Beispiel #1
        public static SimulationConfig CreateConfig(IConnection connection, string vHost, string env, string exchange, string referenceFile = null)
            var fileName  = Utils.GetSimulationFileName(env, exchange);
            var envConfig = Utils.LoadJson <SimulationConfig>(fileName, silent: true) ?? new SimulationConfig();
            var exists    = envConfig.ExchangeName != null;

            if (exists)
                var overWrite = Utils.ReadFromConsole($"Environment for '{exchange}' already exists. Overwrite (Y)es (N)o?", "N", new[] { "Y", "N" });
                if (overWrite.ToLower() == "n")
                    throw new Exception("User cancelled.");

                envConfig = new SimulationConfig();

            if (referenceFile != null)
                return(UpdateByReference(vHost, exchange, referenceFile));

            Console.WriteLine($"Creating environment for '{exchange}'.");
                var defaultVal = $"{exchange}-In";
                envConfig.ExchangeName = Utils.ReadFromConsole("Exchangename", defaultVal);

                bool createNew;
                var  consumerList = new List <ConsumerElement>();
                var  routerList   = new List <RouterElement>();
                    var actorType = Utils.ReadFromConsole("ActorType: (C)onsumer, (R)outer", null, new[] { "C", "R" });
                    if (actorType.ToUpper() == "C")
                        var consumer = new ConsumerElement
                            Executable = "simulation",
                            QueueName  = Utils.ReadFromConsole("Bind queue (will be postfixed -Queue)"),
                            RoutingKey = Utils.ReadFromConsole("... with routingkey. PlaceHolder * and # are allowed."),
                            Message    = Utils.ReadFromConsole("Message", "")
                    else if (actorType.ToUpper() == "R")
                        var router = new RouterElement
                            Executable   = "simulation",
                            QueueName    = Utils.ReadFromConsole("Bind queue (will be postfixed -Queue)"),
                            RoutingKey   = Utils.ReadFromConsole("... with routingkey. PlaceHolder * and # are allowed."),
                            ExchangeName = Utils.ReadFromConsole("Route to exchange", $"{exchange}-Out"),
                            To           = Utils.ReadFromConsole("...with routingkey. PlaceHolder {origin} and * are allowed.")

                    createNew = Utils.ReadFromConsole($"Create another actor? (Y)es (N)o?", "Y", new[] { "Y", "N" }).ToLower() == "y";
                }while (createNew);

                envConfig.Consumer = consumerList.ToArray();
                envConfig.Router   = routerList.ToArray();
            catch (Exception)

Beispiel #2
        private static SimulationConfig UpdateByReference(string vHost, string exchange, string referenceFile)
            var envConfig = new SimulationConfig();
            var fullFile  = Utils.GetExportFile(referenceFile);

            Console.WriteLine($"Updating environment for '{exchange}' from '{fullFile}'.");
            var refConfigAll = Utils.LoadJson <ReferenceConfig>(fullFile);

            if (refConfigAll == null)

            Console.WriteLine("Configuring bindings for exchange...");
            var exchangeName = Utils.ReadFromConsole("ExchangeName", $"{exchange}-In");
            var consumerList = new List <ConsumerElement>();
            var routerList   = new List <RouterElement>();
            var ignoreList   = new List <PublishElement>();
            var deleteList   = new List <PublishElement>();
            var unbindList   = new List <PublishElement>();

            var virtualHostInConfig = vHost == "/" ? null : vHost;

            var bindings = refConfigAll.Bindings.Where(b =>
                                                       (b.VHost == virtualHostInConfig || b.VHost == vHost) && b.DestinationType?.ToLower() == "queue" && b.ExchangeName == exchangeName)
                           .OrderBy(b => b.RoutingKey);

            string lastRoutingKey = null;
            string lastExchange   = null;

            foreach (var binding in bindings)
                Console.WriteLine($"Define ActorType for queue '{binding.QueueName}' and routing key '{binding.RoutingKey}'");
                var actorType = Utils.ReadFromConsole("ActorType: (C)onsumer, (R)outer, (I)gnore, (D)elete, (U)nbind",
                                                      null, new[] { "C", "R", "I", "D", "U" });

                var publishConfig = new PublishElement
                    QueueName  = binding.QueueName,
                    RoutingKey = binding.RoutingKey

                if (actorType.ToUpper() == "C")
                    var consumer = new ConsumerElement
                        Executable = "simulation",
                        QueueName  = binding.QueueName,
                        RoutingKey = binding.RoutingKey,
                        Message    = Utils.ReadFromConsole("Message. (Describes the action taken.)", "")
                else if (actorType.ToUpper() == "R")
                    var router = new RouterElement
                        Executable   = "simulation",
                        QueueName    = binding.QueueName,
                        RoutingKey   = binding.RoutingKey,
                        Message      = Utils.ReadFromConsole("Message. (Describes the action taken.)", ""),
                        ExchangeName = Utils.ReadFromConsole("Route to exchange", lastExchange ?? $"{exchange}-Out"),
                        To           = Utils.ReadFromConsole("...with routingkey. (Placeholder * is allowed.)", lastRoutingKey)

                    lastRoutingKey = router.To;
                    lastExchange   = router.ExchangeName;
                else if (actorType.ToUpper() == "I")
                else if (actorType.ToUpper() == "D")
                else if (actorType.ToUpper() == "U")

            envConfig.ExchangeName = exchangeName;
            envConfig.Consumer     = consumerList.ToArray();
            envConfig.Router       = routerList.ToArray();
            envConfig.Ignored      = ignoreList.ToArray();
            envConfig.Deleted      = deleteList.ToArray();
            envConfig.Unbind       = unbindList.ToArray();