//Function: initialize a concrete user, return it as use of this session, if the user is valid
        //Return: concrete user type, (Customer or Manager)
        //    null when the user is invalid
        public static User Login(string pName, string pPwd)
            User user = null;
            DataContextDataContext dc = new DataContextDataContext();
            bool? isValid = false;
            ISingleResult<is_valid_userResult> rs = dc.is_valid_user(pName, pPwd, ref isValid);

            if (isValid == true)
                foreach (is_valid_userResult s in rs)
                    if (s.type == 1)
                        user = new Customer(s.name, s.pwd, s.mail);
                    else if (s.type == 2)
                        user = new Manager(s.name, s.pwd, s.mail);
                    { }


            else //invalid
            return user;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            customer = new Customer();

            if (Session["Delivery"] != null)
                delivery = (Delivery)Session["Delivery"];
                delivery = new Delivery();

            if (Request.QueryString["DishName"] != null)
                dishName = Request.QueryString["DishName"];
                dish = customer.GetDishByName(dishName);
            {//defalut dish
                dish = customer.GetDishByName(dishName);

            ImageDish.ImageUrl = dish.pictPath;

            LabelTag1.Text = dish.tagList.ElementAt(0).name;
            LabelTag2.Text = dish.tagList.ElementAt(1).name;
            LabelTag3.Text = dish.tagList.ElementAt(0).name;
        protected void ButtonAddComment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (TextBoxComment.Visible == false)
                if (Session["Customer"] != null)
                    TextBoxComment.Visible = true;
                    ButtonAddComment.Text = "Publish Comment";
                    Response.Write("<Script>alert('login first to add comment')</script>");

                customer = (Customer)Session["Customer"];
                string str = TextBoxComment.Text;
                Comment comment = new Comment(Guid.NewGuid(), str, dish.name, customer.name);

                Response.Redirect(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DishDetail"] + "?DishName=" + dish.name );
                //TextBoxComment.Visible = false;
                //ButtonAddComment.Text = "Add comment";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            customer = new Customer();

            if (!IsPostBack)
                GridViewDish.DataSource = SqlDataSourceHotDish;
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Session["Customer"] != null)
         customer = (Customer)Session["Customer"];
         Response.Write("<Script>alert('Please login first!')</script>");
        //public void Logout()
        //Function: initialize a customer, and insert a new record of custoemr into db
        //Return: custoemr newd if user name is valid
        //    null if pName exists in db
        public static Customer Register(string pName, string pPwd, string pMail)
            Customer custom = null;
            bool? isExist = false;

            DataContextDataContext dc = new DataContextDataContext();
            dc.is_registered(pName, ref isExist);

            if (isExist == true)
            { } //custom = null
            else // not exist, can insert
                    dc.insert_customer(pName, pPwd, pMail);
                    custom = new Customer(pName, pPwd, pMail);
                catch (Exception ex)
                { } //custom = null;


            return custom;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["Customer"] != null)
                customer = (Customer)Session["Customer"];
                LabelCustomerName.Text = customer.name;
                Response.Write("<Script>alert('please login first')</script>");
            if (Session["Delivery"] != null)
                delivery = (Delivery)Session["Delivery"];
                if (delivery.dishQuotaList.Count == 0)
                    LabelCart.Text = "No dishes is in your shopping cart";
                { }
                LabelCart.Text = "No dishes is in your shopping cart";

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //init conponent
                int hourNow = DateTime.Now.Hour;
                TextBoxDate.Text = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Day;

                for (int i = 6; i <= 20; i++)
                    string hour = i.ToString();

                for (int j = 0; j <= 6; j += 1)
                    DropDownListMinute.Items.Add(j.ToString() + "0");

                LabelTime.Text = DropDownListHour.SelectedItem.Text + ":" + DropDownListMinute.SelectedItem.Text;
            { }
 public void ModifyCustom(Customer pCustom)
     DataContextDataContext dc = new DataContextDataContext();
     dc.update_user(pCustom.name, pCustom.pwd, pCustom.mail);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["Customer"] == null)
                divReservation.Visible = false;
                Response.Write("<Script>alert('please login first')</script>");

                //RequiredFieldValidatorName.Enabled = false;
                //RequiredFieldValidatorPhone.Enabled = false;
                //RequiredFieldValidatorAddress.Enabled = false;
                customer = (Customer)Session["Customer"];
                UserNameLabel1.Text = customer.name;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                TextBoxArriveDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();