public DataSet LoadData(ArrayList unitList, NFLWeek startWeek)
            //  set up data columns
            var ds   = new DataSet();
            var dt   = new DataTable();
            var cols = dt.Columns;

            cols.Add("Team", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("Rating", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("tot", typeof(Int32));

            var currentWeek = new NFLWeek(Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentSeason()), Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentWeek()),
                                          loadGames: true);

            //  Add a column for each week under review
            for (var w = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON; w > 0; w--)
                currentWeek = currentWeek.PreviousWeek(currentWeek, true, false);

                var fieldName = string.Format(FieldFormat, currentWeek.WeekNo);
                cols.Add(fieldName, typeof(Int32));

            //  generate the data for each unit
            foreach (TeamUnit tu in unitList)
                var nTot = 0.0M;
                var dr   = dt.NewRow();
                dr["Team"]   = tu.Team.NameOut();
                dr["Rating"] = tu.Rating();

                //  variable number of weeks
                var weekCounter = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON;
                var scoreWeek   = startWeek;
                    decimal nScore = tu.GetStat(scoreWeek);
                    if (nScore > -1)
                        nTot += nScore;

                    dr[string.Format(FieldFormat, scoreWeek.WeekNo)] = nScore;

                    scoreWeek = scoreWeek.PreviousWeek(scoreWeek, true, false);

                    if (scoreWeek.Season != Utility.CurrentSeason())                     //  only shows current season
                        weekCounter = 0;

                } while (weekCounter > 0);

                dr["tot"] = nTot;
        public string RenderData(ArrayList unitList, string sHead, NFLWeek week)
            //  Output the list
            var tu1 = (TeamUnit)unitList[0];
            var r   = new SimpleTableReport {
                ReportHeader = sHead, ReportFooter = "", DoRowNumbers = true
            var ds = LoadData(unitList, week);

            r.AddColumn(new ReportColumn("Name", "TEAM", "{0,-15}"));
            r.AddColumn(new ReportColumn("Rating", "RATING", "{0,-1}"));
            r.AddColumn(new ReportColumn("Total", "tot", "{0,5}"));

            const int startAt = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON;

            var currentWeek = new NFLWeek(Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentSeason()), Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentWeek()), false);

            for (var w = startAt; w > 0; w--)
                var header    = string.Format("Week {0}", currentWeek.Week);
                var fieldName = string.Format(FieldFormat, currentWeek.WeekNo);

                r.AddColumn(new ReportColumn(header, fieldName, "{0,5}", tu1.BGPicker));
                currentWeek = currentWeek.PreviousWeek(currentWeek, true, false);

            var dt = ds.Tables[0];

            dt.DefaultView.Sort = "tot " + tu1.SortDirection();
            FileOut = string.Format("{0}Units\\{1}.htm", Utility.OutputDirectory(), sHead);
            r.RenderAsHtml(FileOut, true);
 public DefensiveScoringCalculator( NFLWeek startWeek, int offset )
     StartWeek = startWeek;
     if (startWeek.WeekNo < 2 )
         StartWeek = startWeek.PreviousWeek(startWeek, loadgames: false, regularSeasonGamesOnly: true);
     Offset = offset;
     Team = new NflTeam("SF");
 public DefensiveScoringCalculator(NFLWeek startWeek, int offset)
     StartWeek = startWeek;
     if (startWeek.WeekNo < 2)
         StartWeek = startWeek.PreviousWeek(startWeek, loadgames: false, regularSeasonGamesOnly: true);
     Offset = offset;
     Team   = new NflTeam("SF");
 public DefensiveScoringCalculator(NFLWeek startWeek, int offset)
     StartWeek = startWeek;
     if (startWeek.WeekNo < 2)
         StartWeek = startWeek.PreviousWeek(startWeek, false, true);
     Offset = offset;
     Team   = new NflTeam("SF");
        public DataSet LoadData(ArrayList unitList, NFLWeek startWeek)
            //  set up data columns
            var ds = new DataSet();
            var dt = new DataTable();
            var cols = dt.Columns;
            cols.Add("Team", typeof (String));
            cols.Add("Rating", typeof (String));
            cols.Add("tot", typeof (Int32));

            var currentWeek = new NFLWeek(Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentSeason()), Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentWeek()),
                                              loadGames: true);

            //  Add a column for each week under review
            for (var w = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON; w > 0; w--)
                currentWeek = currentWeek.PreviousWeek(currentWeek, true, false);

                var fieldName = string.Format(FieldFormat, currentWeek.WeekNo);
                cols.Add(fieldName, typeof (Int32));

            //  generate the data for each unit
            foreach (TeamUnit tu in unitList)
                var nTot = 0.0M;
                var dr = dt.NewRow();
                dr["Team"] = tu.Team.NameOut();
                dr["Rating"] = tu.Rating();

                //  variable number of weeks
                var weekCounter = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON;
                var scoreWeek = startWeek;
                    decimal nScore = tu.GetStat(scoreWeek);
                    if (nScore > -1)
                        nTot += nScore;

                    dr[string.Format(FieldFormat, scoreWeek.WeekNo)] = nScore;

                    scoreWeek = scoreWeek.PreviousWeek(scoreWeek, true, false);

                    if (scoreWeek.Season != Utility.CurrentSeason()) //  only shows current season
                        weekCounter = 0;

