Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// build a quad tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices">vertex array</param>
        /// <param name="depthLevel">quad tree depth count</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int Build(Vector3[] vertices, int depthLevel)
            this.depthLevel = depthLevel;

            rootNode = BuildNode(vertices, depthLevel);
            rootNode.Name = "QUADTREE: root node";

            return nodeCount;
Beispiel #2
        protected bool TestUsingQuadTree(CollideElement sourceCollide,
                                         QuadNode quadNode,
                                         out Vector3 intersect,
                                         out Vector3 normal,
                                         out float distance)
            bool result = false;

            float   tempDistance  = 0.0f;
            Vector3 tempIntersect = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 tempNormal    = Vector3.Zero;

            float   closestDistance     = float.MaxValue;
            Vector3 closestIntersection = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 closestNormal       = Vector3.Zero;

            distance  = 0.0f;
            intersect = Vector3.Zero;
            normal    = Vector3.Zero;

            //  checks upper left node.
            if (quadNode.UpperLeftNode != null)
                if (TestUsingQuadTree(sourceCollide, quadNode.UpperLeftNode,
                                      out tempIntersect, out tempNormal,
                                      out tempDistance))
                    result = true;

                    //  checks closest
                    if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                        closestDistance     = tempDistance;
                        closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                        closestNormal       = tempNormal;

            //  checks upper right node.
            if (quadNode.UpperRightNode != null)
                if (TestUsingQuadTree(sourceCollide, quadNode.UpperRightNode,
                                      out tempIntersect, out tempNormal,
                                      out tempDistance))
                    result = true;

                    //  checks closest
                    if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                        closestDistance     = tempDistance;
                        closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                        closestNormal       = tempNormal;

            //  checks lower left node.
            if (quadNode.LowerLeftNode != null)
                if (TestUsingQuadTree(sourceCollide, quadNode.LowerLeftNode,
                                      out tempIntersect, out tempNormal,
                                      out tempDistance))
                    result = true;

                    //  checks closest
                    if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                        closestDistance     = tempDistance;
                        closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                        closestNormal       = tempNormal;

            //  checks lower right node.
            if (quadNode.LowerRightNode != null)
                if (TestUsingQuadTree(sourceCollide, quadNode.LowerRightNode,
                                      out tempIntersect, out tempNormal,
                                      out tempDistance))
                    result = true;

                    //  checks closest
                    if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                        closestDistance     = tempDistance;
                        closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                        closestNormal       = tempNormal;
            //  checks vertices in quad node.
            if (quadNode.Contains(ref sourceCollide))
                //  checks vertices with bounding sphere.
                if (sourceCollide is CollideSphere)
                    CollideSphere collide = sourceCollide as CollideSphere;

                    // Hit test sphere with the model
                    BoundingSphere sphere = collide.BoundingSphere;

                    if (quadNode.Vertices != null)
                        if (TestSphereintersectModel(sphere, quadNode.Vertices,
                                                     out tempIntersect, out tempNormal,
                                                     out tempDistance))
                            result = true;

                            //  checks closest
                            if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                                closestDistance     = tempDistance;
                                closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                                closestNormal       = tempNormal;
                //  checks vertices with ray.
                else if (sourceCollide is CollideRay)
                    CollideRay collide = sourceCollide as CollideRay;

                    if (quadNode.Vertices != null)
                        if (TestRayintersectModel(collide.Ray, quadNode.Vertices,
                                                  out tempIntersect, out tempNormal,
                                                  out tempDistance))
                            result = true;

                            //  checks closest
                            if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                                closestDistance     = tempDistance;
                                closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                                closestNormal       = tempNormal;

            //  resolve final result.
            if (result)
                distance  = closestDistance;
                intersect = closestIntersection;
                normal    = closestNormal;

