static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Player> players      = new List <Player>();
            List <Match>  matches      = new List <Match>();
            List <Round>  rounds       = new List <Round>();
            Random        rand         = new Random();
            Random        randomNumber = new Random(rand.Next()); // create a random number object

            // create the Computer that everyone plays against.
            //call methos CreatePlayer() with player name.
            // Player p1 = new Player()
            // {
            //     Fname = "Max",
            //     Lname = "Headroom"
            // };
            // players.Add(p1);
            RpsGameRepositoryLayer gameContext = new RpsGameRepositoryLayer();

            Player p1 = gameContext.CreatePlayer("Max", "HeadRoom"); // create the

            Console.WriteLine("This is The Official Batch Rock-Paper-Scissors Game");
            // program loop starts here.
            int logInOrQuitInt;

            {//Menu to log in or quit. start loop for logged in player. exits when he logs out
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 to log in and 2 to quit the program.");
                    string logInOrQuit     = Console.ReadLine();
                    bool   logInOrQuitBool = int.TryParse(logInOrQuit, out logInOrQuitInt);
                    if (logInOrQuitBool == false)
                        Console.WriteLine("I SAID... Enter 1 to play again, Enter 2 to Log out. Get it right!");
                } while (logInOrQuitInt != 1 && logInOrQuitInt != 2);

                if (logInOrQuitInt == 2)

                //log in or create a new player. unique fName and lName means create a new player, other wise, grab the existing player
                string[] userNamesArray;
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\tPlease enter your first and last name.\n\tIf you enter unique first and last name I will create a new player.\n");
                    string userNames = Console.ReadLine();
                    userNamesArray = userNames.Split(' ');
                } while (userNamesArray[0] == "");

                Player p2 = players.Where(x => x.Fname == userNamesArray[0] && x.Lname == userNamesArray[1]).FirstOrDefault();
                if (p2 == null)                     // if this is a new player
                    if (userNamesArray.Length == 1) //if the user unputted just one name
                        p2       = new Player();
                        p2.Fname = userNamesArray[0];

                    if (userNamesArray.Length > 1)                  //if the user unputted 2 names
                        p2       = new Player();
                        p2.Fname = userNamesArray[0];
                        p2.Lname = userNamesArray[1];

                int response1Parsed;
                do //game loop starts here.
                    Match match = new Match();
                    match.Player1 = p1;
                    match.Player2 = p2;
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\tStarting the game...\n");
                    do                                              // start loop to last till one player wins 2 games.
                        Round  round = new Round();
                        Choice userChoice;                          // declare these two variables to be used int he do/while loop
                        bool   userResponseParsed;
                            Console.WriteLine($"Welcome, {p2.Fname}. Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors by typing 0, 1, or 2 and hitting enter.");
                            Console.WriteLine("\t0. Rock \n\t1. Paper \n\t2. Scissors");
                            string userResponse = Console.ReadLine();                                        // read the users unput
                            userResponseParsed = Choice.TryParse(userResponse, out userChoice);              // parse the users input to am int
                            if (userResponseParsed == false || ((int)userChoice > 2 || (int)userChoice < 0)) // give a message if the users unput was invalid
                                Console.WriteLine("Your response is invalid.");
                        } while (userResponseParsed == false || (int)userChoice > 2 || (int)userChoice < 0); // state conditions for if we will repeat the loop

                        Choice computerChoice = (Choice)randomNumber.Next(2);                                // get a randon number 1, 2, or 3.
                        round.Player1Choice = computerChoice;
                        round.Player2Choice = userChoice;
                        Console.WriteLine($"The computer choice is => {round.Player1Choice}.");

                        // compare the numebrs to see who won.
                        if (userChoice == computerChoice)   // is the playes tied
                            Console.WriteLine("This game was a tie");
                            //rounds.WinningPlayer is default null
                            match.RoundWinner();                                       // send in the player who won. empty args means a tie round
                        else if (((int)userChoice == 1 && (int)computerChoice == 0) || // if the user won
                                 ((int)userChoice == 2 && (int)computerChoice == 1) ||
                                 ((int)userChoice == 0 && (int)computerChoice == 2))
                            Console.WriteLine("Congrats. You (the user) WON!."); // if the computer won.
                            round.WinningPlayer = p2;
                            Console.WriteLine("We're sorry. The computer won.");
                            round.WinningPlayer = p1;
                    } while (match.MatchWinner() == null);// end the game when once a player wins 2 rounds