                } while (weekCounter > 0);

                dr["tot"] = nTot;
            return ds;
        public void Calculate( string season, string week )
            if ( week.Equals( "01" ) )
                SetupSeason( season );

            var hp = new HillinPredictor();

            var theSeason = new NflSeason( season );

            foreach ( var team in theSeason.TeamList )
                //  get teams game for the week
                Utility.Announce( string.Format( "  Doing {0}", team.TeamCode ) );
                var upcomingWeek = new NFLWeek( season, week );
                var previousWeek = upcomingWeek.PreviousWeek( upcomingWeek, loadgames:false, regularSeasonGamesOnly:true );
                var prevWeek = string.Format( "{0:0#}", previousWeek.WeekNo );
                var oldPowerRating = team.GetPowerRating( prevWeek );

                if ( oldPowerRating == 0 )
                var newRating = new HillenPowerRating
                    Season = season,
                    TeamCode = team.TeamCode,
                    Week = week,
                    Quantity = oldPowerRating

                var game = Utility.GetGameFor( season, prevWeek, team.TeamCode );

                if ( game.GameDate != new DateTime( 1, 1, 1 ) )
                    var predictedResult = hp.PredictGame( game, null, game.GameDate );
                    var predictedMarginForTeam = predictedResult.MarginForTeam( team.TeamCode );
                    //Utility.Announce( string.Format( "Predicted Margin for {0} is {1}", TeamCode, predictedMarginForTeam ) );
                    var actualMarginForTeam = game.Result.MarginForTeam( team.TeamCode );
                    //Utility.Announce( string.Format( "   Result of {2} means Actual Margin for {0} is {1}",
                    var newPowerRating = AdjustedPower( oldPowerRating, predictedMarginForTeam, actualMarginForTeam );
                    newRating.Quantity = newPowerRating;
                PutRating( newRating );
        public void Calculate(string season, string week)
            if (week.Equals("01"))

            var hp = new HillinPredictor();

            var theSeason = new NflSeason(season);

            foreach (var team in theSeason.TeamList)
                //  get teams game for the week
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  Doing {0}", team.TeamCode));
                var upcomingWeek   = new NFLWeek(season, week);
                var previousWeek   = upcomingWeek.PreviousWeek(upcomingWeek, loadgames: false, regularSeasonGamesOnly: true);
                var prevWeek       = string.Format("{0:0#}", previousWeek.WeekNo);
                var oldPowerRating = team.GetPowerRating(prevWeek);

                if (oldPowerRating == 0)
                var newRating = new HillenPowerRating
                    Season   = season,
                    TeamCode = team.TeamCode,
                    Week     = week,
                    Quantity = oldPowerRating

                var game = Utility.GetGameFor(season, prevWeek, team.TeamCode);

                if (game.GameDate != new DateTime(1, 1, 1))
                    var predictedResult        = hp.PredictGame(game, null, game.GameDate);
                    var predictedMarginForTeam = predictedResult.MarginForTeam(team.TeamCode);
                    //Utility.Announce( string.Format( "Predicted Margin for {0} is {1}", TeamCode, predictedMarginForTeam ) );
                    var actualMarginForTeam = game.Result.MarginForTeam(team.TeamCode);
                    //Utility.Announce( string.Format( "   Result of {2} means Actual Margin for {0} is {1}",
                    var newPowerRating = AdjustedPower(oldPowerRating, predictedMarginForTeam, actualMarginForTeam);
                    newRating.Quantity = newPowerRating;
        public Decimal RatePlayer(NFLPlayer plyr, NFLWeek week)
            // Points for Scores and points for stats
            if (week.WeekNo.Equals(0)) return 0;
            // Only starter or backup will score
            if ( ! ( plyr.PlayerRole.Equals( Constants.K_ROLE_STARTER ) || plyr.PlayerRole.Equals( Constants.K_ROLE_STARTER ) ) )
                return 0;

            Week = week; //  set the global week, other wise u will get the same week all the time
            plyr.Points = 0; //  start from scratch
            var currentWeek = Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentWeek());

            #region  Passing

            //  determine receiving stats
            decimal YD1p = 0;
            var nGames = 0;
            //  yards receiving will be the average of the last x games

            //  Last week
            var lastWeek = week.PreviousWeek(week, false, true);
            var ds = plyr.LastStats(
                Constants.K_STATCODE_PASSING_YARDS, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.Season );
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD1p += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                                     plyr.PlayerName, YD1p, lastWeek.WeekKey() ) );

            //  two weeks ago
            var twoWeeksAgo = lastWeek.PreviousWeek(lastWeek, false, true);
            decimal YD2p = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats( Constants.K_STATCODE_PASSING_YARDS,
                twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.Season );
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD2p += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards passing in week {2}",
                                                                  plyr.PlayerName, YD2p, twoWeeksAgo.WeekKey() ) );

            // Three weeks ago
            var threeWeeksAgo = lastWeek.PreviousWeek( twoWeeksAgo, false, true );
            decimal YD3p = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats( Constants.K_STATCODE_PASSING_YARDS,
                threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.Season );
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD3p += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards passing in week {2}",
                                                                  plyr.PlayerName, YD3p, threeWeeksAgo.WeekKey() ) );

            if (nGames > 0)
                plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int) (YD1p + YD2p + YD3p)/nGames;

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has averaged {1,4:##0} Yards passing in last 3 weeks",
                                                     plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDp));

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDp > 0)
                // adjust for role
                if (plyr.PlayerRole.Equals( Constants.K_ROLE_BACKUP))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDp = (plyr.TotStats.YDp/2);
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average halved to {1,4:##0} due to being a backup",
                                                             plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDp));

            //  home bonus
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDp != 0)
                if (plyr.IsAtHome(Week))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDp*1.1);
                    plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDp*.9);
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average adjusted to {1,4:##0} home v away",
                                                         plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDp));

            //  opponent factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDp != 0)
                var opponent = plyr.CurrTeam.OpponentFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (opponent != null)
                    var oppRating = plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings);
                    var ratingModifier = QbRatingModifier(plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings));
                    plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDp*ratingModifier);
                        string.Format("  {0} output modified by {1} to {4} due to opponent ({3}) rating modifier of {2}",
                                      plyr.PlayerName, ratingModifier, oppRating, opponent.TeamCode, plyr.TotStats.YDp));
                    plyr.OppRate = oppRating;

            //  line factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDp != 0)
                var game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (game != null)
                    if (game.SpreadFavourite().Equals(plyr.TeamCode))
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDp*1.1);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDp*1.05);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("+{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDp*0.95);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDp*0.9);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("-{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified to {1} due to the spread ({2})",
                                                             plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDp, plyr.PlayerSpread));

                    plyr.Opponent = game.OpponentOut(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode);

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("    {0} is projected for {1} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                                     plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDp, Week.WeekNo));

