());
Beispiel #7
 public void ValidateFile_SimpleLift_ReturnsNull()
     var handler = new LiftFileHandler();
     using(var file = new TempFile("<lift/>"))
         var result = handler.ValidateFile(file.Path, new ConsoleProgress());
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the input PDF file by compressing images and/or by converting color to CMYK.  The operations
        /// to perform are established by the constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessPdfFile(string inputFile, string outputFile)
            _inputPdfPath  = inputFile;
            _outputPdfPath = outputFile;
            var exePath = "/usr/bin/gs";

            if (SIL.PlatformUtilities.Platform.IsWindows)
                exePath = FindGhostcriptOnWindows();
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exePath) && File.Exists(exePath))
                if (_worker != null)
                    _worker.ReportProgress(0, GetSpecificStatus());
                using (var tempPdfFile = TempFile.WithExtension(".pdf"))
                    var runner        = new CommandLineRunner();
                    var arguments     = GetArguments(tempPdfFile.Path);
                    var fromDirectory = String.Empty;
                    var progress      = new NullProgress();                     // I can't figure out how to use any IProgress based code, but we show progress okay as is.
                    var res           = runner.Start(exePath, arguments, Encoding.UTF8, fromDirectory, 3600, progress, ProcessGhostcriptReporting);
                    if (res.DidTimeOut || !RobustFile.Exists(tempPdfFile.Path))
                        if (_inputPdfPath != _outputPdfPath)
                            RobustFile.Copy(_inputPdfPath, _outputPdfPath, true);
                    // If the process made the file larger and didn't change the color scheme, ignore the result.
                    var oldInfo = new FileInfo(_inputPdfPath);
                    var newInfo = new FileInfo(tempPdfFile.Path);
                    if (newInfo.Length < oldInfo.Length || _type == OutputType.Printshop)
                        RobustFile.Copy(tempPdfFile.Path, _outputPdfPath, true);
                    else if (_inputPdfPath != _outputPdfPath)
                        RobustFile.Copy(_inputPdfPath, _outputPdfPath, true);
                // This shouldn't happen.  Linux Bloom package depends on the ghostscript package, and we'll include
                // ghostscript files in our installer to ensure it's available on Windows.  But we have this code here
                // as a failsafe fallback reminding the developers to ensure this installation work happens.
                Debug.WriteLine("ghostscript is not installed, so Bloom cannot process the PDF file.");
                if (_inputPdfPath != _outputPdfPath)
                    RobustFile.Copy(_inputPdfPath, _outputPdfPath, true);
        public IEnumerable<IChangeReport> DescribeInitialContents(FileInRevision fileInRevision, TempFile file)
            var dom = new XmlDocument();

            foreach (XmlNode e in dom.SafeSelectNodes("notes/annotation"))
                yield return new XmlAdditionChangeReport(fileInRevision, e);
		public void GetFileVersion_StandardLdml_LatestVersion()
			string xml = LdmlContentForTests.Version3("en", "Latn", "", "");

			using (var file = new TempFile(xml))
				var silLdmlVersion = new SilLdmlVersion();
				int result = silLdmlVersion.GetFileVersion(file.Path);
				Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(LdmlDataMapper.CurrentLdmlVersion));
		public void GetFileVersion_WithoutLdml_ReturnsBadVersion()
			string xml = LdmlContentForTests.NoLdml;

			using (var file = new TempFile(xml))
				var silLdmlVersion = new SilLdmlVersion();
				int result = silLdmlVersion.GetFileVersion(file.Path);
				Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(SilLdmlVersion.BadVersion));
        public void LiftSynchronizerReadsLift15VersionCorrectly()
            // Setup
            using (var myfile = new TempFile(testLift15File))
                // SUT
                var syncAdjunct = new LiftSynchronizerAdjunct(myfile.Path);

