private CharacterCalculationsTankDK GetCharacterCalculations(TankDKChar TDK, StatsDK stats, Rotation rot, bool isBurstCalc, bool needsDisplayCalcs)
            CharacterCalculationsTankDK calcs = new CharacterCalculationsTankDK();

            // Level differences.
            int iLevelDiff = Math.Max( - TDK.Char.Level, 0);

            float fChanceToGetHit = 1f - Math.Min(1f, stats.Miss + stats.Dodge + stats.EffectiveParry);
            float ArmorDamageReduction = (float)StatConversion.GetArmorDamageReduction(, stats.Armor, 0f, 0f);

            #region **** Setup Fight parameters ****

            // Get the values of each type of damage in %.
            // So first we get each type of damage in the same units: DPS.
            // Get the total DPS.

            float[] fCurrentDTPS = new float[3];
            fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical] = 0f;
            fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed] = 0f;
            fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic] = 0f;
            float[] fCurrentDmgBiggestHit = new float[3];
            fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical] = 0f;
            fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed] = 0f;
            fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic] = 0f;
            float[] fCurrentDTPSPerc = new float[3];
            fCurrentDTPSPerc[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical] = 1f;
            fCurrentDTPSPerc[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed] = 0f;
            fCurrentDTPSPerc[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic] = 0f;
            float fTotalDTPS = 0;

            float fAvoidanceTotal = 1f - fChanceToGetHit;

            // We want to start getting the Boss Handler stuff going on.
            // Setup initial Boss data.
            // How much of what kind of damage does this boss deal with?
            #region ** Incoming Boss Dam **
            // Let's make sure this is even valid
            float DPHit = 0;
            float DPTick = 0;
            switch (TDK.calcOpts.PlayerRole)
                case 0:
                    TDK.role = PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank;
                case 1:
                    TDK.role = PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank;
                case 2:
                    TDK.role = PLAYER_ROLES.TertiaryTank;
                    TDK.role = PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank;
            TDK.role = PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank;
            foreach (Attack a in
                // PlayerRole on calcOpts is MT=0, OT=1, TT=2, Any Tank = 3
                // Any Tank means it should be affected by anything that affects a tanking role
                if (a.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] && (TDK.calcOpts.PlayerRole == 0 || TDK.calcOpts.PlayerRole == 3)
                    || a.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] && (TDK.calcOpts.PlayerRole == 1 || TDK.calcOpts.PlayerRole == 3)
                    || a.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.TertiaryTank] && (TDK.calcOpts.PlayerRole == 2 || TDK.calcOpts.PlayerRole == 3))
                    // TODO: Figure out a way to get the phase changes handled.
                    DPHit = a.DamagePerHit;
                    DPTick = a.DamagePerTick;
                    if (a.DamageIsPerc)
                        if ((a.DamagePerHit >= 1f) || (a.DamagePerTick >= 1f))
                            throw new Exception("Percentage Damage is >= 100%.");
                        DPHit = a.DamagePerHit * stats.Health;
                        DPTick = a.DamagePerTick * stats.Health;

                    // Bleeds vs Magic vs Physical
                    if (a.DamageType == ItemDamageType.Physical) 
                        // Bleed or Physical
                        // Need to figure out how to determine bleed vs. physical hits.
                        // Also need to balance out the physical hits and balance the hit rate.
                        // JOTHAY NOTE: Bleeds are DoTs
                        if (a.IsDoT) {
                            fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed] += GetDPS(DPHit, a.AttackSpeed) + GetDPS(DPTick, a.TickInterval);
                            if (fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed] < DPHit + (DPTick * a.NumTicks))
                                fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed] = DPHit + (DPTick * a.NumTicks);
                            fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical] += GetDPS(DPHit, a.AttackSpeed);
                            if (fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical] < DPHit)
                                fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical] = DPHit;
                        // Magic now covering magical dots.
                        fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic] += GetDPS(DPHit, a.AttackSpeed) + GetDPS(DPTick, a.TickInterval);
                        if (fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic] < DPHit + (DPTick * a.NumTicks))
                            fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic] = DPHit + (DPTick * a.NumTicks);
            fTotalDTPS += fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical];
            fTotalDTPS += fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed];
            fTotalDTPS += fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic];

            if (fTotalDTPS > 0)
                fCurrentDTPSPerc[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical] = fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical] / fTotalDTPS;
                fCurrentDTPSPerc[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed]    = fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed] / fTotalDTPS;
                fCurrentDTPSPerc[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic]    = fCurrentDTPS[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic] / fTotalDTPS;

            // Set the Fight Duration to no larger than the Berserk Timer
            // Question: What is the units for Berserk & Speed Timer? MS/S/M?

