RDFPlainLiteral represents a RDFLiteral which can be denoted by a Language.
Inheritance: RDFSharp.Model.RDFLiteral
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the current quadruple of the data reader 
        /// </summary>
        public static RDFQuadruple ParseQuadruple(IDataReader fetchedQuadruples) {

            if (fetchedQuadruples != null) { 
                RDFContext qContext       = new RDFContext(fetchedQuadruples["Context"].ToString());
                RDFResource qSubject      = new RDFResource(fetchedQuadruples["Subject"].ToString());
                RDFResource qPredicate    = new RDFResource(fetchedQuadruples["Predicate"].ToString());

                //SPO-flavour quadruple
                if (fetchedQuadruples["TripleFlavor"].ToString() == "1") {
                    RDFResource qObject   = new RDFResource(fetchedQuadruples["Object"].ToString());
                    return new RDFQuadruple(qContext, qSubject, qPredicate, qObject);

                //SPL-flavour quadruple
                String literal            = fetchedQuadruples["Object"].ToString();

                if (!literal.Contains("^^") || literal.EndsWith("^^") || RDFModelUtilities.GetUriFromString(literal.Substring(literal.LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2)) == null) {
                    RDFPlainLiteral pLit  = null;
                    if (literal.Contains("@")) {
                        if (!literal.EndsWith("@")) {
                            Int32 lastAmp = literal.LastIndexOf('@');
                            pLit          = new RDFPlainLiteral(literal.Substring(0, lastAmp), literal.Substring(lastAmp + 1));
                        else {
                            pLit          = new RDFPlainLiteral(literal);
                    else {
                        pLit              = new RDFPlainLiteral(literal);
                    return new RDFQuadruple(qContext, qSubject, qPredicate, pLit);

                String tLitValue          = literal.Substring(0, literal.LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                String tLitDatatype       = literal.Substring(literal.LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2);
                RDFDatatype dt            = RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromString(tLitDatatype);
                RDFTypedLiteral tLit      = new RDFTypedLiteral(tLitValue, dt);
                return new RDFQuadruple(qContext, qSubject, qPredicate, tLit);
            throw new RDFStoreException("Cannot parse quadruple because given \"fetchedQuadruples\" parameter is null.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given string to return an instance of pattern member
        /// </summary>
        public static RDFPatternMember ParseRDFPatternMember(String pMember) {

            if (pMember != null) { 

                #region Uri
                Uri testUri;
                if (Uri.TryCreate(pMember, UriKind.Absolute, out testUri)) {
                    return new RDFResource(pMember);

                #region Plain Literal
                if (!pMember.Contains("^^") || pMember.EndsWith("^^") ||
                    RDFModelUtilities.GetUriFromString(pMember.Substring(pMember.LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2)) == null) {
                    RDFPlainLiteral pLit  = null;
                    if (pMember.Contains("@")) {
                        if (!pMember.EndsWith("@")) {
                            Int32 lastAmp = pMember.LastIndexOf('@');
                            pLit          = new RDFPlainLiteral(pMember.Substring(0, lastAmp), pMember.Substring(lastAmp + 1));
                        else {
                            pLit          = new RDFPlainLiteral(pMember);
                    else {
                        pLit              = new RDFPlainLiteral(pMember);
                    return pLit;

                #region Typed Literal
                String tLitValue          = pMember.Substring(0, pMember.LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                String tLitDatatype       = pMember.Substring(pMember.LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2);
                RDFDatatype dt            = RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromString(tLitDatatype);
                RDFTypedLiteral tLit      = new RDFTypedLiteral(tLitValue, dt);
                return tLit;

            throw new RDFQueryException("Cannot parse pattern member because given \"pMember\" parameter is null.");

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given string to return an instance of pattern member
        /// </summary>
        internal static RDFPatternMember ParseRDFPatternMember(String pMember)
            if (pMember != null) {

                #region Uri
                Uri testUri;
                if (Uri.TryCreate(pMember, UriKind.Absolute, out testUri)) {
                    return new RDFResource(pMember);

                #region Plain Literal
                if (!pMember.Contains("^^") ||
                     pMember.EndsWith("^^") ||
                     RDFModelUtilities.GetUriFromString(pMember.Substring(pMember.LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2)) == null) {
                     RDFPlainLiteral pLit = null;
                     if (RDFNTriples.regexLPL.Match(pMember).Success) {
                         String pLitVal   = pMember.Substring(0, pMember.LastIndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                         String pLitLng   = pMember.Substring(pMember.LastIndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
                         pLit             = new RDFPlainLiteral(pLitVal, pLitLng);
                     else {
                        pLit              = new RDFPlainLiteral(pMember);
                     return pLit;

                #region Typed Literal
                String tLitValue             = pMember.Substring(0, pMember.LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                String tLitDatatype          = pMember.Substring(pMember.LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2);
                RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes dt = RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromString(tLitDatatype);
                RDFTypedLiteral tLit         = new RDFTypedLiteral(tLitValue, dt);
                return tLit;

            throw new RDFQueryException("Cannot parse pattern member because given \"pMember\" parameter is null.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an element representing a RDF container, iterates on its constituent elements
        /// to build its standard reification triples. 
        /// </summary>
        internal static void ParseContainerElements(RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerTypes contType, XmlNode container,
                                                    RDFResource subj, RDFResource pred, RDFGraph result) {

            //Attach the container as the blank object of the current pred
            RDFResource  obj                 = new RDFResource();
            result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(subj, pred, obj));

            //obj -> rdf:type -> rdf:[Bag|Seq|Alt]
            switch (contType) {
                case RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerTypes.Bag:
                    result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.RDF.BAG));
                case RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerTypes.Seq:
                    result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.RDF.SEQ));
                    result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.RDF.ALT));

            //Iterate on the container items
            if (container.HasChildNodes) {
                IEnumerator elems              = container.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator();
                List<String> elemVals          = new List<String>();
                while (elems != null && elems.MoveNext()) {
                    XmlNode elem               = (XmlNode)elems.Current;
                    XmlAttribute elemUri       = GetRdfResourceAttribute(elem);

                    #region Container Resource Item
                    //This is a container of resources
                    if (elemUri               != null) {

                        //Sanitize eventual blank node value detected by presence of "nodeID" attribute
                        if (elemUri.LocalName.Equals("nodeID", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                            if (!elemUri.Value.StartsWith("bnode:")) {
                                 elemUri.Value = "bnode:" + elemUri.Value;

                        //obj -> rdf:_N -> VALUE 
                        if (contType          == RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerTypes.Alt) {
                            if (!elemVals.Contains(elemUri.Value)) {
                                result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, new RDFResource(RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI + elem.LocalName), new RDFResource(elemUri.Value)));
                        else {
                            result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, new RDFResource(RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI + elem.LocalName), new RDFResource(elemUri.Value)));


                    #region Container Literal Item
                    //This is a container of literals
                    else {

                        //Parse the literal contained in the item
                        RDFLiteral literal     = null;
                        XmlAttribute attr      = GetRdfDatatypeAttribute(elem);
                        if (attr              != null) {
                            literal            = new RDFTypedLiteral(elem.InnerText, RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromString(attr.InnerText));
                        else {
                            attr               = GetXmlLangAttribute(elem);
                            literal            = new RDFPlainLiteral(elem.InnerText, (attr != null ? attr.InnerText : String.Empty));

                        //obj -> rdf:_N -> VALUE 
                        if (contType          == RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerTypes.Alt) {
                            if (!elemVals.Contains(literal.ToString())) {
                                 result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, new RDFResource(RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI + elem.LocalName), literal));
                        else {
                            result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, new RDFResource(RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI + elem.LocalName), literal));



Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the given N-Triples stream to a graph.
        /// </summary>
        internal static RDFGraph Deserialize(Stream inputStream)
            Int64 ntripleIndex = 0;

                #region deserialize
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(inputStream, Encoding.ASCII))
                    RDFGraph    result  = new RDFGraph();
                    String      ntriple = String.Empty;
                    String[]    tokens  = new String[3];
                    RDFResource S       = null;
                    RDFResource P       = null;
                    RDFResource O       = null;
                    RDFLiteral  L       = null;
                    while ((ntriple = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

