Beispiel #1
        //called each time a unit/building is dead, only called when the mission type is set to "eliminate" or "produce"
        private void OnFactionEntityEvent (FactionEntity factionEntity)
            //if the faction entity is dead and there are entities that the player is supposed to defend
            if(factionEntity.FactionID == GameManager.PlayerFactionID //only if the dead faction entity belongs to the player faction
                && defendFactionEntities.Length > 0 && factionEntity.EntityHealthComp.IsDead()) 
                foreach(CodeCategoryField codeCategory in defendFactionEntities) //go through the entities that shouldn't be dead
                    if (codeCategory.Contains(factionEntity.GetCode(), factionEntity.GetCategory())) //if the code/category matches
                        Forfeit(); //mission failed

            if((factionEntity.EntityHealthComp.IsDead() && type == Type.eliminate && factionEntity.FactionID != GameManager.PlayerFactionID) //if this is an elimination mission and the entity doesn't belong to the player's faction
                || (!factionEntity.EntityHealthComp.IsDead() && type == Type.produce && factionEntity.FactionID == GameManager.PlayerFactionID)) //produce mission type and the entity belongs to the player faction
            foreach (CodeCategoryField codeCategory in targetCode) //go through all assigned codes
                if (codeCategory.Contains(factionEntity.GetCode(), factionEntity.GetCategory())) //if the code/category matches
                    OnProgress(1); //positive mission progress
Beispiel #2
        //check if the attacker can engage target:
        public ErrorMessage CanEngageTarget(FactionEntity potentialTarget)
            if (gameMgr.InPeaceTime() == true)
            else if (potentialTarget == null)                                                   //if there's no target assigned
                return(!requireTarget ? ErrorMessage.none : ErrorMessage.attackTargetRequired); //see if the attack entity can attack without target
            else if (potentialTarget.FactionID == FactionEntity.FactionID && engageFriendly == false)
            else if (potentialTarget.EntityHealthComp.CanBeAttacked == false) //peace time, same faction ID or target can't be attacked? -> nope

            if (engageAllTypes) //attack all types then yes!

            //if the target can't attack units/buildings and this is the case then nope
            if ((potentialTarget.Type == EntityTypes.building && engageBuildings == false) ||
                (potentialTarget.Type == EntityTypes.unit && engageUnits == false))

            return(codesList.Contains(potentialTarget.GetCode(), potentialTarget.GetCategory()) == engageInList ? ErrorMessage.none : ErrorMessage.entityNotAllowed);
Beispiel #3
        //a method that returns the damage that is supposed to be dealt to a target.
        public int GetDamage(FactionEntity target)
            foreach (CustomDamage cd in customDamages)                        //see if the target's code is in the custom damages list
                if (cd.code.Contains(target.GetCode(), target.GetCategory())) //if the target is found then pick the custom damage

            //no custom damage? pick either the damage for units or for buildings
            return(target.Type == EntityTypes.unit ? unitDamage : buildingDamage);
Beispiel #4
 //a method to select faction entities of the same type inside a defined range
 public void SelectFactionEntitiesInRange(FactionEntity source)
     if (source.FactionID != GameManager.PlayerFactionID)                                //if the source doesn't belong to the player's faction
         return;                                                                         //nope
     foreach (FactionEntity entity in GameManager.PlayerFactionMgr.GetFactionEntities()) //go through all faction entities in the player's faction
         //if the entity's codes match and it's inside the double click select range
         if (entity.GetCode() == source.GetCode() &&
             Vector3.Distance(entity.transform.position, source.transform.position) <= doubleClickSelectRange)
             selected.Add(entity, SelectionTypes.multiple); //add to selection
        /// <summary>
        /// NPCRegulator constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Holds information regarding how the faction entity type that will be regulated.</param>
        /// <param name="prefab">FactionEntity derived prefab to regulate.</param>
        /// <param name="gameMgr">GameManager instance of the currently active game.</param>
        /// <param name="npcMgr">NPCManager instance that manages the NPC faction to whome the regulator component belongs.</param>
        public NPCRegulator(NPCRegulatorData data, FactionEntity prefab, GameManager gameMgr, NPCManager npcMgr)
            //assign components
            this.gameMgr = gameMgr;
            Assert.IsNotNull(this.gameMgr, "[NPCRegulator] Initializing without a reference to the GameManager instance is not allowed!");

            this.npcMgr = npcMgr;
            Assert.IsNotNull(this.npcMgr, "[NPCRegulator] Initializing without a reference to the faction's NPCManager instance is not allowed!");

            this.factionMgr = npcMgr.FactionMgr;
            Assert.IsNotNull(this.factionMgr, "[NPCRegulator] Initializing without a reference to the faction's FactionManager instance is not allowed!");

