protected BaseProceduralTexture(int w, int h)
     this.width = w;
     this.height = h;
     DUDV = new UV(
Beispiel #2
        /* \brief Illuminates a given point in the scene.
         * Given a point and two random samples (e.g., for position on area lights),
         * this method returns direction from point to light, distance,
         * pdf of having chosen this direction (e.g., 1 / area).
         * Optionally also returns pdf of emitting particle in this direction,
         * and cosine from lights normal (helps with PDF of hitting the light,
         * but set to 1 for point lights).
         * Returns radiance.

        public abstract RgbSpectrum Illuminate(
            ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere,
            ref Vector aReceivingPosition,
            ref UV aRndTuple,
            out Vector oDirectionToLight,
            out float oDistance,
            out float oDirectPdfW,
            out float oEmissionPdfW,
            out float oCosAtLight);
Beispiel #3
        /* \brief Emits particle from the light.
         * Given two sets of random numbers (e.g., position and direction on area light),
         * this method generates a position and direction for light particle, along
         * with the pdf.
         * Can also supply pdf (w.r.t. area) of choosing this position when calling
         * Illuminate. Also provides cosine on the light (this is 1 for point lights etc.).
         * Returns "energy" that particle carries

        public abstract RgbSpectrum Emit(
            ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere,
            ref UV aDirRndTuple,
            ref UV aPosRndTuple,
            out Vector oPosition,
            out Vector oDirection,
            out float oEmissionPdfW,
            out float oDirectPdfA,
            out float oCosThetaLight);
Beispiel #4
        public RgbSpectrum Le(Vector dir)
            float theta = Vector.SphericalTheta(ref dir);
            UV uv = new UV(Vector.SphericalPhi(ref dir) * MathLab.INVTWOPI + shiftU,
                           theta * MathLab.INVPI + shiftV);

            return (RgbSpectrum) (gain
                //* SkyLight;
                                  * tex.Sample(uv.U, uv.V));
Beispiel #5
        protected BaseBxdf(ref RayHit rh, ref RayData ray, ref Normal ng, ref Normal ns, ref UV texCoord,
                MaterialInfo mi, SurfaceTextureInfo texData, bool fromLight)
            if (ng.Length > 1f || ns.Length > 1f)
                Console.WriteLine("Normals in bsdf arent normalized");
            this.Init(ref rh, ref ray, ref ng, ref ns, ref texCoord, mi, texData, fromLight);
Beispiel #6
        public void InterpolateTriUV(int currentTriangleIndex, float b1, float b2, out UV texCoord)
            var triIndex = currentTriangleIndex;
            if (texCoords == null || texCoords.Count == 0)
                texCoord = new UV { U = b1, V = b2 };
                var t0 = texCoords[triIndex][0];
                var t1 = texCoords[triIndex][1];
                var t2 = texCoords[triIndex][2];
                float b0 = 1f - b1 - b2;

                //            return t0 * b1 + t1 * b2 + t2 * b0;
                texCoord = new UV(t0.U*b0 + t1.U*b1 + t2.U*b2, t0.V*b0 + t1.V*b1 + t2.V*b2);
Beispiel #7
        public void InterpolateTriUV(int currentTriangleIndex, float b1, float b2, out UV texCoord)
            var texCoords = scene.GeoData.TexCoords;
            if (scene.GeoData.TexCoords == null
                scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v0.TexCoordIndex < 0
                texCoords.Length < scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v0.TexCoordIndex)
                texCoord = new UV { U = b1, V = b2 };
                var t0 = texCoords[scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v0.TexCoordIndex];
                var t1 = texCoords[scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v1.TexCoordIndex];
                var t2 = texCoords[scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v2.TexCoordIndex];
                float b0 = 1f - b1 - b2;

                //            return t0 * b1 + t1 * b2 + t2 * b0;
                texCoord = new UV(t0.x * b0 + t1.x * b1 + t2.x * b2, t0.y * b0 + t1.y * b1 + t2.y * b2);

