/// <summary>
        /// Raised by <see cref="OnTool"/> to perform painting upon pressing left or right mouse button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Tool event data.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Context that tool is being used in.</param>
        protected virtual void OnPaint(ToolEvent e, IToolContext context)
            var brush = e.IsLeftButtonPressed
                ? ToolUtility.SelectedBrush
                : ToolUtility.SelectedBrushSecondary;

            // Like with the regular paint tool, null brush is the eraser!
            if (brush != null && !PlopUtility.CanPlopWithBrush(brush))

            if (brush == null)
                if (ToolUtility.ActivePlop != null)
                    ToolUtility.ActivePlop = null;
                if (!this.allowOverpaint && ToolUtility.ActivePlop != null)
                    // Cycle to next variation if replacing plop with same brush.
                    int nextVariation = ToolUtility.ActivePlop.VariationIndex;
                    if (brush == ToolUtility.ActivePlop.Brush)

                    ToolUtility.ActivePlop = PlopUtility.CyclePlop(context.TileSystem, ToolUtility.ActivePlop, brush, ToolUtility.Rotation, nextVariation);
                    var args = this.GetPaintingArgs(brush);
                    if (args.variation == Brush.RANDOM_VARIATION)
                        args.variation = this.PreRandomizeVariation(brush, 0);
                    int nextVariation = args.ResolveVariation(0);

                    var plop = PlopUtility.PaintPlop(context.TileSystem, this.ApplySnapping(this.localMousePoint), brush, ToolUtility.Rotation, nextVariation);
                    ToolUtility.ActivePlop        = plop;
                    ToolUtility.PreviouslyPlopped = plop;
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void OnDrawGizmos(TileSystem system)
            // We need to populate properties of `IBrushContext` for preview generation.
            var brush = (PreviousToolEvent != null && PreviousToolEvent.IsRightButtonPressed)
                ? ToolUtility.SelectedBrushSecondary
                : ToolUtility.SelectedBrush;

            if (!PlopUtility.CanPlopWithBrush(brush))

            // Do not draw immediate preview when mouse is positioned over a plop
            // unless overpainting is permitted.
            if (!this.allowOverpaint && ToolUtility.ActivePlop != null)

            // Offset preview against mouse position.
            Vector3 placementPoint = PlopUtility.PositionFromPlopPoint(system, this.ApplySnapping(this.localMousePoint));

            ImmediatePreviewUtility.Matrix = system.transform.localToWorldMatrix * MathUtility.TranslationMatrix(placementPoint);

            this._fakeContext.TileSystem = system;
            this._fakeContext.Brush      = brush;

            // Pretend to paint tile so that we can see its data beforehand!
            var previewTile = ImmediatePreviewUtility.GetPreviewTileData(this._fakeContext, brush, ToolUtility.Rotation);

            // Plop tool does not support orientations.
            previewTile.orientationMask = 0;

            var args = GetPaintingArgs(brush);

            if (args.variation == Brush.RANDOM_VARIATION)
                args.variation = this.PreRandomizeVariation(brush, 0);
            previewTile.variationIndex = (byte)args.ResolveVariation(0);

            brush.OnDrawImmediatePreview(this._fakeContext, previewTile, ImmediatePreviewUtility.PreviewMaterial, brush);
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void OnSceneGUI(ToolEvent e, IToolContext context)
            if (!IsEditorNearestControl)

            // "Hide wireframe outline"
            if (this.HideWireframeOutline)
                bool willErase = (ToolUtility.SelectedBrush == null && ToolUtility.ActivePlop != null);
                bool willCycle = (!this.allowOverpaint && ToolUtility.ActivePlop != null && PlopUtility.CanPlopWithBrush(ToolUtility.SelectedBrush));
                bool disableImmediatePreview = (ToolUtility.SelectedBrush != null && ToolUtility.SelectedBrush.disableImmediatePreview);
                if (!willErase && !willCycle && !disableImmediatePreview)

            // Outline plop with wire cube!
            Vector3 wirePoint = (!this.allowOverpaint && ToolUtility.ActivePlop != null)
                ? ToolUtility.ActivePlop.PlopPoint
                : this.ApplySnapping(this.localMousePoint);

            Vector3 snapCellSize = context.TileSystem.CellSize;

            snapCellSize.x = this.SnapAxisX.Resolve(snapCellSize.x);
            snapCellSize.y = this.SnapAxisY.Resolve(snapCellSize.y);

            ToolHandleUtility.DrawWireBox(wirePoint, snapCellSize);