public Collection <ApiAudioArtist> GetArtists()
            _parent.Trace("JRiver Get Artists Running");
            var artists = new Collection <ApiAudioArtist>();


                foreach (var Field in Allitems)
                    string result = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Album", out result))
                        if (result != "" & result != null)
                            //Only take Artists from those entries that have Album Name -

                            string GenreName = Field.ValueOrDefault("Genre");
                            string Artist    = Field.ValueOrDefault("Artist");

                            if (Artist != "" && Artist != null)
                                var artist = new ApiAudioArtist
                                    IdArtist  = (long)Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(Artist),
                                    Name      = Artist,
                                    Thumb     = "",
                                    Fanart    = "",
                                    Biography = ""

                                if (!artists.Any(a => a.Name == Artist))
            catch (Exception ex)
                _parent.Trace("JRiver GetArtists:" + ex);
        public Collection <ApiAudioGenre> GetGenres()
            _parent.Trace("JRiver Get Genres Running");
            var genres = new Collection <ApiAudioGenre>();


                foreach (var Field in Allitems)
                    string result = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Genre", out result))
                        if (result != "" && result != null)
                            //Only take Genre from those entries that have Album Name -

                            string GenreName = Field.ValueOrDefault("Genre");

                            if (GenreName != "" && GenreName != null)
                                var gen = new ApiAudioGenre
                                    IdGenre    = (long)Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(GenreName),
                                    Name       = GenreName.ToString(),
                                    AlbumCount = 0,
                                    Thumb      = ""

                                if (!genres.Any(a => a.Name == GenreName))  //check Genre doesnt already exisit

            catch (Exception ex)
                _parent.Trace("JRiver GetGenre:" + ex);
        public Collection <ApiAudioSong> GetSongs()
            _parent.Trace("JRiver GetSongs Running");
            var songs = new Collection <ApiAudioSong>();


                foreach (var Field in Allitems)
                    string result = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Name", out result))
                        if (result != "" && result != null)
                            //Only take Artists from those entries that have Album Name -
                            string GenreName = Field.ValueOrDefault("Genre");
                            string Artist    = Field.ValueOrDefault("Artist");
                            string Name      = Field.ValueOrDefault("Name");
                            string Album     = Field.ValueOrDefault("Album");
                            string Filename  = Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename");
                            long   Year;
                                if (Field.ValueOrDefault("Year") != "")
                                    Year = Convert.ToInt64(Field.ValueOrDefault("Date (readable)"));
                                    Year = 1900;
                                _parent.Trace("Error Date Conversion: Using 1900");
                                Year = 1900;
                            long TrackNo;
                                if (Field.ValueOrDefault("Track #") != "")
                                    TrackNo = Convert.ToInt64(Field.ValueOrDefault("Track #"));
                                    TrackNo = 1;
                                _parent.Trace("Error TrackNo Using 1");
                                TrackNo = 1;
                            int    DurationNumber = 0;
                            string Duration       = "";
                            if (Field.TryGetValue("Duration", out Duration))
                                DurationNumber = int.TryParse(Duration, out DurationNumber) ? DurationNumber : 0;

                            string FileKey = "";
                            string Thumb2  = "";
                            string Fanart2 = "";
                            string cdart   = "";
                            if (Field.TryGetValue("Key", out FileKey))
                                Thumb2  = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=" + FileKey + "&FileType=Key&Type=Thumbnail&Format=jpg&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken ?? "";
                                Fanart2 = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=" + FileKey + "&FileType=Key&Type=Full&Format=jpg&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken ?? "";
                            // use directory for fanart if exists
                            var filename = Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename");
                            if (filename != null & filename != "")
                                var filePath   = Path.GetDirectoryName(Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename"));
                                var fanartPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "fanart.jpg");
                                var cdartpath  = Path.Combine(filePath, "cdart.png");
                                var ThumbPath  = Path.Combine(filePath, "folder.jpg");
                                var BannerPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "banner.jpg");

                                System.IO.FileInfo fi      = new System.IO.FileInfo(fanartPath);
                                System.IO.FileInfo ficdart = new System.IO.FileInfo(cdartpath);
                                System.IO.FileInfo fiThumb = new System.IO.FileInfo(ThumbPath);

