Beispiel #1
        void Start()
            //get the ame manager script
            GameMgr   = GameManager.Instance;
            MvtMgr    = MovementManager.Instance;
            AttackMgr = AttackManager.Instance;

            //default values for the timers:
            AttackTimer = 0.0f;
            SearchTimer = 0.0f;

            ObjPool = EffectObjPool.Instance;

            if (AttackAllTypes == false)
            { //if it can not attack all the units
                AttackMgr.AssignAttackExceptions(AttackExceptions, ref AttackExceptionList);

            //if there's a weapon object:
            if (WeaponObj)
                WeaponIdleRotation.eulerAngles = WeaponIdleAngles;

            //get the range type ID from the attack manager
            RangeTypeID = AttackMgr.GetRangeTypeID(RangeType);
Beispiel #2
 void Awake()
     if (Instance == null)
         Instance = this;
     else if (Instance != this)
Beispiel #3
 //Set DoT configs:
 public void ConfigureTargetDoT(Unit Target)
     //DoT settings:
     Target.DoT            = new DoTVars();
     Target.DoT.Enabled    = true;
     Target.DoT.Cycle      = DoT.Cycle;
     Target.DoT.Duration   = DoT.Duration;
     Target.DoT.Infinite   = DoT.Infinite;
     Target.DoT.Source     = gameObject;
     TargetUnit.DoT.Damage = AttackManager.GetDamage(AttackTarget, CustomDamage, UnitDamage);
Beispiel #4
        //a method to laucnh a direct attack
        void LaunchDirectAttack()
            if (AreaDamage == true)
                //launch area damage and provide all arguments:
                AttackMgr.LaunchAreaDamage(AttackTarget.transform.position, this);
                //Custom event:
                if (GameMgr.Events)
                    GameMgr.Events.OnAttackPerformed(this, AttackTarget);

                if (DealDamage == true) //Can this attack deal damage directly?
                    if (DoT.Enabled == true)
                        //only for units currently?
                        if (TargetUnit)
                            ConfigureTargetDoT(TargetUnit, AttackManager.GetDamage(AttackTarget, CustomDamage, UnitDamage));
                        //if this is no areal damage and no DoT
                        //deal damage to unit/building:
                        if (TargetUnit)
                            TargetUnit.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(AttackTarget, CustomDamage, UnitDamage), this.gameObject);
                            //Spawning the damage effect object:
                            AttackMgr.SpawnEffectObj(TargetUnit.DamageEffect, AttackTarget, AttackTarget.transform.position, 0.0f, true, true);
                            //spawn attack effect object: units only currently
                            AttackMgr.SpawnEffectObj(AttackEffect, AttackTarget, AttackTarget.transform.position, AttackEffectTime, false, true);
                        else if (TargetBuilding)
                            TargetBuilding.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(AttackTarget, CustomDamage, BuildingDamage), this.gameObject);
                            //Spawning the damage effect object:
                            AttackMgr.SpawnEffectObj(TargetBuilding.DamageEffect, AttackTarget, AttackTarget.transform.position, 0.0f, true, true);

            //Play the attack audio:
            AudioManager.PlayAudio(gameObject, AttackSound, false);

Beispiel #5
        void Start()
            //get the ame manager script
            GameMgr   = GameManager.Instance;
            MvtMgr    = MovementManager.Instance;
            AttackMgr = AttackManager.Instance;

            //default values for the timers:
            AttackTimer = 0.0f;
            SearchTimer = 0.0f;

            ObjPool = EffectObjPool.Instance;

            //if there's a weapon object:
            if (WeaponObj)
                WeaponIdleRotation.eulerAngles = WeaponIdleAngles;

            //get the range type ID from the attack manager
            RangeTypeID = AttackMgr.GetRangeTypeID(RangeType);
Beispiel #6
        //Attack object collision effect:
        void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if ((DidDamage == false || DamageOnce == false) && DoDamage == true)
            { //Make sure that the attack obj either didn't do damage when the attack object is allowed to do damage once or if it can do damage multiple times.
                SelectionObj HitObj = other.gameObject.GetComponent <SelectionObj>();
                if (HitObj != null)
                    Unit     HitUnit     = HitObj.MainObj.GetComponent <Unit>();
                    Building HitBuilding = HitObj.MainObj.GetComponent <Building>();

