Beispiel #1
         * Detirmines if the velocity vector is on the left or right side of the VO if its inside the VO.
         * Returns -1 if the velocity vector is inside the VO and left of the centerline
         * Returns 1 if the velocity vector is inside the VO and right of the centerline
         * returns 0 if the velocity vector is outside the VO
        private int pointRelativeCenterline(Vector p, VelocityObstacle VO)
            Vector pToVertex       = p - VO.vertex;
            double pAngle          = angleToXAxis(pToVertex);
            double lAngle          = angleToXAxis(VO.leftEdge);
            double rAngle          = angleToXAxis(VO.rightEdge);
            double centerlineAngle = angleToXAxis(VO.centerline);

            //Fix the angles so that they can be compared
            if (lAngle > rAngle)
                if (pAngle < 0)
                    lAngle -= Math.PI * 2;
                    rAngle += Math.PI * 2;
                if (centerlineAngle < lAngle)
                    centerlineAngle += Math.PI * 2;
                else if (centerlineAngle > rAngle)
                    centerlineAngle -= Math.PI * 2;

            if (lAngle < pAngle && pAngle < rAngle)
                if (pAngle < centerlineAngle)
Beispiel #2
         * Calculates the permissible velocities for the robot. Permissible velocities is outside the VO and should be as
         * close to the prefered velocity as possible. They consists partly of the intersections between the edges of VO,
         * and partly of the velocity vector projected on the edges of VO.
        private void calculatePermissibleVelocities()
            //Calculates the permissible velocities in the intersections between the edges of VO
            for (int i = 0; i < obstacleList.Count - 1; i++)
                VelocityObstacle VO1 = obstacleList[i];
                for (int j = i + 1; j < obstacleList.Count; j++)
                    VelocityObstacle VO2 = obstacleList[j];
                    Vector           possibleVelocity = findRayIntersection(VO1.vertex, VO1.leftEdge, VO2.vertex, VO2.leftEdge);
                    if (possibleVelocity != zero)
                        if (pointOutsideVO(possibleVelocity))

                    possibleVelocity = findRayIntersection(VO1.vertex, VO1.leftEdge, VO2.vertex, VO2.rightEdge);
                    if (possibleVelocity != zero)
                        if (pointOutsideVO(possibleVelocity))

                    possibleVelocity = findRayIntersection(VO1.vertex, VO1.rightEdge, VO2.vertex, VO2.leftEdge);
                    if (possibleVelocity != zero)
                        if (pointOutsideVO(possibleVelocity))

                    possibleVelocity = findRayIntersection(VO1.vertex, VO1.rightEdge, VO2.vertex, VO2.rightEdge);
                    if (possibleVelocity != zero)
                        if (pointOutsideVO(possibleVelocity))

            //Calculates the permissible velocities that is the velocity vector projected on the edges of VO
            foreach (VelocityObstacle VO in obstacleList)
                Vector pointOnEdge = projectPointOnRay(VO.vertex, VO.leftEdge, velocityPoint);
                if (pointOnEdge != zero)
                    if (pointOutsideVO(pointOnEdge))

                pointOnEdge = projectPointOnRay(VO.vertex, VO.rightEdge, velocityPoint);
                if (pointOnEdge != zero)
                    if (pointOutsideVO(pointOnEdge))
Beispiel #3
         * Calculates a forbidden area, the velocity obstacle VO. If the velocity vector is inside
         * this, the robot will collide with a neighbor robot. The VO is shaped like a cone with its vertex
         * at the robot position and the 2 edges tangent to the collision radius of the neighbor robot.
         * The cone is defined by 2 vectors representing the 2 edges and a vector point representing its vertex.
        private void calculateVO()
            double collisionRadius = 2 * Program.robotRadius * radiusScaling;

            obstacleList = new List <VelocityObstacle>();

            foreach (Robot neighbor in neighborRobot)
                Vector neighborHeading    = new Vector(neighbor.getHeading().X, neighbor.getHeading().Y);
                Vector neighborVelocity   = neighborHeading * neighbor.getSpeed() * velocityScaling;
                Vector neighborVector     = new Vector(neighbor.getPosition().X, neighbor.getPosition().Y);
                Vector vectorToNeighbor   = neighborVector - robotPos;
                double radiusRelativeDist = collisionRadius / vectorToNeighbor.Length;
                //The VOangle is half of the angle of the cone that defines the VO.
                double VOangle;
                //Arcsinus is not defined for values larger than 1. Though if the robot drives inside the neighbor
                //robot's collision radius the radiusRelativeDist gets larger than 1. In that case the VOangle is set to 90 degrees.
                if (radiusRelativeDist <= 1)
                    VOangle = Math.Asin(radiusRelativeDist);
                    VOangle = Math.PI / 2;

                double sinAngle = Math.Sin(VOangle);
                double cosAngle = Math.Cos(VOangle);

                Matrix rotationMatrixClockwise        = new Matrix(cosAngle, sinAngle, -sinAngle, cosAngle, 0, 0);
                Matrix rotationMatrixCounterClockwise = new Matrix(cosAngle, -sinAngle, sinAngle, cosAngle, 0, 0);

                Vector rightEdge = vectorToNeighbor * rotationMatrixClockwise;
                Vector leftEdge  = vectorToNeighbor * rotationMatrixCounterClockwise;

                Vector           coneVertex = robotPos + vertexOffsetScaling * (neighborVelocity + velocity) / (2 * speedScaling);
                VelocityObstacle tempVO     = new VelocityObstacle(rightEdge, leftEdge, vectorToNeighbor, coneVertex);

                 * An additional method which is used to enlarge the VO additionally. If the velocity vector is inside VO and left
                 * of the centerline, the VO is enlarged to the right and if the velocity vector is inside VO and right of the
                 * centerline, the VO is enlarged to the left. This makes it easier for the robot to chose the correct side to
                 * drive pass the neighbor. It is further explained in (J. Snape, J. van den Berg, S. J. Guy, D. Manocha (2011) "The hybrid
                 * reciprocal velocity obstacle") where it is called "The hybrid reciprocal velocity obstacle". It is disabled here since
                 * it didn't work according to plan but should work better with some adjustments.
                 * int test = pointRelativeCenterline(velocityPoint, temp);
                 * //test = -1 means that the velocity vector is inside VO and on the left side of the centerline
                 * if (test == -1)
                 * {
                 *  tempVO.vertex = findLineIntersection(robotPos + neighborVelocity, temp.rightEdge, temp.vertex, temp.leftEdge);
                 * }
                 * //test = -1 means that the velocity vector is inside VO and on the right side of the centerline
                 * else if (test == 1)
                 * {
                 *  tempVO.vertex = findLineIntersection(robotPos + neighborVelocity, temp.leftEdge, temp.vertex, temp.rightEdge);
                 * }*/
