public static async Task <Frame> ReadAsync(Stream stream, CancellationToken ct, Logger logger)
                var frameletCount = await ReadUInt16Async(stream, ct);

                if (frameletCount == 0)
                    throw new EpoxyProtocolErrorException("Zero framelets");

                var frame = new Frame(frameletCount, logger);

                while (frameletCount > 0)
                    if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

                    var frameletType = await ReadUInt16Async(stream, ct);

                    if (!Framelet.IsKnownType(frameletType))
                        throw new EpoxyProtocolErrorException("Unknown framelet type: " + frameletType);

                    var frameletLength = await ReadUInt32Async(stream, ct);

                    if (frameletLength > int.MaxValue)
                        throw new EpoxyProtocolErrorException("Framelet too big: " + frameletLength);

                    byte[] frameletContents = await ReadBufferAsync(stream, unchecked ((int)frameletLength), ct);

                    frame.Add(new Framelet((FrameletType)frameletType, new ArraySegment <byte>(frameletContents)));


            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is OperationCanceledException || ex is EndOfStreamException || ex is ObjectDisposedException)
        public void Add(Framelet framelet)
            if (framelets.Count == UInt16.MaxValue)
                var message = logger.Site().ErrorAndReturnFormatted("Exceeded maximum allowed count of framelets.");
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

                // add space for framelet type, length of message, and actual message content
                TotalSize = checked (TotalSize + sizeof(UInt16) + sizeof(UInt32) + framelet.Contents.Count);
            catch (OverflowException oex)
                var message = logger.Site().ErrorAndReturnFormatted("Exceeded maximum size of frame.");
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message, oex);