Beispiel #3
        protected bool TestUsingQuadTree(CollideElement sourceCollide,
                                        QuadNode quadNode,
                                        out Vector3 intersect,
                                        out Vector3 normal,
                                        out float distance)
            bool result = false;

            float tempDistance = 0.0f;
            Vector3 tempIntersect = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 tempNormal = Vector3.Zero;

            float closestDistance = float.MaxValue;
            Vector3 closestIntersection = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 closestNormal = Vector3.Zero;

            distance = 0.0f;
            intersect = Vector3.Zero;
            normal = Vector3.Zero;

            //  checks upper left node.
            if (quadNode.UpperLeftNode != null)
                if (TestUsingQuadTree(sourceCollide, quadNode.UpperLeftNode,
                                        out tempIntersect, out tempNormal, 
                                        out tempDistance))
                    result = true;

                    //  checks closest
                    if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                        closestDistance = tempDistance;
                        closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                        closestNormal = tempNormal;

            //  checks upper right node.
            if (quadNode.UpperRightNode != null)
                if (TestUsingQuadTree(sourceCollide, quadNode.UpperRightNode,
                                        out tempIntersect, out tempNormal, 
                                        out tempDistance))
                    result = true;

                    //  checks closest
                    if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                        closestDistance = tempDistance;
                        closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                        closestNormal = tempNormal;

            //  checks lower left node.
            if (quadNode.LowerLeftNode != null)
                if (TestUsingQuadTree(sourceCollide, quadNode.LowerLeftNode,
                                        out tempIntersect, out tempNormal, 
                                        out tempDistance))
                    result = true;

                    //  checks closest
                    if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                        closestDistance = tempDistance;
                        closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                        closestNormal = tempNormal;

            //  checks lower right node.
            if (quadNode.LowerRightNode != null)
                if (TestUsingQuadTree(sourceCollide, quadNode.LowerRightNode,
                                        out tempIntersect, out tempNormal, 
                                        out tempDistance))
                    result = true;

                    //  checks closest
                    if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                        closestDistance = tempDistance;
                        closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                        closestNormal = tempNormal;
            //  checks vertices in quad node.
            if (quadNode.Contains(ref sourceCollide))
                //  checks vertices with bounding sphere.
                if (sourceCollide is CollideSphere)
                    CollideSphere collide = sourceCollide as CollideSphere;

                    // Hit test sphere with the model
                    BoundingSphere sphere = collide.BoundingSphere;

                    if (quadNode.Vertices != null)
                        if (TestSphereintersectModel(sphere, quadNode.Vertices,
                                            out tempIntersect, out tempNormal,
                                            out tempDistance))
                            result = true;

                            //  checks closest
                            if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                                closestDistance = tempDistance;
                                closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                                closestNormal = tempNormal;
                //  checks vertices with ray.
                else if (sourceCollide is CollideRay)
                    CollideRay collide = sourceCollide as CollideRay;

                    if (quadNode.Vertices != null)
                        if (TestRayintersectModel(collide.Ray, quadNode.Vertices,
                                            out tempIntersect, out tempNormal,
                                            out tempDistance))
                            result = true;

                            //  checks closest
                            if (closestDistance > tempDistance)
                                closestDistance = tempDistance;
                                closestIntersection = tempIntersect;
                                closestNormal = tempNormal;

            //  resolve final result.
            if (result)
                distance = closestDistance;
                intersect = closestIntersection;
                normal = closestNormal;

            return result;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// build a quad node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices">vertex array</param>
        /// <param name="depthLevel">quad tree depth count</param>
        /// <returns>new quad node</returns>
        protected QuadNode BuildNode(Vector3[] vertices, int depthLevel)
            QuadNode newNode = null;
            Vector3 min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
            Vector3 max = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
            float centerX = 0.0f;
            float centerZ = 0.0f;

            IntersectionType[] Intersection = new IntersectionType[3];