            //  1 pt / 25 yds
            var ptsForYDs = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDp/25.0M);
            plyr.Points += ptsForYDs;

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDp > 0)
                //  one TD for each 100 yds passing
                plyr.TotStats.Tdp = (plyr.TotStats.YDp/100);
                plyr.Points += plyr.TotStats.Tdp*4;

            Utility.Announce( string.Format( "      {0} has {1} points for YDc", plyr.PlayerName, ptsForYDs ) );


            #region  Catching

            //  determine receiving stats
            decimal YD1c = 0;
            nGames = 0;
            //  yards receiving will be the average of the last x games
            ds = plyr.LastStats( Constants.K_STATCODE_RECEPTION_YARDS,
                lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.Season );
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD1c += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                                     plyr.PlayerName, YD1c, lastWeek.WeekKey()));

            decimal YD2c = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats( Constants.K_STATCODE_RECEPTION_YARDS,
                twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.Season );
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD2c += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                                                  plyr.PlayerName, YD2c, twoWeeksAgo.WeekKey() ) );

            decimal YD3c = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats( Constants.K_STATCODE_RECEPTION_YARDS,
                threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.Season );
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD3c += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                                                  plyr.PlayerName, YD3c, threeWeeksAgo.WeekKey() ) );

            if (nGames > 0)
                plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int) (YD1c + YD2c + YD3c)/nGames;

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has averaged {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in last 3 weeks",
                                                     plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc ) );

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDc > 0)
                // adjust for role
                if (plyr.PlayerRole.Equals( Constants.K_ROLE_BACKUP ) )
                    plyr.TotStats.YDc = (plyr.TotStats.YDc/2);
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average halved to {1,4:##0} due to being a backup",
                                                             plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc));

            //  returner bonus 25 yds
            if (plyr.IsReturner())
                plyr.TotStats.YDc += 25;
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} returner bonus to {1,4:##0}",
                                                         plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc));

            //  home bonus
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDc != 0)
                if (plyr.IsAtHome(Week))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDc*1.2);
                    plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDc*.8);
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average adjusted to {1,4:##0} home v away",
                                                         plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc));

            //  opponent factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDc != 0)
                var opponent = plyr.CurrTeam.OpponentFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (opponent != null)
                    var oppRating = plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings);
                    var ratingModifier = RatingModifier(plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings));
                    plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDc*ratingModifier);
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified by {1} due to opponent ({3}) rating of {2}",
                                                             plyr.PlayerName, ratingModifier, oppRating, opponent.TeamCode));
                    plyr.OppRate = oppRating;

            //  line factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDc != 0)
                var game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (game != null)
                    if (game.SpreadFavourite().Equals(plyr.TeamCode))
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDc*1.2);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDc*1.1);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("+{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDc*0.8);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDc*0.9);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("-{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified to {1} due to the spread ({2})",
                                                             plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc, plyr.PlayerSpread));

                    plyr.Opponent = game.OpponentOut(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode);

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("    {0} is projected for {1} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                                     plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc, Week.WeekNo));

            //  1 pt / 10 yds
            ptsForYDs = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDc/10.0M);
            plyr.Points += ptsForYDs;

            Utility.Announce( string.Format( "      {0} has {1} points for YDc", plyr.PlayerName, ptsForYDs ) );

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDc > 0)
                //  one TD for each 75 yds caught
                plyr.TotStats.Tdc = (plyr.TotStats.YDc/75);
                plyr.Points += plyr.TotStats.Tdc*6;


            #region  Running

            decimal YD1r = 0;
            nGames = 0;
            //  yards running will be the average of the last x games
            ds = plyr.LastStats( Constants.K_STATCODE_RUSHING_YARDS, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.Season );
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD1r += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                                     plyr.PlayerName, YD1r, lastWeek.WeekKey() ) );

            decimal YD2r = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats( Constants.K_STATCODE_RUSHING_YARDS, twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.Season );
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD2r += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                                                  plyr.PlayerName, YD2r, twoWeeksAgo.WeekKey() ) );

            decimal YD3r = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats( Constants.K_STATCODE_RUSHING_YARDS,
                threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.Season );
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD3r += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                                                  plyr.PlayerName, YD3r, threeWeeksAgo.WeekKey()) );

            if (nGames > 0)
                plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int) (YD1r + YD2r + YD3r)/nGames;

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has averaged {1,4:##0} Yards rushing in last 3 weeks",
                                                     plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr));

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDr > 0)
                // adjust for role
                if (plyr.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_BACKUP))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDr = (plyr.TotStats.YDr/2);
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average halved to {1,4:##0} due to being a backup",
                                                             plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr ) );

            //  returner bonus 25 yds
            if (plyr.IsReturner())
                plyr.TotStats.YDr += 25;
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} returner bonus to {1,4:##0}",
                                                         plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr));

            //  home bonus
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDr != 0)
                if (plyr.IsAtHome(Week))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDr*1.2);
                    plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDr*.8);
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average adjusted to {1,4:##0} home v away",
                                                         plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr));

            //  opponent factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDr != 0)
                var opponent = plyr.CurrTeam.OpponentFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (opponent != null)
                    var oppRating = plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings);
                    var ratingModifier = RatingModifier(plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings));
                    plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDr*ratingModifier);
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified by {1} due to opponent ({3}) rating of {2}",
                                   plyr.PlayerName, ratingModifier, oppRating, opponent.TeamCode));
                    plyr.OppRate = oppRating;

            //  line factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDr != 0)
                var game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (game != null)
                    if (game.SpreadFavourite().Equals(plyr.TeamCode))
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDr*1.2);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDr*1.1);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("+{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDr*0.8);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDr*0.9);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("-{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified to {1} due to the spread ({2})",
                                                             plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr, plyr.PlayerSpread));

                    plyr.Opponent = game.OpponentOut(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode);

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("    {0} is projected for {1} Yards rushing in week {2}",
                                                     plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr, Week.WeekNo));