Beispiel #8
 internal void Init(ref RayHit rh, ref RayData ray, ref Normal ng, ref Normal ns, ref UV texCoord,
     MaterialInfo mi, SurfaceTextureInfo texData, bool fromLight)
     if (rh.Miss())
         throw new ArgumentException("RayHit missed geometry!");
     //if (HitPoint == null)
         HitPoint = new HitPointInfo
             Color = RgbSpectrum.Max(ref mi.Kd, ref mi.Ks),
             HitPoint = ray.Point(rh.Distance),
             TexCoord = texCoord,
             FromDirection = -ray.Dir,
             GeoNormal = ng,
             ShadingNormal = ns,
             FromLight = fromLight
     //    HitPoint.HitPoint = ray.Point(rh.Distance);
     //    HitPoint.TexCoord = texCoord;
     //    HitPoint.FromDirection = -ray.Dir;
     //    HitPoint.GeoNormal = ng;
     //    HitPoint.ShadingNormal = ns;
     //    HitPoint.FromLight = fromLight;
     this.MaterialInfo = mi;
     this.TexData = texData;
     if (Frame == null)
         this.Frame = new ONB(ref HitPoint.GeoNormal);
         Frame.SetFromZ(ref HitPoint.GeoNormal);
Beispiel #9
        public void InterpolateTriUV(int currentTriangleIndex, float b1, float b2, out UV texCoord)
            var texCoords = TexCoords;
            if (TexCoords == null || Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v0.TexCoordIndex < 0)
                texCoord = new UV { U = b1, V = b2 };
                var t0 = texCoords[Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v0.TexCoordIndex];
                var t1 = texCoords[Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v1.TexCoordIndex];
                var t2 = texCoords[Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v2.TexCoordIndex];
                float b0 = 1f - b1 - b2;

                //            return t0 * b1 + t1 * b2 + t2 * b0;
                texCoord = new UV(t0.x * b0 + t1.x * b1 + t2.x * b2, t0.y * b0 + t1.y * b1 + t2.y * b2);
Beispiel #10
 public MatteLambertBrdf(ref RayHit rh, ref RayData ray, ref Normal ng, ref Normal ns, ref UV texCoord, MaterialInfo mi, SurfaceTextureInfo texData, bool fromLight)
     : base(ref rh, ref ray, ref ng, ref ns, ref texCoord, mi, texData, fromLight)
Beispiel #11
        public override RgbSpectrum Illuminate(
            ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere,
            ref Vector aReceivingPosition,
            ref UV aRndTuple,
            out Vector oDirectionToLight,
            out float oDistance,
            out float oDirectPdfW,
            out float oEmissionPdfW,
            out float oCosAtLight)
            UV uv = new UV();
            MC.UniformSampleTriangle(aRndTuple.U, aRndTuple.V, ref uv.U, ref uv.V);

            Vector lightPoint = p0 + e1*uv.U + e2*uv.V;

            oDirectionToLight = lightPoint - aReceivingPosition;
            float distSqr = oDirectionToLight.Length;
            oDistance = MathLab.Sqrt(distSqr);
            oDirectionToLight = oDirectionToLight/oDistance;
            var invDir = -oDirectionToLight;

            var norm = mFrame.Normal();
            float cosNormalDir = Vector.Dot(ref norm, ref invDir);

            // too close to, or under, tangent
            if (cosNormalDir < Consts.EPS_COSINE)
                oCosAtLight = float.MinValue;
                oDirectPdfW = 0f;
                oEmissionPdfW = 0f;
                return RgbSpectrum.ZeroSpectrum();

            oDirectPdfW = mInvArea*distSqr/cosNormalDir;

                oCosAtLight = cosNormalDir;

                oEmissionPdfW = mInvArea*cosNormalDir*MathLab.INVPI;

            return mIntensity;
Beispiel #12
 public override RgbSpectrum Emit(ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere, ref UV aDirRndTuple, ref UV aPosRndTuple, out Vector oPosition, out Vector oDirection, out float oEmissionPdfW, out float oDirectPdfA, out float oCosThetaLight)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #13
 public override RgbSpectrum Illuminate(ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere, ref Vector aReceivingPosition, ref UV aRndTuple, out Vector oDirectionToLight, out float oDistance, out float oDirectPdfW, out float oEmissionPdfW, out float oCosAtLight)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #14
        public override RgbSpectrum Emit(
            ref SceneSphere aSceneSphere,
            ref UV aDirRndTuple,
            ref UV aPosRndTuple,
            out Vector oPosition,
            out Vector oDirection,
            out float oEmissionPdfW,
            out float oDirectPdfA,
            out float oCosThetaLight)
            UV uv = new UV();
            MC.UniformSampleTriangle(aPosRndTuple.U, aPosRndTuple.V, ref uv.U, ref uv.V);

            oPosition = p0 + e1*uv.U + e2*uv.V;