            #region ***** Survival Rating *****
            // Magical damage:
            // if there is a max resistance, then it's likely they are stacking for that resistance.  So factor in that Max resistance.
            float fMaxResist = Math.Max(stats.ArcaneResistance, stats.FireResistance);
            fMaxResist       = Math.Max(fMaxResist, stats.FrostResistance);
            fMaxResist       = Math.Max(fMaxResist, stats.NatureResistance);
            fMaxResist       = Math.Max(fMaxResist, stats.ShadowResistance);

            float fMagicDR = StatConversion.GetAverageResistance(, TDK.Char.Level, fMaxResist, 0f);
            calcs.MagicDamageReduction = fMagicDR;

            float[] SurvivalResults = new float [EnumHelper.GetCount(typeof(SurvivalSub))];
            SurvivalResults = GetSurvival(ref TDK, stats, fCurrentDTPSPerc, ArmorDamageReduction, fMagicDR);

            calcs.ArmorDamageReduction   = ArmorDamageReduction;
            calcs.PhysicalSurvival       = SoftCapSurvival(TDK, fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical], SurvivalResults[(int)SurvivalSub.Physical], isBurstCalc);
            calcs.BleedSurvival          = SoftCapSurvival(TDK, fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed],    SurvivalResults[(int)SurvivalSub.Bleed], isBurstCalc);
            calcs.MagicSurvival          = SoftCapSurvival(TDK, fCurrentDmgBiggestHit[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic],    SurvivalResults[(int)SurvivalSub.Magic], isBurstCalc);
            calcs.HitsToSurvive          = TDK.calcOpts.HitsToSurvive;

            #region ***** Threat Rating *****
            rot.TotalDamage += (int)(stats.FireDamage * (1 + stats.BonusFireDamageMultiplier) * rot.CurRotationDuration);
            rot.TotalThreat += (int)(stats.FireDamage * (1 + stats.BonusFireDamageMultiplier) * rot.CurRotationDuration) * 2;
            calcs.RotationTime = rot.CurRotationDuration; // Display the rot in secs.
            calcs.Threat = rot.m_TPS;
            calcs.DPS = rot.m_DPS;
            calcs.Blood = rot.m_BloodRunes;
            calcs.Frost = rot.m_FrostRunes;
            calcs.Unholy = rot.m_UnholyRunes;
            calcs.Death = rot.m_DeathRunes;
            calcs.RP = rot.m_RunicPower;
            calcs.TotalThreat = (int)rot.TotalThreat;

            calcs.ThreatWeight = TDK.calcOpts.ThreatWeight;
            if (needsDisplayCalcs)
                TDK.calcOpts.szRotReport = rot.ReportRotation();

            #region ***** Mitigation Rating *****
            float[] fCurrentDTPSNoAvoid = new float[3];
            fCurrentDTPSNoAvoid = fCurrentDTPS.Clone() as float[];
            float[] fCurrentMitigation = GetMitigation(ref TDK, stats, rot, (stats.CritChanceReduction / .06f), ArmorDamageReduction, fCurrentDTPS, fMagicDR);
            calcs.ArmorMitigation        = fCurrentMitigation[(int)MitigationSub.Armor];
            calcs.AvoidanceMitigation    = fCurrentMitigation[(int)MitigationSub.Avoidance];
            calcs.CritMitigation         = fCurrentMitigation[(int)MitigationSub.Crit];
            calcs.DamageTakenMitigation  = fCurrentMitigation[(int)MitigationSub.DamageReduction];
            calcs.DamageTakenMitigation += fCurrentMitigation[(int)MitigationSub.Haste];
            calcs.HealsMitigation        = fCurrentMitigation[(int)MitigationSub.Heals];
            calcs.ImpedenceMitigation    = fCurrentMitigation[(int)MitigationSub.Impedences];
            calcs.MagicDamageReductedByAmount = fCurrentMitigation[(int)MitigationSub.AMS];
            calcs.MagicDamageReductedByAmount += fCurrentMitigation[(int)MitigationSub.Magic];