            //pick the rest random settings from the given info.
            MaxAmount        = data.GetMaxAmount();
            MinAmount        = data.GetMinAmount();
            MaxPendingAmount = data.GetMaxPendingAmount();

            Count = 0;

            //get the code and category
            Code     = prefab.GetCode();
            Category = prefab.GetCategory();
Beispiel #6
        //method called when a unit/building upgrade is launched
        public void LaunchUpgrade(Upgrade upgrade, int upgradeID, FactionEntity upgradeLauncher, bool oneInstance)
            int         factionID  = upgradeLauncher.FactionID;
            string      sourceCode = upgrade.Source.GetCode();
            EntityTypes sourceType = upgrade.Source.Type;

            Assert.IsTrue(upgrade.GetTarget(upgradeID).Type == sourceType, "[UpgradeManager] The upgrade target doesn't have the same type as the upgrade source!");

            if (oneInstance) //if this is a one instance upgrade type
                //if this is a one instance upgrade, make sure that the upgrade source code and the task holder are the same
                if (upgradeLauncher.Type != sourceType || upgradeLauncher.GetCode() != sourceCode)
                    Debug.LogError("[UpgradeManager] Can not launch a one instance upgrade where the upgrade source and the source task launcher are different!");

                UpgradeInstance(upgradeLauncher, upgrade.GetTarget(upgradeID), factionID,
                                gameMgr.GetFaction(factionID).PlayerControlled ? upgrade.GetUpgradeEffect() : null);
            else if (upgrade.CanUpgradeSpawnedInstances()) //if we can upgrade all spawned instances of the source upgrade
                List <FactionEntity> currEntities = upgradeLauncher.FactionMgr.GetFactionEntities().ToList();
                //go through the spawned instances list of the faction:
                foreach (FactionEntity instance in currEntities)
                    //if this building/unit matches the instance to be upgraded
                    if (instance.GetCode() == sourceCode)
                        //upgrade it
                        UpgradeInstance(instance, upgrade.GetTarget(upgradeID), factionID,
                                        gameMgr.GetFaction(factionID).PlayerControlled ? upgrade.GetUpgradeEffect() : null);

            switch (sourceType) //depending on the type of the source
            case EntityTypes.building:

                if (!oneInstance)     //if this is not a one instance upgrade then update the placable buildings list for the player/NPC faction
                    //is this the local player's faction:
                    if (gameMgr.GetFaction(factionID).PlayerControlled == true)
                        //search for the building instance inside the buildings list that the player is able to place.
                        gameMgr.PlacementMgr.ReplaceBuilding(sourceCode, (Building)upgrade.GetTarget(upgradeID));
                    //& if the faction belongs is NPC:
                    else if (gameMgr.GetFaction(factionID).GetNPCMgrIns() != null)

                //trigger the upgrade event:


            case EntityTypes.unit:

                if (!oneInstance)     //if this is not a one instance upgrade then update all source unit type creation tasks
                    //search for a task that creates the unit to upgrade inside the task launchers
                    List <TaskLauncher> taskLaunchers = gameMgr.GetFaction(factionID).FactionMgr.TaskLaunchers;

                    //go through the active task launchers:
                    foreach (TaskLauncher tl in taskLaunchers)
                        //and sync the upgraded tasks
                        UpdateUnitCreationTask(tl, sourceCode, (Unit)upgrade.GetTarget(upgradeID), upgrade.GetNewTaskInfo());

                    //register the upgraded unit creation task:
                    UpgradedUnitTask uut = new UpgradedUnitTask()
                        factionID        = factionID,
                        upgradedUnitCode = sourceCode,
                        targetUnitPrefab = (Unit)upgrade.GetTarget(upgradeID),
                        newTaskInfo      = upgrade.GetNewTaskInfo()
                    //add it to the list:

                    //if the faction belongs is NPC:
                    if (gameMgr.GetFaction(factionID).GetNPCMgrIns() != null)

                //trigger the upgrade event:


            //trigger upgrades?
            LaunchTriggerUpgrades(upgrade.GetTriggerUpgrades(), upgradeLauncher);