Beispiel #1
        public static void DrawInfo(this SpriteBatch sb)
            string players  = Game1.settings.PlayersEnabled ? Game1.scanner.Players.Count.ToString() : "Disabled";
            string npcs     = Game1.settings.NpcEnabled ? Game1.scanner.Npcs.Count.ToString() : "Disabled";
            string objects  = Game1.settings.ObjectsEnabled ? Game1.scanner.Objects.Count.ToString() : "Disabled";
            string currZone = Game1.scanner.CurrentZoneName;

            string XPos = Math.Round(Game1.scanner.MyPlayer.XPos, 2).ToString();
            string YPos = Math.Round(Game1.scanner.MyPlayer.YPos, 2).ToString();
            string ZPos = Math.Round(Game1.scanner.MyPlayer.ZPos, 2).ToString();

            string targetGuid  = "";
            string npcTargetID = "";

            if (Game1.scanner.Target != null)
                if (Game1.scanner.Target is Radar.PlayerObject)
                    Radar.PlayerObject pl = Game1.scanner.Target as Radar.PlayerObject;
                    targetGuid  = pl.Guid.ToString();
                    npcTargetID = "Player Selected!";
                else if (Game1.scanner.Target is Radar.NpcObject)
                    Radar.NpcObject npc = Game1.scanner.Target as Radar.NpcObject;
                    targetGuid  = npc.Guid.ToString();
                    npcTargetID = npc.NpcID.ToString();

            sb.DrawTextForInfo("Ping Time: " + Tools.MsFromTicks(Game1.PingTime) + " ms", new Vector2(8, 32), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("DbUpdate Time: " + Tools.MsFromTicks(Game1.DbUpdateTime) + " ms", new Vector2(8, 48), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("-", new Vector2(8, 64), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("TotalObjects: " + Game1.scanner.TotalWowObjects, new Vector2(8, 80), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("ReadedObjects: " + Game1.scanner.ReadedWowObjects, new Vector2(8, 96), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("-", new Vector2(8, 112), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("Players: " + Game1.scanner.Players.Count, new Vector2(8, 128), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("Npcs: " + npcs, new Vector2(8, 144), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("Objects: " + objects, new Vector2(8, 160), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("-", new Vector2(8, 176), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("My GUID: " + Game1.scanner.MyPlayer.Guid, new Vector2(8, 192), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("XPos: " + XPos, new Vector2(8, 208), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("YPos: " + YPos, new Vector2(8, 224), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("ZPos: " + ZPos, new Vector2(8, 240), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("Current Zone: " + currZone, new Vector2(8, 256), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("Target GUID: " + targetGuid, new Vector2(8, 270), 14.0f);
            sb.DrawTextForInfo("Target Npc ID: " + npcTargetID, new Vector2(8, 284), 14.0f);
Beispiel #2
        protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            float RadarZoom = settings.RadarZoom;

            Stopwatch drawTime = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            //Рисуем миникарту

            //Отрисовываем гуи если в мире и мышка под меню
            if (!GUI.MouseOver | !(HasConnected & HasInWorld))
                if (HasConnected)
                    if (HasInWorld)
                        //Реинициализируем адресса, если что-то пошло не так
                            if (LastGameState != 3)

                            LastGameState = 3;

                        #region  Отрисовка руд, трав и объектов из базы данных!!
                            #region  Отрисовка руды из бд
                                if (settings.ores.Find)                                    //Если ищем с бд
                                    if (DB.database.Ores.ZoneExist(scanner.CurrentZoneID)) //Если есть хоть что-то в этой зоне
                                        for (int i = 0; i < DB.database.Ores.OresDict[scanner.CurrentZoneID].Count; i++)
                                            //Бережно берем из списка
                                            DataBase.cOres.Ore ore;
                                            try { ore = DB.database.Ores.OresDict[scanner.CurrentZoneID][i] as DataBase.cOres.Ore; }
                                            catch { continue; }

