Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts a 256x256 bitmap album art from PsarcLoader by artFile file path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loader"></param>
        /// <param name="artFile"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static Bitmap ExtractAlbumArt(LazyPsarcLoader loader, string artFile)
            //Select the correct entry and load it into the memory stream
            using (MemoryStream ms = loader.ExtractEntryData(x => (x.Name == "gfxassets/album_art/" + artFile.Substring(14) + "")))
                //Create a Pfim image from memory stream
                Pfim.Dds img = Pfim.Dds.Create(ms);

                //Create bitmap
                Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height);

                //Convert Pfim image to bitmap
                int bytesPerPixel = img.BytesPerPixel;
                for (int i = 0; i < img.Data.Length; i += bytesPerPixel)
                    //Calculate pixel X and Y coordinates
                    int x = (i / bytesPerPixel) % img.Width;
                    int y = (i / bytesPerPixel) / img.Width;

                    //Get color from the Pfim image data array
                    Color c = Color.FromArgb(255, img.Data[i + 2], img.Data[i + 1], img.Data[i]);

                    //Set pixel in bitmap
                    bm.SetPixel(x, y, c);

                //Return bitmap
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads psarc file from filepath and populates details with information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filepath"></param>
        /// <param name="details"></param>
        internal static Dictionary <string, SongDetails> ReadPSARCHeaderData(string filepath)
            //Check that the file exists, just in case
            if (!File.Exists(filepath))
                Logger.LogError("Warning! Psarc file {0} does not exist!", filepath);

            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            //If its big, print a warning
            var  fileinfo = new FileInfo(filepath);
            long size     = fileinfo.Length;

            var detailsDict = new Dictionary <string, SongDetails>();

            using (LazyPsarcLoader loader = new LazyPsarcLoader(filepath))
                //Extract toolkit info
                var tkInfo = loader.ExtractToolkitInfo();

                //Extract all arrangements
                foreach (var v in loader.ExtractJsonManifests())
                    var attr = v.Entries.ToArray()[0].Value.ToArray()[0].Value;

                    if (attr.Phrases != null)
                        if (!detailsDict.ContainsKey(attr.SongKey))
                            detailsDict[attr.SongKey] = new SongDetails();

                        SongDetails details = detailsDict[attr.SongKey];

                        if (details.albumArt == null)
                                details.albumArt = ExtractAlbumArt(loader, attr.AlbumArt);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Logger.LogError("Warning: couldn't extract album art for {0}", attr.SongName);

                                details.albumArt = new Bitmap(1, 1);

                        details.songID     = attr.SongKey;
                        details.songLength = (float)(attr.SongLength ?? 0);
                        details.songName   = attr.SongName;
                        details.artistName = attr.ArtistName;
                        details.albumName  = attr.AlbumName;
                        details.albumYear  = attr.SongYear ?? 0;

                        details.toolkit = new ToolkitDetails
                            version         = tkInfo.PackageVersion,
                            author          = tkInfo.PackageAuthor,
                            comment         = tkInfo.PackageComment,
                            package_version = tkInfo.PackageVersion


                Logger.Log("Parsed {0} ({1}mb) in {2}ms and found {3} songs", fileinfo.Name, fileinfo.Length / 1024 / 1024, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, detailsDict.Count);

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads psarc file from filepath and populates details with information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filepath"></param>
        /// <param name="details"></param>
        internal static Dictionary <string, SongDetails> ReadPSARCHeaderData(FileInfo fileInfo)
            //Wait for the file to exist

            if (!fileInfo.Exists)
                Logger.LogError("Warning! Psarc file {0} does not exist!", fileInfo.FullName);

            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            string fileHash = GetFileHash(fileInfo);

            var detailsDict = new Dictionary <string, SongDetails>();

            using (LazyPsarcLoader loader = new LazyPsarcLoader(fileInfo))
                //Extract toolkit info
                var tkInfo = loader.ExtractToolkitInfo();
                List <Manifest2014 <Attributes2014> > manifests = null;

                    manifests = loader.ExtractJsonManifests();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.LogError("Warning! Could not parse psarc file {0}: {1}", fileInfo.Name, e.Message);

