public static MvcHtmlString CommonComboBox <T>(string id, List <T> lst, string display, string[] value, object attribute = null, bool include_idx0 = true) where T : class
            string currentLang = CommonUtil.GetCurrentLanguage();

            var selectBuilder = new TagBuilder("select");

            selectBuilder.MergeAttribute("id", id);
            selectBuilder.MergeAttribute("name", id);

            if (attribute != null)
                SetHtmlTagAttribute(selectBuilder, attribute);

            if (lst != null)
                if (lst.Count > 0 && include_idx0)
                    var fOptionBuilder = new TagBuilder("option");
                    fOptionBuilder.MergeAttribute("value", "");

                    //MessageModel select = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0113);
                    string strSelect = CommonUtil.GetLabelFromResource("Common", "CMS030", "lblComboboxSelect");

                    fOptionBuilder.InnerHtml = strSelect;

                    selectBuilder.InnerHtml += fOptionBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal);
                foreach (T et in lst)
                    PropertyInfo propD = et.GetType().GetProperty(display);
                    if (propD != null)
                        if (propD.GetValue(et, null) != null)
                            bool valIsSet = false;
                            if (value != null)
                                if (value.Length > 0)
                                    valIsSet = true;

                            string valSet = string.Empty;
                            if (valIsSet)
                                foreach (string val in value)
                                    PropertyInfo propV = et.GetType().GetProperty(val);
                                    if (propV != null)
                                        if (propV.GetValue(et, null) != null)
                                            if (valSet != string.Empty)
                                                valSet += ",";
                                            valSet += propV.GetValue(et, null).ToString();

                            var optionBuilder = new TagBuilder("option");
                            optionBuilder.MergeAttribute("value", valSet);
                            optionBuilder.InnerHtml = propD.GetValue(et, null).ToString();

                            selectBuilder.InnerHtml += optionBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal);

        /// <summary>
        /// Generate custom combobox (include first element)
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="lst"></param>
        /// <param name="display"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <param name="firstElement"></param>
        /// <param name="attribute"></param>
        /// <param name="include_idx0"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MvcHtmlString CommonComboBoxWithCustomFirstElement <T>(string id, List <T> lst, string display, string value, string firstElement, object attribute = null, bool include_idx0 = true) where T : class
            string currentLang = CommonUtil.GetCurrentLanguage();
            string sVal        = null;

            //MessageModel all = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0120); // ---All---
            //MessageModel select = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0113); // ---Select--

            string strFirstElemText;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstElement) || firstElement.ToUpper() == COMBO_FIRSTELEMTXT_SELECT)
                //strFirstElemText = CommonUtil.GetLabelFromResource("Common", "CMS030", "lblComboboxSelect");
                strFirstElemText = CommonUtil.GetLabelFromResource("Common", "CommonResources", "lblComboboxSelect");
            else if (firstElement.ToUpper() == COMBO_FIRSTELEMTXT_ALL)
                //strFirstElemText = CommonUtil.GetLabelFromResource("Common", "CMS030", "lblComboboxAll");
                strFirstElemText = CommonUtil.GetLabelFromResource("Common", "CommonResources", "lblComboboxAll");
            else if (firstElement.ToUpper() == COMBO_FIRSTELEMTXT_CUSTOM_SELECT)
                //strFirstElemText = CommonUtil.GetLabelFromResource("Common", "CMS030", "lblComboboxAll");
                strFirstElemText = CommonUtil.GetLabelFromResource("Common", "CommonResources", "lblComboboxCUSTOM_SELECT");
            else if (firstElement.ToUpper() == COMBO_FIRSTELEMTXT_NONE)
                //strFirstElemText = CommonUtil.GetLabelFromResource("Common", "CMS030", "lblComboboxAll");
                strFirstElemText = COMBO_FIRSTELEMTXT_CUSTOM_NONE;
                strFirstElemText = firstElement;

            var selectBuilder = new TagBuilder("select");

            selectBuilder.MergeAttribute("id", id);
            selectBuilder.MergeAttribute("name", id);

            if (attribute != null)
                PropertyInfo[] prop = attribute.GetType().GetProperties();
                if (prop != null)
                    if (prop.Length > 0)
                        Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        foreach (PropertyInfo p in prop)
                            object o = p.GetValue(attribute, null);
                            if (o != null)
                                if (p.Name == "selected")
                                    //sVal = (string)o;
                                    sVal = o.ToString();
                                    //dic.Add(p.Name, (String)o);
                                    dic.Add(p.Name, o.ToString());

