Beispiel #1
 //called when a unit requests support from nearby units:
 void OnUnitSupportRequest(Vector3 pos, GameObject target)
     //if the unit support feature is disabled
     if (unitSupportEnabled == false)
         return; //do not proceed.
     //go through the faction's attack units:
     foreach (Unit u in factionMgr.Army)
         //check if the unit is within the required distance:
         if (Vector3.Distance(u.transform.position, pos) < unitSupportRange.getRandomValue())
             //request support (as long as the unit isn't busy):
             mvtMgr.LaunchAttack(u, target, MovementManager.AttackModes.None);
Beispiel #2
        //attack the assigned target building.
        void AttackTargetBuilding()
            //making sure that the NPC faction in an attack in progress and that there's a valid target building:
            if (currentTargetBuilding == null || isAttacking == false)

            GameObject target = currentTargetBuilding.gameObject;

            MovementManager.AttackModes attackMode = MovementManager.AttackModes.None;

            //if the current target building is being constructed:
            if (currentTargetBuilding.WorkerMgr.CurrentWorkers > 0)
                //attack the workers first: go through the workers positions
                for (int i = 0; i < currentTargetBuilding.WorkerMgr.WorkerPositions.Length; i++)
                    //find worker:
                    if (currentTargetBuilding.WorkerMgr.WorkerPositions[i].CurrentUnit != null)
                        //is the worker actually at the building constructing it:
                        if (currentTargetBuilding.WorkerMgr.WorkerPositions[i].CurrentUnit.BuilderMgr.IsBuilding == true)
                            //assign it as target.
                            target = currentTargetBuilding.WorkerMgr.WorkerPositions[i].CurrentUnit.gameObject;
                            //force attack units to attack it:
                            attackMode = MovementManager.AttackModes.Change;

            //launch the actual attack:
            mvtMgr.LaunchAttack(currentAttackUnits, target, attackMode);
Beispiel #3
        //Send units to attack a center:
        public void SendUnitsToTargetBuilding()
            if (TargetBuilding != null)               //if there's a target building
                GameObject Target = TargetBuilding.gameObject;

                //if the target building is currently being fixed by builders
                if (TargetBuilding.WorkerMgr.CurrentWorkers > 0)
                    int n = 0;
                    //attack these builders instead.
                    while (n < TargetBuilding.WorkerMgr.WorkerPositions.Length)
                        //first check if there's a worker in this slot:
                        if (TargetBuilding.WorkerMgr.WorkerPositions[n].CurrentUnit != null)
                            //if the worker is constructing
                            if (TargetBuilding.WorkerMgr.WorkerPositions[n].CurrentUnit.BuilderMgr.IsBuilding == true)
                                //set him as target
                                Target            = TargetBuilding.WorkerMgr.GetWorker().gameObject;
                                TargetingBuilders = true;
                    TargetingBuilders = false;

                if (Army.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Army.Count; i++)
                        if (Army [i] != null)
                            if (Army [i].AttackMgr.AttackTarget == null)                               //set the attacking support range that will call nearby units for support.
                                Army [i].AttackMgr.SearchRange = AttackingSupportRange;
                    MvtMgr.LaunchAttack(Army, Target.gameObject, (TargetingBuilders == true) ? MovementManager.AttackModes.Change : MovementManager.AttackModes.None);  //launch the attack.

                    //move healers and converters to the target building
                    int HealersAmount    = Mathf.RoundToInt(FactionMgr.Healers.Count * HealersRatio);
                    int ConvertersAmount = Mathf.RoundToInt(FactionMgr.Converters.Count * ConvertersRatio);
                    //if there are healers to send:
                    int j = 0;
                    while (HealersAmount > 0 && j < FactionMgr.Healers.Count)
                        if (FactionMgr.Healers [j].TargetUnit == null)                           //only move the unit if it has no target
                            MvtMgr.Move(FactionMgr.Healers[j].UnitMvt, Target.transform.position, TargetBuilding.Radius, Target, InputTargetMode.Building);
                        ExtraArmyUnits.Add(FactionMgr.Healers [j].UnitMvt);
                    j = 0;
                    //if there are converters to send, do it:
                    while (ConvertersAmount > 0 && j < FactionMgr.Converters.Count)
                        if (FactionMgr.Converters [j].TargetUnit == null)
                            MvtMgr.Move(FactionMgr.Converters[j].UnitMvt, Target.transform.position, TargetBuilding.Radius, Target, InputTargetMode.Building);
                        ExtraArmyUnits.Add(FactionMgr.Converters [j].UnitMvt);
Beispiel #4
        //method to search for a target
        bool SearchForTargetToAttack()
            //Search if there are enemy units in range:
            bool Found = false;

            float   Size       = SearchRange;
            Vector3 SearchFrom = transform.position;

