Beispiel #1
        public Tester()
            //Test t = new Test();
            KeyMap km = new KeyMap();

            IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            Stream stream = new FileStream(@"c:\tmp\MyFile.bin",
                                     FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
            formatter.Serialize(stream, km);
Beispiel #2
        // Need to tell which sides are being passed.
        public void CompareTables(Side side1, Side side2, KeyMap km)
            this._TotalOuterRecords = 0;
            this._TotalUnmatched = 0;

            //Should grab empty select
            DataRow[] OuterRows = side1.Table.Select();
            this._TotalOuterRecords = OuterRows.Length;

            //Traverse Outer Table And Compare rows by the keys
            foreach (DataRow OuterRow in OuterRows)
                //Check for items in InnerRow.col = OuterRow.value

                //Figure out if OuterRow is Side1 or Side2
                //SideEnum whichSide = Utility.Lookup.LookupSideEnum(OuterRow.Table.ExtendedProperties["Side"].ToString());

                //Declare a side object with rows to build the expression.
                Side side = new Side(OuterRow, side1.SideEnum);
                string exp = km.getExpression(side);
                DataRow[] InnerRows = side2.Table.Select(exp);

                //Found Match On Key
                if (InnerRows.Length > 0)
                    //One to one Match
                    if (InnerRows.Length == 1)
                        InnerRows[0]["FK"] = OuterRow["RowId"];
                        OuterRow["MatchCount"] = 1;
                        RaiseMatchEvent(OuterRow, InnerRows);
                    else  //Many to One
                        if (Config.AllowOneToMany)
                            RaiseMatchEvent(OuterRow, InnerRows);
                            OuterRow["MatchCount"] = InnerRows.Length;

                            foreach (DataRow InnerRow in InnerRows)
                                //AddToDiffTable(OuterRow, InnerRow);
                                //Points each Inner Row Foreign Key to the Outer Row ID
                                //Need a way to flag the rows that have one to many..
                                InnerRow["FK"] = OuterRow["RowId"];
                            //Process Unmatched.. Flag as Many to One
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Found Item" + OuterRow[0].ToString());

                //Not Found
                    //Process Unmatched OuterRow
Beispiel #3
        public void CompareTablesMine(Side side1, Side side2, KeyMap km)
            //Run Compare Tables twice, to go both ways of finding the matches.
            //base.CompareTables(side1.Table, side2.Table, new KeyMap());
            //base.CompareTables(side2.Table, side1.Table, new KeyMap());

            //Need to come up with Diffs algorithm