Beispiel #1
        public static CoverageMap EmptyCoverageMap(Map map)
            CoverageMap cm = new CoverageMap();

            cm.coverageMap = new bool[map.Size.x, map.Size.z];
Beispiel #2
        //ResolveParams's GetCustom/SetCustom is broken now, and it is a sealed (WHY??!) struct (WHY??!?!?) so I neither can fix it, nor make a dirty hack.
        //Seems like I have to abandon this approach and make direct calls.
        static public void Scatter(ResolveParams rp, ScatterOptions options, CoverageMap coverage, List <AbstractDefenderForcesGenerator> generators)
            Debug.Log(Debug.Scatter, "Running stand-alone scatterer");
            if (options == null)
                Debug.Warning(Debug.Scatter, "Scatter options are null, aborting");

            DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;

            Debug.Log(Debug.Scatter, "[0 s]: Loading blueprint of size {0} - {1} to deploy at {2}, {3}", options.minRadius, options.maxRadius, rp.rect.minX, rp.rect.minZ);

            Blueprint bp  = null;
            Map       map =;

            //probably should split scattering options into several distinct objects
            string filename = options.blueprintFileName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) || !BlueprintLoader.CanLoadBlueprintAtPath(filename))
                bp = BlueprintFinder.FindRandomBlueprintWithParameters(out filename, options.minimumAreaRequired, options.minimumDensityRequired, 15, removeNonQualified: options.deleteLowQuality);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                    //still null = no suitable blueprints, fail.
                    Debug.Warning(Debug.Scatter, "Blueprint name was null and could not find another suitable blueprint, skipping");

            if (!options.shouldLoadPartOnly) //should not cut => load whole
                if (bp == null)              //if not loaded yet
                    bp = BlueprintLoader.LoadWholeBlueprintAtPath(filename);
                int radius = Rand.Range(options.minRadius, options.maxRadius);
                if (bp == null)
                    bp = BlueprintLoader.LoadWholeBlueprintAtPath(filename).RandomPartCenteredAtRoom(new IntVec3(radius, 0, radius));
                    bp = bp.RandomPartCenteredAtRoom(new IntVec3(radius, 0, radius));

            if (bp == null)
                Debug.Warning(Debug.Scatter, "Blueprint is still null after attempting to load any qualifying, returning");

            Debug.Extra(Debug.Scatter, "Blueprint loaded, cutting and searching for rooms");

            // Here we have our blueprint loaded and ready to action. Doing stuff:
            BlueprintPreprocessor.ProcessBlueprint(bp, options); //Preprocess: remove missing and unnecessary items according to options
            bp.FindRooms();                                      //Traverse blueprint and construct rooms map
            options.roomMap = bp.wallMap;

            //Debug.PrintIntMap(bp.wallMap, delta: 1);
            Debug.Extra(Debug.Scatter, "Rooms traversed, initializing transfer utility");

            BlueprintTransferUtility btu = new BlueprintTransferUtility(bp, map, rp, options); //prepare blueprint transferrer

            Debug.Extra(Debug.Scatter, "Initialized, removing incompatible items...");

            btu?.RemoveIncompatibleItems(); //remove incompatible items
            Debug.Extra(Debug.Scatter, "Recalculating stats...");

            bp.UpdateBlueprintStats(true); //Update total cost, items count, etc

            Debug.Extra(Debug.Scatter, "Deteriorating...");
            DeteriorationProcessor.Process(bp, options); //create deterioration maps and do deterioration

            Debug.Extra(Debug.Scatter, "Scavenging...");
            ScavengingProcessor sp = new ScavengingProcessor();

            sp.RaidAndScavenge(bp, options); //scavenge remaining items according to scavenge options

            Debug.Extra(Debug.Scatter, "[{0} s] Prepared, about to start transferring.", DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(start).TotalSeconds);
            try {
                btu.Transfer(coverage); //transfer blueprint
                Debug.Extra(Debug.Scatter, "[{0} s] Transferred.", DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(start).TotalSeconds);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Error(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Failed to transfer blueprint due to {0}", e);

            if (generators != null)
                foreach (AbstractDefenderForcesGenerator generator in generators)
                    try {
                        generator.GenerateForces(map, rp, options);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.Error(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Failed to generate forces: {0}", e);
            Debug.Log(Debug.Scatter, "[{0} s] Generated forces.", DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(start).TotalSeconds);

            if (options.shouldAddFilth)
                try {
                    btu.AddFilthAndRubble(); //add filth and rubble
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Debug.Warning(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Failed to add filth and rubble: {0}", e);
            Debug.Extra(Debug.Scatter, "[{0} s] Spiced up with rubble. Completed.", DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(start).TotalSeconds);

