ExportDisplay() public method

public ExportDisplay ( ) : void
return void
        internal bool ExportPhase1(out DiscourseExporter exporter, string fileName)

            using (var writer = new XmlTextWriter(fileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
                exporter = new DiscourseExporter(m_cache, writer, m_hvoRoot, m_vc, m_wsLineNumber);
Beispiel #2
        public void Export()
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                //Set up some cells.
                var allParaOccurrences = m_helper.MakeAnalysesUsedN(6);

                // Make last analysis point to WfiWordform instead of WfiGloss
                var lastOccurrence = allParaOccurrences[5];
                var wordform       = (lastOccurrence.Analysis as IWfiGloss).Wordform;
                lastOccurrence.Segment.AnalysesRS.Replace(1, 0, new List <ICmObject> {
                // This block makes the first row, puts WordGroups in cells 1 and 2, and list refs in cells 1 and 2
                var row0         = m_helper.MakeFirstRow();
                var movedItem    = allParaOccurrences[1];
                var cellPart0_1  = m_helper.MakeWordGroup(row0, 1, allParaOccurrences[0], allParaOccurrences[0]);
                var marker       = m_helper.GetAMarker();
                var cellPart0_1b = m_helper.MakeChartMarker(row0, 1, marker);
                var cellPart0_2  = m_helper.MakeWordGroup(row0, 2, movedItem, movedItem);
                var marker2      = m_helper.GetAnotherMarker();
                var cellPart0_2b = m_helper.MakeChartMarker(row0, 2, marker2);
                var cellPart0_2c = m_helper.MakeChartMarker(row0, 2, marker);
                var cellPart0_3  = m_helper.MakeWordGroup(row0, 3, lastOccurrence, lastOccurrence);

                // Now another row, and cell 4 on the first has a ref to it. The new row has a WordGroup with two
                // wordforms in cell 1. The cell is two columns wide, being merged with the previous cell.
                var row1 = m_helper.MakeSecondRow();
                m_helper.MakeDependentClauseMarker(row0, 4, new[] { row1 }, ClauseTypes.Song);
                var cellPart1_1 = m_helper.MakeWordGroup(row1, 1, allParaOccurrences[2], allParaOccurrences[3]);
                cellPart1_1.MergesBefore = true;

                // Let's have some notes on row 0.
                //var notesText = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IStTextFactory>().Create();
                row0.Notes = TsStringUtils.MakeString("This is a test note", Cache.DefaultAnalWs);
                //var notesPara = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IStTxtParaFactory>().Create();
                //notesPara.Contents = ;

                // And some moved text in row 1
                var cellPart1_2 = m_helper.MakeWordGroup(row1, 2, allParaOccurrences[4], allParaOccurrences[4]);
                m_helper.MakeMovedTextMarker(row1, 3, cellPart1_2, true);

                // We need four rows to properly test the variations on endPara/endSent
                var row2 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "2");
                row2.EndSentence = true;
                var row3 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "3");
                row3.EndSentence  = true;
                row3.EndParagraph = true;
                m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "4");

                using (var writer = new XmlTextWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8))
                    using (var vc = new ConstChartVc(m_chartBody))
                        vc.LineChoices = m_chartBody.LineChoices;
                        using (var exporter = new DiscourseExporter(Cache, writer, m_chart.Hvo, vc, Cache.DefaultAnalWs))
                            // Close makes it unuseable
                            stream.Position = 0;
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8))
                                var result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                                var doc    = new XmlDocument();
                                var docNode = doc.DocumentElement;
                                Assert.AreEqual("document", docNode.Name);
                                var chartNode = VerifyNode("chart", docNode, 0, "chart", 7, 0);
                                var thirdRow = VerifyNode("row", chartNode, 4, "row", 8, 3);
                                AssertAttr(thirdRow, "endSent", "true");
                                var fourthRow = VerifyNode("row", chartNode, 5, "row", 8, 3);
                                AssertAttr(fourthRow, "endPara", "true");

