/// <summary>
		/// Queries the latest version of a particular product
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="updatesPath">The path to the updates</param>
		/// <param name="productName">The name of the product to update</param>
		/// <param name="currentVersion">The current version of the product that is checking for updates</param>
		/// <param name="productId">The id of the product that is checking for updates</param>
		/// <returns></returns>		
		public static XmlDocument QueryLatestVersionEx(string updatesPath, string productName, string currentVersion, string productId)
			 * we really don't need all the information, but it would be nice to log who is trying to update
			 * */			
				// log information about this event to the system's event log
//				Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("The product '{0}' version '{1}' with Id '{2}' checked for updates at {3}.", productName, currentVersion, productId, DateTime.Now.ToString()));
				// there must be a path to the updates folder
				if (updatesPath == null || updatesPath == string.Empty)
					return null;

				// append the product name to the updates path 
				string path = Path.Combine(updatesPath, productName);

				// if the directory doesn't exist, bail with null
				if (!Directory.Exists(path))
					return null;
				// create a search for manifest files
				Search search = new Search("Manifest Files", path, "*.Manifest", false, false);

				// run the search
				FileInfo[] files = search.GetFiles();

				// create versioned files from the results
				VersionedFile[] versionedFiles = VersionedFile.CreateVersionedFiles(string.Format("{0}-", productName), files);

				// sort them
				versionedFiles = VersionedFile.Sort(versionedFiles);

				// grab the latest version
				VersionedFile latestVersion = VersionedFile.GetLatestVersion(versionedFiles);
				// assuming there is a version available
				if (latestVersion != null)
					// create a new xml document to hold the response
					XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

					// load the document with the xml

					// return the doc, which will return the document element, 
					// which is the pure xml inside the soap headers of the web service response
					// skipping anymore encoding issues.
					return doc;				
			catch(Exception ex)
			return null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Deletes any old log files that occur outside of the max log files setting
		/// </summary>
		private void DeleteOldLogFiles()
			 * Log File Naming Convention
			 * string.Format("Log{0}.txt", number);
			 * */

			int maxFiles = DefaultMaxLogFiles;
			string pattern = DefaultLogFileSearchingPattern;

				// create a search for files that fit the log file naming scheme
				Search search = new Search("Log Files", _logsDataPath, pattern, false, true);
				// search for the files
				FileInfo[] files = search.GetFiles();
				foreach(FileInfo file in files)
						// break the file name down into just the number of the log file
						string name = file.Name;
						name = name.Replace("Log_", null);
						name = name.Replace(file.Extension, null);

						// try and figure out the number of the log file
						int number = int.Parse(name);

						// try and delete any file that is a log file backup greater that the max number of log files
						if (number > maxFiles)
					catch(Exception ex)
			catch(Exception ex)