Unknown() public method

public Unknown ( ) : Exception
return System.Exception
Beispiel #1
		/// <summary>
		/// 'thisObj' will be null if invoked as constructor, in which case
		/// instance of Scriptable should be returned.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// 'thisObj' will be null if invoked as constructor, in which case
		/// instance of Scriptable should be returned.
		/// </remarks>
		public virtual object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args)
			throw f.Unknown();
		public virtual object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args)
			if (f.HasTag(FTAG))
				if (f.MethodId() == Id_getClass)
					return Js_getClass(cx, scope, args);
			throw f.Unknown();
Beispiel #3
		public virtual object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args)
			if (f.HasTag(FTAG))
				if (f.MethodId() == Id_constructor)
					throw Context.ReportRuntimeError1("msg.cant.call.indirect", "With");
			throw f.Unknown();
Beispiel #4
		public virtual object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args)
			if (f.HasTag(FTAG))
				int methodId = f.MethodId();
				switch (methodId)
					case Id_decodeURI:
					case Id_decodeURIComponent:
						string str = ScriptRuntime.ToString(args, 0);
						return Decode(str, methodId == Id_decodeURI);

					case Id_encodeURI:
					case Id_encodeURIComponent:
						string str = ScriptRuntime.ToString(args, 0);
						return Encode(str, methodId == Id_encodeURI);

					case Id_escape:
						return Js_escape(args);

					case Id_eval:
						return Js_eval(cx, scope, args);

					case Id_isFinite:
						bool result;
						if (args.Length < 1)
							result = false;
							double d = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args[0]);
							result = (d == d && d != double.PositiveInfinity && d != double.NegativeInfinity);
						return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(result);

					case Id_isNaN:
						// The global method isNaN, as per ECMA-262
						bool result;
						if (args.Length < 1)
							result = true;
							double d = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args[0]);
							result = (d != d);
						return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(result);

					case Id_isXMLName:
						object name = (args.Length == 0) ? Undefined.instance : args[0];
						XMLLib xmlLib = XMLLib.ExtractFromScope(scope);
						return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(xmlLib.IsXMLName(cx, name));

					case Id_parseFloat:
						return Js_parseFloat(args);

					case Id_parseInt:
						return Js_parseInt(args);

					case Id_unescape:
						return Js_unescape(args);

					case Id_uneval:
						object value = (args.Length != 0) ? args[0] : Undefined.instance;
						return ScriptRuntime.Uneval(cx, scope, value);

					case Id_new_CommonError:
						// The implementation of all the ECMA error constructors
						// (SyntaxError, TypeError, etc.)
						return NativeError.Make(cx, scope, f, args);
			throw f.Unknown();