Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete an existing instance from database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">Instance unique identifier.</param>
        private static int DeleteDatabaseForeignRecords(long id)
            int        rowsAffected = 0;
            object     dummy;
            T          instance = default;
            Type       foreignType;
            MethodInfo deleteMethod;

            // Check if there are any foreign collection to delete in cascade
            foreach (ORMEntityMember member in ORMEntity <T> .ORMStructure.ForeignCollections)
                // Get the owner instance
                if (instance == null)
                    instance = ORMEntity <T> .Get(id);

                if (((ORMForeignCollection)member.Attribute).OnDeleteAction == OnDeleteActionTypes.DeleteInCascade)
                    // Get the method GET(long)
                    foreignType  = member.ForeignCollectionType;
                    foreignType  = typeof(ORMEntity <>).MakeGenericType(foreignType);
                    deleteMethod = foreignType.GetMethod("Delete", new Type[] { typeof(Int64) });

                    // Delete each instance in collection
                    foreach (long objId in ORMEntity <T> .GetForeignCollectionIdentifiers(instance, member))
                        // Invoke the method
                        dummy         = Activator.CreateInstance(foreignType);
                        rowsAffected += (int)deleteMethod.Invoke(dummy, new object[] { objId });
