Beispiel #1
 public PointLight(Point3D l)
     _color = new RGBColor(1, 1, 1);
     _intensity = 0.5f;
     _location = new Point3D(l);
     _castsShadows = false;
 public DirectionalLight()
     _direction = (new Vect3D(-1, -1, -1)).Hat();
     _intensity = 0.5f;
     _color = new RGBColor(1, 1, 1);
     _castsShadows = false;
Beispiel #3
 public PointLight(RGBColor c, float i, Point3D l)
     _color = new RGBColor(c);
     _intensity = i;
     _location = new Point3D(l);
     _castsShadows = false;
 //Copy constructor
 public GlossySpecular(GlossySpecular clone)
     _phongExponent = clone.PhongExponent;
     _specularReflectionCoefficient = clone.SpecularReflectionCoefficient;
     _colorSpecular = clone.ColorSpecular;
     samplerPointer = clone.Sampler;
 public DirectionalLight(Vect3D d)
     _direction = d.Hat();
     _intensity = 0.5f;
     _color = new RGBColor(1, 1, 1);
     _castsShadows = false;
 public DirectionalLight(RGBColor c, float i, Vect3D d)
     _color = new RGBColor(c);
     _intensity = i;
     _direction = d.Hat();
     _castsShadows = false;
Beispiel #7
        //public virtual bool castsShadows() { return _castsShadows; }
        //public virtual void setShadow(bool shad) { _castsShadows = shad; }
        //public RGBColor getColor() { return _color; }
        //public void setColor(RGBColor c) { _color = new RGBColor(c); }
        public static Light LoadLight(XmlElement lightRoot)
            //Determine light type...
            Light toReturn;
            string light_type = lightRoot.GetAttribute("type");
            //...and defer loading task to correct loader.
            if (light_type.Equals("point"))
                toReturn = PointLight.LoadPointLight(lightRoot);
            else if (light_type.Equals("directional"))
                toReturn = DirectionalLight.LoadDirectionalLight(lightRoot);
                toReturn = new PointLight();
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown light type " + light_type + ", treating as point light");

            //Load attributes common to all lights
            string node_shadow = lightRoot.GetAttribute("shadow");
            if (!node_shadow.Equals(""))
                toReturn.CastsShadows = Convert.ToBoolean(node_shadow);
            XmlNode node_color = lightRoot.SelectSingleNode("color");
            if (node_color != null)
                string str_color = ((XmlText)node_color.FirstChild).Data;
                RGBColor color = new RGBColor(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(str_color));
                //if (color.r != null)
                    toReturn.Color = color;
            return toReturn;
Beispiel #8
 public void DisplayPixel(int row, int column, RGBColor pixel_color)
     RGBColor disp_color = new RGBColor(pixel_color.Values * 255.0f);
     Vector3 cols = disp_color.clamp().Values;
     int x = column;
     int y = _viewPlane.VerticalResolution-1-row;
     //live_view.live_image.SetPixel((uint)column, (uint)(vp.vres-1-row), new SFML.Graphics.Color(r, g, b));
     _renderImage[(y * 4 * _viewPlane.HorizontalResolution) + (x * 4)] = (byte)cols.X;
     _renderImage[(y * 4 * _viewPlane.HorizontalResolution) + (x * 4) + 1] = (byte)cols.Y;
     _renderImage[(y * 4 * _viewPlane.HorizontalResolution) + (x * 4) + 2] = (byte)cols.Z;
     _renderImage[(y * 4 * _viewPlane.HorizontalResolution) + (x * 4) + 3] = 255;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the world
        /// </summary>
        public void Build()
            _backgroundColor = GlobalVars.COLOR_BLACK;

            if (GlobalVars.inFile != null)
                // Attempt to open an input file
                XMLProcessor sceneLoader = new XMLProcessor(GlobalVars.inFile, this);

                // Load materials from XML file, if verbose output enabled provide debug info in console
                if (GlobalVars.verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("Materials loaded:");
                    foreach (Material m in _materialList)

                // Load objects for instancing from XML file, if verbose output enabled provide debug info in console
                if (GlobalVars.verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("Object definitions loaded:");
                    foreach (RenderableObject o in _objectList)