            Debug.Log(Debug.Scatter, "Chunk scattering finished, moving");
Beispiel #3
        public void Transfer(CoverageMap coverageMap)
            //Planting blueprint
            float totalCost           = 0;
            int   transferredTerrains = 0;
            int   transferredTiles    = 0;
            int   totalTerrains       = 0;
            int   totalItems          = 0;

            //update rect to actual placement rect using width and height
            rp.rect = new CellRect(mapOriginX, mapOriginZ, blueprint.width, blueprint.height);

            Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Clearing map...");

            for (int z = 0; z < blueprint.height; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < blueprint.width; x++)
                    try {
                        IntVec3 mapLocation = new IntVec3(x + mapOriginX, 0, z + mapOriginZ);
                        //Check if thepoint is in allowed bounds of the map
                        if (!mapLocation.InBounds(map) || mapLocation.InNoBuildEdgeArea(map))
                            continue; //ignore invalid cells

                        if (options.overwritesEverything || Rand.Chance(0.6f))
                            if (blueprint.terrainMap[x, z] != null ||
                                blueprint.itemsMap[x, z].Count > 0 ||
                                blueprint.wallMap[x, z] > 1)
                                ClearCell(mapLocation, map, true);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.Warning(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Failed to clean cell at {0}, {1} because of {2}", x, z, e);

            Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Transferring map objects");
            for (int z = 0; z < blueprint.height; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < blueprint.width; x++)
                    IntVec3 mapLocation = new IntVec3(x + mapOriginX, 0, z + mapOriginZ);
                    if (coverageMap != null)
                        if (coverageMap.isMarked(mapLocation.x, mapLocation.z) == true) //cell was used earlier
                            continue;                                                   //skip already covered tiles
                            if (blueprint.wallMap[x, z] > 1 || blueprint.wallMap[x, z] == -1)
                                coverageMap.Mark(mapLocation.x, mapLocation.z);                                                               //mark cell as used

                    //Check if thepoint is in allowed bounds of the map
                    if (!mapLocation.InBounds(map) || mapLocation.InNoBuildEdgeArea(map))
                        continue; //ignore invalid cells

                    try {
                        //Construct terrain if some specific terrain stored in the blueprint
                        if (blueprint.terrainMap[x, z] != null)
                            TerrainDef blueprintTerrain = TerrainDef.Named(blueprint.terrainMap[x, z].defName);
                            if (!map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(mapLocation).IsWater)
                                map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(mapLocation, blueprintTerrain);
                                totalCost += blueprint.terrainMap[x, z].cost;

                        //construct roof evetywhere if we doing complete transfer (ignoring outside: room with index 1).
                        if (blueprint.roofMap[x, z] == true && options.overwritesEverything && blueprint.wallMap[x, z] != 1)
                            map.roofGrid.SetRoof(mapLocation, RoofDefOf.RoofConstructed);

                        Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Transferred terrain and roof at cell ({0}, {1})", x, z);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.Warning(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Failed to transfer terrain {0} at {1}, {2} because of {3}", blueprint.terrainMap[x, z].defName, x, z, e);

                    //Add items
                    if (blueprint.itemsMap[x, z] != null && blueprint.itemsMap[x, z].Count > 0 /* && cellUsed[mapLocation.x, mapLocation.z] == false*/)
                        totalItems += blueprint.itemsMap[x, z].Count;

                        foreach (ItemTile itemTile in blueprint.itemsMap[x, z])
                            Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Creating thing {2} at cell ({0}, {1})", x, z, itemTile.defName);
                            Thing thing = MakeThingFromItemTile(itemTile);
                            if (thing != null)
                                try {
                                    Rot4 rotation = new Rot4(itemTile.rot);
                                    //check if there is anything we have to despawn in order to spawn our new item
                                    //we have to do this, because many dubs bad hygiene items enter endless cycle when removed during mapgen.
                                    foreach (IntVec3 occupiedCell in GenAdj.CellsOccupiedBy(mapLocation, rotation, thing.def.Size))
                                        foreach (Thing existingItem in map.thingGrid.ThingsAt(occupiedCell).ToList())
                                            if (GenSpawn.SpawningWipes(thing.def, existingItem.def))
                                                if (thing.def.thingClass.ToString().Contains("DubsBadHygiene"))
                                                    throw new Exception("Can't spawn item because it will destroy Dubs Bad Hygiene Item and it will lead to app freeze.");