                                if (fi.Exists)
                                    Fanart2 = fanartPath;  //if fanart.jpg exisits in directory with movie use this otherwise default to JRiver Thumb

                                if (fiThumb.Exists)
                                    Thumb2 = ThumbPath;

                                if (ficdart.Exists)
                                    cdart = cdartpath;

                                // use cdart or album
                                if (cdart != "")  // use this else Thumb (folder.jpg currently) or failing that Thumb from JRiver
                                                  // can access mp3 file data??
                                    Thumb2 = cdart;

                            if (Name != "")
                                var song = new ApiAudioSong
                                    IdSong   = (long)Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(Name),
                                    Title    = Name,
                                    Track    = TrackNo,
                                    Duration = (long)DurationNumber,
                                    Year     = (long)Year,
                                    FileName = "",
                                    IdAlbum  = (long)Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(Album),
                                    Album    = Album,
                                    Path     = Filename,
                                    IdArtist = (long)Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(Artist),
                                    Artist   = Artist,
                                    IdGenre  = (long)Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(GenreName),
                                    Genre    = GenreName,
                                    Thumb    = Thumb2,

            catch (Exception ex)
                _parent.Trace("JRiver GetSongs:" + ex);
        public Collection <ApiAudioAlbum> GetAlbums()
            _parent.Trace("JRiver GetAlbums Running");
            var albums = new Collection <ApiAudioAlbum>();


                foreach (var Field in Allitems)
                    string result = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Album", out result))
                        if (result != "" & result != null)
                            //Only take Artists from those entries that have Album Name -
                            string Name = Field.ValueOrDefault("Name");
                            long   Year;
                            if (Field.ValueOrDefault("Year") != "")
                                Year = Convert.ToInt64(Field.ValueOrDefault("Date (readable)"));
                                Year = 1900;
                            string FileKey  = "";
                            string Thumb2   = "";
                            string Fanart2  = "";
                            string cdart    = "";
                            string Frontjpg = "";
                            if (Field.TryGetValue("Key", out FileKey))
                                Thumb2  = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=" + FileKey + "&FileType=Key&Type=Thumbnail&Format=jpg&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken ?? "";
                                Fanart2 = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=" + FileKey + "&FileType=Key&Type=Full&Format=jpg&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken ?? "";
                            // use directory for fanart if exists
                            var filename = Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename");
                            if (filename != null & filename != "")
                                FileInfo[] fiJpgs = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename).Directory.GetFiles("*.jpg");
                                FileInfo[] fiPngs = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename).Directory.GetFiles("*.png");
                                if (fiJpgs.Length == 0 && fiPngs.Length == 0)
                                    _parent.Trace("No Jpgs or PngsFound");
                                    if (fiJpgs.Any(item => item.FullName.Contains("Front")))
                                        Thumb2 = fiJpgs.First(item => item.FullName.Contains("Front")).FullName;
                                    else if (fiJpgs.Any(item => item.FullName.Contains("folder")))
                                        Thumb2 = fiJpgs.First(item => item.FullName.Contains("folder")).FullName;
                                    else if (fiPngs.Any(item => item.FullName.Contains("cdart")))
                                        Thumb2 = fiPngs.First(item => item.FullName.Contains("cdart")).FullName;
                                    else if (fiJpgs.Any(item => item.FullName.Contains("jpg")))
                                        Thumb2 = fiJpgs.First(item => item.FullName.Contains("jpg")).FullName;
                                    // ****************************************************
                                    if (fiJpgs.Any(item => item.FullName.Contains("fanart")))
                                        Fanart2 = fiJpgs.First(item => item.FullName.Contains(@"*fanart*")).FullName;
                                    else if (fiPngs.Any(item => item.FullName.Contains("fanart.png")))
                                        Fanart2 = fiPngs.First(item => item.FullName.Contains("fanart")).FullName;
                                    else if (fiJpgs.Any(item => item.FullName.Contains("jpg")))
                                        Fanart2 = fiJpgs.First(item => item.FullName.Contains("jpg")).FullName;