                        SetHtmlTagAttribute(selectBuilder, dic);

            if (include_idx0)
                var fOptionBuilder = new TagBuilder("option");
                fOptionBuilder.MergeAttribute("value", "");
                fOptionBuilder.InnerHtml = strFirstElemText;
                selectBuilder.InnerHtml += fOptionBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal);

            if (lst != null)
                foreach (T et in lst)
                    PropertyInfo propD = et.GetType().GetProperty(display);
                    PropertyInfo propV = et.GetType().GetProperty(value);
                    PropertyInfo propS = et.GetType().GetProperty("Selected");

                    if (propD != null && propV != null)
                        if (propV.GetValue(et, null) != null && propD.GetValue(et, null) != null)
                            var optionBuilder = new TagBuilder("option");
                            optionBuilder.MergeAttribute("value", Encoder.HtmlEncode(propV.GetValue(et, null).ToString()));
                            optionBuilder.InnerHtml = Encoder.HtmlEncode(propD.GetValue(et, null).ToString());

                            string tt = optionBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal);

                            if (sVal != null)
                                if (sVal == propV.GetValue(et, null).ToString())
                                    string chk = "<option ";
                                    int    idx = tt.IndexOf(chk);
                                    if (idx >= 0)
                                        tt = tt.Substring(0, chk.Length) + "selected=\"true\" " + tt.Substring(chk.Length);
                            if (propS != null)
                                if ((bool)propS.GetValue(et, null) == true)
                                    string chk = "<option ";
                                    int    idx = tt.IndexOf(chk);
                                    if (idx >= 0)
                                        tt = tt.Substring(0, chk.Length) + "selected=\"true\" " + tt.Substring(chk.Length);

                            selectBuilder.InnerHtml += tt;

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert list to xml
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="lst"></param>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ConvertToXml <T>(List <T> lst, string file = null, GRID_EMPTY_TYPE type = GRID_EMPTY_TYPE.VIEW) where T : class
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                #region Load Header

                int totalCol = 0;
                    if (file != null)
                        string   file_code = string.Empty;
                        string[] pt        = file.Split("\\".ToCharArray());
                        if (pt.Length > 0)
                            string txt_p = pt[pt.Length - 1];
                            if (txt_p != string.Empty)
                                txt_p = txt_p.Substring(0, 6);

                            if (pt.Length > 1)
                                for (int i = 0; i <= pt.Length - 2; i++)
                                    if (file_code != string.Empty)
                                        file_code += "\\";
                                    file_code += pt[i];
                                if (file_code != string.Empty)
                                    file_code += "\\";
                            file_code += txt_p;

                        string lang = CommonUtil.GetCurrentLanguage();
                        if (lang == ConstantValue.CommonValue.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_EN)
                            lang = string.Empty;
                            lang = "." + lang;

                        string resourcePath = string.Format("{0}{1}\\{2}{3}.resx",
                        XmlDocument rDoc = new XmlDocument();

                        string filePath = string.Format("{0}{1}\\{2}.xml",
                        XmlDocument hDoc = new XmlDocument();

                        if (hDoc.ChildNodes.Count >= 2)
                            doc.ChildNodes[0].InnerXml = hDoc.ChildNodes[1].InnerXml;

                            //--- Get total "column" node, and update column header ---//
                            foreach (XmlNode node in doc.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
                                if (node.Name == "column")
                                    if (node.InnerText != "#cspan" && node.InnerText != "#rspan")
                                        XmlNode rNode = rDoc.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("root/data[@name=\"{0}\"]/value", node.InnerText));
                                        if (rNode != null)
                                            node.InnerText = rNode.InnerText;
                                        else if (node.InnerText.TrimStart(' ').StartsWith("<"))
                                            //Do nothing
                                            node.InnerText = "&nbsp;";

                                    totalCol += 1;
                                else if (node.Name == "afterInit")
                                    foreach (XmlNode aNode in node.ChildNodes)
                                        if (aNode.Name == "call" && aNode.Attributes["command"] != null)
                                            if (aNode.Attributes["command"].Value == "attachHeader")
                                                foreach (XmlNode pNode in aNode.ChildNodes)
                                                    if (pNode.InnerText != null)
                                                        string[] txts = pNode.InnerText.Split(",".ToCharArray());
                                                        foreach (string txt in txts)
                                                            if (txt != "#cspan" && txt != "#rspan")
                                                                XmlNode rNode = rDoc.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("root/data[@name=\"{0}\"]/value", txt));
                                                                if (rNode != null)
                                                                    pNode.InnerText = pNode.InnerText.Replace(txt, rNode.InnerText);
                                                                    pNode.InnerText = pNode.InnerText.Replace(txt, "&nbsp;");