                                var langNode = VerifyNode("languages", docNode, 1, "languages", 2, 0);
                                var enNode   = VerifyNode("english lang node", langNode, 0, "language", 0, 2);
                                AssertAttr(enNode, "lang", "en");
                                AssertAttr(enNode, "font", null);
                                // don't verify exact font, may depend on installation.
		public void Export()
			using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
				//Set up some cells.
				int[] allParaWfics = m_helper.MakeAnnotationsUsedN(5);

				// This block makes the first row, puts CCAs in cells 1 and 2, and list refs in cells 1 and 2
				CmIndirectAnnotation row0 = m_helper.MakeFirstRow();
				int[] movedItems = new int[] { allParaWfics[1] };
				CmIndirectAnnotation cca0_1 = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(1, new int[] { allParaWfics[0] }, row0);
				ICmPossibility marker = m_helper.GetAMarker();
				ICmBaseAnnotation cca0_1b = m_helper.MakeMarkerAnnotation(1, row0, marker);
				CmIndirectAnnotation cca0_2 = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(2, movedItems, row0);
				ICmPossibility marker2 = m_helper.GetAnotherMarker();
				ICmBaseAnnotation cca0_2b = m_helper.MakeMarkerAnnotation(2, row0, marker2);
				ICmBaseAnnotation cca0_2c = m_helper.MakeMarkerAnnotation(2, row0, marker);

				// Now another row, and cell 4 on the first has a ref to it. The new row has a CCA with two wfics in cell 1. The cell is
				// two columns wide, being merged with the previous cell.
				CmIndirectAnnotation row1 = m_helper.MakeSecondRow();
				ICmIndirectAnnotation cca0_4 = m_helper.MakeDependentClauseMarker(row0, 4, new int[] { row1.Hvo }, "song", "2");
				CmIndirectAnnotation cca1_1 = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(1, new int[] { allParaWfics[2], allParaWfics[3] }, row1);
				ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, cca1_1.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.mergeBeforeTag, true);

				// Let's have some notes on row 0.
				StText notesText = new StText();
				row0.TextOA = notesText;
				StTxtPara notesPara = new StTxtPara();
				notesPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = Cache.MakeAnalysisTss("This is a test note");

				// And some moved text in row 1
				CmIndirectAnnotation cca1_2 = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(2, new int[] { allParaWfics[4] }, row1);
				ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, cca1_2.Hvo,
					ConstituentChartLogic.MovedTextFeatureName, true);
				CmIndirectAnnotation cca2_3 = m_helper.MakeMovedTextAnnotation(3, cca1_2, row1, "Preposed");

				// We need four rows to properly test the variations on endPara/endSent
				CmIndirectAnnotation row2 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "2");
				ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, row2.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.EndSentFeatureName, true);
				CmIndirectAnnotation row3 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "3");
				ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, row3.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.EndParaFeatureName, true);
				ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, row3.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.EndSentFeatureName, true);
				CmIndirectAnnotation row4 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "4");

				XmlWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
				ConstChartVc vc = new ConstChartVc(m_chartBody);
				vc.LineChoices = m_chartBody.LineChoices;
				DiscourseExporter exporter = new DiscourseExporter(m_inMemoryCache.Cache, writer, m_chart.Hvo,
					vc, m_inMemoryCache.Cache.DefaultAnalWs);
				writer.Flush(); // Close makes it unuseable
				stream.Position = 0;
				StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
				string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
				XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
				XmlNode docNode = doc.DocumentElement;
				Assert.AreEqual("document", docNode.Name);
				XmlNode chartNode = VerifyNode("chart", docNode, 0, "chart", 7, 0);
				XmlNode thirdRow = VerifyNode("row", chartNode, 4, "row", 8, 3);
				AssertAttr(thirdRow, "endSent", "true");
				XmlNode fourthRow = VerifyNode("row", chartNode, 5, "row", 8, 3);
				AssertAttr(fourthRow, "endPara", "true");

				XmlNode langNode = VerifyNode("languages", docNode, 1, "languages", 2, 0);
				XmlNode enNode = VerifyNode("english lang node", langNode, 0, "language", 0, 2);
				AssertAttr(enNode, "lang", "en");
				AssertAttr(enNode, "font", null); // don't verify exact font, may depend on installation.