                // Verification
                Assert.AreEqual("LIFT0.15", syncAdjunct.BranchName, "BranchName should be 'LIFT0.15'");
		public void GetFileVersion_SilIdentity_LatestVersion()
			string xml = LdmlContentForTests.Version3Identity("en", "Latn", "", "", "123456", "abcd", "variantName", "US", 

			using (var file = new TempFile(xml))
				var silLdmlVersion = new SilLdmlVersion();
				int result = silLdmlVersion.GetFileVersion(file.Path);
				Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(LdmlDataMapper.CurrentLdmlVersion));
		public void GetFileVersion_NoVersion_ReturnsMinus1()
			string xml = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<configuration noversion='x'>
  <blah />
".Replace("'", "\"");

			using (var file = new TempFile(xml))
				var xPathVersion = new XPathVersion(10, "/configuration/@version");
				int result = xPathVersion.GetFileVersion(file.Path);
				Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(-1));
		public void GetFileVersion_WithVersionAttribute_CorrectVersion()
			string xml = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<configuration version='3'>
  <blah />
".Replace("'", "\"");

			using (var file = new TempFile(xml))
				var xPathVersion = new XPathVersion(10, "/configuration/@version");
				int result = xPathVersion.GetFileVersion(file.Path);
				Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(3));
Beispiel #16
        public void DeletionReport_Not_ProducedForDeletedAnnotationUsingNotesHandler()
            const string parent = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
                    <notes version='0'>
                        <annotation guid='old1'/>
                        <annotation guid='soonToBeGoner'/>
            const string child = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
                    <notes version='0'>
                        <annotation guid='old1'/>

            // Make sure the common differ code does produce the deletion report.
            using (var parentTempFile = new TempFile(parent))
            using (var childTempFile = new TempFile(child))
                var listener = new ListenerForUnitTests();
                var differ = Xml2WayDiffer.CreateFromFiles(parentTempFile.Path, childTempFile.Path,
            // Now make sure the ChorusNotesFileHandler filters it out, and does not return it,
            // as per the original notes differ code.
            var notesHandler = (from handler in ChorusFileTypeHandlerCollection.CreateWithInstalledHandlers().Handlers
                                where handler.GetType().Name == "ChorusNotesFileHandler"
                                select handler).First();
            using (var repositorySetup = new RepositorySetup("randy"))
                repositorySetup.AddAndCheckinFile("notestest.ChorusNotes", parent);
                repositorySetup.ChangeFileAndCommit("notestest.ChorusNotes", child, "change it");
                var hgRepository = repositorySetup.Repository;
                var allRevisions = (from rev in hgRepository.GetAllRevisions()
                                    orderby rev.Number.LocalRevisionNumber
                                    select rev).ToList();
                var first = allRevisions[0];
                var second = allRevisions[1];
                var firstFiR = hgRepository.GetFilesInRevision(first).First();
                var secondFiR = hgRepository.GetFilesInRevision(second).First();
                var result = notesHandler.Find2WayDifferences(firstFiR, secondFiR, hgRepository);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count());
Beispiel #17
        public void ShowNotesBrowser_LargeNumber()
            using (var f = new TempFile("<notes version='0'/>"))
                var r = AnnotationRepository.FromFile("id", f.Path, new NullProgress());
                for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                    var annotation = new Annotation("question",
                                                    string.Format("nowhere://blah?id={0}&label={1}", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), i.ToString()),
                    annotation.AddMessage("test", "open", "blah blah");

                ShowBrowser(new List<AnnotationRepository> {r});
		public void GetFileVersion_WithNameSpace_CorrectVersion()
			string xml = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<special xmlns:palaso='urn://'>
	<palaso:version	value='3' />
".Replace("'", "\"");

			using (var file = new TempFile(xml))
				var xPathVersion = new XPathVersion(10, "/ldml/special/palaso:version/@value");
				xPathVersion.NamespaceManager.AddNamespace("palaso", "urn://");
				int result = xPathVersion.GetFileVersion(file.Path);
				Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(3));
		public void GetFileVersion_WithVersionAsDoubleUsingDelegate_CorrectVersion()
			string xml = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<configuration version='3.0'>
  <blah />
".Replace("'", "\"");