                // Finally, load the scene from XML file, if verbose output enabled provide debug info in console
                if (GlobalVars.verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("Scene loaded!");
                    foreach (RenderableObject o in _renderList)
                //Sphere mysphere = new Sphere(new Point3D(0, 0, 0), 1000);

                UniformGrid mygrid = new UniformGrid();

                //Plane groundplane = new Plane(new Point3D(0, -100, 0), new Normal(0, 1, 0));
                //groundplane.setMaterial(new DebugCheckerboard());

                SphericalMapper sphere_map = new SphericalMapper();
                RectangularMapper rect_map = new RectangularMapper();
                Image my_image = new Image();

                ImageTexture my_tex = new ImageTexture();
                my_tex.MapType = rect_map;
                my_tex.Image = my_image;

                MatteShader mymatte = new MatteShader();
                mymatte.Texture = my_tex;
                //PhongShader myshader = (PhongShader)getMaterialById("myphong");
                //Sphere mysphere = new Sphere(new Point3D(0, 0, 0), 20);

                //Instance myinstance = new Instance(mysphere);
                //myinstance.scale(new Vect3D(5, 5, 5));
                //myinstance.rotate(new Vect3D(23.5f, 90, 0));

                Image my_skybox = new Image();

                my_tex = new ImageTexture();
                my_tex.MapType = sphere_map;
                my_tex.Image = my_skybox;

                MatteShader skymatte = new MatteShader();
                skymatte.Texture = my_tex;
                skymatte.AmbientReflectionCoefficient = 1.0f;

                Sphere skybox = new Sphere(new Point3D(0, 10, 0),1000);
                skybox.Material = skymatte;


                Mesh dragon = new Mesh();
                dragon.loadFromFile("E:\\", true);
                dragon.Material = new PhongShader();
                Instance myInstance = new Instance(dragon);
                myInstance.Scale(100, 100, 100);
                myInstance.Rotate(90, 40, 0);
                myInstance.Material = new PhongShader();
            //Custom build function if no input file specified
                    ///Insert your build function here

Beispiel #10
        public override void RenderScene(World w)
            RGBColor L = new RGBColor();
            Ray ray = new Ray();
            ViewPlane vp = w.CurrentViewPlane;
            int depth = 0;

            Point2D sp = new Point2D();
            Point2D pp = new Point2D();
            Point2D dp = new Point2D();
            Point2D lp = new Point2D();

            //w.open_window(vp.hres, vp.vres);
            vp.PixelSize /= _zoom;

            for(int r = 0; r < vp.VerticalResolution-1; r++)
                for(int c = 0; c < vp.HorizontalResolution-1; c++)
                    L = GlobalVars.COLOR_BLACK;

                    for(int n = 0; n < vp.NumSamples; n++)
                        //Sample on unit square
                        sp = vp.ViewPlaneSampler.SampleUnitSquare();
                        //Sample in screenspace
                        pp.coords.X = vp.PixelSize * (c - vp.HorizontalResolution * 0.5f + sp.coords.X);
                        pp.coords.Y = vp.PixelSize * (r - vp.VerticalResolution * 0.5f + sp.coords.Y);

                        dp = depthSampler.SampleDisk();
                        lp.coords.X = dp.coords.X * radius;
                        lp.coords.Y = dp.coords.Y * radius;

                        ray.Origin = _eye + lp.coords.X * u + lp.coords.Y * v;
                        ray.Direction = GetRayDirection(pp, lp);
                        L += w.CurrentTracer.TraceRay(ray, depth);
                    L /= vp.NumSamples;
                    L *= _exposureTime;
                    w.DisplayPixel(r, c, L);
Beispiel #11
 public GlossySpecular()
     _phongExponent = 1.0f;
     _specularReflectionCoefficient = 1.0f;
     _colorSpecular = new RGBColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Beispiel #12
        public override Vect3D getDirection(ShadeRec sr)
            //Ambient light has no direction
            return new Vect3D(0, 0, 0);
        public static AmbientLight LoadAmbient(XmlElement lightRoot)
            AmbientLight toReturn = new AmbientLight();