                    //If the damaged object is a unit:
                    if (HitUnit)
                        //Check if the unit belongs to the faction that this attack obj is targeted to and if the unit is actually not dead yet:
                        if (HitUnit.FactionID == TargetFactionID && HitUnit.Dead == false)
                            if (other != null)
                                DidDamage = true; //Inform the script that the damage has been done
                                if (AreaDamage)
                                    AttackManager.Instance.LaunchAreaDamage(transform.position, Source);
                                    //Custom event:
                                    if (GameManager.Instance.Events)
                                        GameManager.Instance.Events.OnAttackPerformed(Source, HitUnit.gameObject);

                                    if (DealDamage == true)
                                        if (DoT.Enabled) //if it's DoT
                                            //DoT settings:
                                            Source.ConfigureTargetDoT(HitUnit, AttackManager.GetDamage(HitUnit.gameObject, CustomDamage, DefaultUnitDamage));
                                            //Remove health points from the unit:
                                            HitUnit.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(HitUnit.gameObject, CustomDamage, DefaultUnitDamage), SourceObj);
                                            //Attack effect:
                                            AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(AttackEffect, other.gameObject, AttackEffectTime, false);
                                            //Spawning the damage effect object:
                                            AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(HitUnit.DamageEffect, other.gameObject, 0.0f, true);
                    //If the attack obj hit a building:
                    if (HitBuilding)
                        //Check if the building belongs to the faction that this attack obj is targeted to and if the building still has health:
                        if (HitBuilding.FactionID == TargetFactionID && HitBuilding.Health >= 0)
                            if (other != null)
                                DidDamage = true; //Inform the script that the damage has been done

                                if (AreaDamage)
                                    AttackManager.Instance.LaunchAreaDamage(transform.position, Source);
                                    //Custom event:
                                    if (GameManager.Instance.Events)
                                        GameManager.Instance.Events.OnAttackPerformed(Source, HitBuilding.gameObject);

                                    if (DealDamage == true) //only if we can deal damage directly
                                        //Remove health points from the unit:
                                        HitBuilding.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(HitBuilding.gameObject, CustomDamage, DefaultBuildingDamage), SourceObj);
                                        //Attack effect:
                                        AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(AttackEffect, other.gameObject, AttackEffectTime, false);
                                        //Spawning the damage effect object:
                                        AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(HitBuilding.DamageEffect, other.gameObject, 0.0f, true);
Beispiel #7
        //Attack object collision effect:
        void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if ((DidDamage == false || DamageOnce == false) && DoDamage == true)               //Make sure that the attack obj either didn't do damage when the attack object is allowed to do damage once or if it can do damage multiple times.
                SelectionObj HitObj = other.gameObject.GetComponent <SelectionObj> ();
                if (HitObj != null)
                    Unit     HitUnit     = HitObj.MainObj.GetComponent <Unit> ();
                    Building HitBuilding = HitObj.MainObj.GetComponent <Building> ();

                    //If the damaged object is a unit:
                    if (HitUnit)
                        //Check if the unit belongs to the faction that this attack obj is targeted to and if the unit is actually not dead yet:
                        if (HitUnit.FactionID == TargetFactionID && HitUnit.Dead == false)
                            if (other != null)
                                DidDamage = true; //Inform the script that the damage has been done
                                if (AreaDamage)
                                    AttackManager.Instance.LaunchAreaDamage(transform.position, AttackRanges, SourceFactionID, AttackEffect, AttackEffectTime, AttackCategoriesList, DoT);
                                else if (DoT.Enabled) //if it's DoT
                                    //DoT settings:
                                    HitUnit.DoT        = DoT;
                                    HitUnit.DoT.Damage = AttackManager.GetDamage(HitUnit.gameObject, DefaultUnitDamage);
                                    //Remove health points from the unit:
                                    HitUnit.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(HitUnit.gameObject, DefaultUnitDamage), Source);
                                    //Attack effect: units only currently
                                    AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(AttackEffect, other.gameObject, AttackEffectTime, false);