			using (var file = new TempFile(xml))
				var xPathVersion = new XPathVersion(10, "/configuration/@version");
				xPathVersion.VersionParser = delegate(string version)
						 double v = double.Parse(version);
						 return (int) v;
				int result = xPathVersion.GetFileVersion(file.Path);
				Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(3));
Beispiel #20
 public void GuidAttrBeforeIdAttrDoesNotGenerateReports()
     const string parent = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
                 <item id='fuzz-old1' guid='old1'/>
     const string child = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
                 <item guid='old1' id='fuzz-old1'/>
     using (var parentTempFile = new TempFile(parent))
     using (var childTempFile = new TempFile(child))
         var listener = new ListenerForUnitTests();
         var differ = Xml2WayDiffer.CreateFromFiles(parentTempFile.Path, childTempFile.Path, listener,
             null, "item", "id");
Beispiel #21
 public void Deletion_WasTombstoneNowMissing_NoDeletionReport()
     const string parent = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
                 <item id='old1' dateDeleted='2009-06-16T06:14:20Z'/>
                 <item id='old2'/>
     const string child = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
                 <item id='old2'/>
     using (var parentTempFile = new TempFile(parent))
     using (var childTempFile = new TempFile(child))
         var listener = new ListenerForUnitTests();
         var differ = Xml2WayDiffer.CreateFromFiles(parentTempFile.Path, childTempFile.Path, listener,
             null, "item", "id");
Beispiel #22
 public void DeletionReport_Not_ProducedForDeletionInParentAndChild()
     var parent = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
                 <entry id='old1' dateDeleted='2009-06-16T06:14:20Z'/>
                 <entry id='old2'/>
     var child = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
                 <entry	id='old1'	dateDeleted='2009-06-16T06:14:20Z'/>
                 <entry id='old2'/>
     using (var parentTempFile = new TempFile(parent))
     using (var childTempFile = new TempFile(child))
         var listener = new ListenerForUnitTests();
         var differ = Xml2WayDiffer.CreateFromFiles(parentTempFile.Path, childTempFile.Path, listener,
                                                      "entry", "id");
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the image (of any format) to a jpeg file with 100 quality
        /// Note that this is still going to introduce some errors if the input is a bitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Will throw if the destination is locked and the user tells us to give up. </remarks>
        public static void SaveAsTopQualityJpeg(Image image, string destinationPath)
            var jpgEncoder = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders().First(codec => codec.FormatID == ImageFormat.Jpeg.Guid);
            var encoder    = Encoder.Quality;

            //nb: there are cases (notably, after cropping a jpeg) where we get out of memory if we are not operating on a copy

            // Use a temporary file pathname in the destination folder.  This is needed to ensure proper permissions are granted
            // to the resulting file later after FileUtils.ReplaceFileWithUserInteractionIfNeeded is called.  That method may call
            // RobustFile.Replace which replaces both the file content and the file metadata (permissions).  The result of that if we use
            // the user's temp directory is described in
            using (var temp = TempFile.InFolderOf(destinationPath))
                using (var safetyImage = new Bitmap(image))
                    using (var parameters = new EncoderParameters(1))
                        //0 = max compression, 100 = least
                        parameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(encoder, 100L);
                        RobustImageIO.SaveImage(safetyImage, temp.Path, jpgEncoder, parameters);
                    SIL.IO.FileUtils.ReplaceFileWithUserInteractionIfNeeded(temp.Path, destinationPath, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the input PDF file by compressing images and/or by converting color to CMYK.  The operations
        /// to perform are established by the constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessPdfFile(string inputFile, string outputFile, bool removeEvenPages = false)
            _inputPdfPath  = inputFile;
            _outputPdfPath = outputFile;
            var exePath = "/usr/bin/gs";