                                            //Если руда в радиусе прорисовки
                                            Vector2 orePos = new Vector2(ore.Position.X, ore.Position.Y);
                                            Vector2 imPos  = new Vector2(scanner.MyPlayer.XPos, scanner.MyPlayer.YPos);
                                            if (Tools.Vec.InRadius(orePos, imPos, (DB.database.Ores.MaxSeeDistance * 2)))
                                                bool breaked = false;
                                                foreach (Radar.OtherObject obj in scanner.Objects)
                                                    if (Enums.ObjDB.HasOre(obj.ObjectId))
                                                        if (Tools.Vec.InRadius(orePos, new Vector2(obj.XPos, obj.YPos), settings.nodes.RadiusCheck))
                                                            breaked = true;

                                                if (!breaked)
                                                    int   XPos          = (int)((imPos.X - orePos.X) * RadarZoom + RadarWidth / 2);
                                                    int   YPos          = (int)((imPos.Y - orePos.Y) * RadarZoom + RadarHeight / 2);
                                                    float DistanceToOre = Vector2.Distance(orePos, imPos);

                                                    if (DistanceToOre < (ore.MaxSeeDistance / 1.5f))
                                                        float     Zoom          = RadarZoom / 4;
                                                        float     divide_factor = settings.nodes.NotExist_DivideFactor;
                                                        int       NodeSize      = (int)((settings.nodes.Size * Zoom) / divide_factor);
                                                        Color     textureColor  = Tools.GetOpacity(Color.Red, 96);
                                                        Color     textColor     = Tools.GetOpacity(Color.Red, 200);
                                                        Rectangle TextureDest   = new Rectangle(XPos, YPos, NodeSize, NodeSize);

                                                        spriteBatch.DrawTexture("other_notexist_node", TextureDest, textureColor);
                                                        spriteBatch.DrawText(ore.Name, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + NodeSize), (settings.ores.FontSize / divide_factor), textColor);
                                                        float     Zoom        = RadarZoom / 4;
                                                        int       NodeSize    = (int)(settings.nodes.Size * Zoom);
                                                        Rectangle TextureDest = new Rectangle(XPos, YPos, NodeSize, NodeSize);

                                                        spriteBatch.DrawTexture("other_notsee_node", TextureDest, Color.DarkRed);
                                                        spriteBatch.DrawText(ore.Name, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + NodeSize), settings.ores.FontSize, Color.DarkRed);

                            #region  Отрисовка травы из бд
                                if (settings.herbs.Find)                                    //Если ищем с бд
                                    if (DB.database.Herbs.ZoneExist(scanner.CurrentZoneID)) //Если есть хоть что-то в этой зоне
                                        for (int i = 0; i < DB.database.Herbs.HerbDict[scanner.CurrentZoneID].Count; i++)
                                            //Бережно берем из списка
                                            DataBase.cHerbs.Herb herb;
                                            try { herb = DB.database.Herbs.HerbDict[scanner.CurrentZoneID][i] as DataBase.cHerbs.Herb; }
                                            catch { continue; }

                                            //Если трава в радиусе прорисовки
                                            Vector2 herbPos = new Vector2(herb.Position.X, herb.Position.Y);
                                            Vector2 imPos   = new Vector2(scanner.MyPlayer.XPos, scanner.MyPlayer.YPos);
                                            if (Tools.Vec.InRadius(herbPos, imPos, (DB.database.Herbs.MaxSeeDistance * 2)))
                                                bool breaked = false;
                                                foreach (Radar.OtherObject obj in scanner.Objects)
                                                    if (Enums.ObjDB.HasHerb(obj.ObjectId))
                                                        if (Tools.Vec.InRadius(herbPos, new Vector2(obj.XPos, obj.YPos), settings.nodes.RadiusCheck))
                                                            breaked = true;

                                                if (!breaked)
                                                    int   XPos           = (int)((imPos.X - herbPos.X) * RadarZoom + RadarWidth / 2);
                                                    int   YPos           = (int)((imPos.Y - herbPos.Y) * RadarZoom + RadarHeight / 2);
                                                    float DistanceToHerb = Vector2.Distance(herbPos, imPos);

