Beispiel #1
        // Tip loop
        public static async Task DoTipAsync()
            // If client is connected
            if (_client.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Connected)
                // Create a randomizer
                Random r = new Random();

                    // Get balance
                    tipBalance = GetBalance();

                    // Check tip balance against minimum tip
                    if (tipBalance - tipFee < tipMin && tipBalance >= 0)
                        // Log low balance message
                        Log("Tipper", "Balance does not meet minimum tip threshold.");

                        // Check if bot should show a donation message
                        if (ShowDonation)
                            // Create message
                            var builder = new EmbedBuilder();
                            builder.ImageUrl = donationImages[r.Next(0, donationImages.Count)];
                            builder.WithTitle("UH OH");
                            builder.Description = String.Format(tipBalanceError, RainBorg.Format(tipMin + tipFee - tipBalance));

                            // Cast message to all status channels
                            foreach (ulong u in StatusChannel)
                                await(_client.GetChannel(u) as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync("", false, builder);

                            // Reset donation message
                            ShowDonation = false;

                    // Grab eligible channels
                    List <ulong> Channels = EligibleChannels();

                    // No eligible channels
                    if (Channels.Count < 1)
                        Log("Tipper", "No eligible tipping channels.");
                        // Roll for a megatip
                        if (r.NextDouble() * 100 <= megaTipChance)
                            // Do megatip
                            await MegaTipAsync(megaTipAmount);
                            // Roll until an eligible channel is chosen
                            ulong ChannelId = 0;
                            while (!Channels.Contains(ChannelId))
                                ChannelId = ChannelWeight[r.Next(0, ChannelWeight.Count)];

                            // Add developer donation
                                if (developerDonations && (_client.GetChannel(ChannelId) as SocketGuildChannel).GetUser(DID) != null)
                                    if (!UserPools[ChannelId].Contains(DID))
                            catch { }

                            // Check user count
                            if (tipBalance - tipFee < tipMin && UserPools[ChannelId].Count < userMin)
                                Log("Tipper", "Not enough users to meet threshold, will try again next tipping cycle.");

                            // Do a tip cycle
                            else if (tipBalance - tipFee >= tipMin && UserPools[ChannelId].Count >= userMin)
                                // Set tip amount
                                if (tipBalance - tipFee > tipMax)
                                    tipAmount = tipMax / UserPools[ChannelId].Count;
                                    tipAmount = (tipBalance - tipFee) / UserPools[ChannelId].Count;

                                // Round tip amount down
                                tipAmount = Floor(tipAmount);

                                // Begin creating tip message
                                int      userCount = 0;
                                decimal  tipTotal  = 0;
                                DateTime tipTime   = DateTime.Now;
                                Log("Tipper", "Sending tip of {0} to {1} users in channel #{2}", RainBorg.Format(tipAmount),
                                    UserPools[ChannelId].Count, _client.GetChannel(ChannelId));
                                string m = $"{RainBorg.tipPrefix}tip " + RainBorg.Format(tipAmount) + " ";

                                // Loop through user pool and add them to tip
                                for (int i = 0; i < UserPools[ChannelId].Count; i++)
                                        // Make sure the message size is below the max discord message size
                                        if ((m + _client.GetUser(UserPools[ChannelId][i]).Mention + " ").Length <= 2000)
                                            // Add a username mention
                                            m += _client.GetUser(UserPools[ChannelId][i]).Mention + " ";

                                            // Increment user count

                                            // Add to tip total
                                            tipTotal += tipAmount;

                                            // Add tip to stats
                                                await Stats.Tip(tipTime, ChannelId, UserPools[ChannelId][i], tipAmount);
                                            catch (Exception e)
                                                Console.WriteLine("Error adding tip to stat sheet: " + e.Message);
                                    catch { }

                                // Send tip message to channel
                                await(_client.GetChannel(ChannelId) as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync(m);

                                // Begin building status message
                                var builder = new EmbedBuilder();
                                builder.WithTitle("TUT TUT");
                                builder.ImageUrl    = statusImages[r.Next(0, statusImages.Count)];
                                builder.Description = "Huzzah, " + RainBorg.Format(tipTotal) + " " + currencyName + " just rained on " + userCount +
                                                      " chatty user";
                                if (UserPools[ChannelId].Count > 1)
                                    builder.Description += "s";
                                builder.Description += " in #" + _client.GetChannel(ChannelId) + ", they ";
                                if (UserPools[ChannelId].Count > 1)
                                    builder.Description += "each ";
                                builder.Description += "got " + RainBorg.Format(tipAmount) + " " + currencyName + "!";

