Beispiel #1
        //toggling defense for building centers:
        void ToggleCenterDefense(Vector3 attackPos, bool enable)
            //if we're enabling center defense:
            if (enable == true)
                //if the last defense center was the capital then do not change it:
                if (lastDefenseCenter != gameMgr.Factions[factionMgr.FactionID].CapitalBuilding)
                    //get closest capital building to attack position:
                    lastDefenseCenter = BuildingManager.GetClosestBuilding(attackPos, factionMgr.BuildingCenters);

                //if no valid center is assigned:
                if (lastDefenseCenter == null)
                    return; //do not continue

            //go through the army units and set the defense center:
            foreach (Unit u in factionMgr.Army)
                //make sure the unit is not deployed for attack:
                if (npcMgr.attackManager_NPC.IsUnitDeployed(u) == false)
                    //if there are multiple attack components
                    if (u.MultipleAttacksMgr != null)
                        //go through them and set the same settings.
                        foreach (Attack a in u.MultipleAttacksMgr.AttackTypes)
                            //enabling or disabling?
                            if (enable)
                                a.AttackRangeCenter     = lastDefenseCenter;
                                a.AttackRangeFromCenter = true;
                                a.AttackRangeFromCenter = false;
                    else //only one attack component:
                        //enabling or disabling?
                        if (enable)
                            u.AttackMgr.AttackRangeCenter     = lastDefenseCenter;
                            u.AttackMgr.AttackRangeFromCenter = true;
                            u.AttackMgr.AttackRangeFromCenter = false;
        //toggling defense for building centers:
        void ToggleCenterDefense(Vector3 attackPos, bool enable)
            //if we're enabling center defense:
            if (enable == true)
                //if the last defense center was the capital then do not change it:
                if (lastDefenseCenter != gameMgr.GetFaction(factionMgr.FactionID).GetCapitalBuilding())
                    //get closest capital building to attack position:
                    lastDefenseCenter = BuildingManager.GetClosestBuilding(attackPos, factionMgr.GetBuildingCenters());

                //if no valid center is assigned:
                if (lastDefenseCenter == null)
                    return; //do not continue

            //go through the army units and set the defense center:
            foreach (Unit u in factionMgr.GetAttackUnits())
                //make sure the unit is not deployed for attack:
                if (npcMgr.attackManager_NPC.IsUnitDeployed(u) == false)
                    //if there are multiple attack components
                    if (u.MultipleAttackMgr != null)
                        //go through them and set the same settings.
                        foreach (AttackEntity a in u.MultipleAttackMgr.AttackEntities)
                            a.SearchRangeCenter = (enable == true) ? lastDefenseCenter.BorderComp : null;
                    else //only one attack component:
                        u.AttackComp.SearchRangeCenter = (enable == true) ? lastDefenseCenter.BorderComp : null;
Beispiel #3
        //a method that launches the NPC faction's
        /// <summary>
        /// Launches the NPC faction's defense mode to defend a certain position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defensePosition">The position to defend.</param>
        /// <param name="forceCapitalChange">True to allow units to defend territory that's not under the capital building even if capital building's territory is under attack, otherwise false.</param>
        public void LaunchDefense(Vector3 defensePosition, bool forceCapitalChange)
            //reload the defense timer:
            cancelDefenseTimer = cancelDefenseReloadRange.getRandomValue();

            //Get the building that is closest to where the damage has been done.
            Building defenseCenter = BuildingManager.GetClosestBuilding(defensePosition, factionMgr.GetBuildingCenters());

            ToggleCenterDefense(defenseCenter, true, forceCapitalChange); //enable defense for the closest building center to the defense position.

            //if the defense is already activated
            if (IsActive)
                return; //do not proceed.
            Activate(); //activate defense mode

            //is the NPC faction is undergoing an active attack on another faction but it's not allowed in defense mode?
            if (cancelAttackOnDefense && npcMgr.GetNPCComp <NPCAttackManager>().IsAttacking)
                //cancel attack:
                npcMgr.GetNPCComp <NPCAttackManager>().CancelAttack();