            //  1 pt / 10 yds
            ptsForYDs = (int) (plyr.TotStats.YDr/10.0M);
            plyr.Points += ptsForYDs;

            Utility.Announce( string.Format( "      {0} has {1} points for YDr", plyr.PlayerName, ptsForYDs ) );

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDr > 0)
                //  one TD for each 75 yds caught
                plyr.TotStats.Tdr = (plyr.TotStats.YDr/75);
                plyr.Points += plyr.TotStats.Tdr*6;


            if (plyr.PlayerCat.Equals(Constants.K_KICKER_CAT))
                #region  Kicking

                //  determine FG
                decimal fg = 0;
                //  FGs will be the average of the last x games
                ds = plyr.LastScores( Constants.K_SCORE_FIELD_GOAL,
                    threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.Season, "1" );
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)

                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} FG in last 3 weeks",
                                                         plyr.PlayerName, fg ) );

                if (fg > 0)
                    plyr.TotStats.Fg = (int) (fg/3);

                if (plyr.TotStats.Fg > 0)
                    // adjust for role
                    if (plyr.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_BACKUP))
                        plyr.TotStats.YDr = (plyr.TotStats.Fg/2);
                        Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average halved to {1,4:##0} due to being a backup",
                                                                 plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Fg));

                //  home bonus
                if (plyr.TotStats.Fg != 0)
                    if (plyr.IsAtHome(Week))
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} fg adjusted to {1,4:##0} home v away",
                                                             plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Fg));

                //  line factor
                if (plyr.TotStats.Fg != 0)
                    var game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                    if (game != null)
                        if (game.SpreadFavourite().Equals(plyr.TeamCode))
                            if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                                plyr.TotStats.Fg += 2;
                                plyr.TotStats.Fg ++;
                            plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("+{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                            if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                                plyr.TotStats.Fg -= 2;
                            plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("-{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                        Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified to {1} due to the spread ({2})",
                                                                 plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Fg, plyr.PlayerSpread));

                        plyr.Opponent = game.OpponentOut(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode);

                if (plyr.TotStats.Fg < 0) plyr.TotStats.Fg = 0;

                Utility.Announce(string.Format("    {0} is projected for {1} FGs in week {2}",
                                                         plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Fg, Week.WeekNo));

                //  1 pt / 10 yds
                decimal ptsForFgs = (int) (plyr.TotStats.Fg*3.0M);
                plyr.Points += ptsForFgs;

                //  determine PAT
                decimal pat = 0;
                //  yards running will be the average of the last x games
                ds = plyr.LastScores(RosterLib.Constants.K_SCORE_PAT, currentWeek - 3, currentWeek - 1, Week.Season, "1");
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)

                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} PATs in last 3 weeks",
                                                         plyr.PlayerName, pat));

                plyr.TotStats.Pat = (int) pat;

                if (plyr.TotStats.Pat > 0)
                    // adjust for role
                    if (plyr.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_BACKUP))
                        plyr.TotStats.YDr = (plyr.TotStats.YDr/2);

                //  home bonus
                if (plyr.TotStats.Pat != 0)
                    if (plyr.IsAtHome(Week))
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} pat adjusted to {1,4:##0} home v away",
                                                             plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Pat ) );

                //  line factor
                if (plyr.TotStats.Pat != 0)
                    var game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                    if (game != null)
                        if (game.SpreadFavourite().Equals(plyr.TeamCode))
                            if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                                plyr.TotStats.Pat += 2;
                            plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("+{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                            if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                                plyr.TotStats.Pat -= 2;
                            plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("-{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                        Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified to {1} due to the spread ({2})",
                                                        plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Pat, plyr.PlayerSpread));

                        plyr.Opponent = game.OpponentOut(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode);

                if (plyr.TotStats.Pat < 0) plyr.TotStats.Pat = 0;

                Utility.Announce(string.Format("    {0} is projected for {1} PATs in week {2}",
                                                         plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Pat, Week.WeekNo));

                //  1 pt / 10 yds
                decimal ptsForPats = (int) (plyr.TotStats.Pat*1.0M);
                plyr.Points += ptsForPats;


            Utility.Announce( string.Format( "{0} has {1} in week {2}:{3}",
                plyr.PlayerName, plyr.Points, week.Season, week.Week ) );

            return plyr.Points;
        public DataSet LoadData(ArrayList plyrList, NFLWeek startWeek)
            var ds   = new DataSet();
            var dt   = new DataTable();
            var cols = dt.Columns;

            cols.Add("Name", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("Currteam", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("ROLE", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("FT", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("tot", typeof(Int32));

            var currentWeek = new NFLWeek(
                loadGames: false);

            for (var w = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON; w > 0; w--)
                var fieldName = string.Format(
                //    string.Format( "Adding field: {0}", fieldName ) );
                currentWeek = currentWeek.PreviousWeek(
                    currentWeek, loadgames: false,
                    regularSeasonGamesOnly: false);
            foreach (NFLPlayer p in plyrList)
                decimal nTot = 0;
                var     dr   = dt.NewRow();
                dr["Name"]     = p.ProjectionLink(TimeKeeper.Season);
                dr["CurrTeam"] = p.TeamCode;
                dr["ROLE"]     = p.PlayerRole;
                dr["FT"]       = p.Owner;

                var weekCounter = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON;
                var weeksDone   = 0;
                var scoreWeek   = WeekMaster != null
                    ? WeekMaster.GetWeek(startWeek.Season, 17)
                    : new NFLWeek(

                    var game   = scoreWeek.GameFor(p.TeamCode);
                    var cOp    = game == null ? string.Empty : game.OpponentOut(p.TeamCode);
                    var nScore = 0M;
                    if (game != null)
                        if (game.Played())
                            nScore = _scorer.RatePlayer(p, scoreWeek);
                            nTot  += nScore;
                    if (game != null && game.Played())
                        dr[string.Format(FieldFormat, scoreWeek.WeekNo)]
                            = string.Format("{0:0}:{1}", nScore, cOp) + "<br>"
                              + OpponentDefence(p, game);
                        dr[string.Format(FieldFormat, scoreWeek.WeekNo)]
                            = string.Format("{0:#}:{1}", nScore, cOp) + "<br>"
                              + OpponentDefence(p, game);

                    scoreWeek = WeekMaster != null?WeekMaster.PreviousWeek(scoreWeek) : scoreWeek.PreviousWeek(scoreWeek, false, false);

                    if (CurrentSeasonOnly)
                        if (scoreWeek.Season != Utility.CurrentSeason())
                            weekCounter = 0; //  breaks you out of the loop
                    if (weeksDone >= WeeksToGoBack)