                                                    if (DistanceToHerb < 5)

                                                    if (DistanceToHerb < (herb.MaxSeeDistance / 1.5f))
                                                        float     Zoom          = RadarZoom / 4;
                                                        float     divide_factor = settings.nodes.NotExist_DivideFactor;
                                                        int       NodeSize      = (int)((settings.nodes.Size * Zoom) / divide_factor);
                                                        Color     textureColor  = Tools.GetOpacity(Color.Red, 96);
                                                        Color     textColor     = Tools.GetOpacity(Color.Red, 200);
                                                        Rectangle TextureDest   = new Rectangle(XPos, YPos, NodeSize, NodeSize);

                                                        spriteBatch.DrawTexture("other_notexist_node", TextureDest, textureColor);
                                                        spriteBatch.DrawText(herb.Name, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + NodeSize), (settings.herbs.FontSize / divide_factor), textColor);
                                                        float     Zoom        = RadarZoom / 4;
                                                        int       NodeSize    = (int)(settings.nodes.Size * Zoom);
                                                        Rectangle TextureDest = new Rectangle(XPos, YPos, NodeSize, NodeSize);

                                                        spriteBatch.DrawTexture("other_notsee_node", TextureDest, Color.DarkRed);
                                                        spriteBatch.DrawText(herb.Name, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + NodeSize), settings.herbs.FontSize, Color.DarkRed);

                            #region Отрисовка редких объектов из бд
                                if (settings.rareobjects.Find | settings.otherobjects.Draw)   //Если ищем с бд
                                    if (DB.database.Objects.ZoneExist(scanner.CurrentZoneID)) ////Если есть хоть что-то в этой зоне
                                        for (int i = 0; i < DB.database.Objects.ObjectsDict[scanner.CurrentZoneID].Count; i++)
                                            //Бережно берем из списка
                                            DataBase.cObjects.Object abject;
                                            try { abject = DB.database.Objects.ObjectsDict[scanner.CurrentZoneID][i] as DataBase.cObjects.Object; }
                                            catch { continue; }

                                            //Если трава в радиусе прорисовки
                                            Vector2 objPos = new Vector2(abject.Position.X, abject.Position.Y);
                                            Vector2 imPos  = new Vector2(scanner.MyPlayer.XPos, scanner.MyPlayer.YPos);
                                            if (Tools.Vec.InRadius(objPos, imPos, (DB.database.Herbs.MaxSeeDistance * 2)))
                                                bool breaked = false;
                                                foreach (Radar.OtherObject obj in scanner.Objects)
                                                    if (Enums.ObjDB.HasRareObject(obj.ObjectId))
                                                        if (Tools.Vec.InRadius(objPos, new Vector2(obj.XPos, obj.YPos), settings.nodes.RadiusCheck))
                                                            breaked = true;
                                                        bool hasOre       = Enums.ObjDB.HasOre(obj.ObjectId);
                                                        bool hasHerb      = Enums.ObjDB.HasHerb(obj.ObjectId);
                                                        bool hasRare      = Enums.ObjDB.HasRareObject(obj.ObjectId);
                                                        bool hasBlacklist = Enums.ObjDB.HasInBlackList(obj.ObjectId);

                                                        if (!hasOre & !hasHerb & !hasRare & !hasBlacklist) //Если это обычный объект
                                                            breaked = true;

                                                if (!breaked)
                                                    Enums.Name_And_TextureName finded = new Enums.Name_And_TextureName();

                                                    //Если отрисовываемый объект не обычный, а редкий
                                                    if (Enums.ObjDB.GetRareObject(abject.ID, ref finded))
                                                        int   XPos             = (int)((imPos.X - objPos.X) * RadarZoom + RadarWidth / 2);
                                                        int   YPos             = (int)((imPos.Y - objPos.Y) * RadarZoom + RadarHeight / 2);
                                                        float DistanceToObject = Vector2.Distance(objPos, imPos);
                                                        Color randomColor      = Tools.GetRandomColor(random);