		public void Export()
			using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
				//Set up some cells.
				var allParaOccurrences = m_helper.MakeAnalysesUsedN(6);

				// Make last analysis point to WfiWordform instead of WfiGloss
				var lastOccurrence = allParaOccurrences[5];
				var wordform = (lastOccurrence.Analysis as IWfiGloss).Wordform;
				lastOccurrence.Segment.AnalysesRS.Replace(1, 0, new List<ICmObject> { wordform });
				// This block makes the first row, puts WordGroups in cells 1 and 2, and list refs in cells 1 and 2
				var row0 = m_helper.MakeFirstRow();
				var movedItem = allParaOccurrences[1];
				var cellPart0_1 = m_helper.MakeWordGroup(row0, 1, allParaOccurrences[0], allParaOccurrences[0]);
				var marker = m_helper.GetAMarker();
				var cellPart0_1b = m_helper.MakeChartMarker(row0, 1, marker);
				var cellPart0_2 = m_helper.MakeWordGroup(row0, 2, movedItem, movedItem);
				var marker2 = m_helper.GetAnotherMarker();
				var cellPart0_2b = m_helper.MakeChartMarker(row0, 2, marker2);
				var cellPart0_2c = m_helper.MakeChartMarker(row0, 2, marker);
				var cellPart0_3 = m_helper.MakeWordGroup(row0, 3, lastOccurrence, lastOccurrence);

				// Now another row, and cell 4 on the first has a ref to it. The new row has a WordGroup with two
				// wordforms in cell 1. The cell is two columns wide, being merged with the previous cell.
				var row1 = m_helper.MakeSecondRow();
				m_helper.MakeDependentClauseMarker(row0, 4, new[] { row1 }, ClauseTypes.Song);
				var cellPart1_1 = m_helper.MakeWordGroup(row1, 1, allParaOccurrences[2], allParaOccurrences[3]);
				cellPart1_1.MergesBefore = true;

				// Let's have some notes on row 0.
				//var notesText = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IStTextFactory>().Create();
				row0.Notes = Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString("This is a test note", Cache.DefaultAnalWs);
				//var notesPara = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IStTxtParaFactory>().Create();
				//notesPara.Contents = ;

				// And some moved text in row 1
				var cellPart1_2 = m_helper.MakeWordGroup(row1, 2, allParaOccurrences[4], allParaOccurrences[4]);
				m_helper.MakeMovedTextMarker(row1, 3, cellPart1_2, true);

				// We need four rows to properly test the variations on endPara/endSent
				var row2 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "2");
				row2.EndSentence = true;
				var row3 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "3");
				row3.EndSentence = true;
				row3.EndParagraph = true;
				m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "4");

				using (var writer = new XmlTextWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8))
					using (var vc = new ConstChartVc(m_chartBody))
						vc.LineChoices = m_chartBody.LineChoices;
						using (var exporter = new DiscourseExporter(Cache, writer, m_chart.Hvo, vc, Cache.DefaultAnalWs))
							// Close makes it unuseable
							stream.Position = 0;
							using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8))
								var result = reader.ReadToEnd();
								var doc = new XmlDocument();
								var docNode = doc.DocumentElement;
								Assert.AreEqual("document", docNode.Name);
								var chartNode = VerifyNode("chart", docNode, 0, "chart", 7, 0);
								var thirdRow = VerifyNode("row", chartNode, 4, "row", 8, 3);
								AssertAttr(thirdRow, "endSent", "true");
								var fourthRow = VerifyNode("row", chartNode, 5, "row", 8, 3);
								AssertAttr(fourthRow, "endPara", "true");

							var langNode = VerifyNode("languages", docNode, 1, "languages", 2, 0);
								var enNode = VerifyNode("english lang node", langNode, 0, "language", 0, 2);
								AssertAttr(enNode, "lang", "en");
								AssertAttr(enNode, "font", null);
								// don't verify exact font, may depend on installation.
		internal bool ExportPhase1(out DiscourseExporter exporter, string fileName)

			using (var writer = new XmlTextWriter(fileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
				exporter = new DiscourseExporter(m_cache, writer, m_hvoRoot, m_vc, m_wsLineNumber);
			return true;
        public void Export()
            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                //Set up some cells.
                int[] allParaWfics = m_helper.MakeAnnotationsUsedN(5);