                        #region sanitize  & tokenize
                        //Cleanup previous data
                        S         = null;
                        tokens[0] = String.Empty;
                        P         = null;
                        tokens[1] = String.Empty;
                        O         = null;
                        L         = null;
                        tokens[2] = String.Empty;

                        //Preliminary sanitizations: clean trailing space-like chars
                        ntriple = ntriple.Trim(new Char[] { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' });

                        //Skip empty or comment lines
                        if (ntriple == String.Empty || ntriple.StartsWith("#"))

                        //Tokenizes the sanitized triple
                        tokens = TokenizeNTriple(ntriple);

                        #region subj
                        String subj = tokens[0].TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                      .TrimEnd(new Char[] { '>' })
                                      .Replace("_:", "bnode:");
                        S = new RDFResource(RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(subj));

                        #region pred
                        String pred = tokens[1].TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                      .TrimEnd(new Char[] { '>' });
                        P = new RDFResource(RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(pred));

                        #region object
                        if (tokens[2].StartsWith("<") ||
                            tokens[2].StartsWith("bnode:") ||
                            String obj = tokens[2].TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                         .TrimEnd(new Char[] { '>' })
                                         .Replace("_:", "bnode:")
                                         .Trim(new Char[] { ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r' });
                            O = new RDFResource(RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(obj));

                        #region literal
                            #region sanitize
                            tokens[2] = regexSqt.Replace(tokens[2], String.Empty);
                            tokens[2] = regexEqt.Replace(tokens[2], String.Empty);
                            tokens[2] = tokens[2].Replace("\\\\", "\\")
                                        .Replace("\\\"", "\"")
                                        .Replace("\\n", "\n")
                                        .Replace("\\t", "\t")
                                        .Replace("\\r", "\r");
                            tokens[2] = RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(tokens[2]);

                            #region plain literal
                            if (!tokens[2].Contains("^^") ||
                                tokens[2].EndsWith("^^") ||
                                tokens[2].Substring(tokens[2].LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2, 1) != "<")
                                if (regexLPL.Match(tokens[2]).Success)
                                    tokens[2] = tokens[2].Replace("\"@", "@");
                                    String pLitValue = tokens[2].Substring(0, tokens[2].LastIndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                                    String pLitLang  = tokens[2].Substring(tokens[2].LastIndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
                                    L = new RDFPlainLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pLitValue), pLitLang);
                                    L = new RDFPlainLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tokens[2]));

                            #region typed literal
                                tokens[2] = tokens[2].Replace("\"^^", "^^");
                                String tLitValue    = tokens[2].Substring(0, tokens[2].LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                                String tLitDatatype = tokens[2].Substring(tokens[2].LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2)
                                                      .TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                                      .TrimEnd(new Char[] { '>' });
                                RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes dt = RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromString(tLitDatatype);
                                L = new RDFTypedLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tLitValue), dt);

                        #region addtriple
                        if (O != null)
                            result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(S, P, O));
                            result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(S, P, L));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new RDFModelException("Cannot deserialize N-Triples (line " + ntripleIndex + ") because: " + ex.Message, ex);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an element representing a RDF container, iterates on its constituent elements
        /// to build its standard reification triples.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void ParseContainerElements(RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType contType, XmlNode container,
                                                    RDFResource subj, RDFResource pred, RDFGraph result)
            //Attach the container as the blank object of the current pred
            RDFResource obj = new RDFResource();

            result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(subj, pred, obj));

            //obj -> rdf:type -> rdf:[Bag|Seq|Alt]
            switch (contType)
            case RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType.Bag:
                result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.RDF.BAG));

            case RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType.Seq:
                result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.RDF.SEQ));

                result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.RDF.ALT));

            //Iterate on the container items
            if (container.HasChildNodes)
                IEnumerator   elems    = container.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator();
                List <String> elemVals = new List <String>();
                while (elems != null && elems.MoveNext())
                    XmlNode      elem    = (XmlNode)elems.Current;
                    XmlAttribute elemUri = GetRdfResourceAttribute(elem);

                    #region Container Resource Item
                    //This is a container of resources
                    if (elemUri != null)
                        //Sanitize eventual blank node value detected by presence of "nodeID" attribute
                        if (elemUri.LocalName.Equals("nodeID", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            if (!elemUri.Value.StartsWith("bnode:"))
                                elemUri.Value = "bnode:" + elemUri.Value;

                        //obj -> rdf:_N -> VALUE
                        if (contType == RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType.Alt)
                            if (!elemVals.Contains(elemUri.Value))
                                result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, new RDFResource(RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI + elem.LocalName), new RDFResource(elemUri.Value)));
                            result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, new RDFResource(RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI + elem.LocalName), new RDFResource(elemUri.Value)));

                    #region Container Literal Item
                    //This is a container of literals
                        //Parse the literal contained in the item
                        RDFLiteral   literal = null;
                        XmlAttribute attr    = GetRdfDatatypeAttribute(elem);
                        if (attr != null)
                            literal = new RDFTypedLiteral(elem.InnerText, RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromString(attr.InnerText));
                            attr    = GetXmlLangAttribute(elem);
                            literal = new RDFPlainLiteral(elem.InnerText, (attr != null ? attr.InnerText : String.Empty));

                        //obj -> rdf:_N -> VALUE
                        if (contType == RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType.Alt)
                            if (!elemVals.Contains(literal.ToString()))
                                result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, new RDFResource(RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI + elem.LocalName), literal));
                            result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(obj, new RDFResource(RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI + elem.LocalName), literal));
Beispiel #7
        protected void LoadRDF()
            // First we set some core RDF resources
            // agent refers to artist(s)
            RDFResource type = RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE;
            RDFResource name = RDFVocabulary.FOAF.NAME;
            RDFResource agent = RDFVocabulary.FOAF.AGENT;

            // TGN is a Getty vocabulary for locations
            // TGN added to RDFSharp vocabularies manually.  TGN ID is stored in TMSThes (or equivalent in TMS 2014+)
            RDFResource tgn = new RDFResource(RDFVocabulary.TGN.BASE_URI);

            // The predicates below are often part of ULAN (which we don't have)
            // unsure if using bio events this way is acceptable...

            RDFResource livedIn = new RDFResource("http://purl.org/vocab/bio/0.1/event/livedIn");
            RDFResource activeIn = new RDFResource("http://purl.org/vocab/bio/0.1/event/activeIn");
            RDFResource educatedIn = new RDFResource("http://purl.org/vocab/bio/0.1/event/educatedIn");
            RDFResource bornIn = new RDFResource("http://purl.org/vocab/bio/0.1/event/bornIn");
            RDFResource diedIn = new RDFResource("http://purl.org/vocab/bio/0.1/event/diedIn");

            RDFResource anUri = new RDFResource("http://example.org/uris#anUri");

            // The following entries are all generated from SQL queries which you can find in the file SQL.txt  Technically we could load them into the database directly,
            // but this allows us to see how a resource is "built" and it creates the correct RDF format files (NTriples, RdfXml, TriX), as well as inserts into the db.
            // Once in the db, we do not need to run LoadRDF() except to refresh data.