                                    //var filePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename"));
                                    //var fanartPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "fanart.jpg");
                                    //var cdartpath = Path.Combine(filePath, "cdart.png");
                                    //var ThumbPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "folder.jpg");
                                    //var BannerPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "banner.jpg");
                                    //var Frontpath = Path.Combine(filePath, "*Front.jpg");
                                    //System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(fanartPath);
                                    //System.IO.FileInfo ficdart = new System.IO.FileInfo(cdartpath);
                                    //System.IO.FileInfo fiThumb = new System.IO.FileInfo(ThumbPath);

                                    //if (fi.Exists)
                                    //    Fanart2 = fanartPath;  //if fanart.jpg exisits in directory with movie use this otherwise default to JRiver Thumb

                                    //if (fiThumb.Exists)
                                    //    Thumb2 = ThumbPath;

                            _parent.Trace("GetAlbum Art: " + Thumb2);
                            string GenreName = "Unknown";
                            if (Field.TryGetValue("Genre", out result))
                                GenreName = Field.ValueOrDefault("Genre");
                            string Album = "Unknown";
                            if (Field.TryGetValue("Album", out result))
                                Album = Field.ValueOrDefault("Album");
                            string Artist = "Unknown";
                            if (Field.TryGetValue("Artist", out result))
                                Artist = Field.ValueOrDefault("Artist");
                            if (Album != "" && Album != null)
                                var album = new ApiAudioAlbum
                                    IdAlbum  = (long)Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(Album),
                                    Title    = Album,
                                    IdGenre  = (long)Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(GenreName),
                                    IdArtist = (long)Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(Artist),
                                    Artist   = Artist,
                                    Genre    = GenreName,
                                    Year     = Year,
                                    Thumb    = Thumb2,
                                    Fanart   = Fanart2,
                                    Hash     = Xbmc.Hash(Album)
                                if (!albums.Any(a => a.Title == Album))
            catch (Exception ex)
                _parent.Trace("JRiver GetALbums:" + ex);
Beispiel #5
        public Collection <ApiTvShow> GetTvShows()
            //var MovieId = GetMainSelection("TV");
            var shows = new Collection <ApiTvShow>();



                _parent.Trace("GetTVEpisodes : Parent IP: " + _parent.IP);
                // iterate through Items
                foreach (var Field in Allitems)
                    var result   = "";
                    var isTVshow = false;
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Media Sub Type", out result))
                        if (result == "TV Show")
                            isTVshow = true;
                    long   PlayCount = 0;
                    string Plays     = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Number Plays", out Plays))
                        PlayCount = long.TryParse(Plays, out PlayCount) ? PlayCount : 0;
                    long   SeasonNumber = 0;
                    string Season       = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Season", out Season))
                        SeasonNumber = long.TryParse(Season, out SeasonNumber) ? SeasonNumber : 0;
                    long   EpisodeNumber = 0;
                    string EpisodeNo     = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Episode", out EpisodeNo))
                        EpisodeNumber = long.TryParse(EpisodeNo, out EpisodeNumber) ? EpisodeNumber : 0;
                    string FileKey   = "";
                    string Thumb2    = "";
                    string Fanart2   = "";
                    string LogoArt   = "";
                    string BannerArt = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Key", out FileKey))
                        Thumb2  = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=" + FileKey + "&FileType=Key&Type=Thumbnail&Format=jpg&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken ?? "";
                        Fanart2 = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=" + FileKey + "&FileType=Key&Type=Full&Format=jpg&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken ?? "";
                    var filename = Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename");
                    if (filename != null & filename != "")
                        var filePath                = Path.GetDirectoryName(Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename"));
                        var fanartPath              = Path.Combine(filePath, "fanart.jpg");
                        var LogoPath                = Path.Combine(filePath, "logo.png");
                        var ThumbPath               = Path.Combine(filePath, "poster.jpg");
                        var BannerPath              = Path.Combine(filePath, "banner.jpg");
                        System.IO.FileInfo fi       = new System.IO.FileInfo(fanartPath);
                        System.IO.FileInfo fiLogo   = new System.IO.FileInfo(LogoPath);
                        System.IO.FileInfo fiThumb  = new System.IO.FileInfo(ThumbPath);
                        System.IO.FileInfo fiBanner = new System.IO.FileInfo(BannerPath);
                        //   _parent.Trace("JRiver: ** filePath ** :" + filePath);
                        //   _parent.Trace("JRiver: ** fanArt.Jpg ** :" + fanartPath);
                        //   _parent.Trace("JRiver: ** Logo.Png ** :" + LogoPath);
                        if (fi.Exists)
                            Fanart2 = fanartPath;  //if fanart.jpg exisits in directory with movie use this otherwise default to JRiver Thumb
                        if (fiLogo.Exists)
                            LogoArt = LogoPath;
                        if (fiThumb.Exists)
                            Thumb2 = ThumbPath;
                        if (fiBanner.Exists)
                            BannerArt = BannerPath;
                    string ShowName = Field.ValueOrDefault("Series");

