Beispiel #1
         * Get the immediate child namespaces for a 'using' declaration

        protected List <LookupListItem> GetChildNamespaceList(
            LookupTarget target, string text)
            string[] split = text.Split(';');
            text = split[split.Length - 1];

            // Is it a using declaration...
            Regex           re1 = new Regex(@"using\s+");
            MatchCollection mc  = re1.Matches(text);

            if (mc.Count == 0)

            // ...but not a using statement.
            Regex re2 = new Regex(@"using\s*\(");
            Match m   = re2.Match(text);

            if (m.Success)

            // Get the namespaces
Beispiel #2
         * Use the namespace list to create each possible fully
         * qualified name for the target and test each one by
         * seeing if the type really exists. We have to do this
         * because C# allows unqualified type names which are
         * inferred from the 'using' declarations in the source.

        protected void GetFullyQualifiedTarget(
            LookupTarget target, List <string> namespaceList)
            foreach (string ns in namespaceList)
                string fullEntity = ns;
                if (ns != String.Empty)
                    fullEntity += ".";
                fullEntity += target.Entity;

                string[] split = fullEntity.Split('.');

                string type = String.Empty;

                for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        type += ".";
                    type += split[i];

                     * Try a lookahead for nested types. This is a hack
                     * and only works for one level (i.e. just one '+').

                    if (i < split.Length - 1)
                        string nestedName = type + "+" + split[i + 1];

                        target.Type = SearchAssemblyList(nestedName);

                        if (target.Type != null)
                            target.FullEntity = fullEntity;

                     * Get back to looking for 'normal' types.

                    target.Type = SearchAssemblyList(type);

                    if (target.Type != null)
                        target.FullEntity = fullEntity;
Beispiel #3
        public LookupContext(string fullSource, string preSource,
                             string line, int lineStartPos, int currentPos, bool insideClass)
            _fullSource   = fullSource;
            _preSource    = preSource;
            _line         = line;
            _lineStartPos = lineStartPos;
            _currentPos   = currentPos;
            _beforeClass  = insideClass;

             * Cleanup the source code.

            _preSource = CSharpFormattingTools.RemoveUnwantedText(_preSource);
            _preSource = CSharpFormattingTools.RemoveUnwantedBracketText(_preSource);
            _line      = CSharpFormattingTools.RemoveUnwantedText(_line);
            _line      = CSharpFormattingTools.RemoveUnwantedBracketText(_line);

             * Get rid of 'global::' - we don't do anything with them
             * so we might as well not have them.

            _line = _line.Replace("global::", String.Empty);

             * We remove the content of any balanced brackets to
             * allow indexed variables to identified and classified.

            _line = CSharpFormattingTools.RemoveUnwantedParentheses(Line);

             * Create the target.

            _target = new LookupTarget(_line);

             * Find the visible methods and properties.

            _localMethods    = new LocalMethods(_fullSource);
            _localProperties = new LocalProperties(_fullSource);
 protected override List <LookupListItem> GetChildNamespaces(
     LookupTarget target, string text)
     return(GetChildNamespaceList(target, text));
Beispiel #5
        protected List <LookupListItem> GetVisibleTypes(
            LookupContext context,
            bool includeLocals,
            bool includeNamespaces,
            bool includeVariables)
             * Get the names of the base types of the current class.
             * This includes and ancestor class and any interfaces
             * implemented by the class.

            List <String> baseTypes = GetBaseTypes(context.PreSource);

            List <String> namespaceList = GetNamespaceList(context.PreSource);

            namespaceList.Insert(0, String.Empty);

             * We want to find the members inherited from the base
             * class not the interfaces. If there is no base type
             * System.Object is assumed.

            List <LookupListItem> list = new List <LookupListItem>();

            foreach (string baseType in baseTypes)
                LookupTarget target =
                    new LookupTarget(baseType, String.Empty);

                List <LookupListItem> typeList = GetTypeMembers(
                    context, target, context.DeclarationContext,
                    namespaceList, true, true);

                if (typeList != null && !target.Type.IsInterface)

            if (list.Count == 0)
                LookupTarget target =
                    new LookupTarget("System.Object", String.Empty);

                List <LookupListItem> typeList = GetTypeMembers(
                    context, target, context.DeclarationContext,
                    namespaceList, true, true);

                if (typeList != null)

            if (includeNamespaces)
                 * Add all members of declared namespaces.

