AddParseTree() public method

public AddParseTree ( VBComponent component, IParseTree parseTree ) : void
component VBComponent
parseTree IParseTree
return void
Beispiel #1
        private void ProcessComponentParseResults(QualifiedModuleName module, Task <ComponentParseTask.ParseCompletionArgs> finishedParseTask, CancellationToken token)
            if (finishedParseTask.IsFaulted)
                //In contrast to the situation in the success scenario, the overall parser state is reevaluated immediately.
                //This sets the state directly on the state because it is the sole instance where we have to pass the potential SyntaxErorException.
                _state.SetModuleState(module, ParserState.Error, token, finishedParseTask.Exception?.InnerException as SyntaxErrorException);
                var result = finishedParseTask.Result;
                lock (_state)

                    //This has to come first because it creates the module state if not present.
                    _state.SetModuleAttributes(module, result.Attributes);

                    _state.AddTokenStream(module, result.Tokens);
                    _state.AddParseTree(module, result.ParseTree);
                    _state.AddParseTree(module, result.AttributesTree, ParsePass.AttributesPass);
                    _state.SetModuleComments(module, result.Comments);
                    _state.SetModuleAnnotations(module, result.Annotations);
                    _state.AddAttributesRewriter(module, result.AttributesRewriter);

                    // This really needs to go last
                    //It does not reevaluate the overall parer state to avoid concurrent evaluation of all module states and for performance reasons.
                    //The evaluation has to be triggered manually in the calling procedure.
                    StateManager.SetModuleState(module, ParserState.Parsed, token, false); //Note that this is ok because locks allow re-entrancy.
        private void ParseAsyncInternal(VBComponent component, CancellationToken token, TokenStreamRewriter rewriter = null)
            var preprocessor = _preprocessorFactory();
            var parser       = new ComponentParseTask(component, preprocessor, _attributeParser, rewriter);

            parser.ParseFailure += (sender, e) =>
                lock (_state)
                    lock (component)
                        _state.SetModuleState(component, ParserState.Error, e.Cause as SyntaxErrorException);
            parser.ParseCompleted += (sender, e) =>
                lock (_state)
                    lock (component)
                        _state.SetModuleAttributes(component, e.Attributes);
                        _state.AddParseTree(component, e.ParseTree);
                        _state.AddTokenStream(component, e.Tokens);
                        _state.SetModuleComments(component, e.Comments);
                        _state.SetModuleAnnotations(component, e.Annotations);

                        // This really needs to go last
                        _state.SetModuleState(component, ParserState.Parsed);
            lock (_state)
                lock (component)
                    _state.SetModuleState(component, ParserState.Parsing);