Beispiel #1
		public override void OnConnectionStateChange (BluetoothGatt gatt, GattStatus status, ProfileState newState)
			Console.WriteLine ("OnConnectionStateChange: ");
			base.OnConnectionStateChange (gatt, status, newState);

			//TODO: need to pull the cached RSSI in here, or read it (requires the callback)
			Device device = new Device (gatt.Device, gatt, this, 0);

			switch (newState) {
			// disconnected
			case ProfileState.Disconnected:
				Console.WriteLine ("disconnected");
				this.DeviceDisconnected (this, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs () { Device = device });
				// connecting
			case ProfileState.Connecting:
				Console.WriteLine ("Connecting");
				// connected
			case ProfileState.Connected:
				Console.WriteLine ("Connected");
				this.DeviceConnected (this, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs () { Device = device });
				// disconnecting
			case ProfileState.Disconnecting:
				Console.WriteLine ("Disconnecting");
Beispiel #2
		public void OnLeScan (BluetoothDevice bleDevice, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord)
			Console.WriteLine ("Adapter.LeScanCallback: " + bleDevice.Name);
			// TODO: for some reason, this doesn't work, even though they have the same pointer,
			// it thinks that the item doesn't exist. so i had to write my own implementation
//			if(!this._discoveredDevices.Contains(device) ) {
//				this._discoveredDevices.Add (device );
//			}
			Device device = new Device (bleDevice, null, null, rssi);

			if (!DeviceExistsInDiscoveredList (bleDevice))
				this._discoveredDevices.Add	(device);
			// TODO: in the cross platform API, cache the RSSI
			// TODO: shouldn't i only raise this if it's not already in the list?
			this.DeviceDiscovered (this, new DeviceDiscoveredEventArgs { Device = device });