                    Console.WriteLine("\n\tPrinting out the Game information");
                    foreach (Round round1 in match.Rounds)
                        Console.WriteLine($"\nROUND - \nThe GUID is {round1.RoundId}.\n P1 Choice is {round1.Player1Choice}\n P2 Choice is {round1.Player2Choice}\nThe winning player is {round1.WinningPlayer.Fname}");

                        Console.WriteLine("Do you want to play again? Enter 1 to play again, Enter 2 to Log out.");
                        string response1 = Console.ReadLine();
                        bool   r1pBool   = int.TryParse(response1, out response1Parsed);
                        if (r1pBool == false)
                            Console.WriteLine("I SAID... Enter 1 to play again, Enter 2 to Log out. Get it right!");
                    } while (response1Parsed != 1 && response1Parsed != 2); // play again or quit.
                } while (response1Parsed == 1);                             // end of the game loop.
            } while (logInOrQuitInt != 2);                                  // log out
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // List<Player> players = new List<Player>();
            // List<Match> matches = new List<Match>();
            // List<Round> rounds = new List<Round>();
            // Random rand = new Random();
            // Random randomNumber = new Random(rand.Next()); // create a random number object

            // create the Computer that everyone plays against.
            //call methos CreatePlayer() with player name.
            // Player p1 = new Player()
            // {
            //     Fname = "Max",
            //     Lname = "Headroom"
            // };
            // players.Add(p1);

            Player p1 = gameContext.CreatePlayer("Max", "HeadRoom"); // create the computer

            Console.WriteLine("This is The Official Batch Rock-Paper-Scissors Game");
            // program loop starts here.
            int logInOrQuitInt;

                //Menu to log in or quit. start loop for logged in player. exits when he logs out
                logInOrQuitInt = MainMenu();
                if (logInOrQuitInt == 2)

                //log in or create a new player. unique fName and lName means create a new player, other wise, grab the existing player
                string[] userNamesArray = GetUserNames();

                Player p2;
                if (userNamesArray.Length == 1)                                         //if the user unputted just one name
                    p2 = gameContext.CreatePlayer(fName: userNamesArray[0]);
                else if (userNamesArray.Length > 1)                                     //if the user unputted 2 names
                    p2 = gameContext.CreatePlayer(userNamesArray[0], userNamesArray[1]);
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("User input for name was invalid.");
                }                                                                        // if the userNamesArray is empty.

                int response1Parsed;
                do //game loop starts here.
                    Match match = gameContext.CreateMatch(p1, p2);

                    Console.WriteLine("\n\tStarting the Match...\n");
                    do                                              // start loop to last till one player wins 2 games.
                        Choice userChoice     = UserChoiceMenu(match);
                        Choice computerChoice = gameContext.GetRandomChoice();   // get a randon number 1, 2, or 3.
                        Round  round          = gameContext.PlayRound(match, computerChoice, userChoice);
                        Console.WriteLine($"The computer choice is => {round.Player1Choice}.");
                    } while (match.MatchWinner().Fname == "null");// end the game when once a player wins 2 rounds


                    Console.WriteLine("\n\tPrinting out the Game information");

                        Console.WriteLine("Do you want to play again? Enter 1 to play again, Enter 2 to Log out.");
                        string response1 = Console.ReadLine();
                        bool   r1pBool   = int.TryParse(response1, out response1Parsed);
                        if (r1pBool == false)
                            Console.WriteLine("I SAID... Enter 1 to play again, Enter 2 to Log out. Get it right!");
                    } while (response1Parsed != 1 && response1Parsed != 2); // play again or quit.
                } while (response1Parsed == 1);                             // end of the game loop.
            } while (logInOrQuitInt != 2);                                  // log out

            // get all inputted info and pront it to the console.
            List <Player> players = gameContext.GetPlayers();
            List <Round>  rounds  = gameContext.GetRounds();
            List <Match>  matches = gameContext.GetMatches();