            //only for NPC factions:

            //if there's no city center to protect:
            if (AttackRangeCenter == null)
                AttackRangeFromCenter = false; //we're not defending any city center then:
            //if there's a city center to protect
            if (AttackRangeFromCenter == true && AttackRangeCenter != null)
                SearchFrom = AttackRangeCenter.transform.position;           //the search pos is the city center
                Size       = AttackRangeCenter.GetComponent <Border>().Size; //and the search size is the whole city border size:

            Collider[] ObjsInRange = Physics.OverlapSphere(SearchFrom, Size);
            int        i           = 0; //counter

            while (i < ObjsInRange.Length && Found == false)
                Unit UnitInRange = ObjsInRange[i].gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>();
                if (UnitInRange && UnitInRange != UnitMgr) //make sure that there's a unit in range and that unit is not this one.
                {                                          //If it's a unit object
                    if (UnitInRange.enabled == true)
                    {                                      //if the unit comp is enabled
                      //If this unit and the target have different teams and make sure it's not dead.
                        if (CanAttackFaction(UnitInRange.FactionID) && UnitInRange.Dead == false)
                            //if the unit is visible:
                            if (UnitInRange.IsInvisible == false)
                                if (AttackTarget == null)
                                    if (AttackMgr.CanAttackTarget(this, ObjsInRange[i].gameObject))
                                    { //if the unit can attack the target.
                                      //Set this unit as the target
                                      //if this is a unit:
                                        if (AttackerType == AttackerTypes.Unit)
                                            MvtMgr.LaunchAttack(UnitMgr, ObjsInRange[i].gameObject, MovementManager.AttackModes.Assigned);
                                        else //if this is a building
                                        Found = true;


Beispiel #5
        //method to search for a target
        bool SearchForTargetToAttack()
            if (AttackTarget != null)
            //Search if there are enemy units in range:
            bool Found = false;

            float   Size       = SearchRange;
            Vector3 SearchFrom = transform.position;

            //only for NPC factions:

            Collider[] ObjsInRange = Physics.OverlapSphere(SearchFrom, Size);
            int i = 0; //counter

            if (AttackTarget == null)
                while (i < ObjsInRange.Length && Found == false)
                    Unit  UnitInRange = ObjsInRange[i].gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>();
                    stats RpgPlayer   = ObjsInRange[i].gameObject.GetComponent <stats>();
                    if (UnitInRange && UnitInRange != UnitMgr) //make sure that there's a unit in range and that unit is not this one.
                    {                                          //If it's a unit object
                        if (UnitInRange.enabled == true)
                        {                                      //if the unit comp is enabled
                          //If this unit and the target have different teams and make sure it's not dead.
                            if (CanAttackFaction(UnitInRange.FactionID) && UnitInRange.Dead == false)
                                //if the unit is visible:
                                if (UnitInRange.IsInvisible == false)
                                    if (AttackTarget == null)
                                        if (AttackMgr.CanAttackTarget(this, ObjsInRange[i].gameObject, AttackExceptionList))
                                        { //if the unit can attack the target.
                                          //Set this unit as the target
                                          //if this is a unit:
                                            if (AttackerType == AttackerTypes.Unit)
                                                if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, ObjsInRange[i].gameObject.transform.position) > Size)
                                                MvtMgr.LaunchAttack(UnitMgr, ObjsInRange[i].gameObject, MovementManager.AttackModes.Assigned);
                                            else //if this is a building
                                            Found = true;
                    else if (RpgPlayer)
                        if (AttackTarget == null)
                            if (AttackMgr.CanAttackTarget(this, ObjsInRange[i].gameObject, AttackExceptionList))
                                if (AttackerType == AttackerTypes.Unit)
                                    MvtMgr.LaunchAttack(UnitMgr, ObjsInRange[i].gameObject, MovementManager.AttackModes.Assigned);
                                else //if this is a building

                                Found = true;