            #region Artists (agents)
            // Ideally this would reference the Getty vocabulary for ULAN but we don't have the ULAN ID stored in the db
            RDFResource raimundabraham = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/47");
            RDFResource emilioambasz = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/141");
            RDFResource mariobotta = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/696");
            RDFResource louisikahn = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/2964");
            RDFResource frederickkiesler = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/3091");
            RDFResource leonkrier = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/3250");
            RDFResource masayukikurokawa = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/3308");
            RDFResource ernestobrunolapadula = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/3381");
            RDFResource richardmeier = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/3910");
            RDFResource eerosaarinen = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/5103");
            RDFResource franklloydwright = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/6459");
            RDFResource evazeisel = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/6556");
            RDFResource zahahadid = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/6953");
            RDFResource santiagocalatrava = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/6968");
            RDFResource tadaoando = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/7055");
            RDFResource ludwigmiesvanderrohe = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/7166");
            RDFResource rafaelviñoly = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/7229");
            RDFResource aldorossi = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/7661");
            RDFResource simonungers = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/7992");
            RDFResource giovanniguerrini = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/8157");
            RDFResource marioromano = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/8158");
            RDFResource thommayne = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/8218");
            RDFResource thomaskinslow = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/8248");
            RDFResource fusogomuindcoltdtokyo = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/9029");
            RDFResource hallchinacoeastliverpooloh = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/10013");
            RDFResource andrewzago = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/22884");
            RDFResource morphosissantamonicaca = new RDFResource("http://example.org/artists/29711");

            // Artists(agents): plain literal name

            RDFPlainLiteral aldorossiName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Aldo Rossi");
            RDFPlainLiteral andrewzagoName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Andrew Zago");
            RDFPlainLiteral eerosaarinenName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Eero Saarinen");
            RDFPlainLiteral emilioambaszName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Emilio Ambasz");
            RDFPlainLiteral ernestobrunolapadulaName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Ernesto Bruno La Padula");
            RDFPlainLiteral evazeiselName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Eva Zeisel");
            RDFPlainLiteral franklloydwrightName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Frank Lloyd Wright");
            RDFPlainLiteral frederickkieslerName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Frederick Kiesler");
            RDFPlainLiteral fusogomuindcoltdtokyoName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Fuso Gomu Ind. Co., Ltd., Tokyo");
            RDFPlainLiteral giovanniguerriniName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Giovanni Guerrini");
            RDFPlainLiteral hallchinacoeastliverpoolohName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Hall China Co., East Liverpool, OH");
            RDFPlainLiteral leonkrierName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Leon Krier");
            RDFPlainLiteral louisikahnName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Louis I. Kahn");
            RDFPlainLiteral ludwigmiesvanderroheName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Ludwig Mies van der Rohe");
            RDFPlainLiteral mariobottaName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Mario Botta");
            RDFPlainLiteral marioromanoName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Mario Romano");
            RDFPlainLiteral masayukikurokawaName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Masayuki Kurokawa");
            RDFPlainLiteral morphosissantamonicacaName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Morphosis, Santa Monica, CA");
            RDFPlainLiteral rafaelviñolyName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Rafael Viñoly");
            RDFPlainLiteral raimundabrahamName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Raimund Abraham");
            RDFPlainLiteral richardmeierName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Richard Meier");
            RDFPlainLiteral santiagocalatravaName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Santiago Calatrava");
            RDFPlainLiteral simonungersName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Simon Ungers");
            RDFPlainLiteral tadaoandoName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Tadao Ando");
            RDFPlainLiteral thommayneName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Thom Mayne");
            RDFPlainLiteral thomaskinslowName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Thomas Kinslow");
            RDFPlainLiteral zahahadidName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Zaha Hadid");


            #region Locations (tgn)

            RDFResource northwales = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/2091433-place");
            RDFResource wales = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7002443-place");
            RDFResource berlin = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7003712-place");
            RDFResource newyork = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7007567-place");
            RDFResource edinburgh = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7009546-place");
            RDFResource kiyev = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7010171-place");
            RDFResource london = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7011781-place");
            RDFResource moskva = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7012974-place");
            RDFResource boston = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7013445-place");
            RDFResource detroit = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7013547-place");
            RDFResource longbeach = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7013905-place");
            RDFResource sanfrancisco = new RDFResource("http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/7014456-place");

            // Locations (tgn): plain literal name

            RDFPlainLiteral berlinName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Berlin");
            RDFPlainLiteral bostonName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Boston");
            RDFPlainLiteral detroitName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Detroit");
            RDFPlainLiteral edinburghName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Edinburgh");
            RDFPlainLiteral kiyevName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Kiyev");
            RDFPlainLiteral londonName = new RDFPlainLiteral("London");
            RDFPlainLiteral longbeachName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Long Beach");
            RDFPlainLiteral moskvaName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Moskva");
            RDFPlainLiteral newyorkName = new RDFPlainLiteral("New York");
            RDFPlainLiteral northwalesName = new RDFPlainLiteral("North Wales");
            RDFPlainLiteral sanfranciscoName = new RDFPlainLiteral("San Francisco");
            RDFPlainLiteral walesName = new RDFPlainLiteral("Wales");


            #region Triples

            // Create triple resources

            RDFTriple aldorossi_type_agent = new RDFTriple(aldorossi, type, agent);
            RDFTriple andrewzago_type_agent = new RDFTriple(andrewzago, type, agent);
            RDFTriple eerosaarinen_type_agent = new RDFTriple(eerosaarinen, type, agent);
            RDFTriple emilioambasz_type_agent = new RDFTriple(emilioambasz, type, agent);
            RDFTriple ernestobrunolapadula_type_agent = new RDFTriple(ernestobrunolapadula, type, agent);
            RDFTriple evazeisel_type_agent = new RDFTriple(evazeisel, type, agent);
            RDFTriple franklloydwright_type_agent = new RDFTriple(franklloydwright, type, agent);
            RDFTriple frederickkiesler_type_agent = new RDFTriple(frederickkiesler, type, agent);
            RDFTriple fusogomuindcoltdtokyo_type_agent = new RDFTriple(fusogomuindcoltdtokyo, type, agent);
            RDFTriple giovanniguerrini_type_agent = new RDFTriple(giovanniguerrini, type, agent);
            RDFTriple hallchinacoeastliverpooloh_type_agent = new RDFTriple(hallchinacoeastliverpooloh, type, agent);
            RDFTriple leonkrier_type_agent = new RDFTriple(leonkrier, type, agent);
            RDFTriple louisikahn_type_agent = new RDFTriple(louisikahn, type, agent);
            RDFTriple ludwigmiesvanderrohe_type_agent = new RDFTriple(ludwigmiesvanderrohe, type, agent);
            RDFTriple mariobotta_type_agent = new RDFTriple(mariobotta, type, agent);
            RDFTriple marioromano_type_agent = new RDFTriple(marioromano, type, agent);
            RDFTriple masayukikurokawa_type_agent = new RDFTriple(masayukikurokawa, type, agent);
            RDFTriple morphosissantamonicaca_type_agent = new RDFTriple(morphosissantamonicaca, type, agent);
            RDFTriple rafaelviñoly_type_agent = new RDFTriple(rafaelviñoly, type, agent);
            RDFTriple raimundabraham_type_agent = new RDFTriple(raimundabraham, type, agent);
            RDFTriple richardmeier_type_agent = new RDFTriple(richardmeier, type, agent);
            RDFTriple santiagocalatrava_type_agent = new RDFTriple(santiagocalatrava, type, agent);
            RDFTriple simonungers_type_agent = new RDFTriple(simonungers, type, agent);
            RDFTriple tadaoando_type_agent = new RDFTriple(tadaoando, type, agent);
            RDFTriple thommayne_type_agent = new RDFTriple(thommayne, type, agent);
            RDFTriple thomaskinslow_type_agent = new RDFTriple(thomaskinslow, type, agent);
            RDFTriple zahahadid_type_agent = new RDFTriple(zahahadid, type, agent);

            RDFTriple berlin_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(berlin, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple boston_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(boston, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple detroit_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(detroit, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple edinburgh_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(edinburgh, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple kiyev_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(kiyev, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple london_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(london, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple longbeach_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(longbeach, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple moskva_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(moskva, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple newyork_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(newyork, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple northwales_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(northwales, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple sanfrancisco_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(sanfrancisco, type, tgn);
            RDFTriple wales_type_tgn = new RDFTriple(wales, type, tgn);