                } while (weekCounter > 0);

                dr["tot"] = nTot;
Beispiel #11
        public Decimal RatePlayer(NFLPlayer plyr, NFLWeek week, bool takeCache = true)
            // Points for Scores and points for stats
            if (week.WeekNo.Equals(0))
            // Only starter or backup will score
            if (!(plyr.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_STARTER) || plyr.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_STARTER)))

            Week        = week;      //  set the global week, other wise u will get the same week all the time
            plyr.Points = 0;         //  start from scratch
            var currentWeek = Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentWeek());

            #region  Passing

            //  determine receiving stats
            decimal YD1p   = 0;
            var     nGames = 0;
            //  yards receiving will be the average of the last x games

            //  Last week
            var lastWeek = week.PreviousWeek(week, false, true);
            var ds       = plyr.LastStats(
                Constants.K_STATCODE_PASSING_YARDS, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.Season);
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD1p += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, YD1p, lastWeek.WeekKey()));

            //  two weeks ago
            var     twoWeeksAgo = lastWeek.PreviousWeek(lastWeek, false, true);
            decimal YD2p        = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats(Constants.K_STATCODE_PASSING_YARDS,
                                twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.Season);
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD2p += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards passing in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, YD2p, twoWeeksAgo.WeekKey()));

            // Three weeks ago
            var     threeWeeksAgo = lastWeek.PreviousWeek(twoWeeksAgo, false, true);
            decimal YD3p          = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats(Constants.K_STATCODE_PASSING_YARDS,
                                threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.Season);
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD3p += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards passing in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, YD3p, threeWeeksAgo.WeekKey()));

            if (nGames > 0)
                plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int)(YD1p + YD2p + YD3p) / nGames;

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has averaged {1,4:##0} Yards passing in last 3 weeks",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDp));

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDp > 0)
                // adjust for role
                if (plyr.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_BACKUP))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDp = (plyr.TotStats.YDp / 2);
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average halved to {1,4:##0} due to being a backup",
                                                   plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDp));

            //  home bonus
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDp != 0)
                if (plyr.IsAtHome(Week))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDp * 1.1);
                    plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDp * .9);
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average adjusted to {1,4:##0} home v away",
                                               plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDp));

            //  opponent factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDp != 0)
                var opponent = plyr.CurrTeam.OpponentFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (opponent != null)
                    var oppRating      = plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings);
                    var ratingModifier = QbRatingModifier(plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings));
                    plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDp * ratingModifier);
                        string.Format("  {0} output modified by {1} to {4} due to opponent ({3}) rating modifier of {2}",
                                      plyr.PlayerName, ratingModifier, oppRating, opponent.TeamCode, plyr.TotStats.YDp));
                    plyr.OppRate = oppRating;

            //  line factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDp != 0)
                var game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (game != null)
                    if (game.SpreadFavourite().Equals(plyr.TeamCode))
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDp * 1.1);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDp * 1.05);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("+{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDp * 0.95);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDp = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDp * 0.9);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("-{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified to {1} due to the spread ({2})",
                                                   plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDp, plyr.PlayerSpread));

                    plyr.Opponent = game.OpponentOut(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode);

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("    {0} is projected for {1} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDp, Week.WeekNo));

            //  1 pt / 25 yds
            var ptsForYDs = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDp / 25.0M);
            plyr.Points += ptsForYDs;

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDp > 0)
                //  one TD for each 100 yds passing
                plyr.TotStats.Tdp = (plyr.TotStats.YDp / 100);
                plyr.Points      += plyr.TotStats.Tdp * 4;

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("      {0} has {1} points for YDc", plyr.PlayerName, ptsForYDs));


            #region  Catching

            //  determine receiving stats
            decimal YD1c = 0;
            nGames = 0;
            //  yards receiving will be the average of the last x games
            ds = plyr.LastStats(Constants.K_STATCODE_RECEPTION_YARDS,
                                lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.Season);
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD1c += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, YD1c, lastWeek.WeekKey()));

            decimal YD2c = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats(Constants.K_STATCODE_RECEPTION_YARDS,
                                twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.Season);
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD2c += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, YD2c, twoWeeksAgo.WeekKey()));

            decimal YD3c = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats(Constants.K_STATCODE_RECEPTION_YARDS,
                                threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.Season);
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD3c += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, YD3c, threeWeeksAgo.WeekKey()));

            if (nGames > 0)
                plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int)(YD1c + YD2c + YD3c) / nGames;

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has averaged {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in last 3 weeks",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc));

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDc > 0)
                // adjust for role
                if (plyr.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_BACKUP))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDc = (plyr.TotStats.YDc / 2);
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average halved to {1,4:##0} due to being a backup",
                                                   plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc));

            //  returner bonus 25 yds
            if (plyr.IsReturner())
                plyr.TotStats.YDc += 25;
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} returner bonus to {1,4:##0}",
                                               plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc));

            //  home bonus
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDc != 0)
                if (plyr.IsAtHome(Week))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDc * 1.2);
                    plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDc * .8);
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average adjusted to {1,4:##0} home v away",
                                               plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc));

            //  opponent factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDc != 0)
                var opponent = plyr.CurrTeam.OpponentFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (opponent != null)
                    var oppRating      = plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings);
                    var ratingModifier = RatingModifier(plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings));
                    plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDc * ratingModifier);
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified by {1} due to opponent ({3}) rating of {2}",
                                                   plyr.PlayerName, ratingModifier, oppRating, opponent.TeamCode));
                    plyr.OppRate = oppRating;