                                                        if (DistanceToObject < (abject.MaxSeeDistance / 1.5f))
                                                            float     Zoom          = RadarZoom / 4;
                                                            float     divide_factor = settings.nodes.NotExist_DivideFactor;
                                                            int       NodeSize      = (int)((settings.nodes.Size * Zoom) / divide_factor);
                                                            Color     textureColor  = Tools.GetOpacity(Color.Red, 96);
                                                            Color     textColor     = Tools.GetOpacity(Color.Red, 200);
                                                            Rectangle TextureDest   = new Rectangle(XPos, YPos, NodeSize, NodeSize);

                                                            spriteBatch.DrawTexture("other_notexist_node", TextureDest, textureColor);
                                                            spriteBatch.DrawText(, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + NodeSize), (settings.rareobjects.FontSize / divide_factor), textColor);
                                                            float     Zoom        = RadarZoom / 4;
                                                            int       NodeSize    = (int)(settings.nodes.Size * Zoom);
                                                            Rectangle TextureDest = new Rectangle(XPos, YPos, NodeSize, NodeSize);

                                                            spriteBatch.DrawTexture("other_notsee_node", TextureDest, randomColor);
                                                            spriteBatch.DrawText(, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + NodeSize), settings.rareobjects.FontSize, randomColor);
                                                    else  //Для обычных объектов
                                                        if (settings.otherobjects.Draw)
                                                            int    XPos             = (int)((imPos.X - objPos.X) * RadarZoom + RadarWidth / 2);
                                                            int    YPos             = (int)((imPos.Y - objPos.Y) * RadarZoom + RadarHeight / 2);
                                                            float  DistanceToObject = Vector2.Distance(objPos, imPos);
                                                            string id = abject.ID.ToString();

                                                            if (DistanceToObject < (abject.MaxSeeDistance / 1.5f))
                                                                float     Zoom          = RadarZoom / 4;
                                                                float     divide_factor = settings.nodes.NotExist_DivideFactor;
                                                                int       NodeSize      = (int)((settings.nodes.Size * Zoom) / divide_factor);
                                                                Color     textureColor  = Tools.GetOpacity(settings.otherobjects.Color, 96);
                                                                Color     textColor     = Tools.GetOpacity(settings.otherobjects.Color, 200);
                                                                Rectangle TextureDest   = new Rectangle(XPos, YPos, NodeSize, NodeSize);

                                                                spriteBatch.DrawTexture("other_notexist_node", TextureDest, textureColor);
                                                                spriteBatch.DrawText(id, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + NodeSize), (settings.otherobjects.FontSize / divide_factor), textColor);
                                                                float     Zoom        = RadarZoom / 4;
                                                                int       NodeSize    = (int)(settings.nodes.Size * Zoom);
                                                                Rectangle TextureDest = new Rectangle(XPos, YPos, NodeSize, NodeSize);

                                                                spriteBatch.DrawTexture("other_notsee_node", TextureDest, Color.DarkRed);
                                                                spriteBatch.DrawText(id, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + NodeSize), settings.otherobjects.FontSize, Color.DarkRed);

                        #region Отрисовка объектов которые видим
                        foreach (Radar.OtherObject obj in scanner.Objects)
                            Enums.Name_And_TextureName finded = new Enums.Name_And_TextureName();
                            if (Enums.ObjDB.GetHerb(obj.ObjectId, ref finded)) //Если это травка
                                if (settings.herbs.Draw)                       //Если отрисовываем травы, то рисуем уже
                                    float XPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.XPos - obj.XPos) * RadarZoom + RadarWidth / 2;
                                    float YPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.YPos - obj.YPos) * RadarZoom + RadarHeight / 2;

                                    int       Size        = settings.herbs.Size;
                                    Rectangle TextureDest = new Rectangle((int)XPos, (int)YPos, Size, Size);