                //Extract all arrangements
                foreach (var v in manifests)
                    if (v == null)
                        Logger.LogError("Unable to process JSON manifest for {0}", fileInfo.Name);

                    var arrangement    = v.Entries.First();
                    var arrangement_id = arrangement.Key;
                    var attr           = arrangement.Value.First().Value;

                    ArrangementData arrangementData = loader.ExtractArrangementData(attr);

                    if (attr.Phrases != null)
                        if (!detailsDict.ContainsKey(attr.SongKey))
                            detailsDict[attr.SongKey] = new SongDetails();

                        SongDetails details = detailsDict[attr.SongKey];

                        if (details.albumArt == null)
                                details.albumArt = loader.ExtractAlbumArt(attr);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Logger.LogError("Warning: couldn't extract album art for {0}", attr.SongName);

                                details.albumArt = new Bitmap(1, 1);

                        //Get a list of all sections
                        var sections = new List <ArrangementDetails.SectionDetails>();
                        Dictionary <string, int> sectionCounts = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                        foreach (var sect in attr.Sections)
                            if (!sectionCounts.ContainsKey(sect.Name))
                                sectionCounts[sect.Name] = 1;

                            var sectionDetails = new ArrangementDetails.SectionDetails
                                name      = $"{sect.Name} {sectionCounts[sect.Name]}",
                                startTime = sect.StartTime,
                                endTime   = sect.EndTime



                        //Get a list of all phraseIterations
                        var phraseIterations = new List <ArrangementDetails.PhraseIterationDetails>();
                        Dictionary <string, int> phraseIterationCounts = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                        foreach (var phrI in attr.PhraseIterations)
                            if (!phraseIterationCounts.ContainsKey(phrI.Name))
                                phraseIterationCounts[phrI.Name] = 1;

                            var phraseIterationDetails = new ArrangementDetails.PhraseIterationDetails
                                name          = $"{phrI.Name} {phraseIterationCounts[phrI.Name]}",
                                phraseId      = phrI.PhraseIndex,
                                maxDifficulty = phrI.MaxDifficulty,
                                startTime     = phrI.StartTime,
                                endTime       = phrI.EndTime



                        //Build arrangement details
                        var arrangementDetails = new ArrangementDetails
                            name                   = attr.ArrangementName,
                            arrangementID          = arrangement_id,
                            sections               = sections,
                            phraseIterations       = phraseIterations,
                            data                   = arrangementData,
                            isBonusArrangement     = (attr.ArrangementProperties.BonusArr == 1),
                            isAlternateArrangement = (attr.ArrangementProperties.Represent == 0)

                        //Determine path type
                        if (attr.ArrangementProperties.PathLead == 1)
                            arrangementDetails.type = "Lead";
                        else if (attr.ArrangementProperties.PathRhythm == 1)
                            arrangementDetails.type = "Rhythm";
                        else if (attr.ArrangementProperties.PathBass == 1)
                            arrangementDetails.type = "Bass";

                        arrangementDetails.tuning = new ArrangementTuning(attr.Tuning, (int)attr.CentOffset, (int)attr.CapoFret);

                        //file hash
                        details.psarcFileHash = fileHash;

                        //Get general song information
                        details.songID     = attr.SongKey;
                        details.songLength = (float)(attr.SongLength ?? 0);
                        details.songName   = attr.SongName;
                        details.artistName = attr.ArtistName;
                        details.albumName  = attr.AlbumName;
                        details.albumYear  = attr.SongYear ?? 0;

                        //Apply toolkit information
                        details.toolkit = new ToolkitDetails
                            version         = tkInfo.PackageVersion,
                            author          = tkInfo.PackageAuthor,
                            comment         = tkInfo.PackageComment,
                            package_version = tkInfo.PackageVersion


