GetByGroupTypeId() public method

Gets the by group type identifier.
public GetByGroupTypeId ( int groupTypeId ) : IQueryable
groupTypeId int The group type identifier.
return IQueryable
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            GroupType groupType;
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            GroupTypeService groupTypeService = new GroupTypeService( rockContext );
            GroupTypeRoleService groupTypeRoleService = new GroupTypeRoleService( rockContext );
            AttributeService attributeService = new AttributeService( rockContext );
            AttributeQualifierService qualifierService = new AttributeQualifierService( rockContext );
            CategoryService categoryService = new CategoryService( rockContext );
            GroupScheduleExclusionService scheduleExclusionService = new GroupScheduleExclusionService( rockContext );

            int groupTypeId = int.Parse( hfGroupTypeId.Value );

            if ( groupTypeId == 0 )
                groupType = new GroupType();
                groupTypeService.Add( groupType );
                groupType = groupTypeService.Get( groupTypeId );

                // selected roles
                var selectedRoleGuids = GroupTypeRolesState.Select( r => r.Guid );
                foreach ( var role in groupType.Roles.Where( r => !selectedRoleGuids.Contains( r.Guid ) ).ToList() )
                    groupType.Roles.Remove( role );
                    groupTypeRoleService.Delete( role );

            foreach ( var roleState in GroupTypeRolesState )
                GroupTypeRole role = groupType.Roles.Where( r => r.Guid == roleState.Guid ).FirstOrDefault();
                if ( role == null )
                    role = new GroupTypeRole();
                    groupType.Roles.Add( role );
                    roleState.Id = role.Id;
                    roleState.Guid = role.Guid;

                role.CopyPropertiesFrom( roleState );

            ScheduleType allowedScheduleTypes = ScheduleType.None;
            foreach( ListItem li in cblScheduleTypes.Items )
                if ( li.Selected )
                    allowedScheduleTypes = allowedScheduleTypes | (ScheduleType)li.Value.AsInteger();

            GroupLocationPickerMode locationSelectionMode = GroupLocationPickerMode.None;
            foreach ( ListItem li in cblLocationSelectionModes.Items )
                if ( li.Selected )
                    locationSelectionMode = locationSelectionMode | (GroupLocationPickerMode)li.Value.AsInteger();

            groupType.Name = tbName.Text;
            groupType.Description = tbDescription.Text;
            groupType.GroupTerm = tbGroupTerm.Text;
            groupType.GroupMemberTerm = tbGroupMemberTerm.Text;
            groupType.ShowInGroupList = cbShowInGroupList.Checked;
            groupType.ShowInNavigation = cbShowInNavigation.Checked;
            groupType.IconCssClass = tbIconCssClass.Text;
            groupType.TakesAttendance = cbTakesAttendance.Checked;
            groupType.SendAttendanceReminder = cbSendAttendanceReminder.Checked;
            groupType.AttendanceRule = ddlAttendanceRule.SelectedValueAsEnum<AttendanceRule>();
            groupType.AttendancePrintTo = ddlPrintTo.SelectedValueAsEnum<PrintTo>();
            groupType.AllowedScheduleTypes = allowedScheduleTypes;
            groupType.LocationSelectionMode = locationSelectionMode;
            groupType.GroupTypePurposeValueId = ddlGroupTypePurpose.SelectedValueAsInt();
            groupType.AllowMultipleLocations = cbAllowMultipleLocations.Checked;
            groupType.InheritedGroupTypeId = gtpInheritedGroupType.SelectedGroupTypeId;
            groupType.EnableLocationSchedules = cbEnableLocationSchedules.Checked;

            groupType.ChildGroupTypes = new List<GroupType>();
            foreach ( var item in ChildGroupTypesDictionary )
                var childGroupType = groupTypeService.Get( item.Key );
                if ( childGroupType != null )
                    groupType.ChildGroupTypes.Add( childGroupType );

            // Delete any removed exclusions
            foreach ( var exclusion in groupType.GroupScheduleExclusions.Where( s => !ScheduleExclusionDictionary.Keys.Contains( s.Guid ) ).ToList() )
                groupType.GroupScheduleExclusions.Remove( exclusion );
                scheduleExclusionService.Delete( exclusion );