                                    spriteBatch.DrawTexture(finded.textureName, TextureDest);
                                    spriteBatch.DrawText(, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + Size), settings.herbs.FontSize, settings.herbs.Color);
                            else if (Enums.ObjDB.GetOre(obj.ObjectId, ref finded)) //Если это руда
                                if (settings.ores.Draw)                            //Если отрисовываем травы, то рисуем уже
                                    float XPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.XPos - obj.XPos) * RadarZoom + RadarWidth / 2;
                                    float YPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.YPos - obj.YPos) * RadarZoom + RadarHeight / 2;

                                    int       Size        = settings.ores.Size;
                                    Rectangle TextureDest = new Rectangle((int)XPos, (int)YPos, Size, Size);

                                    spriteBatch.DrawTexture(finded.textureName, TextureDest);
                                    spriteBatch.DrawText(, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + Size), settings.ores.FontSize, settings.ores.Color);
                            else if (Enums.ObjDB.GetRareObject(obj.ObjectId, ref finded)) //Если это редкий объект
                                if (settings.rareobjects.Draw)                            //Если отрисовываем редкие объекты, то рисуем уже
                                    float XPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.XPos - obj.XPos) * RadarZoom + RadarWidth / 2;
                                    float YPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.YPos - obj.YPos) * RadarZoom + RadarHeight / 2;

                                    int       Size        = settings.rareobjects.Size;
                                    Rectangle TextureDest = new Rectangle((int)XPos, (int)YPos, Size, Size);
                                    Color     randomColor = Tools.GetRandomColor(random);

                                    spriteBatch.DrawLine(new Vector2(XPos, YPos), new Vector2(Drawing.RadarCenterXPos, Drawing.RadarCenterYPos), randomColor, 2);
                                    spriteBatch.DrawTexture(finded.textureName, TextureDest, GlobalRotating);
                                    spriteBatch.DrawText(, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + Size), settings.rareobjects.FontSize, randomColor);
                            else  //Просто объекты
                                if (settings.otherobjects.Draw) //Если отрисовываем обычные объекты, то рисуем уже
                                    float XPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.XPos - obj.XPos) * RadarZoom + RadarWidth / 2;
                                    float YPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.YPos - obj.YPos) * RadarZoom + RadarHeight / 2;

                                    if (settings.otherobjects.DrawLines)
                                        if (!Enums.ObjDB.HasInBlackList(obj.ObjectId))
                                            Vector2 radarCenter = new Vector2(Drawing.RadarCenterXPos, Drawing.RadarCenterYPos);
                                            Vector2 objPos      = new Vector2(XPos, YPos);
                                            spriteBatch.DrawLine(radarCenter, objPos, Color.AliceBlue, 1);

                                    int       Size        = settings.otherobjects.Size;
                                    Rectangle TextureDest = new Rectangle((int)XPos, (int)YPos, Size, Size);
                                    spriteBatch.DrawTexture("other_object", TextureDest);
                                    spriteBatch.DrawText(obj.ObjectId.ToString(), new Vector2(XPos, YPos + Size), settings.rareobjects.FontSize, settings.otherobjects.Color);

                        //Отрисовываем игроков
                        foreach (Radar.PlayerObject player in scanner.Players)
                            spriteBatch.DrawPlayer(player, scanner.MyPlayer);

                        //Ищем объект?
                        //foreach (object obj in scanner.All)
                        //    if (obj is Radar.OtherObject)
                        //    {
                        //        Radar.OtherObject otherObj = obj as Radar.OtherObject;

                        //    }
                        //    else if (obj is Radar.NpcObject)
                        //    {
                        //        Radar.NpcObject npc = obj as Radar.NpcObject;

                        //    }
                        //    else if (obj is Radar.PlayerObject)
                        //    {
                        //        Radar.PlayerObject player = obj as Radar.PlayerObject;