            if (SIL.PlatformUtilities.Platform.IsWindows)
                exePath = FindGhostcriptOnWindows();
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exePath) && File.Exists(exePath))
                if (_worker != null)
                    _worker.ReportProgress(0, GetSpecificStatus());
                using (var tempPdfFile = TempFile.WithExtension(".pdf"))
                    var runner        = new CommandLineRunner();
                    var arguments     = GetArguments(tempPdfFile.Path, null, removeEvenPages);
                    var fromDirectory = String.Empty;
                    var progress      = new NullProgress();                     // I can't figure out how to use any IProgress based code, but we show progress okay as is.
                    var res           = runner.Start(exePath, arguments, Encoding.UTF8, fromDirectory, 3600, progress, ProcessGhostcriptReporting);
                    if (res.ExitCode != 0)
                        // On Linux, ghostscript doesn't deal well with some Unicode filenames.  Try renaming the input
                        // file temporarily to something innocuous to see if this makes the ghostscript process succeed.
                        // See
                        using (var tempInputFile = TempFile.WithExtension(".pdf"))
                            RobustFile.Delete(tempInputFile.Path);                                      // Move won't replace even empty files.
                            RobustFile.Move(_inputPdfPath, tempInputFile.Path);
                            arguments = GetArguments(tempPdfFile.Path, tempInputFile.Path, removeEvenPages);
                            res       = runner.Start(exePath, arguments, Encoding.UTF8, fromDirectory, 3600, progress, ProcessGhostcriptReporting);
                            RobustFile.Move(tempInputFile.Path, _inputPdfPath);
                    if (res.ExitCode != 0 || res.DidTimeOut || !RobustFile.Exists(tempPdfFile.Path))
                        if (_inputPdfPath != _outputPdfPath)
                            RobustFile.Copy(_inputPdfPath, _outputPdfPath, true);
                    // If the process made the file larger and didn't change the color scheme and we're not removing blank pages, ignore the result.
                    var oldInfo = new FileInfo(_inputPdfPath);
                    var newInfo = new FileInfo(tempPdfFile.Path);
                    if (newInfo.Length < oldInfo.Length || _type == OutputType.Printshop || removeEvenPages)
                        RobustFile.Copy(tempPdfFile.Path, _outputPdfPath, true);
                    else if (_inputPdfPath != _outputPdfPath)
                        RobustFile.Copy(_inputPdfPath, _outputPdfPath, true);
                // This shouldn't happen.  Linux Bloom package depends on the ghostscript package, and we'll include
                // ghostscript files in our installer to ensure it's available on Windows.  But we have this code here
                // as a failsafe fallback reminding the developers to ensure this installation work happens.
                Debug.WriteLine("ghostscript is not installed, so Bloom cannot process the PDF file.");
                if (_inputPdfPath != _outputPdfPath)
                    RobustFile.Copy(_inputPdfPath, _outputPdfPath, true);
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// This is like a diff, but for when the file is first checked in.  So, for example, a dictionary
 /// handler might list any the words that were already in the dictionary when it was first checked in.
 /// </summary>
 public IEnumerable<IChangeReport> DescribeInitialContents(FileInRevision fileInRevision, TempFile file)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public IEnumerable<IChangeReport> DescribeInitialContents(FileInRevision fileInRevision, TempFile file)
     return new IChangeReport[] { new DefaultChangeReport(fileInRevision, "Added") };
Beispiel #27
 public void SimpleChangeGeneratesReport()
     const string parent = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
                 <item id='old1'/>
     const string child = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
                 <item id='old1' newAttr='newValue' />
     using (var parentTempFile = new TempFile(parent))
     using (var childTempFile = new TempFile(child))
         var listener = new ListenerForUnitTests();
         var differ = Xml2WayDiffer.CreateFromFiles(parentTempFile.Path, childTempFile.Path, listener,
             null, "item", "id");
Beispiel #28
        public void Setup()
            _tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder("ChorusSystemUsage");
            _dataFolderRoot = _tempFolder.Path;
            _someDataFile = new TempFileFromFolder(_tempFolder, "test.txt", "hello");
            _someDataFilePath = _someDataFile.Path;

            _chorusSystem = new ChorusSystem(_dataFolderRoot);
Beispiel #29
        public void Setup()
            _folder = new TemporaryFolder("ChorusSystemTests");
            _targetFile1 = new TempFileFromFolder(_folder,  "one.txt", "just a pretend file");
            _existingNotesFile = new TempFileFromFolder(_folder, "one.txt." + AnnotationRepository.FileExtension,
                        @"<notes version='0'>
                    <annotation ref='somwhere://foo?id=x' class='mergeConflict'>
                        <message guid='123' author='merger' status='open' date='2009-07-18T23:53:04Z'>
                            some description of the conflict