        }// END Main end
        static void gameSelect(int selectedGame, Player p1, Player p2, List <Player> players, bool loggedIn, Match match, Round round)
                // main menu
                Console.WriteLine($"\nWelcome, {p2.FName}.\n");
                Console.WriteLine("1) 1 Round");
                Console.WriteLine("2) Best of 3");
                Console.WriteLine("3) Best of 5");
                Console.WriteLine("4) Logout");
                Console.WriteLine("5. Exit");
                Console.Write("Please choose a game mode: ");
                try // error catching on selectedGame
                    selectedGame = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                catch (Exception)
                    selectedGame = 6;

                switch (selectedGame)
                case 1:
                    int playerChoiceInt = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("Single Round\n");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Welcome, {p2.FName}.");
                    Console.WriteLine("1) Rock");
                    Console.WriteLine("2) Paper");
                    Console.WriteLine("3) Scissors");
                    Console.WriteLine("4) Exit / Previous Menu");
                    Console.Write("Please make a selection: ");
                    try         // error catching
                        playerChoiceInt = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                    catch (Exception)
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid Entry.");
                        selectedGame = 5;
                    round = oneRound(p1, p2, playerChoiceInt);
                    if (round.WinningPlayer == p2)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n" + round.Player2Choice.ToString() + " beats " + round.Player1Choice.ToString()
                                          + ". You win!\n");
                    else if (round.WinningPlayer == p1)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n" + round.Player1Choice.ToString() + " beats " + round.Player2Choice.ToString()
                                          + ". You lose.\n");
                    else if (round.WinningPlayer == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nBoth players chose " + round.Player2Choice.ToString() + ". Game is a tie.\n");

                case 2:
                    /*     Choice playerChoice = new Choice();
                     *  int pWins = 0;
                     *  int cWins = 0;
                     *  while (pWins < 2 && cWins < 2 && (int)playerChoice != 4)
                     *  {
                     *      // Best of 3 menu
                     *      Console.WriteLine("\nBest of 3 - Current score: P " + pWins + " | C " + cWins);
                     *      drawGameMenu();
                     *      try
                     *      {
                     *          playerChoice = (Choice)Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                     *      }
                     *      catch (Exception){
                     *          selectedGame = 5;
                     *      }
                     *      // run oneRound then adjust new scores
                     *      int roundResult = oneRound((int)playerChoice);
                     *      if ((int)roundResult == 1)
                     *      {
                     *          pWins++;
                     *      }
                     *      else if ((int)roundResult == 2)
                     *      {
                     *          cWins++;
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     *  // score checking
                     *  if (pWins > cWins && inInt != 4)
                     *  {
                     *      Console.WriteLine("\nYou win Best of 3!\n");
                     *  }
                     *  else if (cWins > pWins || inInt == 4)
                     *  {
                     *      Console.WriteLine("\nYou lose Best of 3.\n");
                     *  } */

                case 3:
                    /*  int inInt = 0;
                     *  int pWins = 0;
                     *  int cWins = 0;
                     *  while (pWins < 3 && cWins < 3 && inInt != 4)
                     *  {
                     *      // Best of 5 menu
                     *      Console.WriteLine("\nBest of 5 - Current score: P " + pWins + " | C " + cWins);
                     *      drawGameMenu();
                     *      try // error catching on selectedGame
                     *      {
                     *          inInt = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                     *      }
                     *      catch (Exception){
                     *          selectedGame = 5;
                     *      }
                     *      if (inInt == 4)
                     *          break;
                     *      // run oneRound then adjust new scores
                     *      int newRound = oneRound((int)playerChoice);
                     *      if (newRound == 1)
                     *      {
                     *          pWins++;
                     *      }
                     *      else if (newRound == 2)
                     *      {
                     *          cWins++;
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     *  // score checking
                     *  if (pWins > cWins && inInt != 4)
                     *  {
                     *      Console.WriteLine("\nYou win Best of 5!\n");
                     *  }
                     *  else if (cWins > pWins || inInt == 4)
                     *  {
                     *      Console.WriteLine("\nYou lose Best of 5.\n");
                     *  } */

                case 4:
                    loggedIn = false;
                    userLogin(selectedGame, p1, p2, players, loggedIn, match, round);

                case 5:

                    // catches any invalid selectedGame
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Game Selection. Please enter a valid choice.\n");
            } while (selectedGame != 5 && loggedIn);
        static void userLogin(int selectedGame, Player p1, Player p2, List <Player> players, bool loggedIn, Match match, Round round)
            foreach (Player p in players)
                Console.WriteLine($"{p.FName} {p.LName} {p.PlayerId}");

            string userName = "";

            string[] userNameArray;
            int      m1 = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("1) Enter Player Name (Unique name will create new Player)");
            Console.WriteLine("2) Exit");
            Console.Write("Please make a selection:");
            //log in or create a new player - unique information will create new player
            try // error catching on selectedGame
                m1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Entry.");
                m1 = 3;
            switch (m1)
            case 1:
                Player pTemp = new Player();
                    Console.Write("Please enter First and Last Name separated by ' ': ");
                    userName      = Console.ReadLine();
                    userNameArray = userName.Split(' ');
                } while (userName == "" || userName == null);

                if (userNameArray.Length == 1)
                    pTemp.FName = userNameArray[0];
                else if (userNameArray.Length > 1)
                    pTemp.FName = userNameArray[0];
                    pTemp.LName = userNameArray[1];

                Console.WriteLine($"{pTemp.FName} {pTemp.LName} {pTemp.PlayerId}");
                foreach (Player p in players)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{p.FName} {p.LName} {p.PlayerId}");

                p2 = userVerify(players, pTemp);
                if (p2.PlayerId == pTemp.PlayerId)
                    Console.WriteLine("New player successfully added. Enjoy.");
                    loggedIn = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("User logged in. Welcome back.");
                    loggedIn = true;
                gameSelect(selectedGame, p1, p2, players, loggedIn, match, round);

            case 2:

        // method to run one round of RPS
        static Round oneRound(Player p1, Player p2, int playerChoiceInt)
            Round  currentRound = new Round();
            var    rand         = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            Choice playerChoice = (Choice)playerChoiceInt;
            Choice compChoice   = (Choice)rand.Next(1, 4);

            currentRound.Player2Choice = playerChoice;
            currentRound.Player1Choice = compChoice;

            switch ((int)playerChoice)
            case 1:
                if ((int)compChoice == 1)
                    currentRound.WinningPlayer = null;
                else if ((int)compChoice == 2)
                    currentRound.WinningPlayer = p1;
                else if ((int)compChoice == 3)
                    currentRound.WinningPlayer = p2;

            case 2:
                if ((int)compChoice == 1)
                    currentRound.WinningPlayer = p2;
                else if ((int)compChoice == 2)
                    currentRound.WinningPlayer = null;
                else if ((int)compChoice == 3)
                    currentRound.WinningPlayer = p1;

            case 3:
                if ((int)compChoice == 1)
                    currentRound.WinningPlayer = p1;
                else if ((int)compChoice == 2)
                    currentRound.WinningPlayer = p2;
                else if ((int)compChoice == 3)
                    currentRound.WinningPlayer = null;

                return(currentRound = new Round());
Beispiel #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("This is The Official Batch Rock-Paper-Sissors Game");

            //Console.WriteLine("Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors by typing 1, 2, or 3 Aand hiiting enter.");
            //Console.WriteLine("\t1. Rock \n\t2. Paper \n\t3. Scissors");
            //Console.WriteLine("2. Paper");
            //Console.WriteLine("3. Scissors");
            //string userResponse = Console.ReadLine();
            //var userResponse = Console.ReadLine(); //var will make it the proper type 'string'
            //int userResponseInt = int.Parse(userResponse); //Will have an exception if noyt an int
            //try {int userResponseInt = int.Parse(userResponse);}
            //catch (FotmatException ex) {//throw new FormatException("There was a problem with parsing the user input", ex);}

             * int number;
             * bool userResponseParsed = int.TryParse(userResponse, out number);
             * if(userResponseParsed == false) {
             *  // Error
             * }