            Vector localDirOut = Utils.SampleCosHemisphereW(aDirRndTuple, out oEmissionPdfW);

            oEmissionPdfW *= mInvArea;

            // cannot really not emit the particle, so just bias it to the correct angle
            localDirOut.z = Math.Max(localDirOut.z, Consts.EPS_COSINE);
            oDirection = mFrame.ToWorld(ref localDirOut);

            oDirectPdfA = mInvArea;

            oCosThetaLight = localDirOut.z;

            return mIntensity*localDirOut.z;
 public SpecularReflectionBrdf(ref RayHit rh, ref RayData ray, ref Normal ng, ref Normal ns, ref UV texCoord, MaterialInfo mi, SurfaceTextureInfo texData, bool fromLight)
     : base(ref rh, ref ray, ref ng, ref ns, ref texCoord, mi, texData, fromLight)
Beispiel #16
        private void EvalIntersectionAdvanced(ref RayData PathRay, ref RayHit hit, ref SurfaceIntersectionData ii, IntersectionOptions options)
            ITriangleMesh mesh = null;

            var currentTriangleIndex = (int)hit.Index;
            bool isLight = scene.IsLight(currentTriangleIndex);
            ii.Hit = hit;
            ii.isLight = isLight;

            mesh = scene.GetMeshByTriangleIndex(currentTriangleIndex);
            if (mesh == null)
            //|| mesh.MeshName.Equals("COL254_01", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                //ii.Color = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid triangle index " + currentTriangleIndex + " Mesh not found");
            var meshMat = mesh.MaterialID;

            ii.isVolume = scene.IsVolumeTriangle(currentTriangleIndex);
            ii.MMaterial = scene.MatLib.GetSurfMat(meshMat);
            var matInfo = scene.MaterialProvider.Get(meshMat);

            mesh.InterpolateTriUV(currentTriangleIndex, hit.U, hit.V, out ii.TexCoords);

            if (ii.isVolume)
                var volumeMaterialInfo = vm.GetMaterialInfo(mesh.MaterialID);
                vmSampler.Sample(volumeMaterialInfo, ii.Hit.Distance, ref PathRay, out ii.VolumeData);
                //texSampler.SampleTexture(hit.U, hit.V, volumeMaterialInfo.Density, out ii.VolumeData.Density);
                //this.texSampler.SampleTexture(hit.U, hit.V, new NoiseTexture() ii.VolumeData.Density);

            mesh.InterpolateTriangleNormal((int)hit.Index, hit.U, hit.V, ref ii.Normal);

            //ii.Normal = scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].ComputeNormal(scene.Vertices).Normalize();

            //            ii.TexCoords = new UV(hit.U, hit.V);

            if (isLight)
                if (!options.Has(IntersectionOptions.ResumeOnLight))
                var color = scene.GetLightByIndex((int)hit.Index).Profile.Evaluate(hit.U, hit.V);
                ii.Color = options.Has(IntersectionOptions.ResolveSpectralDistributions) ? ColorFactory.ToRgb(ref color) : (RgbSpectrum)(RgbSpectrumInfo)color;

            if (options.Has(IntersectionOptions.ResolvePartialDerivatives))
                var p1 = scene.Vertices[scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v0.VertexIndex];
                var p2 = scene.Vertices[scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v1.VertexIndex];
                var p3 = scene.Vertices[scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v2.VertexIndex];

                var mt = scene.sceneData.GeoData.TexCoords;
                var uv1 = mt[scene.sceneData.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v0.TexCoordIndex];
                var uv2 = mt[scene.sceneData.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v1.TexCoordIndex];
                var uv3 = mt[scene.sceneData.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].v2.TexCoordIndex];