            //  checks min and max of vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                if (min.X > vertices[i].X) min.X = vertices[i].X;
                if (min.Y > vertices[i].Y) min.Y = vertices[i].Y;
                if (min.Z > vertices[i].Z) min.Z = vertices[i].Z;

                if (max.X < vertices[i].X) max.X = vertices[i].X;
                if (max.Y < vertices[i].Y) max.Y = vertices[i].Y;
                if (max.Z < vertices[i].Z) max.Z = vertices[i].Z;

            centerX  = (max.X + min.X) / 2;
            centerZ  = (max.Z + min.Z) / 2;

            //  creates node
            newNode = new QuadNode(min, max);
            newNode.Depth = this.depthLevel - depthLevel;

            if (depthLevel-- > 0)
                List<Vector3> upperLeftVertexList = new List<Vector3>();
                List<Vector3> upperRightVertexList = new List<Vector3>();
                List<Vector3> lowerLeftVertexList = new List<Vector3>();
                List<Vector3> lowerRightVertexList = new List<Vector3>();
                List<Vector3> medlineVertexList = new List<Vector3>();
                //  vertex count
                for (int count = 0; count < vertices.Length; count += 3)
                    //  Triangle
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        //  inside upper left
                        if (vertices[count + i].X < centerX && 
                            vertices[count + i].Z < centerZ)
                            Intersection[i] = IntersectionType.UpperLeft;
                        //  inside upper right
                        else if (vertices[count + i].X > centerX &&
                                vertices[count + i].Z < centerZ)
                            Intersection[i] = IntersectionType.UpperRight;
                        //  inside lower left
                        else if (vertices[count + i].X < centerX &&
                                vertices[count + i].Z > centerZ)
                            Intersection[i] = IntersectionType.LowerLeft;
                        //  inside lower right
                        else if (vertices[count + i].X > centerX &&
                                vertices[count + i].Z > centerZ)
                            Intersection[i] = IntersectionType.LowerRight;

                    //  intersecting with upper left area
                    if (Intersection[0] == IntersectionType.UpperLeft &&
                        Intersection[1] == IntersectionType.UpperLeft &&
                        Intersection[2] == IntersectionType.UpperLeft)
                        upperLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 0]);
                        upperLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 1]);
                        upperLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 2]);
                    //  intersecting with upper right area
                    else if (Intersection[0] == IntersectionType.UpperRight &&
                            Intersection[1] == IntersectionType.UpperRight &&
                            Intersection[2] == IntersectionType.UpperRight)
                        upperRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 0]);
                        upperRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 1]);
                        upperRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 2]);
                    //  intersecting with lower left area
                    else if (Intersection[0] == IntersectionType.LowerLeft &&
                            Intersection[1] == IntersectionType.LowerLeft &&
                            Intersection[2] == IntersectionType.LowerLeft)
                        lowerLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 0]);
                        lowerLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 1]);
                        lowerLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 2]);
                    //  intersecting with lower right area
                    else if (Intersection[0] == IntersectionType.LowerRight &&
                            Intersection[1] == IntersectionType.LowerRight &&
                            Intersection[2] == IntersectionType.LowerRight)
                        lowerRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 0]);
                        lowerRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 1]);
                        lowerRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 2]);
                    //  intersecting with medline
                        medlineVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 0]);
                        medlineVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 1]);
                        medlineVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 2]);

                string prefix = String.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < this.depthLevel - depthLevel; i++) prefix += "- ";

                //  upper left
                if (upperLeftVertexList.Count > 0)
                    newNode.UpperLeftNode =
                        BuildNode(upperLeftVertexList.ToArray(), depthLevel);

                    newNode.UpperLeftNode.Parent = newNode;                  

                    newNode.UpperLeftNode.Name = "QUADTREE: " + prefix + "UL ";

                    if (newNode.UpperLeftNode.IsLeafNode )
                        newNode.UpperLeftNode.Name += "leaf";
                        newNode.UpperLeftNode.Name += "node";

