public static string GetInfo(string target, int port) { string toReturn = ""; toReturn += GetOSDetails(target); if (SMB_MS17_010.IsVulnerable(target)) { toReturn += "----> VULNERABLE TO ETERNAL BLUE (MS10-017) <-----" + Environment.NewLine; toReturn += "-----> Metasploit: use windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec" + Environment.NewLine; } if (General.GetOS() == General.OS.Linux) { toReturn += SMB.TestAnonymousAccess_Linux(target); } else { toReturn += "- Reecon currently lacks advanced SMB Support on Windows (Ironic, I know)"; } return(toReturn.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray())); }
static void Main(string[] args) { DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Reecon - Version 0.25c ( )"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage"); Console.WriteLine("-----"); Console.WriteLine("Basic Scan:\tReecon IPHere (Optional: -noping to skip the online check)"); Console.WriteLine("Display IP:\tReecon -ip"); Console.WriteLine("NMap-Load Scan:\tReecon outfile.nmap (Requires -oG on a regular nmap scan)"); Console.WriteLine("Binary Pwn:\tReecon -pwn FileName (Very buggy)"); Console.WriteLine("Searchsploit:\tReecon -searchsploit nameHere (Beta)"); Console.WriteLine("Shell Gen:\tReecon -shell"); Console.WriteLine("SMB Brute:\tReecon -smb-brute (Linux Only)"); Console.WriteLine("WinRM Brute:\tReecon -winrm-brute IP UserList PassList"); Console.WriteLine("LFI Test:\tReecon -lfi (Very buggy)"); Console.WriteLine("Web Info:\tReecon -web url (Very buggy)"); Console.ResetColor(); return; } // Check if it's anything custom if (args.Contains("-ip") || args.Contains("--ip")) { General.GetIP(); Console.ResetColor(); return; } else if (args.Contains("-lfi") || args.Contains("--lfi")) { LFI.Scan(args); Console.ResetColor(); return; } else if (args.Contains("-pwn") || args.Contains("--pwn")) { Pwn.Scan(args); Console.ResetColor(); return; } else if (args.Contains("-searchsploit") || args.Contains("--searchsploit")) { Searchsploit.Search(args); Console.ResetColor(); return; } else if (args.Contains("-shell") || args.Contains("--shell")) { Shell.GetInfo(args); Console.ResetColor(); return; } else if (args.Contains("-smb-brute")) { SMB.SMBBrute(args); Console.ResetColor(); return; } else if (args.Contains("-winrm-brute")) { WinRM.WinRMBrute(args); Console.ResetColor(); return; } else if (args.Contains("-web") || args.Contains("--web")) { Web.GetInfo(args); Console.ResetColor(); return; } else if (args.Contains("-osint") || args.Contains("--osint")) { OSINT.GetInfo(args); Console.ResetColor(); return; } // Check if you should check if the target is up bool mustPing = true; if (args.Contains("-noping") || args.Contains("--noping")) { mustPing = false; args = args.Where(x => !x.Contains("noping")).ToArray(); } // A common typo if (args.Contains("-nopign")) { Console.WriteLine("You typo'd noping"); Console.ResetColor(); return; } // Everything below here has a maximum of 2 args if (args.Length > 2) { Console.WriteLine("You probably typo'd something"); Console.ResetColor(); return; } // Target if (args[0].EndsWith(".nmap")) { string fileName = args[0]; var(Target, Ports) = Nmap.ParseFile(fileName, false); target = Target; if (!Ports.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("Error: Empty file - Bug Reelix!"); } else { portList.AddRange(Ports); } } else { target = args[0]; } if (target.StartsWith("http")) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot do a standard scan on a URL - Try a -web scan"); Console.ResetColor(); return; } // Custom ports if (args.Length == 2) { string portArg = args[1]; try { portList.AddRange(portArg.Split(',').ToList().Select(x => int.Parse(x))); } catch { // Not a list of ports - Probably a name } } // First check if it's actually up if (mustPing) { Console.WriteLine("Checking if target is online..."); bool?isHostOnline = General.IsUp(target); General.ClearPreviousConsoleLine(); if (isHostOnline == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid target: " + target); return; } if (!isHostOnline.Value) { Console.WriteLine("Host is not responding to pings :("); Console.WriteLine("If you are sure it's up and are specifying ports, you can use -noping"); return; } } if (portList.Count == 0) { // Scan the target string fileName = Nmap.DefaultScan(args, mustPing); fileName += ".nmap"; // Parse the ports var(Target, Ports) = Nmap.ParseFile(fileName, false); target = Target; portList.AddRange(Ports); } // Everything parsed - Down to the scanning! PortInfo.LoadPortInfo(); // Ports have been defined (Either nmap or custom) if (portList.Count != 0) { Console.Write("Scanning: " + target); Console.Write(" (Port"); if (portList.Count > 1) { Console.Write("s"); } Console.WriteLine(": " + string.Join(",", portList) + ")"); ScanPorts(portList); } else { // All parsing and scans done - But still no ports Console.WriteLine("No open ports found to scan :<"); return; } // Everything done - Now for some helpful info! Console.WriteLine("Finished - Some things you probably want to do: "); if (portList.Count == 0) { // Something broke, or there are only UDP Ports :| Console.WriteLine("- nmap -sC -sV -p- " + target + " -oN nmap.txt"); Console.WriteLine("- nmap -sU " + target + " -oN nmap-UDP.txt"); } else { postScanList.Add($"- Nmap Script+Version Scan: nmap -sC -sV -p{string.Join(",", portList)} {target} -oN nmap.txt" + Environment.NewLine); postScanList.Add($"- Nmap UDP Scan: sudo nmap -sU {target}" + Environment.NewLine); foreach (string item in postScanList) { // They already have newlines in them Console.Write(item); } } DateTime endDate = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan t = endDate - startDate; Console.WriteLine("Done in " + string.Format("{0:0.00}s", t.TotalSeconds) + " - Have fun :)"); Console.ResetColor(); }