//This makes sure that every frame the timestep is determined only once; all other Modular Fuel parts then use that timestep for all operations
        //This function must occur AFTER part-specific functions that are dependent on it if you also want to use precisionDeltaTime for persistence purposes
        public override void OnUpdate()

            //If the controller module isn't assigned, assign it; we cast to object because that is faster than the standard == null function, which involves Unity checking if the object was destroyed in addition to being null
            if ((object)controllerModule == null)
                controllerModule = this;

            //Here the controller does the floating point math
            if (controllerModule == this)
                double tempTimeStamp = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
                controllerPrecisionDeltaTime = tempTimeStamp - controllerTimeStamp;
                controllerTimeStamp = tempTimeStamp;
            precisionDeltaTime = controllerPrecisionDeltaTime;      //Assign the deltaTime for each part from the static field, so that this field can also be used for handling persistence stuff
        //This makes sure that every frame the timestep is determined only once; all other Modular Fuel parts then use that timestep for all operations
        //This function must occur AFTER part-specific functions that are dependent on it if you also want to use precisionDeltaTime for persistence purposes
        public override void OnUpdate()

            //If the controller module isn't assigned, assign it; we cast to object because that is faster than the standard == null function, which involves Unity checking if the object was destroyed in addition to being null
            if ((object)controllerModule == null)
                controllerModule = this;

            //Here the controller does the floating point math
            if (controllerModule == this)
                double tempTimeStamp = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
                controllerPrecisionDeltaTime = tempTimeStamp - controllerTimeStamp;
                controllerTimeStamp          = tempTimeStamp;
            precisionDeltaTime = controllerPrecisionDeltaTime;      //Assign the deltaTime for each part from the static field, so that this field can also be used for handling persistence stuff
 public void OnDestroy()
     controllerModule = null;
 public void OnDestroy()
     controllerModule = null;