                        //    }

                        //Отрисовываем цель
                        if (scanner.Target != null)
                            float     result     = Tools.Oscillate(0.32f, 1.5f, (float)(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0f));
                            Texture2D target_tex = Textures.GetTexture("other_target");

                            if (scanner.Target is Radar.PlayerObject)
                                Radar.PlayerObject player = scanner.Target as Radar.PlayerObject;

                                float XPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.XPos - player.XPos) * RadarZoom + RadarWidth / 2;
                                float YPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.YPos - player.YPos) * RadarZoom + RadarHeight / 2;

                                spriteBatch.DrawLine(new Vector2(Drawing.RadarCenterXPos, Drawing.RadarCenterYPos), new Vector2(XPos, YPos), Color.SlateBlue, 4);
                                spriteBatch.DrawTexture(target_tex, new Rectangle((int)XPos, (int)YPos, (int)(target_tex.Width * result), (int)(target_tex.Height * result)), GlobalRotating / 8, Color.Gold);
                            else if (scanner.Target is Radar.NpcObject)
                                Radar.NpcObject npc = scanner.Target as Radar.NpcObject;

                                float XPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.XPos - npc.XPos) * RadarZoom + RadarWidth / 2;
                                float YPos = (scanner.MyPlayer.YPos - npc.YPos) * RadarZoom + RadarHeight / 2;

                                spriteBatch.DrawLine(new Vector2(Drawing.RadarCenterXPos, Drawing.RadarCenterYPos), new Vector2(XPos, YPos), Color.SlateBlue, 4);
                                spriteBatch.DrawTexture(target_tex, new Rectangle((int)XPos, (int)YPos, (int)(target_tex.Width * result), (int)(target_tex.Height * result)), GlobalRotating / 8, Color.Gold);
                                spriteBatch.DrawText(npc.Name, new Vector2(XPos, YPos + target_tex.Height), 14.0f, Color.Gold);

                        //Рисуем себя по центру
                        Texture2D not_in_world_tex = Textures.GetTexture("other_not_in_world");
                        spriteBatch.DrawTextureFromLeft(not_in_world_tex, new Rectangle(0, 0, RadarWidth, RadarHeight));

                        LastGameState = 2;
                    spriteBatch.DrawText("Not connected!", new Vector2(RadarHeight / 2, RadarWidth / 2), 25.0f, Color.Black);

                    LastGameState = 1;
            else  //Иначе рисуем инфу


            drawTime.Stop();  //Устанавливаем таймер и обновляем значение
            DrawTime = drawTime.ElapsedTicks;

Beispiel #3
        public void Ping(bool NpcEnabled, bool PlayersEnabled, bool FriendlyPlayersEnabled, bool ObjectsEnabled)
            //Обнуляем и обнуляем все
            bool MyPlayersFinded = false;

            TotalWowObjects  = 0;
            ReadedWowObjects = 0;

            //Устанавливаем базовый адресс текущего объекта как адресс первого объекта в менеджере объектов
            UIntPtr CurrObject_BaseAddress = FirstObject;

            //Получаем гуид последнего выбранного юнита
            LastTargetGuid = WowReader.ReadULong((UIntPtr)Offsets.Client.StaticLastTargetGUID);

            //Получаем текущую зону
            CurrentZoneID   = GetCurrZoneID();
            CurrentZoneName = Enums.ZonesDB.GetTextOfZone(CurrentZoneID);

            //Читаем нашего игрока

                ulong Guid = WowReader.ReadUInt64((UIntPtr)Offsets.Client.StaticLocalTargetGUID);

                if (Guid != 0)
                    UIntPtr BaseAddress       = GetObjectBaseByGuid(Guid);
                    UIntPtr UnitFieldsAddress = WowReader.ReadPointer(BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.UnitFields);
                    short   Type = (short)WowReader.ReadUInt32(BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Type);

                    if (Type == (int)Defines.ObjectType.PLAYER)  //PLAYER
                        float XPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_X);
                        float YPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_Y);
                        float ZPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_Z);
                        float Rotation = WowReader.ReadFloat(BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Rot);