            // CLASS EXAMPLE

             * int userChoice;
             * bool userResponseParsed;
             * do
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors by typing 1, 2, or 3 Aand hiiting enter.");
             *  Console.WriteLine("\t1. Rock \n\t2. Paper \n\t3. Scissors");
             *  var userResponse = Console.ReadLine(); //var will make it the proper type 'string'
             *  userResponseParsed = int.TryParse(userResponse, out userChoice);    // parse the users input to an int
             *  if(userResponseParsed == false || userChoice > 3 || userChoice < 1) // give a message if the users input was invalid
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine("Your response is invalid.");
             *  }
             * } while (userResponseParsed == false || userChoice > 3 || userChoice < 1);  // state conditions for if we will repeat the loop
             * Console.WriteLine("Starting the game...");
             * Random randomNumber = new Random(10); // create a random number object
             * int computerChoice = randomNumber.Next(1, 4); // get a random number 1, 2, or 3.
             * Console.WriteLine(computerChoice);
             * // Compare Two Choices
             * if(userChoice == computerChoice)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("The game was a tie");
             * }
             * else if((userChoice == 2 && computerChoice == 1) ||
             *  (userChoice == 3 && computerChoice == 2) ||
             *  (userChoice == 1 && computerChoice == 3)
             *  ) {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Congratulations you (the user) WON!");
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("We're sorry.The computer won.");
             * }

            // GROUP 2 Ryan Archer, Anthony Mungle, Lucas Stang & Chris Sophiea
            // Version 1

             * string userInput;
             * int userSelection;
             * bool userSelectionParsed;
             * int botSelection;
             * while (true)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors by typing 1, 2, or 3 and hitting enter.");
             *  Console.WriteLine("\t1) Rock \n\t2) Paper \n\t3) Scissors");
             *  Console.Write("\nYour choice: ");
             *  userInput = Console.ReadLine();
             *  userSelectionParsed = int.TryParse(userInput, out userSelection);
             *  if (!userSelectionParsed || userSelection < 1 || userSelection > 3)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine("Input is invalid. Enter a number 1-3.");
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      break;
             *  }
             * }
             * Random rnd = new Random();
             * botSelection = rnd.Next(1, 4);
             * switch (userSelection)
             * {
             *  case 1:
             *      switch (botSelection)
             *      {
             *          case 1: Console.WriteLine("Tie. You chose rock. Bot chose rock."); break;
             *          case 2: Console.WriteLine("Lose. You chose rock. Bot chose paper."); break;
             *          default: Console.WriteLine("Win. You chose rock. Bot chose scissors."); break;
             *      }
             *      break;
             *  case 2:
             *      switch (botSelection)
             *      {
             *          case 1: Console.WriteLine("Win. You chose paper. Bot chose rock."); break;
             *          case 2: Console.WriteLine("Tie. You chose paper. Bot chose paper."); break;
             *          default: Console.WriteLine("Lose. You chose paper. Bot chose scissors."); break;
             *      }
             *      break;
             *  default:
             *      switch (botSelection)
             *      {
             *          case 1: Console.WriteLine("Lose. You chose scissors. Bot chose rock."); break;
             *          case 2: Console.WriteLine("Win. You chose scissors. Bot chose paper."); break;
             *          default: Console.WriteLine("Tie. You chose scissors. Bot chose scissors."); break;
             *      }
             *      break;
             *  }
             * }
             * public enum Choice{
             *  Rock,
             *  Paper,
             *  Scissors
             * }
            // Version 2

             * Console.WriteLine("This is The Group 2 Awesome Rock-Paper-Sissors Game!\n");
             * while(true) {
             *  int userSelection;
             *  bool userResponseParsed;
             *  int botSelection;
             *  Console.WriteLine("Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors by typing 1, 2, or 3 Aand hiiting enter.");
             *  Console.WriteLine("\t1. Rock \n\t2. Paper \n\t3. Scissors");
             *  var userResponse = Console.ReadLine(); //var will make it the proper type 'string'
             *  userResponseParsed = int.TryParse(userResponse, out userSelection);    // parse the users input to an int
             *  if(userResponseParsed == false || userSelection > 3 || userSelection < 1) // give a message if the users input was invalid
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine("Your response is invalid.");
             *      continue;
             *  }
             *  Console.WriteLine("Starting the game...");
             *  Random rnd = new Random();
             *  botSelection = rnd.Next(1, 4);
             *  switch (userSelection)
             *  {
             *      case 1:
             *          switch (botSelection)
             *          {
             *              case 1: Console.WriteLine("Tie. You chose rock. Bot chose rock."); break;
             *              case 2: Console.WriteLine("Lose. You chose rock. Bot chose paper."); break;
             *              default: Console.WriteLine("Win. You chose rock. Bot chose scissors."); break;
             *          }
             *          break;
             *      case 2:
             *          switch (botSelection)
             *          {
             *              case 1: Console.WriteLine("Win. You chose paper. Bot chose rock."); break;
             *              case 2: Console.WriteLine("Tie. You chose paper. Bot chose paper."); break;
             *              default: Console.WriteLine("Lose. You chose paper. Bot chose scissors."); break;
             *          }
             *          break;
             *      default:
             *          switch (botSelection)
             *          {
             *              case 1: Console.WriteLine("Lose. You chose scissors. Bot chose rock."); break;
             *              case 2: Console.WriteLine("Win. You chose scissors. Bot chose paper."); break;
             *              default: Console.WriteLine("Tie. You chose scissors. Bot chose scissors."); break;
             *          }
             *          break;
             *      }
             *  Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to play again?\n\tType y for Yes\n\tType n for No\n");
             *  string playAgain = Console.ReadLine(); // User input and add into playAgain
             *  if(playAgain.ToLower() == "y" || playAgain.ToLower() == "yes") {
             *      continue;
             *  } else {
             *      Console.WriteLine("\nGood bye.");
             *      break;
             *  }
             * }