                                //Spawning the damage effect object:
                                AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(HitUnit.DamageEffect, other.gameObject, 0.0f, true);
                    //If the attack obj hit a building:
                    if (HitBuilding)
                        //Check if the building belongs to the faction that this attack obj is targeted to and if the building still has health:
                        if (HitBuilding.FactionID == TargetFactionID && HitBuilding.Health >= 0)
                            if (other != null)
                                DidDamage = true; //Inform the script that the damage has been done

                                if (AreaDamage)
                                    AttackManager.Instance.LaunchAreaDamage(transform.position, AttackRanges, SourceFactionID, AttackEffect, AttackEffectTime, AttackCategoriesList, DoT);
                                    //Remove health points from the unit:
                                    HitBuilding.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(HitBuilding.gameObject, DefaultUnitDamage), Source);

                                //Spawning the damage effect object:
                                AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(HitBuilding.DamageEffect, other.gameObject, 0.0f, true);
Beispiel #8
        void Update()
            //Unit only:
            if (Attacker == Attackers.Unit)
                //the attack animation timer:
                if (AttackAnimTimer > 0)
                    AttackAnimTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (AttackAnimTimer < 0)
                    AttackAnimTimer = 0;
                    //stop showing the attacking animation when the timer is done.
                    if (UnitMgr.AnimMgr)
                        if (UnitMgr.AnimMgr.GetBool("IsAttacking") == true)
                            UnitMgr.AnimMgr.SetBool("IsAttacking", false);

            //Attack timer:
            if (AttackTimer > 0)
                AttackTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

            if (CanAttack() == true)        //If the attacker is still not dead/destroyed
                if (GameMgr.PeaceTime <= 0) //if we're not in the peace time
                    if (AttackTarget == null)
                    {                          //If the target is not set yet
                        if (WeaponObj != null) //if there's a weapon object
                            if (SmoothRotation == false)
                            { //if the rotation is automatically changed
                                WeaponObj.transform.localRotation = WeaponIdleRotation;
                                //smooth rotation here:
                                WeaponObj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(WeaponObj.transform.localRotation, WeaponIdleRotation, Time.deltaTime * RotationDamping);

                        if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false || (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == true && GameManager.PlayerFactionID == AttackerFactionID()))
                        {                              //if this is an offline game or online but this is the local player
                            if (AttackInRange == true) //if the attacker can attack in range ~and it's also in idle state~
                                //if the faction is a NPC or a local player and having a target is required.
                                if (GameManager.PlayerFactionID != AttackerFactionID() || (GameManager.PlayerFactionID == AttackerFactionID() && RequireAttackTarget == true))
                                    //Search timer:
                                    if (SearchTimer > 0)
                                        SearchTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
                                        //Search if there are enemy units in range:
                                        bool Found = false;

                                        float   Size       = SearchEnemyRange;
                                        Vector3 SearchFrom = transform.position;

                                        Collider[] ObjsInRange = Physics.OverlapSphere(SearchFrom, Size); // ADD LAYERMASK
                                        System.Array.Sort(ObjsInRange, DistanceSort);
                                        int i = 0;                                                        //counter
                                        while (i < ObjsInRange.Length && Found == false)
                                            Unit UnitInRange = ObjsInRange[i].gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>();
                                            if (UnitInRange)
                                            {     //If it's a unit object
                                                if (UnitInRange.enabled == true)
                                                { //if the unit comp is enabled
                                                  //If this unit and the target have different teams and make sure it's not dead.
                                                    if (UnitInRange.FactionID != AttackerFactionID() && UnitInRange.Dead == false)
                                                        //if the unit is visible:
                                                        if (UnitInRange.IsInvisible == false)
                                                            if (AttackTarget == null)
                                                                if (AttackManager.Instance.CanAttackTarget(this, ObjsInRange[i].gameObject, AttackCategoriesList))
                                                                { //if the unit can attack the target.
                                                                  //Set this unit as the target
                                                                    Found = true;


                                        if (Found == false)
                                            SearchTimer = SearchReload; //No enemy units found? search again.
                                            //if the attacker is a unit:
                                            if (Attacker == Attackers.Unit)
                                                //Follow the target:
                                                UnitMgr.CheckUnitPath(, AttackTarget, AttackRange + AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit>().NavAgent.radius + UnitMgr.NavAgent.radius, 0, true);
                        //if the target went invisible:
                        //Checking whether the target is dead or not (if it's a unit or a building.
                        bool Dead = false;