                        uint CurrentHealth = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Health);
                        uint CurrentEnergy = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Energy);
                        uint MaxHealth     = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.MaxHealth);
                        uint Level         = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Level);
                        uint MaxEnergy     = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.MaxEnergy);

                        string Name   = PlayerNameFromGuid(Guid);
                        byte   Race   = WowReader.ReadByte(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Race);
                        byte   Class  = WowReader.ReadByte(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Class);
                        byte   Gender = WowReader.ReadByte(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Gender);

                        Target = new PlayerObject(Guid, XPos, YPos, ZPos, Rotation, CurrObject_BaseAddress, UnitFieldsAddress, Type, Name, Race, Class, Gender, CurrentHealth, MaxHealth, CurrentEnergy, MaxEnergy, Level);
                    else if (Type == (int)Defines.ObjectType.UNIT)  //NPC
                        uint NpcID = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.NpcID);

                        float XPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_X);
                        float YPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_Y);
                        float ZPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_Z);
                        float Rotation = WowReader.ReadFloat(BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Rot);

                        uint CurrentHealth = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Health);
                        uint CurrentEnergy = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Energy);
                        uint MaxHealth     = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.MaxHealth);
                        uint Level         = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Level);
                        uint MaxEnergy     = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.MaxEnergy);

                        string Name       = MobNameFromGuid(Guid, NpcID);
                        ulong  SummonedBy = WowReader.ReadUInt64(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.SummonedBy);

                        Target = new NpcObject(Guid, NpcID, XPos, YPos, ZPos, Rotation, CurrObject_BaseAddress, UnitFieldsAddress, Type, Name, CurrentHealth, MaxHealth, CurrentEnergy, MaxEnergy, Level);
                    Target = null;

            //Прочитываем объектный менеджер из первого объекта по последний.
            while (CurrObject_BaseAddress != UIntPtr.Zero && (uint)CurrObject_BaseAddress % 2 == 0)

                //Получаем тип объекта и пропускаем если это неизвестный объект
                short Type = WowReader.ReadShort(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Type);
                if (Type != 3 & Type != 4 & Type != 5)
                    goto Skip;
                }                                                      //Скипаем если тип объекта неизвестен

                //Получаем указатель на поле значений этого объекта
                UIntPtr UnitFieldsAddress = WowReader.ReadPointer(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.UnitFields);

                switch (Type)
                case (int)Defines.ObjectType.UNIT:     //NPC!
                    if (!NpcEnabled)
                        goto Skip;
                    }                                        //Если нпс выключены, пропускаем

                    ulong Guid  = WowReader.ReadUInt64(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Guid);
                    uint  NpcID = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.NpcID);

                    float XPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_X);
                    float YPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_Y);
                    float ZPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_Z);
                    float Rotation = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Rot);
                    uint  Level    = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Level);

                    uint CurrentHealth = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Health);
                    uint MaxHealth     = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.MaxHealth);
                    uint CurrentEnergy = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Energy);
                    uint MaxEnergy     = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.MaxEnergy);

                    string Name       = MobNameFromGuid(Guid, NpcID);
                    ulong  SummonedBy = WowReader.ReadUInt64(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.SummonedBy);

                    NpcObject npc = new NpcObject(Guid, NpcID, XPos, YPos, ZPos, Rotation, CurrObject_BaseAddress, UnitFieldsAddress, Type, Name, CurrentHealth, MaxHealth, CurrentEnergy, MaxEnergy, Level);

                case (int)Defines.ObjectType.PLAYER:     //PLAYER
                    ulong Guid = WowReader.ReadUInt64(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Guid);

                    //Проходим если это мы
                    if (Guid == MyPlayer.Guid)
                        MyPlayersFinded = true;
                        goto Skip;

                    //Если игроки выключены, пропускаем
                    if (!PlayersEnabled)
                        goto Skip;

                    byte Race = WowReader.ReadByte(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Race);