                float du1 = uv1.x - uv3.x;
                float du2 = uv2.x - uv3.x;
                float dv1 = uv1.y - uv3.y;
                float dv2 = uv2.y - uv3.y;
                Vector dp1 = Vector.Sub(ref p1, ref p3), dp2 = Vector.Sub(ref p2, ref p3);
                float determinant = du1 * dv2 - dv1 * du2;
                if (determinant.NearEqual(0f))
                    // Handle zero determinant for triangle partial derivative matrix
                    Vector e1 = p2 - p1;
                    Vector e2 = p3 - p1;
                    Vector.CoordinateSystem(Vector.Normalize(Vector.Cross(ref e2, ref e1)), out ii.DpDu, out ii.DpDv);
                    float invdet = 1f / determinant;
                    ii.DpDu = (dv2 * dp1 - dv1 * dp2) * invdet;
                    ii.DpDv = (-du2 * dp1 + du1 * dp2) * invdet;


            if (matInfo.Alpha is ConstTextureInfo)
                ii.Alpha = (matInfo.Alpha as ConstTextureInfo).Color;

            if (options.Has(IntersectionOptions.ResolveTextures))

                var diffuseTex = scene.Query(meshMat, TextureType.Diffuse);
                if (diffuseTex != null)

                    RgbSpectrumInfo cc = diffuseTex.Sample(ii.TexCoords.U, ii.TexCoords.V);

                    RgbSpectrumInfo cc;
                    texSampler.SampleTexture(ii.TexCoords.U, ii.TexCoords.V, diffuseTex, out cc);
                    ii.Color = new RgbSpectrum(cc.c1, cc.c2, cc.c3);

                    //ii.Color = diffuseTex.Sample(ii.TexCoords.U, ii.TexCoords.V);
                    //ii.Color = diffuseTex.Sample(hit.U, hit.V);
                    ii.Color = RgbSpectrum.Max(ref matInfo.Ks, ref matInfo.Kd);

                var bump = new Vector(0f);
                Vector v1, v2;
                Normal geoNormal = ii.Normal;
                Vector.CoordinateSystem(ref geoNormal, out v1, out v2);

                var bumpTex = scene.Query(meshMat, TextureType.Bump);
                if (bumpTex != null)
                    var map = bumpTex;
                    var dudv = map.DUDV;
                    RgbSpectrumInfo bs;


                    texSampler.SampleTexture(ii.TexCoords.U, ii.TexCoords.V, bumpTex, out bs);

                    bs = bumpTex.Sample(ii.TexCoords.U, ii.TexCoords.V);

                    float b0 = bs.Filter();

                    UV uvdu = new UV(ii.TexCoords.U + dudv.U, ii.TexCoords.V);
                    texSampler.SampleTexture(uvdu.U, uvdu.V, bumpTex, out bs);
                    bs = bumpTex.Sample(uvdu.U, uvdu.V);

                    float bu = bs.Filter();

                    UV uvdv = new UV(ii.TexCoords.U, ii.TexCoords.V + dudv.V);
                    texSampler.SampleTexture(uvdv.U, uvdv.V, bumpTex, out bs);


                    bs = bumpTex.Sample(uvdv.U, uvdv.V);


                    float bv = bs.Filter();

                    float scale = 1.0f; //bm->GetScale();
                    bump = new Vector(scale * (bu - b0), scale * (bv - b0), 1f);

                    ii.Normal = new Normal(
                        v1.x * bump.x + v2.x * bump.y + geoNormal.x * bump.z,
                        v1.y * bump.x + v2.y * bump.y + geoNormal.y * bump.z,
                        v1.z * bump.x + v2.z * bump.y + geoNormal.z * bump.z).Normalize();

                var nfScale = 2.0f;
                var nfIscale = 0.5f;
                var normTex = scene.Query(meshMat, TextureType.Normal);
                if (normTex != null)
                    RgbSpectrumInfo color;
                    texSampler.SampleTexture(ii.TexCoords.U, ii.TexCoords.V, normTex, out color);
                    float x = nfScale * (color.c1 - nfIscale);
                    float y = nfScale * (color.c2 - nfIscale);
                    float z = nfScale * (color.c3 - nfIscale);

                    ii.Normal = new Normal(
                        v1.x * x + v2.x * y + geoNormal.x * z,
                        v1.y * x + v2.y * y + geoNormal.y * z,
                        v1.z * x + v2.z * y + geoNormal.z * z).Normalize();

