Beispiel #1
		public QuadTree( float MapWidth, float MapHeight, Vector2 CellSize, Heightmap.Tri[] Triangle ) {

			this.CellSize = CellSize;

			GridWidth = MapWidth / CellSize.X;
			GridHeight = MapHeight / CellSize.Y;

			int numberOfLeaves = ( (int)GridWidth / 4 ) * ( (int)GridHeight / 4 );

			int numberOfNodes = CalcNodeNum( numberOfLeaves, 4 );
			NodeList = new List<QuadNode>( numberOfNodes );

			for( int i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++ ) {
				NodeList.Add( null );

			Vector3 A = Vector3.Zero;
			Vector3 B = new Vector3( MapWidth, 0, 0 );
			Vector3 C = new Vector3( 0, 0, MapHeight );
			Vector3 D = new Vector3( MapWidth, 0, MapHeight );

			BoundingCoordinates.LowerLeft = A;
			BoundingCoordinates.LowerRight = B;
			BoundingCoordinates.UpperLeft = C;
			BoundingCoordinates.UpperRight = D;

			boundingBox = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( BoundingCoordinates.LowerLeft.X, Editor.heightmap.lowestPoint, BoundingCoordinates.LowerLeft.Z ), new Vector3( BoundingCoordinates.UpperRight.X, Editor.heightmap.highestPoint, BoundingCoordinates.UpperRight.Z ) );

			CreateNode( BoundingCoordinates, 0, 0, Triangle );

Beispiel #2
		public void CreateNode( BoundingSquare Bounding, int ParentID, int NodeID, Heightmap.Tri[] Triangle ) {

			NodeType nodeType;
			float Width;
			float Height;

			Width = Bounding.UpperRight.X - Bounding.UpperLeft.X; //X
			Height = Bounding.UpperLeft.Z - Bounding.LowerLeft.Z; //Z

			if( Width / 2 == ( 2 * (int)CellSize.X ) ) {
				nodeType = NodeType.Leaf;
			} else {
				nodeType = NodeType.Node;

			QuadNode node = new QuadNode();

			node.ID = NodeID;
			node.ParentID = ParentID;

			node.BoundingCoordinates.UpperLeft = Bounding.UpperLeft;

			node.BoundingCoordinates.UpperRight = Bounding.UpperRight;

			node.BoundingCoordinates.LowerLeft = Bounding.LowerLeft;

			node.BoundingCoordinates.LowerRight = Bounding.LowerRight;

			node.boundingBox = new BoundingBox( new Vector3( node.BoundingCoordinates.LowerLeft.X, Editor.heightmap.lowestPoint, node.BoundingCoordinates.LowerLeft.Z ), new Vector3( node.BoundingCoordinates.UpperRight.X, Editor.heightmap.highestPoint, node.BoundingCoordinates.UpperRight.Z ) );

			node.Type = nodeType;

			if( nodeType == NodeType.Leaf ) {

				int tID;
				int o = 0;
				float lowestPoint = Editor.heightmap.maxHeight;
				float highestPoint = 0f;
				for( int y = (int)node.BoundingCoordinates.LowerLeft.Z / (int)CellSize.Y; y < ( ( node.BoundingCoordinates.UpperRight.Z / CellSize.Y ) - 0 ); y++ ) {
					for( int x = (int)node.BoundingCoordinates.LowerLeft.X / (int)CellSize.X; x < ( ( node.BoundingCoordinates.UpperRight.X / CellSize.X ) - 0 ); x++ ) {
						tID = ( x + y * ( Editor.heightmap.size.X - 1 ) ) * 2;

						if( tID >= Triangle.Length - 0 ) {
						if( tID < Triangle.Length ) {
							node.TriangleIDs.Add( tID );
							node.TriangleIDs.Add( tID + 1 );

							if( Triangle[ tID ].p1.Y > highestPoint )
								highestPoint = Triangle[ tID ].p1.Y;
							if( Triangle[ tID ].p2.Y > highestPoint )
								highestPoint = Triangle[ tID ].p2.Y;
							if( Triangle[ tID ].p3.Y > highestPoint )
								highestPoint = Triangle[ tID ].p3.Y;

							if( Triangle[ tID ].p1.Y < lowestPoint )
								lowestPoint = Triangle[ tID ].p1.Y;
							if( Triangle[ tID ].p2.Y < lowestPoint )
								lowestPoint = Triangle[ tID ].p2.Y;
							if( Triangle[ tID ].p3.Y < lowestPoint )
								lowestPoint = Triangle[ tID ].p3.Y;

							if( Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p1.Y > highestPoint )
								highestPoint = Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p1.Y;
							if( Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p2.Y > highestPoint )
								highestPoint = Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p2.Y;
							if( Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p3.Y > highestPoint )
								highestPoint = Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p3.Y;

							if( Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p1.Y < lowestPoint )
								lowestPoint = Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p1.Y;
							if( Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p2.Y < lowestPoint )
								lowestPoint = Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p2.Y;
							if( Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p3.Y < lowestPoint )
								lowestPoint = Triangle[ tID + 1 ].p3.Y;



					//Determine the height of the bounding box for this Leaf Node
					node.boundingBox.Min.Y = lowestPoint;
					node.boundingBox.Max.Y = highestPoint;