            calcs.Crit = (.06f - stats.CritChanceReduction);
            calcs.DTPS = 0;
            calcs.DTPSNoAvoidance = 0;
            foreach (float f in fCurrentDTPS)
                // These are sometimes coming back as negative.
                // Assuming we are just 100% absorbing the attack, no damage
                if (f > 0) { calcs.DTPS += f; }
            if (TDK.calcOpts.b_RecoveryInclAvoidance == false)
                GetMitigation(ref TDK, stats, rot, (stats.CritChanceReduction / .06f), ArmorDamageReduction, fCurrentDTPSNoAvoid, fMagicDR, false);
                foreach (float f in fCurrentDTPSNoAvoid)
                    // These are sometimes coming back as negative.
                    // Assuming we are just 100% absorbing the attack, no damage
                    if (f > 0) { calcs.DTPSNoAvoidance += f; }
            // Have to ensure we don't divide by 0
            calcs.Mitigation = StatConversion.MitigationScaler / (Math.Max(1f, calcs.DTPS) / fTotalDTPS);

            return calcs;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetCharacterCalculations is the primary method of each model, where a majority of the calculations
        /// and formulae will be used. GetCharacterCalculations should call GetCharacterStats(), and based on
        /// those total stats for the character, and any calculationoptions on the character, perform all the 
        /// calculations required to come up with the final calculations defined in 
        /// CharacterDisplayCalculationLabels, including an Overall rating, and all Sub ratings defined in 
        /// SubPointNameColors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character">The character to perform calculations for.</param>
        /// <param name="additionalItem">An additional item to treat the character as wearing.
        /// This is used for gems, which don't have a slot on the character to fit in, so are just
        /// added onto the character, in order to get gem calculations.</param>
        /// <returns>A custom CharacterCalculations object which inherits from CharacterCalculationsBase,
        /// containing all of the final calculations defined in CharacterDisplayCalculationLabels. See
        /// CharacterCalculationsBase comments for more details.</returns>
        public override CharacterCalculationsBase GetCharacterCalculations(Character character, Item additionalItem, bool referenceCalculation, bool significantChange, bool needsDisplayCalculations)
            // First things first, we need to ensure that we aren't using bad data
            CharacterCalculationsDPSDK calc = new CharacterCalculationsDPSDK();
            if (character == null) { return calc; }
            CalculationOptionsDPSDK calcOpts = character.CalculationOptions as CalculationOptionsDPSDK;
            if (calcOpts == null) { return calc; }
            StatsDK stats = new StatsDK();
            DeathKnightTalents talents = character.DeathKnightTalents;

            // Setup initial Boss data.
            // Get Boss from BossOptions data.
            BossOptions hBossOptions = character.BossOptions;
            if (hBossOptions == null) hBossOptions = new BossOptions(); 
            int targetLevel = hBossOptions.Level;

            stats = GetCharacterStats(character, additionalItem) as StatsDK;
            calc.BasicStats = stats.Clone() as StatsDK;

            DKCombatTable combatTable = new DKCombatTable(character, calc.BasicStats, calc, calcOpts, hBossOptions);
            if (needsDisplayCalculations) combatTable.PostAbilitiesSingleUse(false);
            Rotation rot = new Rotation(combatTable);
            Rotation.Type RotT = rot.GetRotationType(character.DeathKnightTalents);

            // TODO: Fix this so we're not using pre-set rotations/priorities.
            if (RotT == Rotation.Type.Frost)
            else if (RotT == Rotation.Type.Unholy)
            else if (RotT == Rotation.Type.Blood)

            //TODO: This may need to be handled special since it's to update stats.
            AccumulateSpecialEffectStats(stats, character, calcOpts, combatTable, rot); // Now add in the special effects.
            #region Cinderglacier
            if (stats.CinderglacierProc > 0)
                // How many frost & shadow abilities do we have per min.?
                float CGabs = ((rot.m_FrostSpecials + rot.m_ShadowSpecials) / rot.CurRotationDuration) * 60f;
                float effCG = 0;
                if (CGabs > 0)
                    // Since 3 of those abilities get the 20% buff
                    // Get the effective ammount of CinderGlacier that would be applied across each ability.
                    // it is a proc after all.
                    effCG = 3 / CGabs;
                stats.BonusFrostDamageMultiplier += (.2f * effCG);
                stats.BonusShadowDamageMultiplier += (.2f * effCG);

            // refresh w/ updated stats.
            combatTable = new DKCombatTable(character, stats, calc, calcOpts, hBossOptions);
            rot = new Rotation(combatTable);
            RotT = rot.GetRotationType(character.DeathKnightTalents);