                    if (ShowName == "")
                        ShowName = "Unknown Series";
                    long idShow = Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(ShowName);

                    var tvShow = new ApiTvShow
                        Title      = ShowName,
                        Plot       = Field.ValueOrDefault("Comment"),
                        Rating     = "",
                        Mpaa       = Field.ValueOrDefault("MPAA Rating"),
                        Studio     = Field.ValueOrDefault("Studio"),
                        Path       = Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename"),
                        IdScraper  = "",
                        Genre      = Field.ValueOrDefault("Genre"),
                        IdShow     = idShow,
                        TotalCount = 0,
                        Premiered  = Field.ValueOrDefault("Date (readable)"),
                        Thumb      = Thumb2,
                        Fanart     = Fanart2,
                        Banner     = BannerArt,
                        Logo       = LogoArt,
                        Hash       = Xbmc.Hash(FileKey)

                    if (isTVshow && !shows.Any(a => a.IdShow == idShow))
                        _parent.Trace("JRiver: New Show Found: Adding Show:" + ShowName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _parent.Trace("TV Shows REFRESH Exception Caught " + ex);
Beispiel #6
        public Collection <ApiTvEpisode> GetTvEpisodes()
            var episodes = new Collection <ApiTvEpisode>();



                _parent.Trace("GetTVEpisodes : Parent IP: " + _parent.IP);
                // iterate through Items
                foreach (var Field in Allitems)
                    var result   = "";
                    var isTVshow = false;
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Media Sub Type", out result))
                        if (result == "TV Show")
                            isTVshow = true;
                    long   PlayCount = 0;
                    string Plays     = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Number Plays", out Plays))
                        PlayCount = long.TryParse(Plays, out PlayCount) ? PlayCount : 0;
                    long   SeasonNumber = 0;
                    string Season       = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Season", out Season))
                        SeasonNumber = long.TryParse(Season, out SeasonNumber) ? SeasonNumber : 0;
                    long   EpisodeNumber = 0;
                    string EpisodeNo     = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Episode", out EpisodeNo))
                        EpisodeNumber = long.TryParse(EpisodeNo, out EpisodeNumber) ? EpisodeNumber : 0;
                    string FileKey   = "";
                    string Thumb2    = "";
                    string Fanart2   = "";
                    string LogoArt   = "";
                    string BannerArt = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Key", out FileKey))
                        Thumb2  = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=" + FileKey + "&FileType=Key&Type=Thumbnail&Format=jpg&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken ?? "";
                        Fanart2 = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=" + FileKey + "&FileType=Key&Type=Full&Format=jpg&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken ?? "";
                    var filename = Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename");
                    if (filename != null & filename != "")
                        var filePath          = Path.GetDirectoryName(Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename"));
                        var fanartPath        = Path.Combine(filePath, "fanart.jpg");
                        System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(fanartPath);
                        if (fi.Exists)
                            Fanart2 = fanartPath;  //if fanart.jpg exisits in directory with movie use this otherwise default to JRiver Thumb
                    DateTime myDateTime = new DateTime();
                        string datestring = "01/01/1900";