			} else {
				BoundingSquare BoundingBox = new BoundingSquare();
				node.Branches[ 0 ] = TotalTreeID;

				BoundingBox.LowerLeft = Bounding.LowerLeft;
				BoundingBox.LowerRight = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.LowerRight - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 );
				BoundingBox.UpperLeft = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.UpperLeft - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 );
				BoundingBox.UpperRight = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.LowerRight - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 ) + ( ( Bounding.UpperLeft - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 );

				CreateNode( BoundingBox, NodeID, TotalTreeID, Triangle );

				//Determine the height of the bounding box for this Node
				if( NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Max.Y > node.boundingBox.Max.Y )
					node.boundingBox.Max.Y = NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Max.Y;

				if( NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Min.Y < node.boundingBox.Min.Y )
					node.boundingBox.Min.Y = NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Min.Y;


				node.Branches[ 1 ] = TotalTreeID;

				BoundingBox.LowerLeft = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.LowerRight - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 );
				BoundingBox.LowerRight = Bounding.LowerRight;
				BoundingBox.UpperLeft = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.LowerRight - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 ) + ( ( Bounding.UpperLeft - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 );
				BoundingBox.UpperRight = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.UpperLeft - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 ) + ( ( Bounding.LowerRight - Bounding.LowerLeft ) );

				CreateNode( BoundingBox, NodeID, TotalTreeID, Triangle );

				//Determine the height of the bounding box for this Node
				if( NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Max.Y > node.boundingBox.Max.Y )
					node.boundingBox.Max.Y = NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Max.Y;

				if( NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Min.Y < node.boundingBox.Min.Y )
					node.boundingBox.Min.Y = NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Min.Y;


				node.Branches[ 2 ] = TotalTreeID;

				BoundingBox.LowerLeft = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.UpperLeft - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 );
				BoundingBox.LowerRight = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.UpperLeft - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 )
											+ ( ( Bounding.LowerRight - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 );
				BoundingBox.UpperLeft = Bounding.UpperLeft;
				BoundingBox.UpperRight = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.LowerRight - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 ) + ( ( Bounding.UpperLeft - Bounding.LowerLeft ) );

				CreateNode( BoundingBox, NodeID, TotalTreeID, Triangle );

				//Determine the height of the bounding box for this Node
				if( NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Max.Y > node.boundingBox.Max.Y )
					node.boundingBox.Max.Y = NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Max.Y;

				if( NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Min.Y < node.boundingBox.Min.Y )
					node.boundingBox.Min.Y = NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Min.Y;


				node.Branches[ 3 ] = TotalTreeID;

				BoundingBox.LowerLeft = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.LowerRight - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 ) + ( ( Bounding.UpperLeft - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 );
				BoundingBox.LowerRight = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.UpperLeft - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 ) + ( ( Bounding.LowerRight - Bounding.LowerLeft ) );
				BoundingBox.UpperLeft = Bounding.LowerLeft + ( ( Bounding.LowerRight - Bounding.LowerLeft ) / 2 ) + ( ( Bounding.UpperLeft - Bounding.LowerLeft ) );
				BoundingBox.UpperRight = Bounding.UpperRight;

				CreateNode( BoundingBox, NodeID, TotalTreeID, Triangle );

				//Determine the height of the bounding box for this Node
				if( NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Max.Y > node.boundingBox.Max.Y )
					node.boundingBox.Max.Y = NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Max.Y;

				if( NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Min.Y < node.boundingBox.Min.Y )
					node.boundingBox.Min.Y = NodeList[ TotalTreeID ].boundingBox.Min.Y;

			NodeList[ NodeID ] = node;

			//Determine the height of the bounding box for the QuadTree
			if( node.boundingBox.Max.Y > boundingBox.Max.Y )
				boundingBox.Max.Y = node.boundingBox.Max.Y;

			if( node.boundingBox.Min.Y < boundingBox.Min.Y )
				boundingBox.Min.Y = node.boundingBox.Min.Y;

Beispiel #3
		public bool InsideBoundingBox( Heightmap.Tri TestTriangle, BoundingSquare Box ) {
			bool inside = false;
			if( TestTriangle.p1.X >= Box.UpperLeft.X && TestTriangle.p1.X <= Box.UpperRight.X ) {
				if( TestTriangle.p1.Z >= Box.LowerLeft.Z && TestTriangle.p1.X <= Box.UpperLeft.Z ) {
					inside = true;

			if( TestTriangle.p2.X >= Box.UpperLeft.X && TestTriangle.p2.X <= Box.UpperRight.X ) {
				if( TestTriangle.p2.Z >= Box.LowerLeft.Z && TestTriangle.p2.X <= Box.UpperLeft.Z ) {
					inside = true;

			if( TestTriangle.p3.X >= Box.UpperLeft.X && TestTriangle.p3.X <= Box.UpperRight.X ) {
				if( TestTriangle.p3.Z >= Box.LowerLeft.Z && TestTriangle.p3.X <= Box.UpperLeft.Z ) {
					inside = true;
			return inside;
Beispiel #4
		public PaintTools( Heightmap myHeightmap ) {
			heightmap = myHeightmap;