            // TODO: Fix this so we're not using pre-set rotations.
            if (RotT == Rotation.Type.Frost)
            else if (RotT == Rotation.Type.Unholy)
            else if (RotT == Rotation.Type.Blood)

            #region Pet Handling 
            // For UH, this is valid.  For Frost/Blood, we need to have this be 1/3 of the value since it has an uptime of 1 min for every 3.
            float ghouluptime = 1f;
            calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.Gargoyle] = 0;
            if (RotT != Rotation.Type.Unholy) ghouluptime = 1f / 3f;
                // Unholy will also have gargoyles.
                Pet Gar = new Gargoyle(stats, talents, hBossOptions, calcOpts.presence);
                float garuptime = .5f/3f;
                calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.Gargoyle] = Gar.DPS * garuptime;
                calc.damSub[(int)DKability.Gargoyle] = Gar.DPS * 30f; // Duration 30 seconds.
            Pet ghoul = new Ghoul(stats, talents, hBossOptions, calcOpts.presence);
            calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.Ghoul] = ghoul.DPS * ghouluptime;
            calc.damSub[(int)DKability.Ghoul] = ghoul.DPS * 60f; // Duration 1 min.


            // Stats as Fire damage additive value proc.
            if (stats.ArcaneDamage > 1) calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherArcane] += stats.ArcaneDamage;
            if (stats.FireDamage > 1) calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherFire] += stats.FireDamage;
            if (stats.FrostDamage > 1) calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherFrost] += stats.FrostDamage;
            if (stats.HolyDamage > 1) calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherHoly] += stats.HolyDamage;
            if (stats.NatureDamage > 1) calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherNature] += stats.NatureDamage;
            if (stats.ShadowDamage > 1) calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherShadow] += stats.ShadowDamage;
            // Fire Dam Multiplier.

            calc.RotationTime = rot.CurRotationDuration;
            calc.Blood = rot.m_BloodRunes;
            calc.Frost = rot.m_FrostRunes;
            calc.Unholy = rot.m_UnholyRunes;
            calc.Death = rot.m_DeathRunes;
            calc.RP = rot.m_RunicPower;
            calc.FreeRERunes = rot.m_FreeRunesFromRE;

            calc.EffectiveArmor = stats.Armor;

            calc.OverallPoints = calc.DPSPoints = rot.m_DPS 
                // Add in supplemental damage from other sources
                + calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.Ghoul] 
                + calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.Gargoyle]
                + calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherArcane] + calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherFire] + calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherFrost] + calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherHoly] + calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherNature] + calc.dpsSub[(int)DKability.OtherShadow];
            if (needsDisplayCalculations)
                AbilityDK_Base a = rot.GetAbilityOfType(DKability.White);
                if (rot.ml_Rot.Count > 1)
                    AbilityDK_Base b;
                    b = rot.GetAbilityOfType(DKability.ScourgeStrike);
                    if (b == null) b = rot.GetAbilityOfType(DKability.FrostStrike);
                    if (b == null) b = rot.GetAbilityOfType(DKability.DeathStrike);
                    calc.YellowHitChance = b.HitChance;
                calc.WhiteHitChance = (a == null ? 0 : a.HitChance + a.CritChance + .23f); // + glancing
                calc.MHWeaponDPS = (a == null ? 0 : rot.GetAbilityOfType(DKability.White).DPS);
                if (null != combatTable.MH)
                    calc.MHWeaponDamage = combatTable.MH.damage;
                    calc.MHAttackSpeed = combatTable.MH.hastedSpeed;
                    calc.DodgedAttacks = combatTable.MH.chanceDodged;
                    calc.AvoidedAttacks = combatTable.MH.chanceDodged;
                    if (!hBossOptions.InBack)
                        calc.AvoidedAttacks += combatTable.MH.chanceParried;
                    calc.MissedAttacks = combatTable.MH.chanceMissed;
                if (null != combatTable.OH)
                    a = rot.GetAbilityOfType(DKability.WhiteOH);
                    calc.OHWeaponDPS = (a == null ? 0 : rot.GetAbilityOfType(DKability.WhiteOH).DPS);
                    calc.OHWeaponDamage = combatTable.OH.damage;
                    calc.OHAttackSpeed = combatTable.OH.hastedSpeed;
                calcOpts.szRotReport = rot.ReportRotation();
                calc.m_RuneCD = (float)rot.m_SingleRuneCD / 1000;


            return calc;