            //  line factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDc != 0)
                var game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (game != null)
                    if (game.SpreadFavourite().Equals(plyr.TeamCode))
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDc * 1.2);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDc * 1.1);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("+{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDc * 0.8);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDc = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDc * 0.9);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("-{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified to {1} due to the spread ({2})",
                                                   plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc, plyr.PlayerSpread));

                    plyr.Opponent = game.OpponentOut(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode);

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("    {0} is projected for {1} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDc, Week.WeekNo));

            //  1 pt / 10 yds
            ptsForYDs    = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDc / 10.0M);
            plyr.Points += ptsForYDs;

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("      {0} has {1} points for YDc", plyr.PlayerName, ptsForYDs));

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDc > 0)
                //  one TD for each 75 yds caught
                plyr.TotStats.Tdc = (plyr.TotStats.YDc / 75);
                plyr.Points      += plyr.TotStats.Tdc * 6;


            #region  Running

            decimal YD1r = 0;
            nGames = 0;
            //  yards running will be the average of the last x games
            ds = plyr.LastStats(Constants.K_STATCODE_RUSHING_YARDS, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.Season);
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD1r += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, YD1r, lastWeek.WeekKey()));

            decimal YD2r = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats(Constants.K_STATCODE_RUSHING_YARDS, twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.WeekNo, twoWeeksAgo.Season);
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD2r += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, YD2r, twoWeeksAgo.WeekKey()));

            decimal YD3r = 0;
            ds = plyr.LastStats(Constants.K_STATCODE_RUSHING_YARDS,
                                threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, threeWeeksAgo.Season);
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                YD3r += Decimal.Parse(dr["QTY"].ToString());
            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} Yards receiving in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, YD3r, threeWeeksAgo.WeekKey()));

            if (nGames > 0)
                plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int)(YD1r + YD2r + YD3r) / nGames;

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has averaged {1,4:##0} Yards rushing in last 3 weeks",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr));

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDr > 0)
                // adjust for role
                if (plyr.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_BACKUP))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDr = (plyr.TotStats.YDr / 2);
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average halved to {1,4:##0} due to being a backup",
                                                   plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr));

            //  returner bonus 25 yds
            if (plyr.IsReturner())
                plyr.TotStats.YDr += 25;
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} returner bonus to {1,4:##0}",
                                               plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr));

            //  home bonus
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDr != 0)
                if (plyr.IsAtHome(Week))
                    plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDr * 1.2);
                    plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDr * .8);
                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average adjusted to {1,4:##0} home v away",
                                               plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr));

            //  opponent factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDr != 0)
                var opponent = plyr.CurrTeam.OpponentFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (opponent != null)
                    var oppRating      = plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings);
                    var ratingModifier = RatingModifier(plyr.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings));
                    plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDr * ratingModifier);
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified by {1} due to opponent ({3}) rating of {2}",
                                                   plyr.PlayerName, ratingModifier, oppRating, opponent.TeamCode));
                    plyr.OppRate = oppRating;

            //  line factor
            if (plyr.TotStats.YDr != 0)
                var game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                if (game != null)
                    if (game.SpreadFavourite().Equals(plyr.TeamCode))
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDr * 1.2);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDr * 1.1);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("+{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                        if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                            plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDr * 0.8);
                            plyr.TotStats.YDr = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDr * 0.9);
                        plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("-{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified to {1} due to the spread ({2})",
                                                   plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr, plyr.PlayerSpread));

                    plyr.Opponent = game.OpponentOut(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode);

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("    {0} is projected for {1} Yards rushing in week {2}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.YDr, Week.WeekNo));

            //  1 pt / 10 yds
            ptsForYDs    = (int)(plyr.TotStats.YDr / 10.0M);
            plyr.Points += ptsForYDs;

            Utility.Announce(string.Format("      {0} has {1} points for YDr", plyr.PlayerName, ptsForYDs));

            if (plyr.TotStats.YDr > 0)
                //  one TD for each 75 yds caught
                plyr.TotStats.Tdr = (plyr.TotStats.YDr / 75);
                plyr.Points      += plyr.TotStats.Tdr * 6;


            if (plyr.PlayerCat.Equals(Constants.K_KICKER_CAT))
                #region  Kicking

                //  determine FG
                decimal fg = 0;
                //  FGs will be the average of the last x games
                ds = plyr.LastScores(Constants.K_SCORE_FIELD_GOAL,
                                     threeWeeksAgo.WeekNo, lastWeek.WeekNo, lastWeek.Season, "1");
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)

                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} FG in last 3 weeks",
                                               plyr.PlayerName, fg));

                if (fg > 0)
                    plyr.TotStats.Fg = (int)(fg / 3);

                if (plyr.TotStats.Fg > 0)
                    // adjust for role
                    if (plyr.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_BACKUP))
                        plyr.TotStats.YDr = (plyr.TotStats.Fg / 2);
                        Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} average halved to {1,4:##0} due to being a backup",
                                                       plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Fg));

                //  home bonus
                if (plyr.TotStats.Fg != 0)
                    if (plyr.IsAtHome(Week))
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} fg adjusted to {1,4:##0} home v away",
                                                   plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Fg));

                //  line factor
                if (plyr.TotStats.Fg != 0)
                    var game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                    if (game != null)
                        if (game.SpreadFavourite().Equals(plyr.TeamCode))
                            if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                                plyr.TotStats.Fg += 2;
                            plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("+{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                            if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                                plyr.TotStats.Fg -= 2;
                            plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("-{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                        Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified to {1} due to the spread ({2})",
                                                       plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Fg, plyr.PlayerSpread));

                        plyr.Opponent = game.OpponentOut(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode);

                if (plyr.TotStats.Fg < 0)
                    plyr.TotStats.Fg = 0;

                Utility.Announce(string.Format("    {0} is projected for {1} FGs in week {2}",
                                               plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Fg, Week.WeekNo));

