Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the next available number from the NextNumber table and prefix with the prefix defined on the same table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NextNumberType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetNextID(string NextNumberType, Int16 NumberLength)
            string wkIDPrefix = "";

            using (SqlText SelectID = new SqlText(
                       "Select IDPrefix " +
                       "from [ALL_NextNumber] " +
                       "Where NextNumberType = @NextNumberType; ", CrmHelper.crmConnectionStringName))
                SelectID.AddParameter("@NextNumberType", NextNumberType);

                wkIDPrefix = SelectID.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            return(GetNextID(wkIDPrefix, NextNumberType, NumberLength));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the next available number from the NextNumber table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NextNumberType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Int64 GetNextNumber(string NextNumberType)
            Int64 NextNumber = -1;

            using (SqlText UpdateNext = new SqlText(
                       "Update [ALL_NextNumber] " +
                       "Set NextNumber = NextNumber + 1 " +
                       "Where NextNumberType = @NextNumberType; " +
                       "Select NextNumber from [ALL_NextNumber] Where NextNumberType = @NextNumberType;", CrmHelper.crmConnectionStringName))
                UpdateNext.AddParameter("@NextNumberType", NextNumberType);

                NextNumber = Convert.ToInt64(UpdateNext.ExecuteScalar());

Beispiel #3
    public static Boolean SaveEnquiry(Order order, string comment, List <FileAttachment> files, Store store)
        Int32    jobId;
        string   wkRef         = NextNumber.GetNextID("QuoteRef", 7);
        DateTime created       = GetCurrentStandardTime();
        Boolean  filesAttached = false;
        Int32?   companyId     = null;
        Int32?   clientId      = null;
        string   wkShortDesc   = "";

        if (order.Items != null && order.Items.Count > 0)
            int wkCount = 0;
            foreach (OrderItem it in order.Items)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wkShortDesc))
                    wkShortDesc = wkShortDesc + ", ";
                wkShortDesc = wkShortDesc + it.Product.Name;

                if (wkCount > 2)
                    if (order.Items.Count > wkCount)
                        wkShortDesc = wkShortDesc + ", ...";
            wkShortDesc = "Website Enquiry";

        GetCompanyAndClient(order, out companyId, out clientId);

        if (files != null && files != null && files.Count > 0)
            filesAttached = true;

        // Insert the Job record.
        using (Redi.Utility.SqlText insert = new Redi.Utility.SqlText(
                   "Insert Into ALL_Job (ReferenceNo, ClientId, CompanyId, CreatedOn, CreatedByName, CreatedFromWebsite, NewEnquiry, ShortDescription, QuoteAvailable) " +
                   "Values (@ReferenceNo, @ClientId, @CompanyId, @CreatedOn, @CreatedByName, @CreatedFromWebsite, @NewEnquiry, @ShortDescription, 0) " +
                   "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY(); ", crmConnectionStringName))
            insert.AddParameter("@ReferenceNo", wkRef);
            insert.AddParameter("@ClientId", clientId);
            if (companyId != null)
                insert.AddParameter("@CompanyId", companyId);
                insert.AddParameter("@CompanyId", System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null);
            insert.AddParameter("@CreatedOn", created);
            insert.AddParameter("@CreatedByName", createdBy);
            insert.AddParameter("@CreatedFromWebsite", true);
            insert.AddParameter("@NewEnquiry", true);
            insert.AddParameter("@ShortDescription", wkShortDesc);
            jobId = Convert.ToInt32(insert.ExecuteScalar());

        // Insert the Enquiry record.
        using (Redi.Utility.SqlText insert = new Redi.Utility.SqlText(
                   "Insert Into ALL_Enquiry (JobId, Comment, CreatedOn, CreatedByName, ShoppingCartOrderId, ShoppingCartUserId, FilesAttached ) " +
                   "Values (@JobId, @Comment, @CreatedOn, @CreatedByName, @ShoppingCartOrderId, @ShoppingCartUserId, @FilesAttached); ", crmConnectionStringName))
            insert.AddParameter("@JobId", jobId);
            insert.AddParameter("@Comment", comment);
            insert.AddParameter("@CreatedOn", created);
            insert.AddParameter("@CreatedByName", createdBy);
            if (order.OrderId != null)
                insert.AddParameter("@ShoppingCartOrderId", order.OrderId);
                insert.AddParameter("@ShoppingCartOrderId", System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null);
            if (order.UserId != null)
                insert.AddParameter("@ShoppingCartUserId", order.UserId);
                insert.AddParameter("@ShoppingCartUserId", System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null);
            insert.AddParameter("@FilesAttached", filesAttached);

        if (order.Items != null && order.Items.Count > 0)
            SaveEnquiryItems(order, jobId, store);

        if (files != null && files != null && files.Count > 0)
            SaveFiles(jobId, files);

            SubmitJobStatusChangeRequest(jobId, "WebsiteEnquiry", null, null, null, null, null);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Ignore any errors trying to do the background process trigger for confirmation emails.