            RDFTriple aldorossi_name_aldorossiName = new RDFTriple(aldorossi, name, aldorossiName);
            RDFTriple andrewzago_name_andrewzagoName = new RDFTriple(andrewzago, name, andrewzagoName);
            RDFTriple eerosaarinen_name_eerosaarinenName = new RDFTriple(eerosaarinen, name, eerosaarinenName);
            RDFTriple emilioambasz_name_emilioambaszName = new RDFTriple(emilioambasz, name, emilioambaszName);
            RDFTriple ernestobrunolapadula_name_ernestobrunolapadulaName = new RDFTriple(ernestobrunolapadula, name, ernestobrunolapadulaName);
            RDFTriple evazeisel_name_evazeiselName = new RDFTriple(evazeisel, name, evazeiselName);
            RDFTriple franklloydwright_name_franklloydwrightName = new RDFTriple(franklloydwright, name, franklloydwrightName);
            RDFTriple frederickkiesler_name_frederickkieslerName = new RDFTriple(frederickkiesler, name, frederickkieslerName);
            RDFTriple fusogomuindcoltdtokyo_name_fusogomuindcoltdtokyoName = new RDFTriple(fusogomuindcoltdtokyo, name, fusogomuindcoltdtokyoName);
            RDFTriple giovanniguerrini_name_giovanniguerriniName = new RDFTriple(giovanniguerrini, name, giovanniguerriniName);
            RDFTriple hallchinacoeastliverpooloh_name_hallchinacoeastliverpoolohName = new RDFTriple(hallchinacoeastliverpooloh, name, hallchinacoeastliverpoolohName);
            RDFTriple leonkrier_name_leonkrierName = new RDFTriple(leonkrier, name, leonkrierName);
            RDFTriple louisikahn_name_louisikahnName = new RDFTriple(louisikahn, name, louisikahnName);
            RDFTriple ludwigmiesvanderrohe_name_ludwigmiesvanderroheName = new RDFTriple(ludwigmiesvanderrohe, name, ludwigmiesvanderroheName);
            RDFTriple mariobotta_name_mariobottaName = new RDFTriple(mariobotta, name, mariobottaName);
            RDFTriple marioromano_name_marioromanoName = new RDFTriple(marioromano, name, marioromanoName);
            RDFTriple masayukikurokawa_name_masayukikurokawaName = new RDFTriple(masayukikurokawa, name, masayukikurokawaName);
            RDFTriple morphosissantamonicaca_name_morphosissantamonicacaName = new RDFTriple(morphosissantamonicaca, name, morphosissantamonicacaName);
            RDFTriple rafaelviñoly_name_rafaelviñolyName = new RDFTriple(rafaelviñoly, name, rafaelviñolyName);
            RDFTriple raimundabraham_name_raimundabrahamName = new RDFTriple(raimundabraham, name, raimundabrahamName);
            RDFTriple richardmeier_name_richardmeierName = new RDFTriple(richardmeier, name, richardmeierName);
            RDFTriple santiagocalatrava_name_santiagocalatravaName = new RDFTriple(santiagocalatrava, name, santiagocalatravaName);
            RDFTriple simonungers_name_simonungersName = new RDFTriple(simonungers, name, simonungersName);
            RDFTriple tadaoando_name_tadaoandoName = new RDFTriple(tadaoando, name, tadaoandoName);
            RDFTriple thommayne_name_thommayneName = new RDFTriple(thommayne, name, thommayneName);
            RDFTriple thomaskinslow_name_thomaskinslowName = new RDFTriple(thomaskinslow, name, thomaskinslowName);
            RDFTriple zahahadid_name_zahahadidName = new RDFTriple(zahahadid, name, zahahadidName);

            RDFTriple berlin_name_berlinName = new RDFTriple(berlin, name, berlinName);
            RDFTriple boston_name_bostonName = new RDFTriple(boston, name, bostonName);
            RDFTriple detroit_name_detroitName = new RDFTriple(detroit, name, detroitName);
            RDFTriple edinburgh_name_edinburghName = new RDFTriple(edinburgh, name, edinburghName);
            RDFTriple kiyev_name_kiyevName = new RDFTriple(kiyev, name, kiyevName);
            RDFTriple london_name_londonName = new RDFTriple(london, name, londonName);
            RDFTriple longbeach_name_longbeachName = new RDFTriple(longbeach, name, longbeachName);
            RDFTriple moskva_name_moskvaName = new RDFTriple(moskva, name, moskvaName);
            RDFTriple newyork_name_newyorkName = new RDFTriple(newyork, name, newyorkName);
            RDFTriple northwales_name_northwalesName = new RDFTriple(northwales, name, northwalesName);
            RDFTriple sanfrancisco_name_sanfranciscoName = new RDFTriple(sanfrancisco, name, sanfranciscoName);
            RDFTriple wales_name_walesName = new RDFTriple(wales, name, walesName);

            RDFTriple aldorossi_activeIn_moskva = new RDFTriple(aldorossi, activeIn, moskva);
            RDFTriple andrewzago_activeIn_moskva = new RDFTriple(andrewzago, activeIn, moskva);
            RDFTriple eerosaarinen_activeIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(eerosaarinen, activeIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple emilioambasz_activeIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(emilioambasz, activeIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple ernestobrunolapadula_activeIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(ernestobrunolapadula, activeIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple evazeisel_educatedIn_berlin = new RDFTriple(evazeisel, educatedIn, berlin);
            RDFTriple franklloydwright_activeIn_detroit = new RDFTriple(franklloydwright, activeIn, detroit);
            RDFTriple franklloydwright_livedIn_moskva = new RDFTriple(franklloydwright, livedIn, moskva);
            RDFTriple frederickkiesler_livedIn_longbeach = new RDFTriple(frederickkiesler, livedIn, longbeach);
            RDFTriple fusogomuindcoltdtokyo_livedIn_london = new RDFTriple(fusogomuindcoltdtokyo, livedIn, london);
            RDFTriple giovanniguerrini_activeIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(giovanniguerrini, activeIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple hallchinacoeastliverpooloh_educatedIn_berlin = new RDFTriple(hallchinacoeastliverpooloh, educatedIn, berlin);
            RDFTriple leonkrier_activeIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(leonkrier, activeIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple leonkrier_educatedIn_london = new RDFTriple(leonkrier, educatedIn, london);
            RDFTriple louisikahn_livedIn_longbeach = new RDFTriple(louisikahn, livedIn, longbeach);
            RDFTriple louisikahn_livedIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(louisikahn, livedIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple ludwigmiesvanderrohe_activeIn_moskva = new RDFTriple(ludwigmiesvanderrohe, activeIn, moskva);
            RDFTriple ludwigmiesvanderrohe_livedIn_moskva = new RDFTriple(ludwigmiesvanderrohe, livedIn, moskva);
            RDFTriple mariobotta_activeIn_kiyev = new RDFTriple(mariobotta, activeIn, kiyev);
            RDFTriple mariobotta_activeIn_moskva = new RDFTriple(mariobotta, activeIn, moskva);
            RDFTriple mariobotta_livedIn_moskva = new RDFTriple(mariobotta, livedIn, moskva);
            RDFTriple marioromano_activeIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(marioromano, activeIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple masayukikurokawa_livedIn_london = new RDFTriple(masayukikurokawa, livedIn, london);
            RDFTriple morphosissantamonicaca_activeIn_moskva = new RDFTriple(morphosissantamonicaca, activeIn, moskva);
            RDFTriple rafaelviñoly_activeIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(rafaelviñoly, activeIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple raimundabraham_livedIn_moskva = new RDFTriple(raimundabraham, livedIn, moskva);
            RDFTriple richardmeier_activeIn_edinburgh = new RDFTriple(richardmeier, activeIn, edinburgh);
            RDFTriple richardmeier_activeIn_london = new RDFTriple(richardmeier, activeIn, london);
            RDFTriple richardmeier_educatedIn_london = new RDFTriple(richardmeier, educatedIn, london);
            RDFTriple santiagocalatrava_livedIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(santiagocalatrava, livedIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple simonungers_livedIn_boston = new RDFTriple(simonungers, livedIn, boston);
            RDFTriple simonungers_livedIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(simonungers, livedIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple tadaoando_activeIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(tadaoando, activeIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple tadaoando_livedIn_northwales = new RDFTriple(tadaoando, livedIn, northwales);
            RDFTriple tadaoando_livedIn_wales = new RDFTriple(tadaoando, livedIn, wales);
            RDFTriple thommayne_activeIn_moskva = new RDFTriple(thommayne, activeIn, moskva);
            RDFTriple thomaskinslow_livedIn_boston = new RDFTriple(thomaskinslow, livedIn, boston);
            RDFTriple thomaskinslow_livedIn_newyork = new RDFTriple(thomaskinslow, livedIn, newyork);
            RDFTriple zahahadid_activeIn_sanfrancisco = new RDFTriple(zahahadid, activeIn, sanfrancisco);