                                    GenSpawn.Spawn(thing, mapLocation, map, rotation);
                                    Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Spawned");
                                    try {
                                        switch (thing.def.tickerType)
                                        case TickerType.Never:

                                        case TickerType.Normal:

                                        case TickerType.Long:

                                        case TickerType.Rare:
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                        Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Exception while tried to perform tick for {0} of cost {1}, retrhrowing...", thing.def.defName, itemTile.cost);
                                        throw e;

                                    //Debug.Message("Setting up props");
                                    //Breakdown breakdownables: it't yet impossible to silently breakdown an item which is not spawned.
                                    CompBreakdownable b = thing.TryGetComp <CompBreakdownable>();
                                    if (b != null && options.enableDeterioration)
                                        if (Rand.Chance(0.8f))

                                    //reduce HP for haulable things in water
                                    if (thing.def.EverHaulable)
                                        TerrainDef t = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(mapLocation);
                                        if (t != null && t.IsWater)
                                            thing.HitPoints = (thing.HitPoints - 10) / Rand.Range(5, 20) + Rand.Range(1, 10); //things in marsh or river are really in bad condition
                                    Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Item completed");

                                    totalCost += itemTile.cost;
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    Debug.Warning(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Failed to spawn item {0} of cost {1} because of exception {2}", thing, itemTile.cost, e.Message);

            Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Finished transferring");
            if (options.shouldKeepDefencesAndPower)
            options.uncoveredCost = totalCost;
            Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Transferred blueprint of size {0}x{1}, age {2}, total cost of approximately {3}. Items: {4}/{5}, terrains: {6}/{7}", blueprint.width, blueprint.height, -blueprint.dateShift, totalCost, transferredTiles, totalItems, transferredTerrains, totalTerrains);
Beispiel #4
        public override void Generate(Map map, GenStepParams parms)
            //add standard ruins along with real.
            if (RealRuins_ModSettings.preserveStandardRuins)
                GenStep scatterOriginalRuins = new GenStep_ScatterRuinsSimple();
                scatterOriginalRuins.Generate(map, parms);
            //skip generation due to low blueprints count
            if (SnapshotStoreManager.Instance.StoredSnapshotsCount() < 10)
                Debug.Error(Debug.Scatter, "Skipping ruins gerenation due to low blueprints count.");

            //Skip generation for starting tile if corresponding settings flag is set
            if (RealRuins_ModSettings.startWithoutRuins)
                int homes   = 0;
                var allMaps = Find.Maps;
                for (int i = 0; i < allMaps.Count; i++)
                    Map someMap = allMaps[i];
                    if (someMap.IsPlayerHome)

                if (homes == 1 && Find.TickManager.TicksGame < 10)
                    return;                                                //single home => we're generating that single home => that's starting map => no ruins here if this option is selected.

            //Skip generation on other ruins world objects
            foreach (WorldObject wo in Find.World.worldObjects.ObjectsAt(map.Tile))
                if (wo is RealRuinsPOIWorldObject || wo is AbandonedBaseWorldObject)

            if (!map.TileInfo.WaterCovered)
                float densityMultiplier    = 1.0f;
                float scaleMultiplier      = 1.0f;
                float distanceToSettlement = 0.0f;
                float totalDensity         = RealRuins_ModSettings.defaultScatterOptions.densityMultiplier;
                currentOptions = RealRuins_ModSettings.defaultScatterOptions.Copy(); //store as instance variable to keep accessible on subsequent ScatterAt calls

                if (RealRuins_ModSettings.defaultScatterOptions.enableProximity)
                    distanceToSettlement = CalculateDistanceToNearestSettlement(map);
                    if (distanceToSettlement >= 16 && Rand.Chance(0.5f))
                        totalDensity = 0;