Beispiel #4
    private static void GetCompanyAndClient(Order order, out Int32?companyId, out Int32?clientId)
        companyId = null;
        clientId  = null;

        // See if the client exists
        using (SqlText select = new SqlText(
                   "Select ClientId, FullName, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, [ALL_Company].CompanyId, [ALL_Company].CompanyName " +
                   "From [ALL_Client] " +
                   "Left Outer Join [ALL_Company] ON [ALL_Company].CompanyId = [ALL_Client].CompanyId " +
                   "Where EmailAddress = @EmailAddress AND [ALL_Client].Deleted=0 ", crmConnectionStringName))
            select.AddParameter("@EmailAddress", order.BillToEmail.Trim());
            DbDataReader myReader = select.ExecuteReader();
            while (myReader.Read())
                Int32  wkClientId = myReader.GetInt32(0);
                string wkName     = myReader.GetString(1);
                //string wkFirstName = myReader.GetString(2);
                //string wkLastname = myReader.GetString(3);
                string wkEmail     = myReader.GetString(4);
                Int32? wkCompanyId = null;
                if (!myReader.IsDBNull(5))
                    wkCompanyId = myReader.GetInt32(5);
                string wkCompanyName = "";
                if (!myReader.IsDBNull(6))
                    wkCompanyName = myReader.GetString(6);

                clientId  = wkClientId;
                companyId = wkCompanyId;

        if (clientId != null)
            // Found a record so exit.

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.BillToCompany) && companyId == null && clientId == null)
            // See if the company exists
            using (SqlText select = new SqlText(
                       "Select CompanyId, CompanyName " +
                       "From [ALL_Company] " +
                       "Where CompanyName = @CompanyName AND Deleted=0 AND DepartmentName is null ", crmConnectionStringName))
                select.AddParameter("@CompanyName", order.BillToCompany.Trim());
                DbDataReader myReader = select.ExecuteReader();
                while (myReader.Read())
                    companyId = myReader.GetInt32(0);

            if (companyId == null)
                // Not found so create a new company record.
                using (Redi.Utility.SqlText insert = new Redi.Utility.SqlText(
                           "Insert Into ALL_Company (CompanyName, CreatedOn, CreatedByName) " +
                           "Values (@CompanyName, @CreatedOn, @CreatedByName) " +
                           "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY(); ", crmConnectionStringName))
                    insert.AddParameter("@CompanyName", order.BillToCompany.Trim());
                    insert.AddParameter("@CreatedOn", GetCurrentStandardTime());
                    insert.AddParameter("@CreatedByName", createdBy);

                    companyId = Convert.ToInt32(insert.ExecuteScalar());

        string wkMobile   = "";
        string wkPhone    = "";
        string wkFax      = "";
        string wkFullName = "";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.BillToFirstName))
            wkFullName = order.BillToFirstName.Trim() + ' ';
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.BillToLastName))
            wkFullName = wkFullName + order.BillToLastName.Trim();

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.BillToPhone))
            if (order.BillToPhone.Length > 2 && order.BillToPhone.Substring(0, 2) == "04")
                wkMobile = order.BillToPhone;
                wkPhone = order.BillToPhone;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.BillToFax))
            wkFax = order.BillToFax;

        // Not an existing client so create a new record.
        using (Redi.Utility.SqlText insert = new Redi.Utility.SqlText(
                   "Insert Into ALL_Client (FullName, FirstName, LastName, Phone, Fax, MobilePhone, CreatedOn, CreatedByName, EmailAddress, CompanyId ) " +
                   "Values (@FullName, @FirstName, @LastName, @Phone, @Fax, @MobilePhone, @CreatedOn, @CreatedByName, @EmailAddress, @CompanyId) " +
                   "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY(); ", crmConnectionStringName))
            insert.AddParameter("@FullName", wkFullName);
            insert.AddParameter("@FirstName", order.BillToFirstName);
            insert.AddParameter("@LastName", order.BillToLastName);
            insert.AddParameter("@Phone", wkPhone);
            insert.AddParameter("@Fax", wkFax);
            insert.AddParameter("@MobilePhone", wkMobile);
            if (companyId != null)
                insert.AddParameter("@CompanyId", companyId);
                insert.AddParameter("@CompanyId", System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null);
            insert.AddParameter("@CreatedOn", GetCurrentStandardTime());
            insert.AddParameter("@CreatedByName", createdBy);
            insert.AddParameter("@EmailAddress", order.BillToEmail);

            clientId = Convert.ToInt32(insert.ExecuteScalar());