                List <LookupListItem> itemList =

                if (itemList != null)

             * Add declared (local) variables.

            if (includeVariables)

             * Add local methods and properties.

            if (includeLocals)


 protected abstract List <LookupListItem> GetChildNamespaces(
     LookupTarget target, string text);
        protected List <LookupListItem> GetTypeMembers(
            LookupContext context, LookupTarget target,
            DeclarationContext declarationContext,
            List <String> namespaceList,
            bool allowNonPublic, bool isInherited)
            #region Part 1: Find the type

             * To avoid multiple calls to GetNamespaceList in any
             * single lookup we can preload this list or create it here.

            if (namespaceList == null)
                namespaceList = GetNamespaceList(context.PreSource);
                namespaceList.Insert(0, String.Empty);

             * First we need to fully qualify the target type if it's
             * not already fully qualified. We assume it isn't and
             * test each possible namespace prefix until we find a
             * valid type. We add a blank namespace to the list to allow
             * for types that are already fully qualified.

            GetFullyQualifiedTarget(target, namespaceList);
            if (target.Type == null)

            if (target.Type.FullName == "System.Void")
                return(new List <LookupListItem>());

             * We now need to separate the type from its sub-members
             * and work down the chain getting the type of
             * each sub-member until we either get a void return type or
             * reach the end of the list. The last type we get that's
             * not void is the type we want.

            string members = target.FullEntity.Substring(

            Type type = target.Type;

            List <Type> allTypes = null;

            if (members != String.Empty)
                string[] split = members.Split('.');

                if (split.Length == 0)

                foreach (string member in split)
                    MemberInfo[] mi = type.GetMember(member);

                    if (mi.Length == 0)
                         * Member not found; could be an
                         * extension method...

                        allTypes = FindNamespaceTypes(namespaceList);

                        bool foundMember = false;

                        foreach (Type t in allTypes)
                            if (!TypeHasExtensionMethods(t))

                            MethodInfo[] mia = t.GetMethods();

                            if (ExtensionMethodFoundInTypeMembers(
                                    mia, member))
                                mi          = mia;
                                foundMember = true;

                        if (!foundMember)

                     * We are past the first level members which can
                     * belong to a static or instance item; from here
                     * all sub-members will be in instance contexts.

                    declarationContext = DeclarationContext.Instance;

                    string typeName = GetMemberTypeName(mi[0]);

                    if (typeName == null)
                    if (typeName == "System.Void")

                    type = SearchAssemblyList(typeName);

                     * If not found try a nested type.

                    if (type == null)
                        typeName = target.Type.FullName + "+" + typeName;
                        type     = SearchAssemblyList(typeName);

                     * Exit if no return type found.

                    if (type == null)


            #region Part 2: Get the type members

             * Now we can get the members of the type we've found.

            Dictionary <String, LookupListItem> foundItems =
                new Dictionary <String, LookupListItem>();

            BindingFlags bindingAttr =
                BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;

             * Use static or instance lookup?

            if (declarationContext == DeclarationContext.Static || type.IsEnum)
                bindingAttr |= BindingFlags.Static;
                bindingAttr |= BindingFlags.Instance;
                if (isInherited)
                    bindingAttr |= BindingFlags.Static;

             * Include non-public?

            if (allowNonPublic)
                bindingAttr |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;

            MemberInfo[] items = type.GetMembers(bindingAttr);

            foreach (MemberInfo item in items)
                if (item.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
                    AddProperty(foundItems, item);
                else if (item.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method)
                     * Hide methods for Enums.

                    if (type.IsEnum)

                    AddMethod(foundItems, item);
                else if (item.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
                    AddField(foundItems, item);
                else if (item.MemberType == MemberTypes.Event)
                    AddEvent(foundItems, item,
                             target.Name, context.LineStartPos);


            #region Part 3: Find any extension methods for the type

            if (allTypes == null)
                allTypes = FindNamespaceTypes(namespaceList);

            foreach (Type t in allTypes)
                if (!TypeHasExtensionMethods(t))

                MethodInfo[] mia = t.GetMethods();

                foreach (MethodInfo mi in mia)
                    if (!mi.IsStatic)

                    if (mi.GetCustomAttributes(
                            typeof(ExtensionAttribute), false).Length > 0)
                        ParameterInfo[] pia = mi.GetParameters();
                        if (pia.Length == 0)

                         * Is the extension applicable to the current type?
                         * We're assuming that the extension type is the
                         * type of the 0-index parameter.

                         * This doesn't appear to be 100% accurate
                         * but it's OK for simple (i.e. non-generic)
                         * extensions. (Might have something to do with
                         * the above assumption?)

                        if (pia[0].ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(type))
                            AddExtensionMethod(foundItems, mi);


            #region Part 4: Update overload information

            List <LookupListItem> lookupList =
                foundItems.Values.ToList <LookupListItem>();

            foreach (LookupListItem li in lookupList)
                 * Update the tooltips to include overload count
                 * or remove overload marker.

                string overloads = String.Empty;

                if (li.MenuItems.Count > 1)
                    overloads = String.Format(" (+{0} {1})",
                                              li.MenuItems.Count - 1,
                                              li.MenuItems.Count > 2 ? "overloads" : "overload");

                li.ToolTipText =
                    li.ToolTipText.Replace("_OVR_", overloads);