                        if (AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit> ())
                            //if the target went invisible:
                            if (AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit> ().IsInvisible == true)
                                //stop attacking it:
                            else if (AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit> ().FactionID == AttackerFactionID())
                            Dead = AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit> ().Dead;
                        else if (AttackTarget.GetComponent <Building> ())
                            if (AttackTarget.GetComponent <Building> ().FactionID == AttackerFactionID())
                            //Dead = !(Target.GetComponent<Building> ().Health > 0);

                        if (Dead == true && AttackTimer <= 0)
                            //if the target unit is dead, cancel everything
                            //If the current unit has a target,
                            if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, AttackTarget.transform.position) > FollowRange && AttackRangeFromCenter == false && AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit> () && WasInTargetRange == true)                               //This means that the target has left the follow range of the unit.
                                //This unit doesn't have a target anymore.
                                if (Attacker == Attackers.Unit) //if the attacker is a unit
                                    //if this is the local player in a MP game or simply an offline game:
                                    if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false || (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == true && GameManager.PlayerFactionID == AttackerFactionID()))
                                        //if the attack target went away:
                                        if (Vector3.Distance(UnitMgr.NavAgent.destination, AttackTarget.transform.position) > ChangeMvtDistance && UnitMgr.Moving == true)
                                            UnitMgr.CheckUnitPath(, AttackTarget, UnitMgr.NavAgent.stoppingDistance, 0, true);

                                        //if destination is reached but the unit is still far away from the target.
                                        if (Vector3.Distance(UnitMgr.NavAgent.destination, AttackTarget.transform.position) > UnitMgr.NavAgent.stoppingDistance && UnitMgr.DestinationReached == true)
                                        { //THE PROBLEM IS HERE: When unit reaches the destination but max distance is probably more
                                            UnitMgr.DestinationReached = false;

                                        if (UnitMgr.DestinationReached == false && UnitMgr.Moving == false)
                                        { //If the unit didn't reach its target and it looks like it's not moving:
                                          //Follow the target:
                                            UnitMgr.CheckUnitPath(, AttackTarget, UnitMgr.NavAgent.stoppingDistance, 0, true);

                                    if (!MoveOnAttack && Vector3.Distance(transform.position, AttackTarget.transform.position) <= AttackRange)
                                        UnitMgr.DestinationReached = true;

                                    //if the attacker is in the correct range of his target
                                    if (UnitMgr.DestinationReached == true)
                                        if (MoveOnAttack == false && UnitMgr.Moving == true) //if move on attack is disabled and the unit is still moving
                                            return;                                          //stop
                                        return; //if the unit didn't reach the target then don't proceed

                                //reaching this stage means that the attacker is in range of the target and it's all good to go:
                                WasInTargetRange = true;
                                //Make the attack object look at the target:
                                if (WeaponObj != null)
                                    Vector3 LookAt = AttackTarget.transform.position - WeaponObj.transform.position;
                                    //which axis should not be rotated?
                                    if (FreezeRotX == true)
                                        LookAt.x = 0.0f;
                                    if (FreezeRotY == true)
                                        LookAt.y = 0.0f;
                                    if (FreezeRotZ == true)
                                        LookAt.z = 0.0f;
                                    Quaternion TargetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(LookAt);
                                    if (SmoothRotation == false)
                                    { //if the rotation is automatically changed
                                        WeaponObj.transform.rotation = TargetRotation;
                                        //smooth rotation here:
                                        WeaponObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(WeaponObj.transform.rotation, TargetRotation, Time.deltaTime * RotationDamping);

                                //Delay timer here:
                                if (DelayTimer > 0)
                                    DelayTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

                                if (Attacker == Attackers.Unit)
                                    //Playing animation:
                                    if (UnitMgr.AnimMgr && (PlayAnimInDelay == true || (PlayAnimInDelay == false && DelayTimer <= 0.0f && AttackTriggered == true)))
                                        if (UnitMgr.AnimMgr.GetBool("IsAttacking") == false)
                                            UnitMgr.AnimMgr.SetBool("IsAttacking", true);