                #region Initial Grid

                XmlNode rowsNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "rows", "");

                bool isRowMoreMaximum = false;
                if (lst != null)
                    if (lst.Count > ConstantValue.CommonValue.MAX_GRID_ROWS &&
                        type == GRID_EMPTY_TYPE.SEARCH)
                        isRowMoreMaximum = true;

                MessageModel msg = null;
                if (isRowMoreMaximum)
                    msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0052, ConstantValue.CommonValue.MAX_GRID_ROWS.ToString("N0"));
                else if (type == GRID_EMPTY_TYPE.SEARCH)
                    msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0001);
                else if (type == GRID_EMPTY_TYPE.INSERT)
                    msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0110);
                    msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0109);

                rowsNode.InnerXml = string.Format("<userdata name=\"msgdata\">{0}</userdata>", msg.ToJson);

                #region Set XML

                if (isRowMoreMaximum == false && lst != null)
                    Type cType = typeof(T);

                    Dictionary <string, FixedGridToolTipAttribute> dicAttrFixedToolTip = CreateAttributeDictionary <FixedGridToolTipAttribute>(typeof(T));
                    Dictionary <string, GridToolTipAttribute>      dicAttrToolTip      = CreateAttributeDictionary <GridToolTipAttribute>(typeof(T));
                    Dictionary <string, string> dictNumberFormat = GetNumberFormatList(doc);

                    PropertyInfo[] props = cType.GetProperties();
                    foreach (T obj in lst)
                        XmlNode node = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, cType.Name, "");

                        foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
                            XmlNode iNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, prop.Name, "");

                            if (dicAttrFixedToolTip.ContainsKey(prop.Name))
                                XmlAttribute attrTitle = doc.CreateAttribute("title");
                                attrTitle.Value = dicAttrFixedToolTip[prop.Name].ToolTipText;
                            else if (dicAttrToolTip.ContainsKey(prop.Name))
                                XmlAttribute attrTitle   = doc.CreateAttribute("title");
                                PropertyInfo propToolTip = cType.GetProperty(dicAttrToolTip[prop.Name].PropertyName);
                                if (propToolTip != null)
                                    attrTitle.Value = CommonUtil.GetXmlValue <T>(obj, propToolTip);

                            if (dictNumberFormat.ContainsKey(prop.Name))
                                XmlAttribute attrNumberFormat = doc.CreateAttribute("numberformat");
                                attrNumberFormat.Value = dictNumberFormat[prop.Name];

                            string val = CommonUtil.GetXmlValue <T>(obj, prop);
                            iNode.InnerText = val;


                #region Check Data is exist?

                //Add Data not found row.
                //XmlNode nnode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "rows", "");
                //doc.ChildNodes[0].InsertBefore(nnode, doc.ChildNodes[0].FirstChild);

                //MessageModel msg = null;
                //if (isRowMoreMaximum)
                //    msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0052);
                //else if (type == GRID_EMPTY_TYPE.SEARCH)
                //    msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0001);
                //else if (type == GRID_EMPTY_TYPE.INSERT)
                //    msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0110);
                //    msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0109);

                //nnode.InnerXml = string.Format("<userdata name=\"msgdata\">{0}</userdata>",
                //                                    msg.ToJson);

                //if (doc.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes.Count == 0
                //    || isRowMoreMaximum == true
                //    || ((file != null) && doc.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes.Count == 1))
                //    //Add Data not found row.
                //    XmlNode node = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "row", "");
                //    doc.ChildNodes[0].AppendChild(node);

                //    if (totalCol == 0)
                //        totalCol = 1;

                //    MessageModel msg = null;
                //    if (isRowMoreMaximum)
                //        msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0052);
                //    else if (type == GRID_EMPTY_TYPE.SEARCH)
                //        msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0001);
                //    else if (type == GRID_EMPTY_TYPE.INSERT)
                //        msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0110);
                //    else
                //        msg = MessageUtil.GetMessage(MessageUtil.MODULE_COMMON, MessageUtil.MessageList.MSG0109);

                //    node.InnerXml = string.Format("<cell colspan=\"{0}\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\">{1}</cell>",
                //                                        totalCol,
                //                                        msg.ToJson);

                StringWriter  sw = new StringWriter();
                XmlTextWriter tx = new XmlTextWriter(sw);
                string xml = sw.ToString();


            catch (Exception)