Beispiel #1
 public virtual int GetSideBorderMatch(IRoomGen newGen, Dictionary <Dir4, List <IRoomGen> > adjacentsByDir, Loc loc, Dir4 dir, int matchValue)
     foreach (IRoomGen adj in adjacentsByDir[dir])
         matchValue = Math.Min(matchValue, FloorPlan.GetBorderMatch(adj, newGen, loc, dir.Reverse()));
Beispiel #2
        public static void AddLegalPlacements(SpawnList <Loc> possiblePlacements, FloorPlan floorPlan, RoomHallIndex indexFrom, IRoomGen roomFrom, IRoomGen room, Dir4 expandTo)
            bool vertical = expandTo.ToAxis() == Axis4.Vert;

            // this scaling factor equalizes the chances of long sides vs short sides
            int reverseSideMult = vertical ? roomFrom.Draw.Width * room.Draw.Width : roomFrom.Draw.Height * room.Draw.Height;

            IntRange side = roomFrom.Draw.GetSide(expandTo.ToAxis());

            // subtract the room's original size, not the inflated trialrect size
            side.Min -= (vertical ? room.Draw.Size.X : room.Draw.Size.Y) - 1;

            Rect tryRect = room.Draw;

            // expand in every direction
            // this will create a one-tile buffer to check for collisions
            tryRect.Inflate(1, 1);
            int currentScalar = side.Min;

            while (currentScalar < side.Max)
                // compute the location
                Loc trialLoc = roomFrom.GetEdgeRectLoc(expandTo, room.Draw.Size, currentScalar);
                tryRect.Start = trialLoc + new Loc(-1, -1);

                // check for collisions (not counting the rectangle from)
                List <RoomHallIndex> collisions = floorPlan.CheckCollision(tryRect);

                // find the first tile in which no collisions will be found
                int  maxCollideScalar = currentScalar;
                bool collided         = false;
                foreach (RoomHallIndex collision in collisions)
                    if (collision != indexFrom)
                        IRoomGen collideRoom = floorPlan.GetRoomHall(collision).RoomGen;

                        // this is the point at which the new room will barely touch the collided room
                        // the +1 at the end will move it into the safe zone
                        maxCollideScalar = Math.Max(maxCollideScalar, vertical ? collideRoom.Draw.Right : collideRoom.Draw.Bottom);
                        collided         = true;

                // if no collisions were hit, do final checks and add the room
                if (!collided)
                    Loc locTo = roomFrom.GetEdgeRectLoc(expandTo, room.Draw.Size, currentScalar);

                    // must be within the borders of the floor!
                    if (floorPlan.DrawRect.Contains(new Rect(locTo, room.Draw.Size)))
                        // check the border match and if add to possible placements
                        int chanceTo = FloorPlan.GetBorderMatch(roomFrom, room, locTo, expandTo);
                        if (chanceTo > 0)
                            possiblePlacements.Add(locTo, chanceTo * reverseSideMult);

                currentScalar = maxCollideScalar + 1;