                                // Send status message to all status channels
                                foreach (ulong u in StatusChannel)
                                    await(_client.GetChannel(u) as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync("", false, builder);

                                // Clear user pool
                                if (flushPools)
                                ShowDonation = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error sending tip: " + e);

                // Calculate wait time until next tip
                if (waitMin < waitMax)
                    waitTime = r.Next(waitMin, waitMax);
                    waitTime = 10 * 60 * 1000;
                waitNext = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(waitTime).ToString("HH:mm:ss") + " " + _timezone;
                Log("Tipper", "Next tip in {0} seconds({1})", waitTime, waitNext);

                // Wait for X seconds
                Waiting = 0;
                while (Waiting < waitTime || Paused)
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                    Waiting += 1;

            // Restart tip loop
            goto Start;
Beispiel #2
        // Megatip
        public static Task MegaTipAsync(decimal amount)
            Log("RainBorg", "Megatip called");

            // Get balance
            tipBalance = GetBalance();

            // Check that tip amount is within bounds
            if (amount + (tipFee * UserPools.Keys.Count) > tipBalance && tipBalance >= 0)
                Log("RainBorg", "Insufficient balance for megatip, need {0}", RainBorg.Format(tipBalance + (tipFee * UserPools.Keys.Count)));
                // Insufficient balance

            // Get total user amount
            int TotalUsers = 0;

            foreach (List <ulong> List in UserPools.Values)
                foreach (ulong User in List)

            // Set tip amount
            tipAmount = amount / TotalUsers;
            tipAmount = Floor(tipAmount);

            // Loop through user pools and add them to tip
            decimal  tipTotal = 0;
            DateTime tipTime  = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (ulong ChannelId in UserPools.Keys)
                if (UserPools[ChannelId].Count > 0)
                    string m = $"{RainBorg.tipPrefix}tip " + RainBorg.Format(tipAmount) + " ";
                    for (int i = 0; i < UserPools[ChannelId].Count; i++)
                            // Make sure the message size is below the max discord message size
                            if ((m + _client.GetUser(UserPools[ChannelId][i]).Mention + " ").Length <= 2000)
                                // Add a username mention
                                m += _client.GetUser(UserPools[ChannelId][i]).Mention + " ";

                                // Add to tip total
                                tipTotal += tipAmount;

                                // Add tip to stats
                                    Stats.Tip(tipTime, ChannelId, UserPools[ChannelId][i], tipAmount);
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Error adding tip to stat sheet: " + e.Message);
                        catch { }

                    // Send tip message to channel
                    (_client.GetChannel(ChannelId) as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync(m);

                    // Clear list
                    if (flushPools)

            // Clear greylist

            // Begin building status message
            var builder = new EmbedBuilder();

            builder.WithTitle("TUT TUT");
            builder.ImageUrl    = statusImages[new Random().Next(0, statusImages.Count)];
            builder.Description = "Wow, a megatip! " + RainBorg.Format(tipTotal) + " " + currencyName + " just rained on " + TotalUsers + " chatty user";
            if (TotalUsers > 1)
                builder.Description += "s";
            builder.Description += ", they ";
            if (TotalUsers > 1)
                builder.Description += "each ";
            builder.Description += "got " + RainBorg.Format(tipAmount) + " " + currencyName + "!";

            // Send status message to all status channels
            foreach (ulong u in StatusChannel)
                (_client.GetChannel(u) as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync("", false, builder);

            // Completed
Beispiel #3
        // Tip loop
        public static async Task DoTipAsync()
            // Create a randomizer
            Random r = new Random();

            while (true)
                // Calculate wait time until next tip
                if (waitMin < waitMax)
                    waitTime = r.Next(waitMin, waitMax);
                    waitTime = 10 * 60;
                waitNext = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(waitTime).ToString("HH:mm:ss") + " " + _timezone;
                Log(1, "Tipping", "Next tip in {0} seconds({1})", waitTime, waitNext);

                // Wait a period of time
                while (waitTime > 0)
                    await Task.Delay(1000);


                // Check if paused or tip bot is offline
                while (Paused || !IsTipBotOnline())
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                // If client is connected
                if (_client.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Connected)
                    Log(1, "Tipping", "Client not connected.");

                    // Delay then return to start
                    await Task.Delay(1000);


                // Get balance
                tipBalance = GetBalance();

                // Check for sufficient funds
                if (tipBalance - tipFee < tipMin && tipBalance >= 0)
                    // Log low balance message
                    Log(1, "Tipping", "Balance does not meet minimum tip threshold.");