                    if (totalDensity > 0)
                        densityMultiplier = (float)(Math.Exp(1.0 / (distanceToSettlement / 10.0 + 0.3)) - 0.7);
                        scaleMultiplier   = (float)(Math.Exp(1 / (distanceToSettlement / 5 + 0.5)) - 0.3);
                        densityMultiplier = 0.0f;

                    currentOptions.densityMultiplier       *= densityMultiplier;
                    currentOptions.minRadius                = Math.Min(60, Math.Max(6, (int)(currentOptions.minRadius * scaleMultiplier))); //keep between 6 and 60
                    currentOptions.maxRadius                = Math.Min(60, Math.Max(6, (int)(currentOptions.maxRadius * scaleMultiplier))); //keep between 6 and 60
                    currentOptions.scavengingMultiplier    *= scaleMultiplier * densityMultiplier;
                    currentOptions.deteriorationMultiplier += Math.Min(0.2f, (1.0f / (scaleMultiplier * densityMultiplier * 3)));

                    if (densityMultiplier > 20.0f)
                        densityMultiplier = 20.0f;
                    while (densityMultiplier * currentOptions.maxRadius > 800)
                        densityMultiplier *= 0.9f; //WHAT? Why not 800/radius?

                //number of ruins based on density settings
                var num = (int)((float)map.Area / 10000.0f) * Rand.Range(1 * totalDensity, 2 * totalDensity);

                Debug.Log(Debug.Scatter, "dist {0}, dens {1} (x{2}), scale x{3} ({4}-{5}), scav {6}, deter {7}", distanceToSettlement, currentOptions.densityMultiplier, densityMultiplier, scaleMultiplier, currentOptions.minRadius, currentOptions.maxRadius, currentOptions.scavengingMultiplier, currentOptions.deteriorationMultiplier);
                Debug.Log(Debug.Scatter, "Spawning {0} ruin chunks", num);
       = map;

                bool shouldUnpause = false;
                if (!Find.TickManager.Paused)
                    shouldUnpause = true;

                CoverageMap coverageMap = CoverageMap.EmptyCoverageMap(map);

                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    try {
                        //We use copy of scatteroptions because each scatteroptions represents separate chunk with separate location, size, maps, etc.
                        //should use struct instead? is it compatible with IExposable?
                        ResolveParams rp = default(ResolveParams);

                        List <AbstractDefenderForcesGenerator> generators = new List <AbstractDefenderForcesGenerator>();
                        if (Rand.Chance(currentOptions.hostileChance))
                            if (Rand.Chance(0.8f))
                                generators = new List <AbstractDefenderForcesGenerator> {
                                    new AnimalInhabitantsForcesGenerator()
                                generators = new List <AbstractDefenderForcesGenerator> {
                                    new MechanoidsForcesGenerator(0)
                        rp.faction = Find.FactionManager.OfAncientsHostile;
                        var center = CellFinder.RandomNotEdgeCell(10, map);
                        rp.rect = new CellRect(center.x, center.z, 1, 1); //after generation will be extended to a real size
                        RuinsScatterer.Scatter(rp, currentOptions.Copy(), coverageMap, generators);
                    } catch {
                        Debug.Warning(Debug.Scatter, "Could not scatter a single ruins chunk.");

                if (shouldUnpause)
                    //Debug.Message("Finished spawning, unpausing");
        public void Transfer()
            //Planting blueprint
            float totalCost           = 0;
            int   transferredTerrains = 0;
            int   transferredTiles    = 0;
            int   totalTerrains       = 0;
            int   totalItems          = 0;

            //update rect to actual placement rect using width and height
            rp.rect = new CellRect(mapOriginX, mapOriginZ, blueprint.width, blueprint.height);
            CoverageMap coverageMap = null;

            rp.TryGetCustom <CoverageMap>(Constants.CoverageMap, out coverageMap);

            for (int z = 0; z < blueprint.height; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < blueprint.width; x++)
                    IntVec3 mapLocation = new IntVec3(x + mapOriginX, 0, z + mapOriginZ);
                    //Check if thepoint is in allowed bounds of the map
                    if (!mapLocation.InBounds(map) || mapLocation.InNoBuildEdgeArea(map))
                        continue; //ignore invalid cells