            #region Add triples to graph

            RDFGraph m_graph = new RDFGraph();



            // Only using RdfXml for this example so no need to write/read all files
            // Write RDF
            RDFSerializer.WriteRDF(RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.RdfXml, m_graph, Server.MapPath("~/").ToString() + "\\" + "tms.rdf");
            //RDFSerializer.WriteRDF(RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.Turtle, m_graph, Server.MapPath("~/").ToString() + "\\" + "\\tms.ttl");
            //RDFSerializer.WriteRDF(RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.TriX, m_graph, Server.MapPath("~/").ToString() + "\\" + "\\tms.trix");
            //RDFSerializer.WriteRDF(RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.NTriples, m_graph, Server.MapPath("~/").ToString() + "\\" + "\\tms.nt");

            // Read RDF
            RDFGraph tmsRDF = RDFSerializer.ReadRDF(RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.RdfXml, Server.MapPath("~/").ToString() + "\\tms.rdf");
            //RDFGraph tmsTURTLE = RDFSerializer.ReadRDF(RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.Turtle, Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\tms.ttl");
            //RDFGraph tmsTRIX = RDFSerializer.ReadRDF(RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.TriX, Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\tms.trix");
            //RDFGraph tmsNT = RDFSerializer.ReadRDF(RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.NTriples, Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\tms.nt");

            // Write the RDF into SQL Server.  You have other choices with RDFSharp including RDFMemoryStore

            string m_conn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RDFConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

            RDFSQLServerStore rdf_mssql = new RDFSQLServerStore(m_conn);


            // At this point you can open SQL Server and see a new table called Quadruples with all of the data in the correct format.
            // The first time you run this (successfully), the RdfViewer.aspx page will be empty.
            // Uncomment GetRDF() above and comment LoadRDF() and you should see a datagrid with RDF data.
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the given graph to the given stream using XML data format.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void Serialize(RDFGraph graph, Stream outputStream)
            try {
                #region serialize
                using (XmlTextWriter rdfxmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(outputStream, Encoding.UTF8))  {
                    XmlDocument rdfDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    rdfxmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

                    #region xmlDecl
                    XmlDeclaration xmlDecl = rdfDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);

                    #region rdfRoot
                    XmlNode      rdfRoot       = rdfDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":RDF", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);
                    XmlAttribute rdfRootNS     = rdfDoc.CreateAttribute("xmlns:" + RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX);
                    XmlText      rdfRootNSText = rdfDoc.CreateTextNode(RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);

                    #region prefixes
                    //Write the graph's prefixes (except for "rdf", which has already been written)
                    graph.GraphMetadata.Namespaces.ForEach(p => {
                        if (!p.Prefix.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX, StringComparison.Ordinal) && !p.Prefix.Equals("base", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            XmlAttribute pfRootNS = rdfDoc.CreateAttribute("xmlns:" + p.Prefix);
                            XmlText pfRootNSText  = rdfDoc.CreateTextNode(p.ToString());
                    //Write the graph's base uri to resolve eventual relative #IDs
                    XmlAttribute pfBaseNS     = rdfDoc.CreateAttribute(RDFVocabulary.XML.PREFIX + ":base");
                    XmlText      pfBaseNSText = rdfDoc.CreateTextNode(graph.Context.ToString());

                    #region linq
                    //Group the graph's triples by subj
                    var groupedList = (from triple in graph
                                       orderby triple.Subject.ToString()
                                       group triple by new {
                        subj = triple.Subject.ToString()

                    #region graph
                    //Iterate over the calculated groups
                    Dictionary <RDFResource, XmlNode> containers = new Dictionary <RDFResource, XmlNode>();

                    //Floating containers have reification subject which is never object of any graph's triple
                    Boolean floatingContainers = graph.GraphMetadata.Containers.Keys.Any(k =>
                                                                                         graph.Triples.Values.Count(v => v.Object.Equals(k)) == 0);
                    //Floating collections have reification subject which is never object of any graph's triple
                    Boolean floatingCollections = graph.GraphMetadata.Collections.Keys.Any(k =>
                                                                                           graph.Triples.Values.Count(v => v.Object.Equals(k)) == 0);

                    foreach (var group in groupedList)
                        #region subj
                        //Check if the current subj is a container or a collection subj: if so it must be
                        //serialized in the canonical RDF/XML way instead of the "rdf:Description" way
                        XmlNode subjNode = null;
                        String  subj     = group.Key.subj;

                        //It is a container subj, so add it to the containers pool
                        if (graph.GraphMetadata.Containers.Keys.Any(k => k.ToString().Equals(subj, StringComparison.Ordinal)) && !floatingContainers)
                            switch (graph.GraphMetadata.Containers.Single(c => c.Key.ToString().Equals(subj, StringComparison.Ordinal)).Value)
                            case RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType.Bag:
                                subjNode = rdfDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Bag", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);
                                containers.Add(new RDFResource(subj), subjNode);

                            case RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType.Seq:
                                subjNode = rdfDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Seq", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);
                                containers.Add(new RDFResource(subj), subjNode);

                            case RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType.Alt:
                                subjNode = rdfDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Alt", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);
                                containers.Add(new RDFResource(subj), subjNode);

                        //It is a subj of a collection of resources, so do not append triples having it as a subject
                        //because we will reconstruct the collection and append it as a whole
                        else if (graph.GraphMetadata.Collections.Keys.Any(k => k.ToString().Equals(subj, StringComparison.Ordinal)) &&
                                 graph.GraphMetadata.Collections.Single(c => c.Key.ToString().Equals(subj, StringComparison.Ordinal)).Value.ItemType == RDFModelEnums.RDFItemType.Resource &&

                        //It is neither a container or a collection subj
                            subjNode = rdfDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Description", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);
                            //<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="blankID">
                            XmlAttribute subjNodeDesc     = null;
                            XmlText      subjNodeDescText = rdfDoc.CreateTextNode(group.Key.subj);
                            if (group.Key.subj.StartsWith("bnode:"))
                                subjNodeDescText.InnerText = subjNodeDescText.InnerText.Replace("bnode:", String.Empty);
                                subjNodeDesc = rdfDoc.CreateAttribute(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":nodeID", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);
                            //<rdf:Description rdf:about="subjURI">
                                subjNodeDesc = rdfDoc.CreateAttribute(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":about", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);

                        #region predObjList
                        //Iterate over the triples of the current group
                        foreach (var triple in group)
                            //Do not append the triple if it is "SUBJECT rdf:type rdf:[Bag|Seq|Alt]"
                            if (!(triple.Predicate.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE) &&
                                  (subjNode.Name.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Bag", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                                   subjNode.Name.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Seq", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                                   subjNode.Name.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Alt", StringComparison.Ordinal))))
                                #region pred
                                String predString = triple.Predicate.ToString();
                                RDFNamespace predNS =
                                    (RDFNamespaceRegister.GetByNamespace(predString) ??
                                     RDFModelUtilities.GenerateNamespace(predString, false));
                                //Refine the pred with eventually necessary sanitizations
                                String predUri = predString.Replace(predNS.ToString(), predNS.Prefix + ":")
                                                 .Replace(":#", ":")
                                                 .TrimEnd(new Char[] { ':', '/' });
                                //Sanitize eventually detected automatic namespace
                                if (predUri.StartsWith("autoNS:"))
                                    predUri = predUri.Replace("autoNS:", string.Empty);
                                //Do not write "xmlns" attribute if the predUri is the context of the graph
                                XmlNode predNode = null;
                                if (predNS.ToString().Equals(graph.Context.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                    predNode = rdfDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, predUri, null);
                                    predNode = rdfDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, predUri, predNS.ToString());

                                #region object
                                if (triple.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavor.SPO)
                                    //If the object is a container subj, we must append its entire node saved in the containers dictionary
                                    if (containers.Keys.Any(k => k.Equals(triple.Object)) && !floatingContainers)
                                        predNode.AppendChild(containers.Single(c => c.Key.Equals(triple.Object)).Value);