                                //If the attack delay is over, launch the attack
                                if (DelayTimer <= 0.0f && AttackTriggered == true)
                                    if (AttackTimer <= 0)
                                    { //if the attack timer is ready:
                                        //Custom event:
                                        if (GameMgr.Events)
                                            GameMgr.Events.OnAttackPerformed(this, AttackTarget, AttackID);

                                        //Is this a direct attack (no use of attack objects)?
                                        if (DirectAttack == true)
                                            if (AreaDamage == true)
                                                //launch area damage and provide all arguments:
                                                AttackManager.Instance.LaunchAreaDamage(AttackTarget.transform.position, AttackRanges, AttackerFactionID(), AttackEffect, AttackEffectTime, AttackCategoriesList, DoT);
                                            else if (DoT.Enabled == true)
                                                Unit TargetUnit = AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit>();
                                                //only for units currently?
                                                if (TargetUnit)
                                                    //DoT settings:
                                                    TargetUnit.DoT        = DoT;
                                                    TargetUnit.DoT.Damage = AttackManager.GetDamage(AttackTarget, UnitDamage);
                                                //if this is no areal damage and no DoT
                                                //deal damage to unit/building:
                                                if (AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit>())
                                                    AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit>().AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(AttackTarget, UnitDamage), this.gameObject);
                                                    //Spawning the damage effect object:
                                                    AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit>().DamageEffect, AttackTarget, 0.0f, true);
                                                    //spawn attack effect object: units only currently
                                                    AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(AttackEffect, AttackTarget, AttackEffectTime, false);
                                                else if (AttackTarget.GetComponent <Building>())
                                                    AttackTarget.GetComponent <Building>().AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(AttackTarget, UnitDamage), this.gameObject);
                                                    //Spawning the damage effect object:
                                                    AttackManager.Instance.SpawnEffectObj(AttackTarget.GetComponent <Building>().DamageEffect, AttackTarget, 0.0f, true);

                                            //Play the attack audio:
                                            AudioManager.PlayAudio(gameObject, AttackSound, false);

                                            if (Attacker == Attackers.Unit)

                                            //reload the timers

                                            AttackTimer     = AttackReload;
                                            AttackAnimTimer = AttackAnimTime;
                                        {     //If the unit can launch attack objs towards the target unit
                                            if (AttackStep < AttackSources.Length && AttackSources.Length > 0)
                                            { //if we haven't already launched attacks from all sources
                                                if (AttackStepTimer > 0)
                                                    AttackStepTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
                                                if (AttackStepTimer <= 0)
                                                    AttackTimer     = AttackReload;
                                                    AttackAnimTimer = AttackAnimTime;

                                                    AttackObject AttackObj = ObjPool.GetEffectObj(EffectObjPool.EffectObjTypes.AttackObj, AttackSources[AttackStep].AttackObj).GetComponent <AttackObject>();
                                                    AttackObj.transform.position = AttackSources[AttackStep].AttackObjSource.transform.position; //Set the attack object's position:
                                                    AttackObj.gameObject.SetActive(true);                                                        //Activate the attack object

                                                    AttackObj.DefaultUnitDamage     = UnitDamage;
                                                    AttackObj.DefaultBuildingDamage = BuildingDamage;
                                                    AttackObj.CustomDamage          = CustomDamage;

                                                    Vector3 TargetPos = AttackTarget.transform.position;

                                                    if (AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit>())
                                                        AttackObj.TargetFactionID = AttackTarget.GetComponent <Unit>().FactionID;
                                                        //TargetPos = AttackTarget.GetComponent<Unit>().PlayerSelection.transform.position;
                                                    else if (AttackTarget.GetComponent <Building>())
                                                        AttackObj.TargetFactionID = AttackTarget.GetComponent <Building>().FactionID;
                                                        //TargetPos = AttackTarget.GetComponent<Building>().PlayerSelection.transform.position;
                                                    if (AttackSources[AttackStep].FollowTarget)
                                                        AttackObj.FollowTarget = AttackSources[AttackStep].FollowTarget;
                                                        AttackObj.Target       = AttackTarget.transform;
                                                    AttackObj.DamageOnce      = AttackSources[AttackStep].DamageOnce;
                                                    AttackObj.DestroyOnDamage = AttackSources[AttackStep].DestroyAttackObjOnDamage;

