internal void SetupScope(Lua lua, Quest q)
     foreach(ConstructorInfo constructor in registeredTriggers)
         lua.RegisterFunction(constructor.DeclaringType.Name, q, constructor);
 public static bool AbleToRunQuest(Quest q)
     int count = 0;
     foreach (QPlayer player in QMain.Players)
         foreach (string qname in player.RunningQuests)
             if (qname == q.Name)
     return count == 0 || count < q.AmountOfPlayersAtATime;
        public override bool Update(Quest q)
            int buffer = count;
                foreach (Item slot in player.Inventory)
                    if (slot != null)
                        if ( ==
                            count += slot.stack;
            catch (Exception e)

            if (count >= amount)
                return true;

            count = buffer;
            return false;
Beispiel #4
 public virtual bool Update(Quest q)
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     List<NPC> npcs = TShock.Utils.GetNPCByIdOrName(name);
     if (npcs.Count == 1)
         NPC npc = npcs[0];
         for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
             TSPlayer.Server.SpawnNPC(npc.type,, amount, x, y, 1, 1);
         return true;
         throw new FormatException("More than one or no NPCs matched to name or ID.");
        public override bool Update(Quest q)
            if (Message != null)
                return true;

            return false;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     player.TSPlayer.SendMessage(message, color);
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     if (toBeCollected.Count == 0)
         return true;
     return false;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     return playerRect.Intersects(targetRect);
        public override bool Update(Quest q)
            byte type;

            if (QTools.GetWallTypeFromName(name, out type))
                if (type < 255)
                    Main.tile[x, y].wall = (byte)type;
                QTools.UpdateTile(x, y);
                return true;
                throw new Exception("Invalid Wall Name");
        public override bool Update(Quest q)
            byte type;

            if (QTools.GetTileTypeFromName(name, out type))
                if (type < 253)
                    Main.tile[x, y].type = (byte)type;
                    Main.tile[x, y].active = true;
                    Main.tile[x, y].liquid = 0;
                    Main.tile[x, y].skipLiquid = true;
                    Main.tile[x, y].frameNumber = 0;
                    Main.tile[x, y].frameX = -1;
                    Main.tile[x, y].frameY = -1;
                else if (type == 253)
                    Main.tile[x, y].active = false;
                    Main.tile[x, y].skipLiquid = false;
                    Main.tile[x, y].lava = false;
                    Main.tile[x, y].liquid = 255;
                    Main.tile[x, y].checkingLiquid = false;
                else if (type == 254)
                    Main.tile[x, y].active = false;
                    Main.tile[x, y].skipLiquid = false;
                    Main.tile[x, y].lava = true;
                    Main.tile[x, y].liquid = 255;
                    Main.tile[x, y].checkingLiquid = false;
                if ((Main.tile[x, y].type == 53) || (Main.tile[x, y].type == 253) || (Main.tile[x, y].type == 254))
                    WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(x, y, false);
                QTools.UpdateTile(x, y);
                return true;
                throw new Exception("Invalid Tile Name");
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     return player.TSPlayer.Teleport(x, y + 3);
 public bool NewQuest(Quest q, bool skipchecks = false)
     if (skipchecks || !this.RunningQuests.Contains(q.Name))
         Thread t = new Thread(QTools.RunQuest);
         object parameters = new RunQuestParameters(q, this, t);
         return true;
     return false;
 public RunQuestParameters(Quest quest, QPlayer player, Thread thread)
     Quest = quest;
     Player = player;
     QThread = thread;
Beispiel #15
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     TShock.Utils.Broadcast("Text has been displayed.", Color.Sienna);
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     float amountofmatchedwalls = 0;
     float totalwallcount = 0;
     TShockAPI.DB.Region r = TShock.Regions.ZacksGetRegionByName(regionname);
     byte type;
     if (QTools.GetWallTypeFromName(walltype, out type))
         if (r != null)
             for (int i = r.Area.X; i < (r.Area.X + r.Area.Width); i++)
                 for (int j = r.Area.Y; j < (r.Area.Y + r.Area.Height); j++)
                     if (Main.tile[i, j].active && Main.tile[i, j].wall == type)
     if (totalwallcount != 0)
         percentage = ((amountofmatchedwalls / totalwallcount) * 100);
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     float amountofmatchedtiles = 0;
     float totaltilecount = 0;
     byte type;
     if (QTools.GetTileTypeFromName(tiletype, out type))
         for (int i = X; i < (X + Width); i++)
             for (int j = Y; j < (Y + Height); j++)
                 if (Main.tile[i, j].active && Main.tile[i, j].type == type)
     if (totaltilecount != 0)
         percentage = ((amountofmatchedtiles / totaltilecount) * 100);
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     List<int> buffs = TShock.Utils.GetBuffByName(buffname);
     if (buffs.Count == 1)
         player.TSPlayer.SetBuff(buffs[0], time*60);
         return true;
         throw new FormatException("More than one or no buffs matched to the name provided.");
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     float amountofmatchedwalls = 0;
     float totalwallcount = 0;
     byte type;
     if (QTools.GetWallTypeFromName(walltype, out type))
         for (int i = X; i < (X + Width); i++)
             for (int j = Y; j < (Y + Height); j++)
                 if (Main.tile[i, j].wall == type)
     if (totalwallcount != 0)
         percentage = ((amountofmatchedwalls / totalwallcount) * 100);
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     func.Call(new object[]{args});
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     if (toBeKilled.Count == 0)
         return true;
     return false;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     TShock.Users.SetUserGroup(TShock.Users.GetUserByName(player.Name), targetGroup);
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     TShock.Utils.Broadcast(message, color);
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     q.PauseTime += DelayTime;
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     player.TSPlayer.GiveItem(item.type,, item.width, item.height, item.stack, item.prefix);
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     Main.tile[x, y].active = false;
     Main.tile[x, y].wall = 0;
     Main.tile[x, y].skipLiquid = true;
     Main.tile[x, y].liquid = 0;
     QTools.UpdateTile(x, y);
     return true;
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     List<NPC> npcs = TShock.Utils.GetNPCByIdOrName(name);
     if (npcs.Count == 1)
         NPC npc = npcs[0];
         for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
             int sx;
             int sy;
             TShock.Utils.GetRandomClearTileWithInRange(x, y, 5, 5, out sx, out sy);
             int index = NPC.NewNPC(sx, sy, npc.type);
             SetModdedMob(ref Main.npc[index]);
             NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", index, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0);
         return true;
         throw new FormatException("More than one or no NPCs matched to name or ID.");
 public override bool Update(Quest q)
     Main.tile[x, y].wall = 0;
     QTools.UpdateTile(x, y);
     return true;