                    // Check if bot should show a donation message
                    if (ShowDonation)
                        // Create message
                        var donationBuilder = new EmbedBuilder();
                        donationBuilder.ImageUrl = donationImages[r.Next(0, donationImages.Count)];
                        donationBuilder.WithTitle("UH OH");
                        donationBuilder.Description = String.Format(tipBalanceError, RainBorg.Format(tipMin + tipFee - tipBalance));

                        // Cast message to all status channels
                        foreach (ulong u in StatusChannel)
                            await(_client.GetChannel(u) as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync("", false, donationBuilder);

                        // Reset donation message
                        ShowDonation = false;

                    // Delay then return to start
                    await Task.Delay(1000);


                // Grab eligible channels
                List <ulong> Channels = GetEligibleChannels();

                // No eligible channels
                if (Channels.Count < 1)
                    Log(1, "Tipping", "No eligible tipping channels.");

                    // Delay then return to start
                    await Task.Delay(1000);


                // Megatip chance
                if (r.NextDouble() * 100 <= megaTipChance)
                    // Do megatip
                    await MegaTipAsync(megaTipAmount);

                    // Delay then return to start
                    await Task.Delay(1000);


                // Roll for eligible channel
                List <ulong> EligibleChannels = ChannelWeight.Where(x => Channels.Contains(x)).ToList();
                ulong        ChannelId        = EligibleChannels[r.Next(0, EligibleChannels.Count)];

                // Check that channel is valid
                if (_client.GetChannel(ChannelId) == null)
                    Log(1, "Tipping", "Error tipping on channel id {0} - channel doesn't appear to be valid");

                    // Delay then return to start
                    await Task.Delay(1000);


                // Add developer donation
                if (developerDonations && (_client.GetChannel(ChannelId) as SocketGuildChannel).GetUser(DID) != null)
                    if (!UserPools[ChannelId].Contains(DID))

                // Check user count
                if (UserPools[ChannelId].Count < userMin)
                    Log(1, "Tipping", "Not enough users to meet threshold, will try again next tipping cycle.");

                    // Delay then return to start
                    await Task.Delay(1000);


                // Set tip amount
                if (tipBalance - tipFee > tipMax)
                    tipAmount = tipMax / UserPools[ChannelId].Count;
                    tipAmount = (tipBalance - tipFee) / UserPools[ChannelId].Count;
                tipAmount = Floor(tipAmount);

                // Begin creating tip message
                int      userCount = 0;
                decimal  tipTotal  = 0;
                DateTime tipTime   = DateTime.Now;
                Log(1, "Tipping", "Sending tip of {0} to {1} users in channel #{2}", Format(tipAmount),
                    UserPools[ChannelId].Count, _client.GetChannel(ChannelId));
                string m = $"{tipPrefix}tip {Format(tipAmount)} ";

                // Loop through user pool and add them to tip
                for (int i = 0; i < UserPools[ChannelId].Count; i++)
                    // Get user ID
                    ulong UserId = UserPools[ChannelId][i];

                    // Check that user is valid
                    if (_client.GetUser(UserId) == null)

                    // Make sure the message size is below the max discord message size
                    if ((m + _client.GetUser(UserId).Mention + " ").Length <= 2000)
                        // Add a username mention
                        m += _client.GetUser(UserId).Mention + " ";

                        // Increment user count

                        // Add to tip total
                        tipTotal += tipAmount;

                        // Add tip to stats
                            await Stats.Tip(tipTime, ChannelId, UserId, tipAmount);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Log(1, "Error", "Error adding tip to stat sheet: " + e.Message);

                // Send tip message to channel
                try { await(_client.GetChannel(ChannelId) as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync(m); }
                catch { }

                // Begin building status message
                var statusBuilder = new EmbedBuilder();
                statusBuilder.WithTitle("TUT TUT");
                statusBuilder.ImageUrl    = statusImages[r.Next(0, statusImages.Count)];
                statusBuilder.Description = "Huzzah, " + Format(tipTotal) + " " + currencyName + " just rained on " + userCount +
                                            " chatty user";
                if (UserPools[ChannelId].Count > 1)
                    statusBuilder.Description += "s";
                statusBuilder.Description += " in #" + _client.GetChannel(ChannelId) + ", they ";
                if (UserPools[ChannelId].Count > 1)
                    statusBuilder.Description += "each ";
                statusBuilder.Description += "got " + Format(tipAmount) + " " + currencyName + "!";

                // Send status message to all status channels
                foreach (ulong u in StatusChannel)
                    try { await(_client.GetChannel(u) as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync("", false, statusBuilder); }
                    catch { }

                // Clear user pool
                if (flushPools)
                ShowDonation = true;