                //  upper right
                if (upperRightVertexList.Count > 0)
                    newNode.UpperRightNode =
                        BuildNode(upperRightVertexList.ToArray(), depthLevel);

                    newNode.UpperRightNode.Parent = newNode;
                    newNode.UpperRightNode.Name = "QUADTREE: " + prefix + "UR ";

                    if (newNode.UpperRightNode.IsLeafNode )
                        newNode.UpperRightNode.Name += "leaf";
                        newNode.UpperRightNode.Name += "node";

                //  lower left
                if (lowerLeftVertexList.Count > 0)
                    newNode.LowerLeftNode =
                        BuildNode(lowerLeftVertexList.ToArray(), depthLevel);

                    newNode.LowerLeftNode.Parent = newNode;
                    newNode.LowerLeftNode.Name = "QUADTREE: " + prefix + "LL ";

                    if (newNode.LowerLeftNode.IsLeafNode )
                        newNode.LowerLeftNode.Name += "leaf";
                        newNode.LowerLeftNode.Name += "node";

                //  lower right
                if (lowerRightVertexList.Count > 0)
                    newNode.LowerRightNode =
                        BuildNode(lowerRightVertexList.ToArray(), depthLevel);

                    newNode.LowerRightNode.Parent = newNode;
                    newNode.LowerRightNode.Name = "QUADTREE: " + prefix + "LR ";

                    if (newNode.LowerRightNode.IsLeafNode )
                        newNode.LowerRightNode.Name += "leaf";
                        newNode.LowerRightNode.Name += "node";

                //  intersecting with medline
                if (medlineVertexList.Count > 0)

            return newNode;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// build a quad node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices">vertex array</param>
        /// <param name="depthLevel">quad tree depth count</param>
        /// <returns>new quad node</returns>
        protected QuadNode BuildNode(Vector3[] vertices, int depthLevel)
            QuadNode newNode = null;

            Vector3 min     = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
            Vector3 max     = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
            float   centerX = 0.0f;
            float   centerZ = 0.0f;

            IntersectionType[] Intersection = new IntersectionType[3];

            //  checks min and max of vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                if (min.X > vertices[i].X)
                    min.X = vertices[i].X;
                if (min.Y > vertices[i].Y)
                    min.Y = vertices[i].Y;
                if (min.Z > vertices[i].Z)
                    min.Z = vertices[i].Z;

                if (max.X < vertices[i].X)
                    max.X = vertices[i].X;
                if (max.Y < vertices[i].Y)
                    max.Y = vertices[i].Y;
                if (max.Z < vertices[i].Z)
                    max.Z = vertices[i].Z;

            centerX = (max.X + min.X) / 2;
            centerZ = (max.Z + min.Z) / 2;

            //  creates node
            newNode       = new QuadNode(min, max);
            newNode.Depth = this.depthLevel - depthLevel;


            if (depthLevel-- > 0)
                List <Vector3> upperLeftVertexList  = new List <Vector3>();
                List <Vector3> upperRightVertexList = new List <Vector3>();
                List <Vector3> lowerLeftVertexList  = new List <Vector3>();
                List <Vector3> lowerRightVertexList = new List <Vector3>();
                List <Vector3> medlineVertexList    = new List <Vector3>();

                //  vertex count
                for (int count = 0; count < vertices.Length; count += 3)
                    //  Triangle
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        //  inside upper left
                        if (vertices[count + i].X < centerX &&
                            vertices[count + i].Z < centerZ)
                            Intersection[i] = IntersectionType.UpperLeft;
                        //  inside upper right
                        else if (vertices[count + i].X > centerX &&
                                 vertices[count + i].Z < centerZ)
                            Intersection[i] = IntersectionType.UpperRight;
                        //  inside lower left
                        else if (vertices[count + i].X <centerX &&
                                                        vertices[count + i].Z> centerZ)
                            Intersection[i] = IntersectionType.LowerLeft;
                        //  inside lower right
                        else if (vertices[count + i].X > centerX &&
                                 vertices[count + i].Z > centerZ)
                            Intersection[i] = IntersectionType.LowerRight;