            XmlNode node_intensity = lightRoot.SelectSingleNode("intensity");
            if (node_intensity != null)
                string str_intensity = ((XmlText)node_intensity.FirstChild).Data;
                float intensity = Convert.ToSingle(str_intensity);

            XmlNode node_color = lightRoot.SelectSingleNode("color");
            if (node_color != null)
                string str_color = ((XmlText)node_color.FirstChild).Data;
                RGBColor color = new RGBColor(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(str_color));
                toReturn.Color = color;
            return toReturn;
Beispiel #13
 public AmbientLight(RGBColor c, float i)
     _color = new RGBColor(c);
     _intensity = i;
Beispiel #14
 //Default constructor
 public AmbientLight()
     _intensity = 0.5f;
     _color = new RGBColor(1, 1, 1);
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders a single rectangular chunk of the scene
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldRef">Reference to the world</param>
        /// <param name="xCoord1">Smallest x coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="xCoord2">Largest x coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="yCoord1">Smallest y coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="yCoord2">Largest y coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="threadNum">Thread number</param>
        public override void RenderSceneFragment(World worldRef, int xCoord1, int xCoord2, int yCoord1, int yCoord2, int threadNum)
            RGBColor L = new RGBColor();
            Ray ray = new Ray();
            ViewPlane vp = worldRef.CurrentViewPlane;
            int depth = 0;

            Point2D samplePoint = new Point2D();
            Point2D samplePointPixelSpace = new Point2D();
            Point2D samplePointOnDisk = new Point2D();
            Point2D samplePointOnLens = new Point2D();

            Sampler screenSamplerClone = GlobalVars.VIEWPLANE_SAMPLER.Clone();
            Sampler lensSamplerClone = depthSampler.Clone();

            //vp.s /= zoom;
            //Vector2 tmp2 = new Vector2(vp.hres * 0.5f, vp.vres*0.5f);
            for (int r = yCoord1; r < yCoord2; r++)
                for (int c = xCoord1; c < xCoord2; c++)
                    L = GlobalVars.COLOR_BLACK;

                    for (int n = 0; n < vp.NumSamples; n++)
                        //Sample on unit square
                        samplePoint = screenSamplerClone.SampleUnitSquare();
                        //Sample in screenspace
                        //Vector2 tmp1 = new Vector2(c, r);
                        //pp.coords = vp.s * (tmp1 - tmp2 * sp.coords);
                        samplePointPixelSpace.coords.X = vp.PixelSize * (c - vp.HorizontalResolution * 0.5f + samplePoint.coords.X);
                        samplePointPixelSpace.coords.Y = vp.PixelSize * (r - vp.VerticalResolution * 0.5f + samplePoint.coords.Y);

                        samplePointOnDisk = lensSamplerClone.SampleDisk();
                        samplePointOnLens.coords.X = samplePointOnDisk.coords.X * radius;
                        samplePointOnLens.coords.Y = samplePointOnDisk.coords.Y * radius;
                        //lp.coords = dp.coords * radius;

                        ray.Origin = _eye + samplePointOnLens.coords.X * u + samplePointOnLens.coords.Y * v;
                        ray.Direction = GetRayDirection(samplePointPixelSpace, samplePointOnLens);
                        L += worldRef.CurrentTracer.TraceRay(ray, depth);
                    L /= vp.NumSamples;
                    L *= _exposureTime;
                    worldRef.DisplayPixel(r, c, L);

Beispiel #16
        public override RGBColor F(ShadeRec sr, Vect3D incomingDirection, Vect3D reflectedDirection)
            RGBColor L = new RGBColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            float nDotWi = (sr.Normal * incomingDirection); //Dot product of normal and angle of incidence gives the angle of mirror reflection
            Vect3D r = new Vect3D(-incomingDirection + 2.0f * sr.Normal * nDotWi); //Vector describing direction of mirror reflection
            float rDotWo = (r * reflectedDirection);

            if (rDotWo > 0.0)
                L = _specularReflectionCoefficient * (float)Math.Pow(rDotWo, _phongExponent) * _colorSpecular;

            return L;
Beispiel #17
 //Copy constructor
 public RGBColor(RGBColor color)
     _vals = color._vals;