                Logger.Log("Parsed {0} ({1}mb) in {2}ms and found {3} songs", fileInfo.Name, fileInfo.Length / 1024 / 1024, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, detailsDict.Count);

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads psarc file from filepath and populates details with information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filepath"></param>
        /// <param name="details"></param>
        internal static Dictionary <string, SongDetails> ReadPSARCHeaderData(string filepath)
            //Check that the file exists, just in case
            if (!File.Exists(filepath))
                Logger.LogError("Warning! Psarc file {0} does not exist!", filepath);

            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            //If its big, print a warning
            var  fileinfo = new FileInfo(filepath);
            long size     = fileinfo.Length;

            var detailsDict = new Dictionary <string, SongDetails>();

            using (LazyPsarcLoader loader = new LazyPsarcLoader(filepath))
                //Extract toolkit info
                var tkInfo = loader.ExtractToolkitInfo();
                List <Manifest2014 <Attributes2014> > manifests = null;

                    manifests = loader.ExtractJsonManifests();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.LogError("Warning! Could not parse psarc file {0}: {1}", Path.GetFileName(filepath), e.Message);

                //Extract all arrangements
                foreach (var v in manifests)
                    if (v == null)
                        Logger.LogError("Unable to process JSON manifest for {0}", Path.GetFileName(filepath));

                    var arrangement    = v.Entries.First();
                    var arrangement_id = arrangement.Key;
                    var attr           = arrangement.Value.First().Value;

                    if (attr.Phrases != null)
                        if (!detailsDict.ContainsKey(attr.SongKey))
                            detailsDict[attr.SongKey] = new SongDetails();

                        SongDetails details = detailsDict[attr.SongKey];

                        if (details.albumArt == null)
                                details.albumArt = ExtractAlbumArt(loader, attr.AlbumArt);
                            catch (Exception)
                                Logger.LogError("Warning: couldn't extract album art for {0}", attr.SongName);

                                details.albumArt = new Bitmap(1, 1);

                        //Get a list of all sections
                        var sections = new List <ArrangementDetails.SectionDetails>();
                        Dictionary <string, int> sectionCounts = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                        foreach (var sect in attr.Sections)
                            if (!sectionCounts.ContainsKey(sect.Name))
                                sectionCounts[sect.Name] = 1;

                            var sectionDetails = new ArrangementDetails.SectionDetails
                                name      = $"{sect.Name} {sectionCounts[sect.Name]}",
                                startTime = sect.StartTime,
                                endTime   = sect.EndTime



                        //Build arrangement details
                        var arrangementDetails = new ArrangementDetails
                            name                   = attr.ArrangementName,
                            arrangementID          = arrangement_id,
                            sections               = sections,
                            isBonusArrangement     = (attr.ArrangementProperties.BonusArr == 1),
                            isAlternateArrangement = (attr.ArrangementProperties.Represent == 0)

                        //Determine path type
                        if (attr.ArrangementProperties.PathLead == 1)
                            arrangementDetails.type = "Lead";
                        else if (attr.ArrangementProperties.PathRhythm == 1)
                            arrangementDetails.type = "Rhythm";
                        else if (attr.ArrangementProperties.PathBass == 1)
                            arrangementDetails.type = "Bass";

                        //Get general song information
                        details.songID     = attr.SongKey;
                        details.songLength = (float)(attr.SongLength ?? 0);
                        details.songName   = attr.SongName;
                        details.artistName = attr.ArtistName;
                        details.albumName  = attr.AlbumName;
                        details.albumYear  = attr.SongYear ?? 0;

                        //Apply toolkit information
                        details.toolkit = new ToolkitDetails
                            version         = tkInfo.PackageVersion,
                            author          = tkInfo.PackageAuthor,
                            comment         = tkInfo.PackageComment,
                            package_version = tkInfo.PackageVersion


                Logger.Log("Parsed {0} ({1}mb) in {2}ms and found {3} songs", fileinfo.Name, fileinfo.Length / 1024 / 1024, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, detailsDict.Count);