                    //  intersecting with upper left area
                    if (Intersection[0] == IntersectionType.UpperLeft &&
                        Intersection[1] == IntersectionType.UpperLeft &&
                        Intersection[2] == IntersectionType.UpperLeft)
                        upperLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 0]);
                        upperLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 1]);
                        upperLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 2]);
                    //  intersecting with upper right area
                    else if (Intersection[0] == IntersectionType.UpperRight &&
                             Intersection[1] == IntersectionType.UpperRight &&
                             Intersection[2] == IntersectionType.UpperRight)
                        upperRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 0]);
                        upperRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 1]);
                        upperRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 2]);
                    //  intersecting with lower left area
                    else if (Intersection[0] == IntersectionType.LowerLeft &&
                             Intersection[1] == IntersectionType.LowerLeft &&
                             Intersection[2] == IntersectionType.LowerLeft)
                        lowerLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 0]);
                        lowerLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 1]);
                        lowerLeftVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 2]);
                    //  intersecting with lower right area
                    else if (Intersection[0] == IntersectionType.LowerRight &&
                             Intersection[1] == IntersectionType.LowerRight &&
                             Intersection[2] == IntersectionType.LowerRight)
                        lowerRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 0]);
                        lowerRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 1]);
                        lowerRightVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 2]);
                    //  intersecting with medline
                        medlineVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 0]);
                        medlineVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 1]);
                        medlineVertexList.Add(vertices[count + 2]);

                string prefix = String.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < this.depthLevel - depthLevel; i++)
                    prefix += "- ";

                //  upper left
                if (upperLeftVertexList.Count > 0)
                    newNode.UpperLeftNode =
                        BuildNode(upperLeftVertexList.ToArray(), depthLevel);

                    newNode.UpperLeftNode.Parent = newNode;

                    newNode.UpperLeftNode.Name = "QUADTREE: " + prefix + "UL ";

                    if (newNode.UpperLeftNode.IsLeafNode)
                        newNode.UpperLeftNode.Name += "leaf";
                        newNode.UpperLeftNode.Name += "node";

                //  upper right
                if (upperRightVertexList.Count > 0)
                    newNode.UpperRightNode =
                        BuildNode(upperRightVertexList.ToArray(), depthLevel);

                    newNode.UpperRightNode.Parent = newNode;
                    newNode.UpperRightNode.Name   = "QUADTREE: " + prefix + "UR ";

                    if (newNode.UpperRightNode.IsLeafNode)
                        newNode.UpperRightNode.Name += "leaf";
                        newNode.UpperRightNode.Name += "node";

                //  lower left
                if (lowerLeftVertexList.Count > 0)
                    newNode.LowerLeftNode =
                        BuildNode(lowerLeftVertexList.ToArray(), depthLevel);

                    newNode.LowerLeftNode.Parent = newNode;
                    newNode.LowerLeftNode.Name   = "QUADTREE: " + prefix + "LL ";

                    if (newNode.LowerLeftNode.IsLeafNode)
                        newNode.LowerLeftNode.Name += "leaf";
                        newNode.LowerLeftNode.Name += "node";

                //  lower right
                if (lowerRightVertexList.Count > 0)
                    newNode.LowerRightNode =
                        BuildNode(lowerRightVertexList.ToArray(), depthLevel);

                    newNode.LowerRightNode.Parent = newNode;
                    newNode.LowerRightNode.Name   = "QUADTREE: " + prefix + "LR ";

                    if (newNode.LowerRightNode.IsLeafNode)
                        newNode.LowerRightNode.Name += "leaf";
                        newNode.LowerRightNode.Name += "node";

                //  intersecting with medline
                if (medlineVertexList.Count > 0)