                //  1 pt / 10 yds
                decimal ptsForFgs = (int)(plyr.TotStats.Fg * 3.0M);
                plyr.Points += ptsForFgs;

                //  determine PAT
                decimal pat = 0;
                //  yards running will be the average of the last x games
                ds = plyr.LastScores(RosterLib.Constants.K_SCORE_PAT, currentWeek - 3, currentWeek - 1, Week.Season, "1");
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)

                Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} has {1,4:##0} PATs in last 3 weeks",
                                               plyr.PlayerName, pat));

                plyr.TotStats.Pat = (int)pat;

                if (plyr.TotStats.Pat > 0)
                    // adjust for role
                    if (plyr.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_BACKUP))
                        plyr.TotStats.YDr = (plyr.TotStats.YDr / 2);

                //  home bonus
                if (plyr.TotStats.Pat != 0)
                    if (plyr.IsAtHome(Week))
                    Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0,-15} pat adjusted to {1,4:##0} home v away",
                                                   plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Pat));

                //  line factor
                if (plyr.TotStats.Pat != 0)
                    var game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(Week.Season, Week.WeekNo);
                    if (game != null)
                        if (game.SpreadFavourite().Equals(plyr.TeamCode))
                            if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                                plyr.TotStats.Pat += 2;
                            plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("+{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                            if (Math.Abs(game.Spread) > 6.5M)
                                plyr.TotStats.Pat -= 2;
                            plyr.PlayerSpread = string.Format("-{0:#.#}", Math.Abs(game.Spread));
                        Utility.Announce(string.Format("  {0} output modified to {1} due to the spread ({2})",
                                                       plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Pat, plyr.PlayerSpread));

                        plyr.Opponent = game.OpponentOut(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode);

                if (plyr.TotStats.Pat < 0)
                    plyr.TotStats.Pat = 0;

                Utility.Announce(string.Format("    {0} is projected for {1} PATs in week {2}",
                                               plyr.PlayerName, plyr.TotStats.Pat, Week.WeekNo));

                //  1 pt / 10 yds
                decimal ptsForPats = (int)(plyr.TotStats.Pat * 1.0M);
                plyr.Points += ptsForPats;


            Utility.Announce(string.Format("{0} has {1} in week {2}:{3}",
                                           plyr.PlayerName, plyr.Points, week.Season, week.Week));

        public string RenderData(ArrayList unitList, string sHead, NFLWeek week)
            //  Output the list
            var tu1 = (TeamUnit) unitList[0];
            var r = new SimpleTableReport {ReportHeader = sHead, ReportFooter = "", DoRowNumbers = true};
            var ds = LoadData(unitList, week);
            r.AddColumn(new ReportColumn("Name", "TEAM", "{0,-15}"));
            r.AddColumn(new ReportColumn("Rating", "RATING", "{0,-1}"));
            r.AddColumn(new ReportColumn("Total", "tot", "{0,5}"));

            const int startAt = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON;

            var currentWeek = new NFLWeek(Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentSeason()), Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentWeek()), false);

            for (var w = startAt; w > 0; w--)
                var header = string.Format("Week {0}", currentWeek.Week);
                var fieldName = string.Format(FieldFormat, currentWeek.WeekNo);

                r.AddColumn(new ReportColumn(header, fieldName, "{0,5}", tu1.BGPicker));
                currentWeek = currentWeek.PreviousWeek(currentWeek, true, false );

            var dt = ds.Tables[0];

            dt.DefaultView.Sort = "tot " + tu1.SortDirection();
            FileOut = string.Format( "{0}Units\\{1}.htm", Utility.OutputDirectory(), sHead );
            r.RenderAsHtml( FileOut, true);
            return FileOut;
        public DataSet LoadData(ArrayList plyrList, NFLWeek startWeek)
            var ds   = new DataSet();
            var dt   = new DataTable();
            var cols = dt.Columns;

            cols.Add("Name", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("Currteam", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("ROLE", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("FT", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("tot", typeof(Int32));

            var currentWeek = new NFLWeek(Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentSeason()), Int32.Parse(Utility.CurrentWeek()), false);

            for (var w = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON; w > 0; w--)
                var fieldName = string.Format(FieldFormat, currentWeek.WeekNo);
                cols.Add(fieldName, typeof(String));
                currentWeek = currentWeek.PreviousWeek(currentWeek, false, false);
            foreach (NFLPlayer p in plyrList)
                decimal nTot = 0;
                var     dr   = dt.NewRow();
                dr["Name"]     = p.PlayerName;
                dr["CurrTeam"] = p.TeamCode;
                dr["ROLE"]     = p.PlayerRole;
                dr["FT"]       = p.Owner;

                var weekCounter = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON;
//				var scoreWeek = startWeek;
                var scoreWeek = new NFLWeek(startWeek.Season, Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_REGULAR_SEASON);
                    var game   = scoreWeek.GameFor(p.TeamCode);
                    var cOp    = game == null ? string.Empty : game.OpponentOut(p.TeamCode);
                    var nScore = 0M;
                    if (game != null)
                        if (game.Played())
                            nScore = _scorer.RatePlayer(p, scoreWeek);
                            nTot  += nScore;
                    dr[string.Format(FieldFormat, scoreWeek.WeekNo)] = string.Format("{0:#}:{1}", nScore, cOp);

                    scoreWeek = scoreWeek.PreviousWeek(scoreWeek, false, false);

                    if (CurrentSeasonOnly)
                        if (scoreWeek.Season != Utility.CurrentSeason())
                            weekCounter = 0;