                // This block makes the first row, puts CCAs in cells 1 and 2, and list refs in cells 1 and 2
                CmIndirectAnnotation row0    = m_helper.MakeFirstRow();
                int[] movedItems             = new int[] { allParaWfics[1] };
                CmIndirectAnnotation cca0_1  = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(1, new int[] { allParaWfics[0] }, row0);
                ICmPossibility       marker  = m_helper.GetAMarker();
                ICmBaseAnnotation    cca0_1b = m_helper.MakeMarkerAnnotation(1, row0, marker);
                CmIndirectAnnotation cca0_2  = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(2, movedItems, row0);
                ICmPossibility       marker2 = m_helper.GetAnotherMarker();
                ICmBaseAnnotation    cca0_2b = m_helper.MakeMarkerAnnotation(2, row0, marker2);
                ICmBaseAnnotation    cca0_2c = m_helper.MakeMarkerAnnotation(2, row0, marker);

                // Now another row, and cell 4 on the first has a ref to it. The new row has a CCA with two wfics in cell 1. The cell is
                // two columns wide, being merged with the previous cell.
                CmIndirectAnnotation  row1   = m_helper.MakeSecondRow();
                ICmIndirectAnnotation cca0_4 = m_helper.MakeDependentClauseMarker(row0, 4, new int[] { row1.Hvo }, "song", "2");
                CmIndirectAnnotation  cca1_1 = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(1, new int[] { allParaWfics[2], allParaWfics[3] }, row1);
                ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, cca1_1.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.mergeBeforeTag, true);

                // Let's have some notes on row 0.
                StText notesText = new StText();
                row0.TextOA = notesText;
                StTxtPara notesPara = new StTxtPara();
                notesPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = Cache.MakeAnalysisTss("This is a test note");

                // And some moved text in row 1
                CmIndirectAnnotation cca1_2 = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(2, new int[] { allParaWfics[4] }, row1);
                ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, cca1_2.Hvo,
                                                 ConstituentChartLogic.MovedTextFeatureName, true);
                CmIndirectAnnotation cca2_3 = m_helper.MakeMovedTextAnnotation(3, cca1_2, row1, "Preposed");

                // We need four rows to properly test the variations on endPara/endSent
                CmIndirectAnnotation row2 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "2");
                ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, row2.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.EndSentFeatureName, true);
                CmIndirectAnnotation row3 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "3");
                ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, row3.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.EndParaFeatureName, true);
                ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, row3.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.EndSentFeatureName, true);
                CmIndirectAnnotation row4 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "4");

                XmlWriter    writer = new XmlTextWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
                ConstChartVc vc     = new ConstChartVc(m_chartBody);
                vc.LineChoices = m_chartBody.LineChoices;
                DiscourseExporter exporter = new DiscourseExporter(m_inMemoryCache.Cache, writer, m_chart.Hvo,
                                                                   vc, m_inMemoryCache.Cache.DefaultAnalWs);
                writer.Flush();                 // Close makes it unuseable
                stream.Position = 0;
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
                string       result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                XmlDocument  doc    = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNode docNode = doc.DocumentElement;
                Assert.AreEqual("document", docNode.Name);
                XmlNode chartNode = VerifyNode("chart", docNode, 0, "chart", 7, 0);
                XmlNode thirdRow = VerifyNode("row", chartNode, 4, "row", 8, 3);
                AssertAttr(thirdRow, "endSent", "true");
                XmlNode fourthRow = VerifyNode("row", chartNode, 5, "row", 8, 3);
                AssertAttr(fourthRow, "endPara", "true");

                XmlNode langNode = VerifyNode("languages", docNode, 1, "languages", 2, 0);
                XmlNode enNode   = VerifyNode("english lang node", langNode, 0, "language", 0, 2);
                AssertAttr(enNode, "lang", "en");
                AssertAttr(enNode, "font", null);                 // don't verify exact font, may depend on installation.