            List <Player> players = new List <Player>();
            List <Match>  matches = new List <Match>();
            List <Round>  rounds  = new List <Round>();

             * Player p1 = new Player();
             * p1.PlayerId = -1;
             * Console.WriteLine(p1.PlayerId);
             * Match myMatch = new Match();
             * myMatch.RoundWinner();

            // create the Computer that everyone plays against.
            Player p1 = new Player()
                Fname = "Max",
                Lname = "Headroom"


            //loging or create a new player. unique fName and lName means create a new player, other wise, grab the existing player
            string[] userNamesArray;
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter your firstname.\n If you enter a unique first and last name I will create a new player.");
                string userNames = Console.ReadLine();
                userNamesArray = userNames.Split(' ');
            } while(userNamesArray[0] == null);

            Player p2 = new Player();

            // create player 2's name based on if they have first and last name or not
            if (userNamesArray.Length > 1)
                p2.Fname = userNamesArray[0];
                p2.Lname = userNamesArray[1];
                p2.Fname = userNamesArray[0];

             * foreach(var name in userNamesArray){
             *  Console.WriteLine(name);
             * }

            Match match = new Match();

            match.Player1 = p1;
            match.Player2 = p2;

            Round round = new Round();

            // user will choose Rock, Paper, Scissors
            Choice userChoice;
            bool   userResponseParsed;

                Console.WriteLine($"Welcome, {p2.Fname}. Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors by typing 0, 1, or 2 Aand hiiting enter.");
                Console.WriteLine("\t0. Rock \n\t1. Paper \n\t2. Scissors");
                var userResponse = Console.ReadLine();                                         //var will make it the proper type 'string'

                userResponseParsed = Choice.TryParse(userResponse, out userChoice);            // parse the users input to an int

                if (userResponseParsed == false || (int)userChoice > 2 || (int)userChoice < 0) // give a message if the users input was invalid
                    Console.WriteLine("Your response is invalid.");
            } while (userResponseParsed == false || (int)userChoice > 2 || (int)userChoice < 0);  // state conditions for if we will repeat the loop

            Console.WriteLine("Starting the game...");

            Random randomNumber   = new Random(10);                  // create a random number object
            Choice computerChoice = (Choice)randomNumber.Next(0, 3); // get a random number 0, 1, or 2.

            round.Player1Choice = computerChoice;
            round.Player2Choice = userChoice;

            Console.WriteLine($"The computer chose is => {computerChoice}.");
            // Compare Two Choices
            if (userChoice == computerChoice)
                Console.WriteLine("The game was a tie");
                // round winning player is null by default
            else if (((int)userChoice == 1 && (int)computerChoice == 0) ||
                     ((int)userChoice == 2 && (int)computerChoice == 1) ||
                     ((int)userChoice == 0 && (int)computerChoice == 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Congratulations you (the user) WON!");
                round.WinningPlayer = p2;
                Console.WriteLine("We're sorry.The computer won.");
                round.WinningPlayer = p1;

            foreach (Round round1 in rounds)
                Console.WriteLine($"\nROUND - \nThe GUID is {round.RoundId.ToString()}.\nP1 Choice is {round.Player1Choice}\nP1 Choice is {round.Player1Choice}\n The winning player is {round.WinningPlayer.Fname}");