                    if (options.overwritesEverything || Rand.Chance(0.6f))
                        if (blueprint.terrainMap[x, z] != null ||
                            blueprint.itemsMap[x, z].Count > 0 ||
                            blueprint.wallMap[x, z] > 1)
                            ClearCell(mapLocation, map, true);

            for (int z = 0; z < blueprint.height; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < blueprint.width; x++)
                    IntVec3 mapLocation = new IntVec3(x + mapOriginX, 0, z + mapOriginZ);
                    if (coverageMap != null)
                        if (coverageMap.isMarked(mapLocation.x, mapLocation.z) == true) //cell was used earlier
                            continue;                                                   //skip already covered tiles
                            if (blueprint.wallMap[x, z] > 1 || blueprint.wallMap[x, z] == -1)
                                coverageMap.Mark(mapLocation.x, mapLocation.z);                                                               //mark cell as used

                    //Check if thepoint is in allowed bounds of the map
                    if (!mapLocation.InBounds(map) || mapLocation.InNoBuildEdgeArea(map))
                        continue; //ignore invalid cells

                    //Construct terrain if some specific terrain stored in the blueprint
                    if (blueprint.terrainMap[x, z] != null)
                        TerrainDef blueprintTerrain = TerrainDef.Named(blueprint.terrainMap[x, z].defName);
                        if (!map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(mapLocation).IsWater)
                            map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(mapLocation, blueprintTerrain);
                            totalCost += blueprint.terrainMap[x, z].cost;

                    //construct roof evetywhere if we doing complete transfer (ignoring outside: room with index 1).
                    if (blueprint.roofMap[x, z] == true && options.overwritesEverything && blueprint.wallMap[x, z] != 1)
                        map.roofGrid.SetRoof(mapLocation, RoofDefOf.RoofConstructed);

                    //Add items
                    if (blueprint.itemsMap[x, z] != null && blueprint.itemsMap[x, z].Count > 0 /* && cellUsed[mapLocation.x, mapLocation.z] == false*/)
                        totalItems += blueprint.itemsMap[x, z].Count;

                        bool cellIsAlreadyCleared = false;
                        foreach (ItemTile itemTile in blueprint.itemsMap[x, z])
                            if (!cellIsAlreadyCleared)   //first item to be spawned should also clear place for itself. we can't do it beforehand because we don't know if it will be able and get a chance to be spawned.
                                bool forceCleaning = (blueprint.wallMap[x, z] > 1) && Rand.Chance(0.9f);

                                if (!ClearCell(mapLocation, map, forceCleaning))
                                    break; //if cell was not cleared successfully -> break things placement cycle and move on to the next item
                                    cellIsAlreadyCleared = true;

                            Thing thing = MakeThingFromItemTile(itemTile);
                            if (thing != null)
                                try {
                                    GenSpawn.Spawn(thing, mapLocation, map, new Rot4(itemTile.rot));
                                    try {
                                        switch (thing.def.tickerType)
                                        case TickerType.Never:

                                        case TickerType.Normal:

                                        case TickerType.Long:

                                        case TickerType.Rare:
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                        //Debug.Message("Exception while tried to perform tick for {0} of cost {1}", thing.def.defName, itemTile.cost);
                                        throw e;

                                    //Debug.Message("Setting up props");
                                    //Breakdown breakdownables: it't yet impossible to silently breakdown an item which is not spawned.
                                    CompBreakdownable b = thing.TryGetComp <CompBreakdownable>();
                                    if (b != null && options.enableDeterioration)
                                        if (Rand.Chance(0.8f))

                                    //reduce HP for haulable things in water
                                    if (thing.def.EverHaulable)
                                        TerrainDef t = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(mapLocation);
                                        if (t != null && t.IsWater)
                                            thing.HitPoints = (thing.HitPoints - 10) / Rand.Range(5, 20) + Rand.Range(1, 10); //things in marsh or river are really in bad condition
                                    totalCost += itemTile.cost;
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    //Debug.Message("Failed to spawn item {0} of cost {1} because of exception", thing, itemTile.cost);

                if (options.shouldKeepDefencesAndPower)
                options.uncoveredCost = totalCost;
            Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Transferred blueprint of size {0}x{1}, age {2}, total cost of approximately {3}. Items: {4}/{5}, terrains: {6}/{7}", blueprint.width, blueprint.height, -blueprint.dateShift, totalCost, transferredTiles, totalItems, transferredTerrains, totalTerrains);