            // Update exclusions
            foreach( var keyVal in ScheduleExclusionDictionary )
                var scheduleExclusion = groupType.GroupScheduleExclusions
                    .FirstOrDefault( s => s.Guid.Equals( keyVal.Key));
                if ( scheduleExclusion == null )
                    scheduleExclusion = new GroupScheduleExclusion();
                    groupType.GroupScheduleExclusions.Add( scheduleExclusion);

                scheduleExclusion.StartDate = keyVal.Value.Start;
                scheduleExclusion.EndDate = keyVal.Value.End;

            DefinedValueService definedValueService = new DefinedValueService( rockContext );

            groupType.LocationTypes = new List<GroupTypeLocationType>();
            foreach ( var item in LocationTypesDictionary )
                var locationType = definedValueService.Get( item.Key );
                if ( locationType != null )
                    groupType.LocationTypes.Add( new GroupTypeLocationType { LocationTypeValueId = locationType.Id } );

            if ( !groupType.IsValid )
                // Controls will render the error messages

            // need WrapTransaction due to Attribute saves
            rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>

                /* Save Attributes */
                string qualifierValue = groupType.Id.ToString();
                SaveAttributes( new GroupType().TypeId, "Id", qualifierValue, GroupTypeAttributesState, rockContext );
                SaveAttributes( new Group().TypeId, "GroupTypeId", qualifierValue, GroupAttributesState, rockContext );
                SaveAttributes( new GroupMember().TypeId, "GroupTypeId", qualifierValue, GroupMemberAttributesState, rockContext );

                // Reload to save default role
                groupType = groupTypeService.Get( groupType.Id );
                groupType.DefaultGroupRole = groupType.Roles.FirstOrDefault( r => r.Guid.Equals( DefaultRoleGuid ) );
                if ( groupType.DefaultGroupRole == null )
                    groupType.DefaultGroupRole = groupType.Roles.FirstOrDefault();


                // Reload the roles and apply their attribute values
                foreach ( var role in groupTypeRoleService.GetByGroupTypeId( groupType.Id ).ToList() )
                    role.LoadAttributes( rockContext );
                    var roleState = GroupTypeRolesState.Where( r => r.Guid.Equals( role.Guid ) ).FirstOrDefault();
                    if ( roleState != null && roleState.AttributeValues != null )
                        foreach ( var attributeValue in roleState.AttributeValues )
                            role.SetAttributeValue( attributeValue.Key, roleState.GetAttributeValue( attributeValue.Key ) );

                        role.SaveAttributeValues( rockContext );
            } );

            GroupTypeCache.Flush( groupType.Id );

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            GroupType groupType;

            using ( new UnitOfWorkScope() )
                GroupTypeService groupTypeService = new GroupTypeService();
                GroupTypeRoleService groupTypeRoleService = new GroupTypeRoleService();
                AttributeService attributeService = new AttributeService();
                AttributeQualifierService qualifierService = new AttributeQualifierService();
                CategoryService categoryService = new CategoryService();

                int groupTypeId = int.Parse( hfGroupTypeId.Value );

                if ( groupTypeId == 0 )
                    groupType = new GroupType();
                    groupTypeService.Add( groupType, CurrentPersonId );
                    groupType = groupTypeService.Get( groupTypeId );

                    // selected roles
                    var selectedRoleGuids = GroupTypeRolesState.Select( r => r.Guid );
                    foreach ( var role in groupType.Roles.Where( r => !selectedRoleGuids.Contains( r.Guid ) ).ToList() )
                        groupType.Roles.Remove( role );
                        groupTypeRoleService.Delete( role, CurrentPersonId );

                foreach ( var roleState in GroupTypeRolesState )
                    GroupTypeRole role = groupType.Roles.Where( r => r.Guid == roleState.Guid ).FirstOrDefault();
                    if ( role == null )
                        role = new GroupTypeRole();
                        groupType.Roles.Add( role );
                        roleState.Id = role.Id;
                        roleState.Guid = role.Guid;

                    role.CopyPropertiesFrom( roleState );