            _system = new ChorusSystem(_folder.Path);
Beispiel #30
 public void DuplicateIdInParentEntry_EmitsWarning()
     var parent = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
                 <entry id='old1'/>
                 <entry id='old1'/>
     var child = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
                 <entry	id='old1'	dateDeleted='2009-06-16T06:14:20Z'/>
                 <entry id='old2'/>
     using (var parentTempFile = new TempFile(parent))
     using (var childTempFile = new TempFile(child))
         var listener = new ListenerForUnitTests();
         var differ = Xml2WayDiffer.CreateFromFiles(parentTempFile.Path, childTempFile.Path, listener,
                                                      "entry", "id");
         Assert.AreEqual(1, listener.Warnings.Count);
Beispiel #31
 public void GuidAttrBeforeIdAttrDoesNotGenerateReports()
     var parent = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
                 <entry id='fuzz-old1' guid='old1'/>
     var child = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
                 <entry guid='old1' id='fuzz-old1'/>
     using (var parentTempFile = new TempFile(parent))
     using (var childTempFile = new TempFile(child))
         var listener = new ListenerForUnitTests();
         var differ = Xml2WayDiffer.CreateFromFiles(parentTempFile.Path, childTempFile.Path, listener,
             "header", "entry", "id");
Beispiel #32
 public void IdHasEntityDoesNotGenerateReports()
     var parent = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
     var child = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
     <entry dateCreated='2009-09-14T10:02:26Z' dateModified='2009-09-14T10:26:21Z' guid='18d66025-59bc-4bd0-b59c-0f01ae09dede' id=""Id&apos;dPrematurely_18d66025-59bc-4bd0-b59c-0f01ae09dede"">
     using (var parentTempFile = new TempFile(parent))
     using (var childTempFile = new TempFile(child))
         var listener = new ListenerForUnitTests();
         var differ = Xml2WayDiffer.CreateFromFiles(parentTempFile.Path, childTempFile.Path, listener,
             "header", "entry", "id");
Beispiel #33
 /// <summary>
 /// When images are copied from LibreOffice, images that were jpegs there are converted to bitmaps for the clipboard.
 /// So when we just saved them as bitmaps (pngs), we dramatically inflated the size of user's image files (and
 /// this then led to memory problems).
 /// So the idea here is just to try and detect that we should would be better off saving the image as a jpeg.
 /// Note that even at 100%, we're still going to lose some quality. So this method is only going to recommend
 /// doing that if the size would be at least 50% less.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool ShouldChangeFormatToJpeg(Image image)
         using(var safetyImage = new Bitmap(image))
             //nb: there are cases (notably, after cropping a jpeg) where we get out of memory if we are not operating on a copy
             using(var jpegFile = new TempFile())
             using(var pngFile = new TempFile())
                 SIL.IO.RobustIO.SaveImage(image, pngFile.Path, ImageFormat.Png);
                 SaveAsTopQualityJpeg(safetyImage, jpegFile.Path);
                 var jpegInfo = new FileInfo(jpegFile.Path);
                 var pngInfo = new FileInfo(pngFile.Path);
                 // this is just our heuristic.
                 const double fractionOfTheOriginalThatWouldWarrantChangingToJpeg = .5;
                 return jpegInfo.Length < (pngInfo.Length*(1.0 - fractionOfTheOriginalThatWouldWarrantChangingToJpeg));
     catch(OutOfMemoryException e)
         NonFatalProblem.Report(ModalIf.Alpha, PassiveIf.All,"Could not attempt conversion to jpeg.", "ref BL-3387", exception: e);
         return false;
Beispiel #34
 public void WeRemovedEntry_Reported()
     var child = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
                 <entry id='old1'/>
     var parent = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
             <lift version='0.10' producer='WeSay'>
                 <entry id='old1'/>
                 <entry id='old2'/>
     using (var parentTempFile = new TempFile(parent))
     using (var childTempFile = new TempFile(child))
         var listener = new ListenerForUnitTests();
         var differ = Xml2WayDiffer.CreateFromFiles(parentTempFile.Path, childTempFile.Path, listener,
                                                      "entry", "id");