                } while (weekCounter > 0);

                dr["tot"] = nTot;
        public DataSet LoadData(ArrayList plyrList, NFLWeek startWeek)
            var ds = new DataSet();
             var dt = new DataTable();
             var cols = dt.Columns;
             cols.Add("Name", typeof (String));
             cols.Add("Currteam", typeof (String));
             cols.Add("ROLE", typeof (String));
             cols.Add("FT", typeof (String));
             cols.Add("tot", typeof (Int32));

             var currentWeek = new NFLWeek(

             for (var w = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON; w > 0; w--)
            var fieldName = string.Format(FieldFormat, currentWeek.WeekNo);
            Utility.Announce( string.Format( "Adding field: {0}", fieldName ) );
            cols.Add(fieldName, typeof (String));
            currentWeek = currentWeek.PreviousWeek(currentWeek,loadgames:false, regularSeasonGamesOnly: false);
             foreach (NFLPlayer p in plyrList)
            decimal nTot = 0;
            var dr = dt.NewRow();
            dr["Name"] = p.PlayerName;
            dr["CurrTeam"] = p.TeamCode;
            dr["ROLE"] = p.PlayerRole;
            dr["FT"] = p.Owner;

            var weekCounter = Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_A_SEASON;
            var weeksDone = 0;
            var scoreWeek = WeekMaster != null ? WeekMaster.GetWeek(startWeek.Season, 17) : new NFLWeek( startWeek.Season, Constants.K_WEEKS_IN_REGULAR_SEASON );
               var game = scoreWeek.GameFor(p.TeamCode);
               var cOp = game == null ? string.Empty : game.OpponentOut(p.TeamCode);
               var nScore = 0M;
               if ( game != null )
                  if ( game.Played() )
                     nScore = _scorer.RatePlayer( p, scoreWeek );
                     nTot += nScore;
                if (game != null && game.Played())
                    dr[ string.Format(FieldFormat, scoreWeek.WeekNo) ]
                     = string.Format("{0:0}:{1}", nScore, cOp) + "<br>"
                         + OpponentDefence(p, game);
                        dr[ string.Format( FieldFormat, scoreWeek.WeekNo ) ]
                     = string.Format( "{0:#}:{1}", nScore, cOp ) + "<br>"
                            + OpponentDefence( p, game );

                scoreWeek = WeekMaster != null ? WeekMaster.PreviousWeek(scoreWeek) : scoreWeek.PreviousWeek(scoreWeek,false,false);

               if (CurrentSeasonOnly)
                  if (scoreWeek.Season != Utility.CurrentSeason())
                     weekCounter = 0;  //  breaks you out of the loop

               if ( weeksDone >= WeeksToGoBack )

            } while (weekCounter > 0);

            dr["tot"] = nTot;
             return ds;
Beispiel #15
        public ArrayList LoadGamesFrom(string sStartSeason, string sStartWeek, int offset)
            if (GameList == null) GameList = new ArrayList();

             var processWeek = new NFLWeek(Int32.Parse(sStartSeason), Int32.Parse(sStartWeek), true);

             if (offset > 0)
            for (var i = 0; i < offset; i++)
               foreach (var game in processWeek.GameList())
               processWeek = processWeek.NextWeek(processWeek);
            //  going backwards
            for (var i = 0; i > offset; i--)
               //  process week
            #if DEBUG
               Utility.Announce(string.Format("  getting {0} game for {1} wk {2} ",
                 Name, processWeek.Season, processWeek.Week));
               var dr = Utility.TflWs.GetGame(processWeek.Season,
                             string.Format("{0:00}", Int32.Parse(processWeek.Week)), TeamCode);
               if (dr != null)
                  var myGame = new NFLGame(dr);
               processWeek = processWeek.PreviousWeek(processWeek, false, regularSeasonGamesOnly: true);
             return GameList;
Beispiel #16
        public DataSet LoadData(ArrayList plyrList, IRatePlayers scorer)
            var ds   = new DataSet();
            var dt   = new DataTable();
            var cols = dt.Columns;

            cols.Add("Name", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("Pos", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("Role", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("RookieYr", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("Age", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("Currteam", typeof(String));
            cols.Add("FT", typeof(String));

            if (LongStats)
                cols.Add("CurScores", typeof(Int32));
                cols.Add("Scores", typeof(Int32));
                cols.Add("Avg", typeof(Decimal));
                cols.Add("Injury", typeof(Int32));
                cols.Add("Tdp", typeof(Int32));
                cols.Add("YDp", typeof(Int32));
                cols.Add("Tdr", typeof(Int32));
                cols.Add("TDc", typeof(Int32));
                cols.Add("YDr", typeof(Int32));
                cols.Add("YDc", typeof(Int32));
                cols.Add("Fg", typeof(Int32));

            cols.Add("Points", typeof(Decimal));

            if (Season == null)
                Season = Utility.CurrentSeason();

            foreach (NFLPlayer p in plyrList)
                if (p.TotStats == null)
                    p.LoadPerformances(false, true, Season);                                     //  to get the stats
                //  rate the last whatevr weeks
                var theWeek   = new NFLWeek(Int32.Parse(Season), Week, false);               // start here
                var totPoints = 0M;
                for (var w = WeeksToGoBack; w > 0; w--)
                    if (scorer != null)
                        scorer.RatePlayer(p, theWeek);
                    totPoints += p.Points;
                    theWeek    = theWeek.PreviousWeek(theWeek, false, false);

                if (totPoints > 0 || !SupressZeros)
                    var dr = dt.NewRow();
                    if (RenderToCsv)
                        dr["Name"] = p.PlayerName;
                        dr["Name"] = p.ProjectionLink(Season);

                    dr["Pos"]      = p.PlayerPos;
                    dr["Role"]     = p.RoleOut();
                    dr["RookieYr"] = p.RookieYear;
                    dr["CurrTeam"] = p.TeamCode;
                    dr["FT"]       = p.Owner;
                    dr["Age"]      = p.PlayerAge();

                    if (LongStats)
                        dr["CurSCORES"] = p.CurrScores;
                        dr["SCORES"]    = p.Scores;
                        dr["Avg"]       = p.ScoresPerYear();
                        dr["INJURY"]    = p.Injuries();
                        dr["Tdp"]       = p.TotStats.Tdp;
                        dr["YDp"]       = p.TotStats.YDp;
                        dr["Tdr"]       = p.TotStats.Tdr;
                        dr["TDc"]       = p.TotStats.Tdc;
                        dr["YDr"]       = p.TotStats.YDr;
                        dr["YDc"]       = p.TotStats.YDc;
                        dr["Fg"]        = p.TotStats.Fg;

                    dr["Points"] = totPoints;
