AddAlignment() public method

The method is used to create alignment between two faces
public AddAlignment ( View view, Face face1, Face face2 ) : void
view View the view
face1 Face face1
face2 Face face2
return void
        /// <summary>
        /// The implementation of CreateFrame()
        /// </summary>
        public override void CreateFrame()
            SubTransaction subTransaction = new SubTransaction(m_document);


            //create sash referenceplane and exterior referenceplane
            CreateRefPlane refPlaneCreator = new CreateRefPlane();

            if (m_sashPlane == null)
                m_sashPlane = refPlaneCreator.Create(m_document, m_centerPlane, m_rightView, new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(0, m_wallThickness / 2 - m_windowInset, 0), new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(0, 0, 1), "Sash");
            if (m_exteriorPlane == null)
                m_exteriorPlane = refPlaneCreator.Create(m_document, m_centerPlane, m_rightView, new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(0, m_wallThickness / 2, 0), new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(0, 0, 1), "MyExterior");

            //get the wall in the document and retrieve the exterior face
            List <Wall> walls            = Utility.GetElements <Wall>(m_application, m_document);
            Face        exteriorWallFace = GeoHelper.GetWallFace(walls[0], m_rightView, true);

            if (exteriorWallFace == null)

            //add dimension between sash reference plane and wall face,and add parameter "Window Inset",label the dimension with window-inset parameter
            Dimension       windowInsetDimension = m_dimensionCreator.AddDimension(m_rightView, m_sashPlane, exteriorWallFace);
            FamilyParameter windowInsetPara      = m_familyManager.AddParameter("Window Inset", new ForgeTypeId(), SpecTypeId.Length, false);

            m_familyManager.Set(windowInsetPara, m_windowInset);
            windowInsetDimension.FamilyLabel = windowInsetPara;

            //create the exterior frame
            double        frameCurveOffset1 = 0.075;
            CurveArray    curveArr1         = m_extrusionCreator.CreateRectangle(m_width / 2, -m_width / 2, m_sillHeight + m_height, m_sillHeight, 0);
            CurveArray    curveArr2         = m_extrusionCreator.CreateCurveArrayByOffset(curveArr1, frameCurveOffset1);
            CurveArrArray curveArrArray1    = new CurveArrArray();

            Extrusion extFrame = m_extrusionCreator.NewExtrusion(curveArrArray1, m_sashPlane, m_wallThickness / 2 + m_wallThickness / 12, -m_windowInset);


            //add alignment between wall face and exterior frame face
            exteriorWallFace = GeoHelper.GetWallFace(walls[0], m_rightView, true);  // Get the face again as the document is regenerated.
            Face            exteriorExtrusionFace1 = GeoHelper.GetExtrusionFace(extFrame, m_rightView, true);
            Face            interiorExtrusionFace1 = GeoHelper.GetExtrusionFace(extFrame, m_rightView, false);
            CreateAlignment alignmentCreator       = new CreateAlignment(m_document);

            alignmentCreator.AddAlignment(m_rightView, exteriorWallFace, exteriorExtrusionFace1);

            //add dimension between sash referenceplane and exterior frame face and lock the dimension
            Dimension extFrameWithSashPlane = m_dimensionCreator.AddDimension(m_rightView, m_sashPlane, interiorExtrusionFace1);

            extFrameWithSashPlane.IsLocked = true;

            //create the interior frame
            double     frameCurveOffset2 = 0.125;
            CurveArray curveArr3         = m_extrusionCreator.CreateRectangle(m_width / 2, -m_width / 2, m_sillHeight + m_height, m_sillHeight, 0);
            CurveArray curveArr4         = m_extrusionCreator.CreateCurveArrayByOffset(curveArr3, frameCurveOffset2);


            CurveArrArray curveArrArray2 = new CurveArrArray();

            Extrusion intFrame = m_extrusionCreator.NewExtrusion(curveArrArray2, m_sashPlane, m_wallThickness - m_windowInset, m_wallThickness / 2 + m_wallThickness / 12);


            //add alignment between interior face of wall and interior frame face
            Face interiorWallFace       = GeoHelper.GetWallFace(walls[0], m_rightView, false);
            Face interiorExtrusionFace2 = GeoHelper.GetExtrusionFace(intFrame, m_rightView, false);
            Face exteriorExtrusionFace2 = GeoHelper.GetExtrusionFace(intFrame, m_rightView, true);

            alignmentCreator.AddAlignment(m_rightView, interiorWallFace, interiorExtrusionFace2);

            //add dimension between sash referenceplane and interior frame face and lock the dimension
            Dimension intFrameWithSashPlane = m_dimensionCreator.AddDimension(m_rightView, m_sashPlane, exteriorExtrusionFace2);

            intFrameWithSashPlane.IsLocked = true;

            //create the sill frame
            CurveArray    sillCurs       = m_extrusionCreator.CreateRectangle(m_width / 2, -m_width / 2, m_sillHeight + frameCurveOffset1, m_sillHeight, 0);
            CurveArrArray sillCurveArray = new CurveArrArray();

            Extrusion sillFrame = m_extrusionCreator.NewExtrusion(sillCurveArray, m_sashPlane, -m_windowInset, -m_windowInset - 0.1);


            //add alignment between wall face and sill frame face
            exteriorWallFace = GeoHelper.GetWallFace(walls[0], m_rightView, true);  // Get the face again as the document is regenerated.
            Face sillExtFace = GeoHelper.GetExtrusionFace(sillFrame, m_rightView, false);

            alignmentCreator.AddAlignment(m_rightView, sillExtFace, exteriorWallFace);

