Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //we need to take cosole data and send to make file and do the word count
            ConsoleReadAndMakeList read = new ConsoleReadAndMakeList();
            Writer write = new Writer();
            Dictionary <string, int> wordCount = MakeWordCount.ListToWordCount(read.ReadConsole());

            string pathlocation = FileCreater.GetDirectory("file.csv");

            //Dictionary<string, int> wordCount = new Dictionary<string, int>() { { "wwe", 2 }, { "qqq", 3 }, { "rrr", 1 } };
            write.WriteToCSV(wordCount, pathlocation);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //we need to take cosole data and send to make file and do the word count
            ConsoleReadAndMakeList read        = new ConsoleReadAndMakeList();
            WriterCSV write                    = new Writer();
            Dictionary <string, int> wordCount = MakeWordCount.ListToWordCount(read.ReadConsole());
            string filePath                    = "file.csv";

            string pathlocation = FileCreater.GetDirectory(filePath);

            write.WriteToCSV(wordCount, pathlocation);