                        if (Field.TryGetValue("Date Created", out datestring))
                            myDateTime = DateTime.Parse(datestring);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //       _parent.Trace("JRiver Error:  dateTime Exception: " + ex);
                        myDateTime = DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01");
                    string sqlFormattedDate = myDateTime.ToString("s");

                    string tvdb     = "0";
                    string ShowName = Field.ValueOrDefault("Series");

                    if (ShowName == "")
                        ShowName = "Unknown Series";

                    if (isTVshow)
                        var tvShow = new ApiTvEpisode
                            Title     = Field.ValueOrDefault("Name"),
                            Plot      = Field.ValueOrDefault("Comment"),
                            Rating    = "",
                            Mpaa      = Field.ValueOrDefault("MPAA Rating"),
                            Date      = sqlFormattedDate,
                            Director  = Field.ValueOrDefault("Director"),
                            PlayCount = PlayCount,
                            Studio    = Field.ValueOrDefault("Studio"),
                            IdEpisode = Xbmc.IDtoNumber(FileKey),
                            IdShow    = Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(ShowName),
                            Season    = SeasonNumber,
                            Episode   = EpisodeNumber,
                            Path      = Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename"),
                            ShowTitle = ShowName,
                            Thumb     = Thumb2,
                            Fanart    = Fanart2,
                            FileName  = filename,
                            Hash      = Xbmc.Hash(FileKey)
            catch (Exception Ex)
                _parent.Trace("Another tV Episodes exception" + Ex);

Beispiel #7
        public Collection <ApiTvSeason> GetTvSeasons()
            var seasons = new Collection <ApiTvSeason>();



                // Load full database...

                // iterate through Items
                foreach (var Field in Allitems)
                    var result   = "";
                    var isTVshow = false;
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Media Sub Type", out result))
                        if (result == "TV Show")
                            isTVshow = true;
                    var SeriesName = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Series", out result))
                        SeriesName = result;
                    long   SeasonNumber = 0;
                    string Season       = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Season", out Season))
                        SeasonNumber = long.TryParse(Season, out SeasonNumber) ? SeasonNumber : 0;
                    string FileKey = "";
                    string Thumb2  = "";
                    string Fanart2 = "";
                    if (Field.TryGetValue("Key", out FileKey))
                        Thumb2  = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=" + FileKey + "&FileType=Key&Type=Thumbnail&Format=jpg&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken ?? "";
                        Fanart2 = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=" + FileKey + "&FileType=Key&Type=Full&Format=jpg&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken ?? "";
                    var filename = Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename");
                    if (filename != null & filename != "")
                        var filePath               = Path.GetDirectoryName(Field.ValueOrDefault("Filename"));
                        var fanartPath             = Path.Combine(filePath, "fanart.jpg");
                        var ThumbPath              = Path.Combine(filePath, "poster.jpg");
                        System.IO.FileInfo fi      = new System.IO.FileInfo(fanartPath);
                        System.IO.FileInfo fiThumb = new System.IO.FileInfo(ThumbPath);
                        if (fi.Exists)
                            Fanart2 = fanartPath;  //if fanart.jpg exisits in directory with movie use this otherwise default to JRiver Thumb
                        if (fiThumb.Exists)
                            Thumb2 = ThumbPath;
                    string tvdb = "0";

                    string ShowName = Field.ValueOrDefault("Series");

                    if (ShowName == "")
                        ShowName = "Unknown Series";

                    var tvShow = new ApiTvSeason
                        SeasonNumber = SeasonNumber,
                        IdShow       = Xbmc.IDstringtoNumber(ShowName),
                        Show         = SeriesName ?? "",
                        Thumb        = Thumb2 ?? "",
                        EpisodeCount = 1,   //bit of a hack but if date sorted - latest episode should be highest - so for most should be right.
                        Fanart       = Fanart2 ?? "",
                        Hash         = Xbmc.Hash(ShowName)
                    // need to check is season and make sure isn't already added

                    if (isTVshow && !seasons.Contains(tvShow))
            catch (Exception ex)
                _parent.Trace("TV Shows Exception Caught " + ex);