                                                    AttackObj.Source          = gameObject;
                                                    AttackObj.SourceFactionID = AttackerFactionID();

                                                    if (AreaDamage == false)
                                                        AttackObj.DidDamage  = false;
                                                        AttackObj.DoDamage   = !DirectAttack;
                                                        AttackObj.AreaDamage = false;
                                                        AttackObj.DamageOnce           = true;
                                                        AttackObj.DidDamage            = false;
                                                        AttackObj.AreaDamage           = true;
                                                        AttackObj.AttackRanges         = AttackRanges;
                                                        AttackObj.AttackCategoriesList = AttackCategoriesList;

                                                    //Damage over time:
                                                    AttackObj.DoT = DoT;

                                                    //Attack object movement:
                                                    AttackObj.MvtVector = (TargetPos - AttackSources[AttackStep].AttackObjSource.transform.position) / Vector3.Distance(AttackTarget.transform.position, AttackSources[AttackStep].AttackObjSource.transform.position);
                                                    AttackObj.Speed     = AttackSources[AttackStep].AttackObjSpeed;

                                                    //Set the attack obj's rotation so that it looks at the target:
                                                    AttackObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(TargetPos - AttackObj.transform.position);

                                                    //Hide the attack object after some time:
                                                    AttackObj.DestroyTimer = AttackSources[AttackStep].AttackObjDestroyTime;

                                                    //Play the attack audio:
                                                    AudioManager.PlayAudio(gameObject, AttackSound, false);


                                                    //search for the next attack object:
                                                    if (AttackType == AttackTypes.InOrder)
                                                    { //if the attack types is in order

                                                    if (AttackStep >= AttackSources.Length || AttackType == AttackTypes.Random)
                                                    { //end of attack round:
                                                      //Reload the attack timer:
                                                        AttackStep      = 0;
                                                        AttackStepTimer = AttackSources[AttackStep].AttackDelay;
                                                        AttackStepTimer = AttackSources[AttackStep].AttackDelay;
Beispiel #9
        //a method to laucnh a direct attack
        void LaunchDirectAttack()
            if (AreaDamage == true)
                //launch area damage and provide all arguments:
                AttackMgr.LaunchAreaDamage(AttackTarget.transform.position, this);
                //Custom event:
                if (GameMgr.Events)
                    GameMgr.Events.OnAttackPerformed(this, AttackTarget);

                if (DealDamage == true) //Can this attack deal damage directly?
                    if (DoT.Enabled == true)
                        //only for units currently?
                        if (TargetUnit)
                            ConfigureTargetDoT(TargetUnit, AttackManager.GetDamage(AttackTarget, CustomDamage, UnitDamage));
                        //if this is no areal damage and no DoT
                        //deal damage to unit/building:
                        if (TargetUnit)
                            TargetUnit.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(AttackTarget, CustomDamage, UnitDamage), this.gameObject);
                            //Spawning the damage effect object:
                            AttackMgr.SpawnEffectObj(TargetUnit.DamageEffect, AttackTarget, 0.0f, true);
                            //spawn attack effect object: units only currently
                            AttackMgr.SpawnEffectObj(AttackEffect, AttackTarget, AttackEffectTime, false);
                        else if (TargetBuilding)
                            TargetBuilding.AddHealth(-AttackManager.GetDamage(AttackTarget, CustomDamage, BuildingDamage), this.gameObject);
                            //Spawning the damage effect object:
                            AttackMgr.SpawnEffectObj(TargetBuilding.DamageEffect, AttackTarget, 0.0f, true);

            //Play the attack audio:
            AudioManager.PlayAudio(gameObject, AttackSound, false);

            AttackTimer = AttackReload;
            CanPlayAnim = true;

            //If this not the basic attack then revert back to the basic attack after done
            if (BasicAttack == false && MultipleAttacksMgr != null)


            //Attack once? cancel attack to prevent source from attacking again
            if (AttackOnce == true)