                                    //Else, if the object is a subject of a collection of resources, we must append the "rdf:parseType=Collection" attribute to the predicate node
                                    else if (graph.GraphMetadata.Collections.Keys.Any(k => k.Equals(triple.Object)) &&
                                             graph.GraphMetadata.Collections.Single(c => c.Key.Equals(triple.Object)).Value.ItemType == RDFModelEnums.RDFItemType.Resource &&
                                        XmlAttribute rdfParseType     = rdfDoc.CreateAttribute(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":parseType", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);
                                        XmlText      rdfParseTypeText = rdfDoc.CreateTextNode("Collection");
                                        //Then we append sequentially the collection elements
                                        List <XmlNode> collElements = ReconstructCollection(graph.GraphMetadata, (RDFResource)triple.Object, rdfDoc);
                                        collElements.ForEach(c => predNode.AppendChild(c));

                                    //Else, threat it as a traditional object node
                                        String       objString        = triple.Object.ToString();
                                        XmlAttribute predNodeDesc     = null;
                                        XmlText      predNodeDescText = rdfDoc.CreateTextNode(objString);
                                        //  rdf:nodeID="blankID">
                                        if (objString.StartsWith("bnode:"))
                                            predNodeDescText.InnerText = predNodeDescText.InnerText.Replace("bnode:", String.Empty);
                                            predNodeDesc = rdfDoc.CreateAttribute(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":nodeID", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);
                                        //  rdf:resource="objURI">
                                            predNodeDesc = rdfDoc.CreateAttribute(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":resource", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);

                                #region literal
                                    #region plain literal
                                    if (triple.Object is RDFPlainLiteral)
                                        RDFPlainLiteral pLit = (RDFPlainLiteral)triple.Object;
                                        //  xml:lang="plitLANG">
                                        if (pLit.Language != String.Empty)
                                            XmlAttribute plainLiteralLangNodeDesc     = rdfDoc.CreateAttribute(RDFVocabulary.XML.PREFIX + ":lang", RDFVocabulary.XML.BASE_URI);
                                            XmlText      plainLiteralLangNodeDescText = rdfDoc.CreateTextNode(pLit.Language);

                                    #region typed literal
                                    //  rdf:datatype="tlitURI">
                                        RDFTypedLiteral tLit = (RDFTypedLiteral)triple.Object;
                                        XmlAttribute    typedLiteralNodeDesc     = rdfDoc.CreateAttribute(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":datatype", RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);
                                        XmlText         typedLiteralNodeDescText = rdfDoc.CreateTextNode(RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromEnum(tLit.Datatype));

                                    XmlText litNodeDescText = rdfDoc.CreateTextNode(((RDFLiteral)triple.Object).Value);


                        //Raw containers must not be written as-is, instead they have to be saved
                        //and attached when their subj is found later as object of a triple
                        if (!subjNode.Name.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Bag", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                            !subjNode.Name.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Seq", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                            !subjNode.Name.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Alt", StringComparison.Ordinal))


            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new RDFModelException("Cannot serialize Xml because: " + ex.Message, ex);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the given Xml stream to a graph.
        /// </summary>
        internal static RDFGraph Deserialize(Stream inputStream)
            try {
                #region deserialize
                XmlReaderSettings xrs = new XmlReaderSettings();
                xrs.IgnoreComments = true;
                xrs.DtdProcessing  = DtdProcessing.Ignore;

                RDFGraph result = new RDFGraph();
                using (XmlReader xr = XmlReader.Create(new StreamReader(inputStream, Encoding.UTF8), xrs)) {
                    #region load
                    XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                    #region root
                    //Prepare the namespace table for the Xml selections
                    var nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
                    nsMgr.AddNamespace(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX, RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);

                    //Select "rdf:RDF" root node
                    XmlNode rdfRDF = GetRdfRootNode(xmlDoc, nsMgr);

                    #region prefixes
                    //Select "xmlns" attributes and try to add them to the namespace register
                    var xmlnsAttrs = GetXmlnsNamespaces(rdfRDF, nsMgr);

                    //Try to get the "xml:base" attribute, which is needed to resolve eventual relative #IDs in "rdf:about" nodes
                    //If it is not found, set it to the graph Uri
                    Uri xmlBase = null;
                    if (xmlnsAttrs != null && xmlnsAttrs.Count > 0)
                        var xmlBaseAttr = (rdfRDF.Attributes["xml:base"] ?? rdfRDF.Attributes["xmlns"]);
                        if (xmlBaseAttr != null)
                            xmlBase = RDFModelUtilities.GetUriFromString(xmlBaseAttr.Value);
                    //Always keep in synch the Context and the xmlBase
                    if (xmlBase != null)
                        xmlBase = result.Context;

                    #region elements
                    //Parse resource elements, which are the childs of root node and represent the subjects
                    if (rdfRDF.HasChildNodes)
                        var subjNodesEnum = rdfRDF.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator();
                        while (subjNodesEnum != null && subjNodesEnum.MoveNext())
                            #region subj
                            //Get the current resource node
                            XmlNode     subjNode = (XmlNode)subjNodesEnum.Current;
                            RDFResource subj     = GetSubjectNode(subjNode, xmlBase, result);
                            if (subj == null)

                            #region predObjList
                            //Parse pred elements, which are the childs of subj element
                            if (subjNode.HasChildNodes)
                                IEnumerator predNodesEnum = subjNode.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator();
                                while (predNodesEnum != null && predNodesEnum.MoveNext())
                                    //Get the current pred node
                                    RDFResource pred     = null;
                                    XmlNode     predNode = (XmlNode)predNodesEnum.Current;
                                    if (predNode.NamespaceURI == String.Empty)
                                        pred = new RDFResource(xmlBase + predNode.LocalName);
                                        pred = (predNode.LocalName.StartsWith("autoNS") ?
                                                new RDFResource(predNode.NamespaceURI) :
                                                new RDFResource(predNode.NamespaceURI + predNode.LocalName));

                                    #region object
                                    //Check if there is a "rdf:about" or a "rdf:resource" attribute
                                    XmlAttribute rdfObject =
                                        (GetRdfAboutAttribute(predNode) ??
                                    if (rdfObject != null)
                                        //Attribute found, but we must check if it is "rdf:ID", "rdf:nodeID" or a relative Uri
                                        String      rdfObjectValue = ResolveRelativeNode(rdfObject, xmlBase);
                                        RDFResource obj            = new RDFResource(rdfObjectValue);
                                        result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(subj, pred, obj));

                                    #region typed literal
                                    //Check if there is a "rdf:datatype" attribute
                                    XmlAttribute rdfDatatype = GetRdfDatatypeAttribute(predNode);
                                    if (rdfDatatype != null)
                                        RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatype dt   = RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromString(rdfDatatype.Value);
                                        RDFTypedLiteral           tLit = new RDFTypedLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(predNode.InnerText), dt);
                                        result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(subj, pred, tLit));
                                    //Check if there is a "rdf:parseType=Literal" attribute
                                    XmlAttribute parseLiteral = GetParseTypeLiteralAttribute(predNode);
                                    if (parseLiteral != null)
                                        RDFTypedLiteral tLit = new RDFTypedLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(predNode.InnerXml), RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatype.RDFS_LITERAL);
                                        result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(subj, pred, tLit));

                                    #region plain literal
                                    //Check if there is a "xml:lang" attribute, or if a unique textual child
                                    XmlAttribute xmlLang = GetXmlLangAttribute(predNode);
                                    if (xmlLang != null || (predNode.HasChildNodes && predNode.ChildNodes.Count == 1 && predNode.ChildNodes[0].NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text))
                                        RDFPlainLiteral pLit = new RDFPlainLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(predNode.InnerText), (xmlLang != null ? xmlLang.Value : String.Empty));
                                        result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(subj, pred, pLit));

                                    #region collection
                                    //Check if there is a "rdf:parseType=Collection" attribute
                                    XmlAttribute rdfCollect = GetParseTypeCollectionAttribute(predNode);
                                    if (rdfCollect != null)
                                        ParseCollectionElements(xmlBase, predNode, subj, pred, result);