                RgbSpectrumInfo reflectance = matInfo.Coefficients[3];
                //(RgbSpectrumInfo) matInfo.SpecularReflectance;
                var reflTex = scene.Query(meshMat, TextureType.Reflection);
                if (reflTex != null)
                    texSampler.SampleTexture(ii.TexCoords.U, ii.TexCoords.V, reflTex, out reflectance);

                RgbSpectrumInfo alpha = null;
                var alphaTex = scene.Query(meshMat, TextureType.Alpha);
                if (alphaTex != null)
                    texSampler.SampleTexture(ii.TexCoords.U, ii.TexCoords.V, alphaTex, out alpha);
                var zero = new RgbSpectrum(0f);

                if (ii.TextureData == null)
                    ii.TextureData = new SurfaceTextureData()
                        T0 = 0.5f,
                        Transmittance = matInfo.Ks,
                        Exponent = matInfo.Exponent,
                        Alpha = alpha != null ? (RgbSpectrum) alpha : zero,
                        Diffuse = ii.Color,
                        Roughness = bump,
                        Bump = bump,
                        Medium = MediumInfo.Glass,
                        Specular = (RgbSpectrum) reflectance
                    ii.TextureData.T0 = 0.5f;
                    ii.TextureData.Transmittance = matInfo.Ks;
                    ii.TextureData.Exponent = matInfo.Exponent;
                    ii.TextureData.Alpha = alpha != null ? (RgbSpectrum) alpha : zero;
                    ii.TextureData.Diffuse = ii.Color;
                    ii.TextureData.Roughness = bump;
                    ii.TextureData.Bump = bump;
                    ii.TextureData.Medium = MediumInfo.Glass;
                    ii.TextureData.Specular = (RgbSpectrum) reflectance;
                ii.Color =
                       RgbSpectrum.Max(ref matInfo.Ks, ref matInfo.Kd);
                ii.TextureData = new SurfaceTextureData()
                    T0 = 0.5f,
                    Transmittance = matInfo.Ks,
                    Exponent = matInfo.Exponent,
                    //Alpha = matInfo.Ka,
                    Diffuse = matInfo.Kd,
                    //Roughness = bump,
                    //Bump = bump,
                    Medium = MediumInfo.Glass,
                    Specular = matInfo.Ks


            if (mesh.MeshName.Equals("COL254_01", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                //ii.Color = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
                ii.Normal = -scene.Triangles[currentTriangleIndex].ComputeNormal(scene.Vertices).Normalize();
                //ii.ShadingNormal = ii.Normal;

            ii.ShadingNormal = (Normal.Dot(ref PathRay.Dir, ref ii.Normal) > 0f) ? -ii.Normal : ii.Normal;

            if (options.Has(IntersectionOptions.ResolveSpectralDistributions))
                ii.Reflectance = ColorFactory.FromRgb(RgbSpectrum.Max(ref ii.Color, ref matInfo.Kd), SpectrumType.Reflectance);

            //ii.ShadingNormal = ii.Normal;

            ii.Material = new DistributionBsdf(ii.Color.y(), ii.Color, 
                new FresnelConductor(FresnelApproxEta(ref matInfo.Kd), FresnelApproxK(ref matInfo.Ks))
                //new FresnelDielectric(1.5f, 1f)
                //new FresnelNoOP()
            new DistributionBsdf(bump.IsZero() ? ii.Color.Filter():bump.Avg(), ii.Color);
             * */
            //new DistributionBsdf(bump.IsZero() ? ii.Color.Filter() : bump.Avg(), ii.Color);


            catch (Exception ex)
                RayDen.Library.Components.SystemComponents.Tracer.TraceLine("Surface sampling error");