            //set subcategories of the frames
            if (m_frameCat != null)
                extFrame.Subcategory  = m_frameCat;
                intFrame.Subcategory  = m_frameCat;
                sillFrame.Subcategory = m_frameCat;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The implementation of CreateFrame()
        /// </summary>
        public override void CreateFrame()
            SubTransaction subTransaction = new SubTransaction(m_document);
            //get the wall in the document and retrieve the exterior face
            List<Wall> walls = Utility.GetElements<Wall>(m_application, m_document);
            Face exteriorWallFace = GeoHelper.GetWallFace(walls[0], m_rightView, true);

            //create sash referenceplane and exterior referenceplane
            CreateRefPlane refPlaneCreator = new CreateRefPlane();
                m_sashPlane = refPlaneCreator.Create(m_document, m_centerPlane, m_rightView, new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, m_wallThickness / 2 - m_windowInset, 0), new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, 0, 1), "Sash");
            if (m_exteriorPlane==null)
                m_exteriorPlane = refPlaneCreator.Create(m_document, m_centerPlane, m_rightView, new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, m_wallThickness / 2, 0), new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, 0, 1), "MyExterior");

            //add dimension between sash reference plane and wall face,and add parameter "Window Inset",label the dimension with window-inset parameter
            Dimension windowInsetDimension = m_dimensionCreator.AddDimension(m_rightView, m_sashPlane, exteriorWallFace);
            FamilyParameter windowInsetPara = m_familyManager.AddParameter("Window Inset", BuiltInParameterGroup.INVALID, ParameterType.Length, false);
            m_familyManager.Set(windowInsetPara, m_windowInset);
            windowInsetDimension.Label = windowInsetPara;

            //create the exterior frame
            double frameCurveOffset1 = 0.075;
            CurveArray curveArr1 = m_extrusionCreator.CreateRectangle(m_width / 2, -m_width / 2, m_sillHeight + m_height, m_sillHeight, 0);
            CurveArray curveArr2 = m_extrusionCreator.CreateCurveArrayByOffset(curveArr1, frameCurveOffset1);
            CurveArrArray curveArrArray1 = new CurveArrArray();
            Extrusion extFrame = m_extrusionCreator.NewExtrusion(curveArrArray1, m_sashPlane, m_wallThickness / 2 + m_wallThickness/12, -m_windowInset);
            extFrame.SetVisibility( CreateVisibility());

            //add alignment between wall face and exterior frame face
            Face exteriorExtrusionFace1=GeoHelper.GetExtrusionFace(extFrame,m_rightView,true);
            Face interiorExtrusionFace1 = GeoHelper.GetExtrusionFace(extFrame,m_rightView,false);
            CreateAlignment alignmentCreator = new CreateAlignment(m_document);

            //add dimension between sash referenceplane and exterior frame face and lock the dimension
            Dimension extFrameWithSashPlane = m_dimensionCreator.AddDimension(m_rightView, m_sashPlane, interiorExtrusionFace1);
            extFrameWithSashPlane.IsLocked = true;

            //create the interior frame
            double frameCurveOffset2 = 0.125;
            CurveArray curveArr3 = m_extrusionCreator.CreateRectangle(m_width / 2, -m_width / 2, m_sillHeight + m_height, m_sillHeight, 0);
            CurveArray curveArr4 = m_extrusionCreator.CreateCurveArrayByOffset(curveArr3, frameCurveOffset2);

            CurveArrArray curveArrArray2 = new CurveArrArray();
            Extrusion intFrame = m_extrusionCreator.NewExtrusion(curveArrArray2, m_sashPlane, m_wallThickness - m_windowInset, m_wallThickness / 2 + m_wallThickness / 12);
            intFrame.SetVisibility( CreateVisibility());

            //add alignment between interior face of wall and interior frame face
            Face interiorWallFace = GeoHelper.GetWallFace(walls[0], m_rightView, false);
            Face interiorExtrusionFace2 = GeoHelper.GetExtrusionFace(intFrame, m_rightView, false);
            Face exteriorExtrusionFace2 = GeoHelper.GetExtrusionFace(intFrame, m_rightView, true);
            alignmentCreator.AddAlignment(m_rightView, interiorWallFace, interiorExtrusionFace2);

            //add dimension between sash referenceplane and interior frame face and lock the dimension
            Dimension intFrameWithSashPlane = m_dimensionCreator.AddDimension(m_rightView, m_sashPlane, exteriorExtrusionFace2);
            intFrameWithSashPlane.IsLocked = true;

            //create the sill frame
            CurveArray sillCurs = m_extrusionCreator.CreateRectangle(m_width / 2, -m_width / 2, m_sillHeight + frameCurveOffset1, m_sillHeight, 0);
            CurveArrArray sillCurveArray = new CurveArrArray();
            Extrusion sillFrame= m_extrusionCreator.NewExtrusion(sillCurveArray, m_sashPlane, -m_windowInset, -m_windowInset - 0.1);

            //add alignment between wall face and sill frame face
            Face sillExtFace = GeoHelper.GetExtrusionFace(sillFrame, m_rightView, false);
            alignmentCreator.AddAlignment(m_rightView, sillExtFace, exteriorWallFace);

            //set subcategories of the frames
            if (m_frameCat != null)
                extFrame.Subcategory = m_frameCat;
                intFrame.Subcategory = m_frameCat;
                sillFrame.Subcategory = m_frameCat;