                                    #region container
                                    //Check if there is a "rdf:[Bag|Seq|Alt]" child node
                                    XmlNode container = GetContainerNode(predNode);
                                    if (container != null)
                                        //Distinguish the right type of RDF container to build
                                        if (container.LocalName.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Bag", StringComparison.Ordinal) || container.LocalName.Equals("Bag", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                            ParseContainerElements(RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType.Bag, container, subj, pred, result);
                                        else if (container.LocalName.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Seq", StringComparison.Ordinal) || container.LocalName.Equals("Seq", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                            ParseContainerElements(RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType.Seq, container, subj, pred, result);
                                        else if (container.LocalName.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Alt", StringComparison.Ordinal) || container.LocalName.Equals("Alt", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                            ParseContainerElements(RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerType.Alt, container, subj, pred, result);

            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new RDFModelException("Cannot deserialize Xml because: " + ex.Message, ex);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the given Xml filepath to a graph. 
        /// </summary>
        internal static RDFGraph Deserialize(String filepath) {
            try {

                #region deserialize
                XmlReaderSettings xrs    = new XmlReaderSettings(); 
                xrs.IgnoreComments       = true;
                xrs.DtdProcessing        = DtdProcessing.Ignore;

                RDFGraph result          = new RDFGraph();
                using(XmlReader xr       = XmlReader.Create(new StreamReader(filepath, Encoding.UTF8), xrs)) {

                    #region load
                    XmlDocument xmlDoc   = new XmlDocument();

                    #region root
                    //Prepare the namespace table for the Xml selections
                    var nsMgr            = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
                    nsMgr.AddNamespace(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX, RDFVocabulary.RDF.BASE_URI);

                    //Select "rdf:RDF" root node
                    XmlNode rdfRDF       = RDFModelUtilities.GetRdfRootNode(xmlDoc, nsMgr);

                    #region prefixes
                    //Select "xmlns" attributes and try to add them to the namespace register
                    var xmlnsAttrs       = RDFModelUtilities.GetXmlnsNamespaces(rdfRDF, nsMgr);
                    //Try to get the "xml:base" attribute, which is needed to resolve eventual relative #IDs in "rdf:about" nodes
                    //If it is not found, set it to the graph Uri
                    Uri xmlBase          = null;
                    if (xmlnsAttrs      != null && xmlnsAttrs.Count > 0) {
                        var xmlBaseAttr  = (rdfRDF.Attributes["xml:base"] ?? rdfRDF.Attributes["xmlns"]);
                        if (xmlBaseAttr != null) {
                            xmlBase      = RDFModelUtilities.GetUriFromString(xmlBaseAttr.Value);
                    //Always keep in synch the Context and the xmlBase
                    if (xmlBase         != null) {
                    else {
                        xmlBase          = result.Context;

                    #region elements
                    //Parse resource elements, which are the childs of root node and represent the subjects
                    if (rdfRDF.HasChildNodes) {
                        var subjNodesEnum     = rdfRDF.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator();
                        while (subjNodesEnum != null && subjNodesEnum.MoveNext()) {
                            #region subj
                            //Get the current resource node
                            XmlNode subjNode  = (XmlNode)subjNodesEnum.Current;
                            RDFResource subj  = RDFModelUtilities.GetSubjectNode(subjNode, xmlBase, result);
                            if (subj         == null) {

                            #region predObjList
                            //Parse pred elements, which are the childs of subj element
                            if (subjNode.HasChildNodes) {
                                IEnumerator predNodesEnum     = subjNode.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator();
                                while (predNodesEnum != null && predNodesEnum.MoveNext()) {
                                    //Get the current pred node
                                    RDFResource pred          = null;
                                    XmlNode predNode          = (XmlNode)predNodesEnum.Current;
                                    if (predNode.NamespaceURI == String.Empty) {
                                        pred                  = new RDFResource(xmlBase + predNode.LocalName);
                                    else { 
                                        pred                  = (predNode.LocalName.StartsWith("autoNS")   ? 
                                                                    new RDFResource(predNode.NamespaceURI) : 
                                                                    new RDFResource(predNode.NamespaceURI + predNode.LocalName));

                                    #region object
                                    //Check if there is a "rdf:about" or a "rdf:resource" attribute
                                    XmlAttribute rdfObject    = 
                                        (RDFModelUtilities.GetRdfAboutAttribute(predNode) ?? 
                                    if (rdfObject != null) {
                                        //Attribute found, but we must check if it is "rdf:ID", "rdf:nodeID" or a relative Uri
                                        String rdfObjectValue = RDFModelUtilities.ResolveRelativeNode(rdfObject, xmlBase);
                                        RDFResource  obj      = new RDFResource(rdfObjectValue);
                                        result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(subj, pred, obj));

                                    #region typed literal
                                    //Check if there is a "rdf:datatype" attribute
                                    XmlAttribute rdfDatatype  = RDFModelUtilities.GetRdfDatatypeAttribute(predNode);
                                    if (rdfDatatype != null) {
                                        RDFDatatype dt        = RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromString(rdfDatatype.Value);
                                        RDFTypedLiteral tLit  = new RDFTypedLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(predNode.InnerText), dt);
                                        result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(subj, pred, tLit));
									//Check if there is a "rdf:parseType=Literal" attribute
                                    XmlAttribute parseLiteral = RDFModelUtilities.GetParseTypeLiteralAttribute(predNode);
                                    if (parseLiteral != null) {
                                        RDFTypedLiteral tLit  = new RDFTypedLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(predNode.InnerXml), RDFDatatypeRegister.GetByPrefixAndDatatype(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.PREFIX, "Literal"));
                                        result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(subj, pred, tLit));

                                    #region plain literal
                                    //Check if there is a "xml:lang" attribute, or if a unique textual child
                                    XmlAttribute xmlLang      = RDFModelUtilities.GetXmlLangAttribute(predNode);
                                    if (xmlLang != null ||  (predNode.HasChildNodes && predNode.ChildNodes.Count == 1 && predNode.ChildNodes[0].NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)) {
                                        RDFPlainLiteral pLit  = new RDFPlainLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(predNode.InnerText), (xmlLang != null ? xmlLang.Value : String.Empty));
                                        result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(subj, pred, pLit));

                                    #region collection
                                    //Check if there is a "rdf:parseType=Collection" attribute
                                    XmlAttribute rdfCollect   = RDFModelUtilities.GetParseTypeCollectionAttribute(predNode);
                                    if (rdfCollect           != null) {
                                        RDFModelUtilities.ParseCollectionElements(xmlBase, predNode, subj, pred, result);

                                    #region container
                                    //Check if there is a "rdf:[Bag|Seq|Alt]" child node
                                    XmlNode container        = RDFModelUtilities.GetContainerNode(predNode);
                                    if (container != null) {
                                        //Distinguish the right type of RDF container to build
                                        if (container.LocalName.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Bag", StringComparison.Ordinal)      || container.LocalName.Equals("Bag", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                                                RDFModelUtilities.ParseContainerElements(RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerTypes.Bag, container, subj, pred, result);
                                        else if (container.LocalName.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Seq", StringComparison.Ordinal) || container.LocalName.Equals("Seq", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                                            RDFModelUtilities.ParseContainerElements(RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerTypes.Seq, container, subj, pred, result);
                                        else if (container.LocalName.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":Alt", StringComparison.Ordinal) || container.LocalName.Equals("Alt", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                                            RDFModelUtilities.ParseContainerElements(RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerTypes.Alt, container, subj, pred, result);



                return result;

            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new RDFModelException("Cannot deserialize Xml because: " + ex.Message, ex);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the given N-Triples stream to a graph. 
        /// </summary>
        internal static RDFGraph Deserialize(Stream inputStream)
            Int64 ntripleIndex = 0;
            try {

                #region deserialize
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(inputStream, Encoding.ASCII)) {
                    RDFGraph result    = new RDFGraph();
                    String  ntriple    = String.Empty;
                    String[] tokens    = new String[3];
                    RDFResource S      = null;
                    RDFResource P      = null;
                    RDFResource O      = null;
                    RDFLiteral  L      = null;
                    while((ntriple     = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {

                        #region sanitize  & tokenize
                        //Cleanup previous data
                        S              = null;
                        tokens[0]      = String.Empty;
                        P              = null;
                        tokens[1]      = String.Empty;
                        O              = null;
                        L              = null;
                        tokens[2]      = String.Empty;

                        //Preliminary sanitizations: clean trailing space-like chars
                        ntriple        = ntriple.Trim(new Char[] { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' });

                        //Skip empty or comment lines
                        if (ntriple   == String.Empty || ntriple.StartsWith("#")) {

                        //Tokenizes the sanitized triple
                        tokens         = TokenizeNTriple(ntriple);

                        #region subj
                        String subj    = tokens[0].TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                                  .TrimEnd(new   Char[] { '>' })
                                                  .Replace("_:", "bnode:");
                        S              = new RDFResource(RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(subj));

                        #region pred
                        String pred    = tokens[1].TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                                  .TrimEnd(new   Char[] { '>' });
                        P              = new RDFResource(RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(pred));

                        #region object
                        if (tokens[2].StartsWith("<")      ||
                            tokens[2].StartsWith("bnode:") ||
                            tokens[2].StartsWith("_:")) {
                            String obj = tokens[2].TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                                  .TrimEnd(new Char[] { '>' })
                                                  .Replace("_:", "bnode:")
                                                  .Trim(new Char[] { ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r' });
                            O          = new RDFResource(RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(obj));

                        #region literal
                        else {

                            #region sanitize
                            tokens[2]  = regexSqt.Replace(tokens[2], String.Empty);
                            tokens[2]  = regexEqt.Replace(tokens[2], String.Empty);
                            tokens[2]  = tokens[2].Replace("\\\\", "\\")
                                                  .Replace("\\\"", "\"")
                                                  .Replace("\\n", "\n")
                                                  .Replace("\\t", "\t")
                                                  .Replace("\\r", "\r");
                            tokens[2]  = RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(tokens[2]);

                            #region plain literal
                            if (!tokens[2].Contains("^^") ||
                                 tokens[2].EndsWith("^^") ||
                                 tokens[2].Substring(tokens[2].LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2, 1) != "<") {
                                 if (regexLPL.Match(tokens[2]).Success) {
                                     tokens[2]        = tokens[2].Replace("\"@", "@");
                                     String pLitValue = tokens[2].Substring(0, tokens[2].LastIndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                                     String pLitLang  = tokens[2].Substring(tokens[2].LastIndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
                                     L                = new RDFPlainLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pLitValue), pLitLang);
                                 else {
                                     L                = new RDFPlainLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tokens[2]));

                            #region typed literal
                            else {
                                tokens[2]                    = tokens[2].Replace("\"^^", "^^");
                                String tLitValue             = tokens[2].Substring(0, tokens[2].LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                                String tLitDatatype          = tokens[2].Substring(tokens[2].LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2)
                                                                        .TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                                                        .TrimEnd(new   Char[] { '>' });
                                RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes dt = RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromString(tLitDatatype);
                                L                            = new RDFTypedLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tLitValue), dt);


                        #region addtriple
                        if (O != null) {
                            result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(S, P, O));
                        else {
                            result.AddTriple(new RDFTriple(S, P, L));

                    return result;

            catch(Exception ex) {
                throw new RDFModelException("Cannot deserialize N-Triples (line " + ntripleIndex + ") because: " + ex.Message, ex);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the given N-Quads stream to a memory store. 
        /// </summary>
        internal static RDFMemoryStore Deserialize(Stream inputStream) {
            Int64 nquadIndex = 0;
            try {

                #region deserialize
                using (StreamReader sr    = new StreamReader(inputStream, Encoding.ASCII)) {
                    RDFMemoryStore result = new RDFMemoryStore();
                    String  nquad         = String.Empty;
                    String[] tokens       = new String[4];
                    RDFResource S         = null;
                    RDFResource P         = null;
                    RDFResource O         = null;
                    RDFLiteral  L         = null;
                    RDFContext  C         = new RDFContext();
                    while((nquad          = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {

                        #region sanitize  & tokenize
                        //Cleanup previous data
                        S                 = null;
                        tokens[0]         = String.Empty;
                        P                 = null;
                        tokens[1]         = String.Empty;
                        O                 = null;
                        L                 = null;
                        tokens[2]         = String.Empty;
                        C                 = new RDFContext();
                        tokens[3]         = String.Empty;

                        //Preliminary sanitizations: clean trailing space-like chars
                        nquad             = nquad.Trim(new Char[] { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' });

                        //Skip empty or comment lines
                        if (nquad        == String.Empty || nquad.StartsWith("#")) {

                        //Tokenizes the sanitized quad 
                        tokens            = TokenizeNQuad(nquad);

                        #region subj
                        String subj       = tokens[0].TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                                     .TrimEnd(new   Char[] { '>' })
                                                     .Replace("_:", "bnode:");
                        S                 = new RDFResource(RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(subj));

                        #region pred
                        String pred       = tokens[1].TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                                     .TrimEnd(new   Char[] { '>' });
                        P                 = new RDFResource(RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(pred));

                        #region object
                        if (tokens[2].StartsWith("<")      ||
                            tokens[2].StartsWith("bnode:") ||
                            tokens[2].StartsWith("_:")) {
                            String obj    = tokens[2].TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                                     .TrimEnd(new Char[] { '>' })
                                                     .Replace("_:", "bnode:")
                                                     .Trim(new Char[] { ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r' });
                            O             = new RDFResource(RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(obj));

                        #region literal
                        else {

                            #region sanitize
                            tokens[2]     = RDFNTriples.regexSqt.Replace(tokens[2], String.Empty);
                            tokens[2]     = RDFNTriples.regexEqt.Replace(tokens[2], String.Empty);
                            tokens[2]     = tokens[2].Replace("\\\\", "\\")
                                                     .Replace("\\\"", "\"")
                                                     .Replace("\\n", "\n")
                                                     .Replace("\\t", "\t")
                                                     .Replace("\\r", "\r");
                            tokens[2]     = RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(tokens[2]);

                            #region plain literal
                            if (!tokens[2].Contains("^^") ||
                                 tokens[2].EndsWith("^^") ||
                                 tokens[2].Substring(tokens[2].LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2, 1) != "<") {
                                if (RDFNTriples.regexLPL.Match(tokens[2]).Success) {
                                    tokens[2]        = tokens[2].Replace("\"@", "@");
                                    String pLitValue = tokens[2].Substring(0, tokens[2].LastIndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                                    String pLitLang  = tokens[2].Substring(tokens[2].LastIndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
                                    L     = new RDFPlainLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pLitValue), pLitLang);
                                else {
                                    L     = new RDFPlainLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tokens[2]));

                            #region typed literal
                            else {
                                tokens[2]                    = tokens[2].Replace("\"^^", "^^");
                                String tLitValue             = tokens[2].Substring(0, tokens[2].LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                                String tLitDatatype          = tokens[2].Substring(tokens[2].LastIndexOf("^^", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2)
                                                                        .TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                                                        .TrimEnd(new   Char[] { '>' });
                                RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes dt = RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromString(tLitDatatype);
                                L                            = new RDFTypedLiteral(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tLitValue), dt);


                        #region context
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens[3])) {
                             String ctx     = tokens[3].TrimStart(new Char[] { '<' })
                                                       .TrimEnd(new   Char[] { '>' });

                             Uri ctxUri     = null;
                             if (Uri.TryCreate(ctx, UriKind.Absolute, out ctxUri)) {
                                 C          = new RDFContext(RDFModelUtilities.ASCII_To_Unicode(ctxUri.ToString()));
                             else {
                                 throw new RDFModelException("found context '" + ctx +"' which is not a well-formed absolute Uri");

                        #region addquadruple
                        if (O != null) {
                            result.AddQuadruple(new RDFQuadruple(C, S, P, O));
                        else {
                            result.AddQuadruple(new RDFQuadruple(C, S, P, L));

                    return result;

            catch(Exception ex) {
                throw new RDFModelException("Cannot deserialize N-Quads (line " + nquadIndex + ") because: " + ex.Message, ex);