                    //Скипаем союзников, если такая настройка включена
                    if (!FriendlyPlayersEnabled & !Defines.IsEnemy(Race, MyPlayer.Race))
                        goto Skip;

                    float XPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_X);
                    float YPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_Y);
                    float ZPos     = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Unit.Pos_Z);
                    float Rotation = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Rot);
                    uint  Level    = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Level);

                    uint   CurrentHealth = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Health);
                    uint   MaxHealth     = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.MaxHealth);
                    uint   CurrentEnergy = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Energy);
                    uint   MaxEnergy     = WowReader.ReadUInt32(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.MaxEnergy);
                    byte   Class         = WowReader.ReadByte(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Class);
                    byte   Gender        = WowReader.ReadByte(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Unit.Gender);
                    string Name          = PlayerNameFromGuid(Guid);

                    if (Name == "Yeah")

                    //Добавляем игрока в список игроков
                    PlayerObject player = new PlayerObject(Guid, XPos, YPos, ZPos, Rotation, CurrObject_BaseAddress, UnitFieldsAddress, Type, Name, Race, Class, Gender, CurrentHealth, MaxHealth, CurrentEnergy, MaxEnergy, Level);

                case (int)Defines.ObjectType.GAMEOBJ:      //OBJECTS
                    if (!ObjectsEnabled)
                        goto Skip;
                    }                                            //Если объекты выключены, пропускаем

                    //Чтение объекта (сам наварганил)
                    uint  objectID = WowReader.ReadUInt(UnitFieldsAddress + Offsets.Object.ID);
                    float objectX  = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Pos_X);
                    float objectY  = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Pos_Y);
                    float objectZ  = WowReader.ReadFloat(CurrObject_BaseAddress + Offsets.Object.Pos_Z);

                    //Добавляем объект в список
                    OtherObject obj = new OtherObject(objectID, objectX, objectY, objectZ, CurrObject_BaseAddress, UnitFieldsAddress);

Skip:           //Для пропуска объекта

                //Устанавливаем текущий объект как следующий объект из менеджера объектов
                CurrObject_BaseAddress = NextObject(CurrObject_BaseAddress);

            //Если нашего игрока нету в списке
            if (!MyPlayersFinded)
                //Скорее всего что-то сбилось, реинициализируем адресса
Beispiel #4
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Allows the game to exit
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Escape))

            GlobalRotating += Game1.random.Next(4, 6) / 10.0f;

            //Обновляем гуи

            //Если сканнер запустился
            if (scanner != null)
                //Если игрок в мире
                HasConnected = scanner.HasConnected();
                if (HasConnected)
                    HasInWorld = scanner.InWorld();
                    if (HasInWorld)
                        //Обновляем звуки
                        Sounds.ChecksHighLevels(scanner.Players, scanner.MyPlayer);

                        Stopwatch pingTime = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                            scanner.Ping(settings.NpcEnabled, settings.PlayersEnabled, settings.FriendlyPlayersEnabled, settings.ObjectsEnabled);
                        PingTime = pingTime.ElapsedTicks;

                        if (scanner.Target != null)
                            if (scanner.Target is Radar.PlayerObject)
                                Radar.PlayerObject player = scanner.Target as Radar.PlayerObject;
                                this.Window.Title = "Rio WoW Radar - Target[" + player.Name + ":" + player.Level + "]";
                            else if (scanner.Target is Radar.NpcObject)
                                Radar.NpcObject npc = scanner.Target as Radar.NpcObject;
                                this.Window.Title = "Rio WoW Radar - Target[" + npc.Name + ":" + npc.Level + "]";
                                this.Window.Title = "Rio WoW Radar - target has broken!       (because emlpdr!)";
                            this.Window.Title = "Rio WoW Radar - [Draw: " + Tools.MsFromTicks(DrawTime) + " ms]";
                        this.Window.Title = "Rio WoW Radar - Not in world!";
                    this.Window.Title = "Rio WoW Radar - Not connected!";
