/// <summary>
        /// Creates the editor model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="preValues"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override NodeSelectorEditorModel CreateEditorModel(NodeSelectorPreValueModel preValues)
            var docType       = GetContentPropertyValue(x => x.DocTypeProperty, null);
            var dataTypeId    = HiveId.Empty;
            var currentNodeId = GetContentModelValue(x => x.Id, HiveId.Empty);

            if (docType != null)
                dataTypeId = docType.DataTypeId;

            var model = new NodeSelectorEditorModel(
                GetContentModelValue(x => x.Id, HiveId.Empty),
                GetContentPropertyValue(x => x.Alias, ""),

            //not sure what else to do here, but need a UrlHelper which requires a RequestContext
            var urlHelper = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService <UrlHelper>();

            //give the HtmlId of the tree being rendered a unique but consistent Id across the editor
            var htmlId = "ns_" + GetContentPropertyValue(x => x.Id, HiveId.Empty).GetHtmlId();

            //create the custom tree parameters that will be passed up in query string
            var treeparams = urlHelper.CreateTreeParams(
                true,                                                  //it is dialog
                "Rebel.PropertyEditors.NodeSelector.nodeClickHandler", //the node click handler
                new Dictionary <string, object>
                //we want to render the node requested, not its children
                { TreeQueryStringParameters.RenderParent, true }

            var startNodeId = HiveId.Empty;

            if (preValues.SelectedTree == default(Guid))
                model.ErrorMessage = string.Format("No tree type has been selected for the NodeSelector");
                //exit now as we cannot continue

            //we need to get the start node id based on the query
            var ds = BackOfficeRequestContext.RegisteredComponents.TreeControllers.GetNodeSelectorDataSource(preValues.SelectedTree);

            if (preValues.StartNodeSelectionType == StartNodeSelectionType.UsePicker)
                if (!preValues.StartNodeId.IsNullValueOrEmpty())
                    model.StartNode = ds.GetEntity(preValues.StartNodeId);
                    if (model.StartNode == null)
                        model.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Could not find a start node with Id: {0} to render", preValues.StartNodeId.ToFriendlyString());
                        //exit now as we cannot continue
                    model.ErrorMessage = string.Format("No start node id assigned to the NodeSelector");
                    //exit now as we cannot continue

                startNodeId = preValues.StartNodeId;
                if (dataTypeId != HiveId.Empty && currentNodeId != HiveId.Empty)
                    //TODO: Error check this nicely !!
                    startNodeId = CSharpExpressionsUtility.GetStartNodeQueryResult(BackOfficeRequestContext, dataTypeId, ds, currentNodeId);

            model.TreeModel = new TreeRenderModel(
                urlHelper.GetTreeUrl(startNodeId, preValues.SelectedTree, treeparams))
                TreeHtmlElementId = htmlId,
                ShowContextMenu   = false