                GroupLocationPickerMode locationSelectionMode = GroupLocationPickerMode.None;
                foreach(ListItem li in cblLocationSelectionModes.Items)
                    if ( li.Selected )
                        locationSelectionMode = locationSelectionMode | (GroupLocationPickerMode)li.Value.AsInteger().Value;

                groupType.Name = tbName.Text;
                groupType.Description = tbDescription.Text;
                groupType.GroupTerm = tbGroupTerm.Text;
                groupType.GroupMemberTerm = tbGroupMemberTerm.Text;
                groupType.ShowInGroupList = cbShowInGroupList.Checked;
                groupType.ShowInNavigation = cbShowInNavigation.Checked;
                groupType.IconCssClass = tbIconCssClass.Text;
                groupType.TakesAttendance = cbTakesAttendance.Checked;
                groupType.AttendanceRule = ddlAttendanceRule.SelectedValueAsEnum<AttendanceRule>();
                groupType.AttendancePrintTo = ddlAttendancePrintTo.SelectedValueAsEnum<PrintTo>();
                groupType.LocationSelectionMode = locationSelectionMode;
                groupType.GroupTypePurposeValueId = ddlGroupTypePurpose.SelectedValueAsInt();
                groupType.AllowMultipleLocations = cbAllowMultipleLocations.Checked;
                groupType.InheritedGroupTypeId = gtpInheritedGroupType.SelectedGroupTypeId;

                groupType.ChildGroupTypes = new List<GroupType>();
                foreach ( var item in ChildGroupTypesDictionary )
                    var childGroupType = groupTypeService.Get( item.Key );
                    if ( childGroupType != null )
                        groupType.ChildGroupTypes.Add( childGroupType );

                DefinedValueService definedValueService = new DefinedValueService();

                groupType.LocationTypes = new List<GroupTypeLocationType>();
                foreach ( var item in LocationTypesDictionary )
                    var locationType = definedValueService.Get( item.Key );
                    if ( locationType != null )
                        groupType.LocationTypes.Add( new GroupTypeLocationType { LocationTypeValueId = locationType.Id } );

                if ( !groupType.IsValid )
                    // Controls will render the error messages                    

                RockTransactionScope.WrapTransaction( () =>
                        groupTypeService.Save( groupType, CurrentPersonId );

                        /* Save Attributes */
                        string qualifierValue = groupType.Id.ToString();
                        SaveAttributes( new GroupType().TypeId, "Id", qualifierValue, GroupTypeAttributesState, attributeService, qualifierService, categoryService );
                        SaveAttributes( new Group().TypeId, "GroupTypeId", qualifierValue, GroupAttributesState, attributeService, qualifierService, categoryService );
                        SaveAttributes( new GroupMember().TypeId, "GroupTypeId", qualifierValue, GroupMemberAttributesState, attributeService, qualifierService, categoryService );

                        // Reload to save default role
                        groupType = groupTypeService.Get( groupType.Id );
                        groupType.DefaultGroupRole = groupType.Roles.FirstOrDefault( r => r.Guid.Equals( DefaultRoleGuid ) );
                        if ( groupType.DefaultGroupRole == null )
                            groupType.DefaultGroupRole = groupType.Roles.FirstOrDefault();
                        groupTypeService.Save( groupType, CurrentPersonId );

                        // Reload the roles and apply their attribute values
                        foreach ( var role in groupTypeRoleService.GetByGroupTypeId( groupType.Id ) )
                            var roleState = GroupTypeRolesState.Where( r => r.Guid.Equals( role.Guid ) ).FirstOrDefault();
                            if ( roleState != null && roleState.AttributeValues != null )
                                foreach ( var attributeValue in roleState.AttributeValues )
                                    role.SetAttributeValue( attributeValue.Key, roleState.GetAttributeValue( attributeValue.Key ) );
                                Helper.SaveAttributeValues( role, CurrentPersonId );

                    } );

                GroupTypeCache.Flush( groupType.Id );

